Peerless: Auspicious Beast's Star Revival Plan

Chapter 149 Wang Rui is working overtime (1)

Chapter 149 Wang Rui is working overtime (1)

Above the sleeping girl's body, there was a blur of golden light and shadow and a blur of turquoise light and shadow suspended.

"When will she wake up?" the golden ball asked worriedly.

"This child seems to have fallen into some kind of enlightenment... related to the ice attribute." The blurry green light said, "That even made my own ice attribute level improve... Ruizhu, does this have anything to do with you? related?"

"It's not in my plan." Three-Eyed Jin Yan spoke concisely, without even looking directly at the Ice Emperor's shadow. "I have some vague guesses, but I can't tell you until it's completely clear, but I'm sure this is a good change. "

A golden lion dragon lies in the center of the room, with a visibly depressed expression on the lion's face. There is also an official document on the floor in front of him - "Request for Instructions on the Expansion of the North District Medicine Garden" - with two horns. On each tip hangs a storage soul guide filled with official documents.

Yes, that's right, this is the so-called holiday to relax and resume work at the crematorium.

Emperor Ruiju, who went to Shrek Academy for an eleven-month short vacation on the pretext of "personally cultivating gods who will side with the soul beasts in the future," still had to deal with a pile of official duties when he came back.

Short! Of course it’s shorter! Wang Rui burst into tears.

Even if his real body was in seclusion in Xingdou, he would still use half of his brain to operate the Di Feng alias!
Don't ask why he still has to deal with official duties as a wild animal - if the soul beasts lived freely in the forest, of course there would be no such thing, but now there is a stupid idealist who forcibly counts the numbers in order to change the fate of being exterminated. The unclear and brainless (muddleheaded and slow-witted) and short-sighted race of soul beasts got together to form a relatively loose alliance, and introduced some humans into the forest - things became even more complicated.

Resource distribution, ethnic friction, forest construction, resistance to foreign enemies...

You can tell with your toes how many things need to be handled by Wang Rui personally.

It's not that the Three-Eyed Golden Raider is unwilling to let others handle matters, but the lessons of blood and tears in the fucking thousands of years have reminded him every time that before the overall intelligence and consciousness of the soul beast has improved a few steps, he will never be responsible. The possibility of handing off the shopkeeper.

Hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts and ferocious beasts each have their own flaws. Some are extremely protective of their shortcomings, some are very clear-minded and stupid, and some simply treat low-level soul beasts as consumables... The help they can help is limited.

Even if Long Xiaoyao can handle some of the affairs of the Beast Sect, when a human wants to interfere in the internal affairs of the Soul Beast, he will always encounter obstacles at all levels - even if he is an Ultimate Douluo, even if he is a disciple of Ditian.

Moreover, the final decision-making power on the internal affairs of the soul beast absolutely cannot be placed in the hands of a certain human being.

Some humans are naturally trustworthy, and Wang Rui won't suppress anyone, but all humans have ambitions and brains that are definitely better than most soul beasts.

After all, when a human normally grows up to the age of twenty, his brain is basically smarter than that of a newly promoted hundred thousand year soul beast.

Wang Rui thought gloomily that his past experiences had obviously taught him some profound lessons, and his strong mental power allowed him to be distracted and recall the several powerful soul beasts in his territory near the medicine garden in the North District. Soon, He locked a soul beast who could give up some territory.

The 80,000-year-old Golden-horned White Deer King protects a family of young and old...well, no old ones. Wang Rui likes this kind of soul beast the most when it becomes powerful and consciously assumes the responsibility of the leader of the group. As long as the education is in place, such a soul beast can be promoted. After the 100,000-year level, he will become a qualified subordinate for his own race, as long as he is in place...

Wang Rui's face suddenly turned blank.

To add a little more explanation, behind the three-eyed golden beast is a bed made of ice marrow, and Huo Yuqing is lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully.

After absorbing the Ice Emperor's soul ring, she was obviously a bit taller than before the vacation, and her facial features had also lost a bit of their greenness. The auspicious animal fur ball hanging on the golden dagger was pillowed next to her face, and the soft fluff floated with her breathing. One of the girl's arms hung down from the bed, and even in her dream she was clutching a cluster of flame-like... er, the tip of the Emperor's auspicious beast's tail.

