Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 207 Could it be that the mastermind behind this is Penguin? (2 in 1)

Chapter 207 Could it be that the mastermind behind this is Penguin? ([-]-in-[-])

In the corridor, Kaito Kidd squatted between two man-bats and looked down at them.

After confirming that they would not wake up in a short time, they withdrew the high-voltage electric shock device held in both hands.

It can be seen that in addition to the original white gloves, his hands holding the electric shock device are now covered with another layer of red gloves. The gloves are covered with dense sucker-shaped objects.

Just now, Kaitou Kidd used this pair of suction cup gloves to fix himself to the ceiling and set an ambush for Man-Bat.

As for the Kaitou Kid running in front of him, he was actually just a stiff-moving puppet used as a bait to attract the man-bat.

As we all know, the vision and smell of bats are generally relatively slow, and some species of bats are even basically equivalent to having no vision.

Although the eyes of most bats can actually see objects, but they do not rely on vision, when bat DNA and human DNA are mixed and mutated, the advantages and disadvantages of the two creatures are amplified.

Kurt Langstone's serum will have more human parts, so he can retain his sanity and memory, and the sensitivity of his five senses will be closer to that of humans, while the current man-bat virus is undoubtedly the other way around.

Mutants infected with the virus are more bloodthirsty and more deadly to humans, but they lack rationality. Although their hearing is well developed, other senses are not satisfactory.

To make it easier to distinguish, Kaitou Kidd calls the latter the mutant man-bat.

From a purely visual and olfactory perspective, the mutated human bats infected by the human bat virus are actually not much different from highly myopic humans suffering from rhinitis. They are expected to detect the presence of other people by seeing or smelling them. , that's almost impossible.

It was precisely because of this that Kaitou Kidd came up with the bait plan just now.

The steel wire that the two mutant bats almost ran into when they turned the corner was actually not something Kaitou Kidd expected to use to deal with the enemy from the very beginning.

His real purpose is to make the mutant bat lower its flying height, because Kaito Kidd has fixed it on the ceiling with suction cup gloves. If the mutant bat flies too high, it can directly touch it, so the ambush will be meaningless. .

When Kaitou Kid was fixed on the ceiling, he also wrapped his figure with a cloak.

Even if the mutant bat uses sonic positioning to detect something on the ceiling, it will only be a strange-shaped object, and it will not know that it is a person.

In addition, there happened to be a "person" running away in front of them. The concept of thinking did not exist in the minds of mutant human bats. They would not have thought that there was a person hiding on the ceiling.

In fact, even if the wire is not used, Kaitou Kidd is hiding quietly on the ceiling, and the mutant bat will most likely not be able to find him, but the wire is still installed just in case.

In order to prevent other human-bats that might exist in Wayne Tower from being attracted, Kidd tied up the two mutant human-bats with ropes, threw them into the office at the end of the corridor, and left them as quickly as possible. left here.

Follow the route straight to the control room in Wayne Tower.

Along the way, Kaito Kidd also ran into three mutant human bats, which were found in different locations each time.

But this time, unlike the previous times when there was only one way to go, there were other routes to go around without having to face them.

Kaitou Kidd didn't want to waste time fighting with the mutant bat. As long as there were other paths, he would take that path without hesitation.

I don’t know if it’s because Batman often walks through ventilation ducts and is well aware of the risks involved. The vents in Wayne Tower are made very small, making it difficult for even babies to crawl inside, let alone adults.

This also gives Kaitou Kidd one less shortcut.

Just as Phantom Thief Kidd rushed to the control room of Wayne Tower, on the other side, Batman, who was piloting a Bat-fighter to lure away countless mutant bats, smelled an unusual smell.

"During this period, Kaitou Kidd should have reunited with Lucius, but Lucius did not send a signal to me..."

Batman's eyes narrowed, and suspicion suddenly rose in his heart.

"Did I be deceived by Kaitou Kidd? Or did Lucius have an accident?"

He tried calling Lucius's communication device, but got no response.

"Something's wrong... I told Lucius to notify me as soon as he saw Kid, but I didn't tell Kid the location of Lucius. The surveillance system of Wayne Tower can monitor it. At every turn, Lucius should have spotted Kid before he was found, unless...Kid hacked into Wayne Tower's surveillance system, but there's no reason he would."

Batman frowned, the doubts in his heart getting deeper and deeper.

