Chapter 18 Xiao Huo's BBQ
Huo Yuqing looked at the boy standing in the small river curiously.

She has been on the road for six days.She tried her best to avoid crowded places along the way, and she practiced as she walked. Apart from rushing, she meditated. She kept walking along the main road. When she was thirsty, she went into the woods to find some mountain springs. When she was hungry, she ate the food she brought out. dry food.

After stumbling along the way, they also arrived near the Star Dou Forest.

As long as she can get a ten-year soul ring, she can become a soul master!

The girl is full of motivation when she thinks of this.

When she heard the sound of water, she urgently needed to find a water source to replenish her deflated water bladder. If she could catch fish, it would be even better to improve her food.

It's just that she didn't expect that there was already someone by the river.

The red-haired boy looked about the same age as himself. Although his facial features looked quite delicate and kind, he had a pair of bright golden eyes. When he looked up, he had an indifferent sense of inhumanity.

Huo Yuqing didn't feel scared, but felt a little close to her.Somehow, there seemed to be something about that red-haired boy that was attracting her.

This also made the girl secretly vigilant.

Look at the rather luxurious clothes on the young man, and he didn't have any luggage around him. Maybe he brought the legendary storage soul guide, so he probably came from either rich or noble.

How could the young master of a wealthy family appear near the Star Dou Forest by himself?

Huo Yuqing is well aware of Star Dou Forest's vicious reputation. According to the guards of the White House Duke's Mansion, Star Dou Forest is simply the most terrifying forbidden place for humans.

A guard often boasted that he followed the White Tiger Duke to the Star Dou Forest to find the seventh spirit ring, met a 10-year-old spirit beast, and almost failed to come back alive.

Because Xingdou is too dangerous, the imperial family specially funded a large forest near Xingluo City to raise spirit beasts.

As long as you pay enough gold soul coins, you can enter the hunting soul forest circled by the empire and find a soul ring that suits you.

Although most of the soul beasts raised in captivity in the empire have various congenital deficiencies, the soul skills are the same.Most of the children from rich families would go to that forest to hunt the first spirit ring and the second spirit ring - this is much safer than going to the dangerous Star Dou Forest.

Huo Yuqing's two half-brothers also went to Xingluo's Soul Hunting Forest to obtain their first and second spirit rings.

It's just that she needs to pay a high fee to go to the Hunting Forest once, even if she sells Huo Yuqing, she still can't save enough.

But this red-haired boy should be able to afford the cost of hunting souls, so why did he appear in Star Dou alone?

At this moment, she faintly smelled the smell of burnt meat, so she opened her mouth to remind, breaking the awkward silence between the two of them looking at each other.

Wang Rui jumped out of the river in a hurry to save his roasted rabbit.

He crushed the hard carbon shell on the outer layer of the rabbit. Well, the meat inside has not been completely carbonized, and it looks edible...

"Uh, don't you still want to eat that thing?" Huo Yuqing couldn't stand it anymore. It's rare in the world that the roasted meat can be burnt so evenly. "I heard that burnt food is poisonous, so it's best not to eat it."

"Well, don't you...can't barbecue?" The girl hesitated and asked again. Seeing the red-haired boy clumsily holding the burnt object, she didn't seem to be used to cooking, "how about I'll help you, my barbecue skills are still good."

She herself was startled by such an abrupt and impolite request.

Hearing this, Wang Rui immediately raised his head and stared at her brightly.

The legendary Xiaohuo BBQ that has been popular in Douluo for 1 years is delivered to your door like this?

Huo Gua used the golden legendary grilled fish to attract Tang Ya and Beibei, and I used failed dishes to attract Huo Gua, which is completely reasonable!
"Great, thank you!" Wang Rui immediately stuffed the rabbit he had packed up, "I'll grab some more as much as you eat."

"Well, I think I can eat five fish." Huo Yuqing took the rabbit with a smile and was not polite to him.

For some reason, she couldn't raise her guard against the red-haired boy in front of her.

"Well, my name is Huo Yuhao, what's your name?" Huo Yuqing reported the name she used when pretending to be a boy.

"Wang Rui, that Rui of Xiangrui."

"By the way, this is rabbit meat, right? Have you added salt?" Huo Yuqing asked before putting the rabbit on the fire.

"...Uh, no."

The three-eyed Jinyi completely forgot to add salt.

Don't ask, the question is that cats can't eat more salt.