Not knowing what he was dreaming about, Huo Yuqing took the shining golden tail into her arms, hugged it tightly, then turned over and pressed most of her body up.

Wang Rui's cat face showed no signs of trouble. In fact, he felt as if his tail was about to be pulled off.

A bit of surprise appeared on Ice Emperor Phantom's blurred face, and even Tian Meng didn't get angry when he poked her with a strange smile.

The emperor's auspicious beast who holds the real power in the Star Dou Forest actually allows his human host to pull his tail?
Don’t cats all hate having their tails pulled? Ice Emperor asked herself, if the little scorpions in her tribe dared to clamp her tail, she would definitely insert those little cubs upside down into the snow - even her own ones who are still alive!

I just thought about my sudden departure, the remaining powerful descendants of the Ice Jade Scorpion clan, and the previous changes in the far north...

"Let her sleep, she's too tired." Wang Rui tried to resist the urge to shake his tail while once again straightening out the expansion of the northern area of ​​the medicine garden, including taking the opportunity to test the golden-horned deer and cultivate new tool beasts, etc. , a paper plan directly turned into a physical entity and landed on the desk in the sea of ​​​​spirit. Then he stretched out his paw and pressed it on the official document. A bright soul power claw mark was left on the paper, which meant that the application was approved.

"Yes, this child actually completed the fusion while she was awake, and she withstood much more power than I thought." Ice Emperor's voice was filled with admiration. Wang Rui did not answer her, but shook his ears. Agree.

The approved official document floated back into a storage soul guide hanging on his corner, and then another official document fell on the floor in front of Wang Rui.

This pile of paper is crumpled, and the cover is stained with dried but still fishy mud - "Investigation of the Star River System and Soul Beasts".

Wang Rui flipped through the signature. It was very good. It was indeed written by King Qing Catfish.

Naturally, there are more than two water sources in the Star Dou Forest: the Lake of Life and the lake of the Great Ming and Erming.

The water source is the most dangerous place in the forest. Countless soul beasts bite each other just to get a mouthful of water.

And Wang Rui has long wanted to make use of Xingdou's waterways.

Although it is not mentioned in the original work, there are naturally large and small rivers running through the Star Forest in the warm zone - and of course there are also aquatic soul beasts.

It's just that the strength of aquatic soul beasts is generally inferior, far less than that of sea soul beasts.

Ten thousand years have passed, and after deliberate cultivation, there are currently only three aquatic soul beasts that have barely reached the age of one hundred thousand years - Green Tail Catfish, Red Moon Finless Porpoise, and Silver Arowana (no relation to the Silver Dragon King, just a kind of silver-scaled fish). Arapaima), there are only a dozen spirit beasts that are 90,000 years old.

The complexity of the races in the water is no less than that of land soul beasts. In the eyes of the ferocious beasts, this part of the aquatic soul beasts seems to be invisible, and Wang Rui can only sort it out slowly from scratch...

"Auspicious Beast, I still have questions." The Ice Emperor's phantom hovered above Huo Yuqing's body, and there was no joy or anger in her voice.

"Say." Wang Rui didn't take his eyes off the document in front of him.

The document sent by the Green Catfish King was obviously ghostwritten, but it was still confusing and the key points were scattered... But as a fish, she needs brains, attitude, strength, and attitude, which is already very good.

The road must be walked step by step, and the rice must be eaten one bite at a time... It's better not to make things difficult for the fish.

On the other side, the phantom of the Ice King took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of determination.

"After you and Di Tian left, I also noticed the black dragon shadow in the sky above the far north." Ice Emperor said with some difficulty, "I want to know why."

Except for the Snow Emperor, there was no soul beast in the far north that could make Di Tian take action, and the Ice Emperor actually knew how the Snow Emperor viewed Xing Dou.

And the Snow Emperor's catastrophe is coming.

The fusion could not be reversed, and there was a trace of uneasiness in Hyokui's heart that was hard to ignore.

(End of this chapter)

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