Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 220 Kaitou Kidd?Will definitely replace it!

Chapter 220 Kaitou Kidd?Will definitely replace it!
Gotham, the mayor's mansion.

In the collection room, surrounded by more than 20 bodyguards, "Rogers" suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar and pulled it down.


The entire butler's uniform was ripped off and thrown aside in an instant. Hidden under the plain butler's uniform was an exquisite black suit.

Not only had the clothes changed, but the old butler's face had also changed to that of another person, as if he was several decades younger.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the old butler Rogers turned into a young man wearing a black suit and a black top hat.

The dark cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, making waves.

At first glance, the Phantom Thief Black Crow is simply a replica of the Phantom Thief Kidd. The only difference apart from the color is that the monocle he wears on his face does not emit any unnatural reflection.

At least in the dimly lit collection room, the monocle of Phantom Thief Black Crow has no reflection at all.

Therefore, he has no way to use reflections to cover his face like Kaitou Kidd, and he still needs to wear the mask he should wear.

" this? The one just now..."

Everyone in the field widened their eyes in surprise.

It's not that they were surprised because they had never seen it before. On the contrary, they knew the action very well, and some of them had even seen it multiple times.

That's Kaitou Kid's signature skill - instant disguise!
"So besides Kaitou Kidd, is there anyone else in Gotham who knows this technique?"

Every bodyguard at the scene thought as if facing a formidable enemy.

With that move just now, it was enough to prove that the person in front of him was definitely not a simple Phantom Thief imitator.

"It seems that my disguise skills are still lacking. I didn't expect to be recognized by Mr. Mayor so quickly... But that's it for now, so let me introduce myself."

The man who had finished his disguise said to himself calmly, completely ignoring the more than 20 gun-toting bodyguards surrounding him.

"My name is Black Crow, the Black Crow who will kill Kaitou Kidd and replace him! If Kaitou Kidd is a white dove living in the light enjoying cheers and applause, then I am a dove hiding in the darkness. A crow waiting for an opportunity."

Phantom Thief Black Crow introduced himself.

"Black crow? Crow?"

Across the way, the mayor of Gotham suddenly raised his eyebrows when he saw the fearless attitude of the strange thief Black Crow.

"I'm not interested in what nickname you want to call you, you dirty and lowly thief! And what are you guys doing standing around? I didn't hire you just to let you watch the show! Hurry and do it for me... "

Just when the mayor of Gotham was about to order the bodyguards to kill the thief Black Crow, the latter suddenly spoke.

"You don't want them to shoot me, do you, Mr. Mayor?"

The corners of Kaitou Black Crow's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"I suggest you don't let them shoot unless you want to kill these loyal bodyguards."

"Do I need to remind you what Kaito Kidd does before he steals?"

Do something?
What else can be done, isn't it to survey the on-site environment in advance and make some props and traps in advance?
The mayor thought in confusion.

"Did he arrange something in this room in advance that could help him get out of the current trap? It's impossible. Not to mention whether he has enough time. I come to the collection room almost every day. I know the texture of every tile here. I remember it very clearly, if there was really a trap, I should have discovered it long ago!"

This Phantom Thief Black Crow must be bluffing!
He wanted to use this kind of words to confuse his inner judgment.

The mayor thought that he had completely grasped the other party's psychology, and couldn't help but sneer secretly.

"Hmph, this guy must be planning to stall for time first, and then find a way to break through the encirclement. Sorry, I'm not in the habit of giving people time to plan."

All these thoughts lasted only a moment, and the mayor of Gotham immediately gave orders to the surrounding bodyguards.

"Ignore this madman's nonsense, everyone fires together!"

boom!boom!boom!boom!Bang——More than 20 gunshots rang out one after another, echoing in the small collection room.

Blood spurted out, and the floor was quickly stained with a large amount of blood.

The strange thief Black Crow is suspected of being killed on the spot?
"No...impossible...what on earth is..."

Looking at the scene that happened in front of him, the mayor slumped to the ground with a horrified face, his eyes filled with despair.

"So I said, it's best not to ask them to shoot, Mr. Mayor."

Opposite the mayor, the Phantom Thief Black Crow stood unscathed and said in a tone like "I told you so a long time ago."

I saw more than 20 bodyguards with guns lying in a pool of blood around Kaitou Black Crow. Each of their hands maintained a shooting posture, and their guns were pointed at Kaitou Black Crow.

However, just a few seconds ago, when the bodyguards pulled the trigger, the bullet was not fired at the Phantom Thief Black Crow, nor was it even fired forward. Instead, it was fired from the end of the barrel in the opposite direction, penetrating the shell and hitting itself directly. !

More than 20 of the mayor's bodyguards died under his own gun!

"These people were all killed by you, Mr. Mayor."

Phantom Thief Black Crow slowly walked to the slumped mayor, leaned down and spoke softly.

"What did you just do? What do you want?"

The mayor forced himself to control the trembling of his body and asked through gritted teeth.

"Didn't I just say that?"

Phantom Thief Black Crow frowned, and his voice instantly became much colder.

"Kaitou Kidd will make a lot of preparations in advance before every official action. Although I hate this guy who is just trying to gain fame, I also agree that this is a good habit."

"So, before you came back, Mr. Mayor, I patrolled the mansion several times as Butler Rogers and tampered a little with the guns of these bodyguards."

Having said this, Kaitou Black Crow smiled disdainfully and said: "To be honest, the quality of these bodyguards you picked is really bad. I took the gun away in front of them, put it back after touching it, and there was no one." Do people feel something is wrong?”

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid the GCPD police officers are more vigilant than them."

At this time, the Phantom Thief Black Crow walked to the corner and picked up a fire hammer, then returned to the glass cabinet where the Zheai Blue Stone was stored.

He raised the hammer high and slammed it against the glass cabinet in front of him.

With a clang, the glass cabinet shattered, leaving only glass shards on the ground.

"I know, looking at my outfit and my behavior of sending out notices, you will definitely think that I am a fan of Kaitou Kidd. I love him so much that I plan to imitate the crime."

The strange thief Black Crow suddenly spoke.

"But the opposite is true!"

"I hate Kaito Kidd from the bottom of my heart. Even killing him is not enough to quell this hatred. I want to destroy everything about Kaitou Kidd. I want to make all his ideas become a joke. I will do anything. The opposite of Kaito Kidd.”

On the other side, the mayor of Gotham who listened to his speech didn't even dare to take a breath. He didn't even know whether the words of Phantom Thief Black Crow were meant for him or for Phantom Thief Black Crow himself.

He also didn't know why Kaitou Kidd, who had never killed anyone before, got into trouble with such a big shot.

"You...if your target is Kaitou Kidd, then why did you come to me?"

The mayor bravely asked.

"...Mr. Mayor, don't you understand human language? I've said it several times!"

Phantom Thief Black Crow's face darkened, and he reached out to grab the Zhe Ai Blue Stone in the broken glass cabinet.

"I want to kill Kidd. I have only one purpose from beginning to end."

(End of this chapter)

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