The three-eyed golden lion forcibly pulls the respect.jpg
This guy is probably a young master who has never been in the kitchen, Huo Yuqing took out his own salt and rubbed it on the meat, and stuffed some perilla leaves into the rabbit's abdomen.

After roasting for a while, she noticed something was wrong, "Your it much hotter than ordinary flames?"

The meat charred too fast!

"I'm a soul master of the fire attribute. I lit this fire directly with my soul power. It probably seems... a little hotter than normal fire." Wang Rui said with a guilty conscience.

Serious people who would use the ultimate fire to barbecue!
"Can you lower the temperature a little? The temperature is too high, and the meat is easy to burn." Huo Yuqing asked nervously, golden light flashed in a pair of dark blue eyes.In order to control the heat, she has already activated Wuhun.

"Okay, right away." Wang Rui hurriedly lowered the flame temperature.

The unique aroma of meat gradually diffused.The rabbit is still quite fat, and the oil drips down and crackles when it falls into the flames. Coupled with the unique smell of perilla, the alluring aroma is a hundred times more attractive than that of the little fairy.

"Yuhao, how much time is left?"

During the barbecue, there is no one who wants to eat it wholeheartedly, and the guy who is urging and urging him is not a complete barbecue.


Huo Yuqing, who was not yet familiar with her alias, finally realized, "It will take a while, it will be fine soon."

Wang Rui suddenly raised his head and looked at the forest behind him.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yuqing was startled by him.

"Someone is coming." He said lightly.

The Eye of Destiny hidden under the forehead quietly opened, and two humans whose luck was slightly weaker than Huo Yuqing's were moving towards this side.

Tsk, this is definitely not the place where Huo hangs grilled fish in the original novel. Why did Bei Bei and Tang Ya come here after lingering ghosts?
"It smells so good!" Sure enough, after a while, Tang Ya's sigh came over.

The girl walked briskly out of the woods, followed by the blue-haired youth.

However, in the eyes of fate, Wang Rui could see a crack of nothingness running through the sky, and a blue-golden light extended from the crack, connecting to Tang Ya's back.

It is the cause and effect between the current Tang Sect Master and the original Tang Sect Master.

It's just unclear whether Tang San has a way to influence Tang Ya through this line of cause and effect... After all, in the original book, Tang Ya invited Huo Gua to join the Tang Sect, it was too... deliberate.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Rui shook his head, laughing that he was really worrying too much.Although Tang San in the original book also arranges people behind the scenes, he obviously doesn't have the ability to do so... Otherwise, he will be given the position of God of Destiny.

However, Tang Ya did look like a marionette...and so did her whole life.

She ignorantly wanted to avenge her parents, but was controlled by Wuhun's nature to kill countless people. After being taken away by the Holy Spirit Cult, she was controlled to kill countless people as the Blue Silver Saintess.

Throughout his life, he was like a puppet pulled by a thread.


But this did not delay Wang Rui's hope of taking away Tang Sect's revival.

"Hey, kid, do you sell your barbecue?" Tang Ya was already squatting beside Huo Yuqing, staring at the roasted rabbit and asked, almost drooling.

Huo Yuqing looked at Wang Rui begging for help, if she ate by herself, she would give away the grilled fish and so on.It's just that she didn't produce the ingredients by herself after all, Wang Rui produced the ingredients, she produced the cooking skills, and it's not easy for her to make her own decisions when the two of them dine together.

"Not for sale." Wang Rui said lazily, "But the two of you can prepare the ingredients yourself and ask him to process them. The processing fee is two coppers, and you can just give them directly."

Free grilled fish?there is none left!

 Something like a small theater:
  Many years later, Wang Rui asked Huo Yuqing why he fell in love with him back then.

  Huo Yuqing: I think you really look like an idiot when you barbecue. I can't help but feel a little pity. I'm afraid that if no one cooks for you, you will poison yourself to death...

  Wang Rui:?
  Tang Ya's invitation to Huo Yuhao to join the Tang Sect was actually very deliberate. If she had the intention, the Tang Sect would not be what it was then. If she had no intention, she would definitely pull Huo Yuhao...

  It would make sense to say that she was kind-hearted for a while, but she didn't seem to put much effort into revitalizing the Tang Sect...

  quite contradictory
  Someone asked me before, so I created a group, if you want to play with me, you can add it!

(End of this chapter)

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