"Did a large number of man-bats break into Wayne Tower? But there is no entrance made by man-bats outside the building, and the employees of the group have already been evacuated. There shouldn't be anyone inside except Lucius."

“What the hell happened at Wayne Tower?”

Even though he was extremely worried, Batman couldn't go to Wayne Tower to find out what was going on at this time.

There were too many mutant bats attracted by his ultrasonic waves. Even with the power of the bat fighter, it was very difficult to escape from the encirclement. The hard outer armor was already covered with scratches.

Although it may not cause serious damage for the time being, over time, the Bat Fighter may not be able to withstand the attack of tens of thousands of mutant bats.

Suddenly, a communication signal was transmitted to the Bat Fighter.

The source of the signal is Batgirl!

Batman picked up the signal immediately.

"Batman, Francine Langstone is missing!"

The next second, Bat Girl's urgent voice rang out.

"When did this happen?"

Batman asked immediately.

"About a month ago!"

"One month! No one found out for such a long time? Where are her neighbors? Doesn't Francine work in a subsidiary of Wayne Group? An employee disappeared for a whole month, and her colleagues and boss were completely Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Hearing this, Batman's face darkened.

"I have contacted the manager of Wayne Biological Laboratory. He said that Francine called him a month ago to ask for a long leave. Considering her husband's affairs, he thought that Francine should rest for a while. Time is a good thing, so I agreed without much thought.”

Batgirl replied.

"As for Francine's neighbors, I asked them one by one. They only knew that no one had been in or out of her house for a long time. They didn't know when she disappeared. Five out of ten surveillance cameras nearby were broken. "It is impossible to determine how Francine disappeared, but she definitely did not leave voluntarily."

"Because the door to her house showed signs of being pried open, but not a single item was missing, and there was no record of Francine's booking on the flight, ferry or rail system a month ago, I'm sure she was there He was kidnapped before he even entered the house.”

Batman thought for a while and then said: "The reason why Francine was kidnapped can only be the human-bat serum, but she herself does not know the information about the serum, so the purpose of those people who kidnapped her is only..."

"To threaten Kurt Langstone!"

Batgirl continued following Batman's words.

"Now we're just waiting for news from Robin. I hope he can find some clues in Arkham Asylum."

Not long after, the Bat Fighter's communication signal receiver rang again, and this time it happened to be Robin calling.

"Batman, Francine Langstone has been kidnapped!"

As soon as the signal was connected, Robin's anxious voice came out.

"Yes, can you tell me something we don't know?" Batgirl asked. Robin didn't expect that she was also in the communication channel and was startled.

"Bat girl? Are your investigation results out?"


"That is to say, you have roughly guessed the whole story of Francine's kidnapping, so I will keep it brief."

After receiving a positive answer, Robin continued.

"A month ago, someone found Kurt Langstone in the name of a prison visit and showed him the photos of Francine's kidnapping, thereby obtaining the formula for the Man-Bat Serum from him."

"Kurt had anticipated that the current situation might happen before he completed the research on the human-bat serum, so he hid the backup of the research data on the human-bat serum somewhere else very early on. He told the kidnapper where the backup was hidden. .”

"Through the information I asked from the Arkham guard, I found out that the person who visited Kurt in prison was an unknown member of the Penguin Gang. He was obviously instructed by higher-ups to threaten Kurt Langstone."

Robin spoke out all the information he had found during this period in one breath.

"Penguin Gang..."

Batman's eyes gradually become sharper. Is the Penguin the mastermind behind everything?

Recalling that a few hours ago, the Penguin led people to fight fiercely with the Masked Society, as if they were fighting evil for the sake of Gotham's justice, but now it is found that the Man-Bat Virus is suspected to be related to the Penguin Gang?

But the question is, what is the reason for Penguin to spread the human-bat virus?He has no motive for doing this at all!

If it were the group of mentally ill criminals in Arkham Asylum, it would be really difficult to understand their motives for committing crimes, but it is absolutely impossible for the Penguin to do things without a reason.

Things are getting more and more confusing.
Wayne Building.

After all the hardships, Kaitou Kidd finally arrived outside the control room.

As soon as he arrived here, he was attracted by a long line of horrific blood stains on the ground.

Judging from the traces, it seemed as if someone was dragging his bleeding body towards the control room not long ago.

On the ground next to the door of the monitoring room, a mutant human bat fell to the ground, its body was charred and black, and it had long since lost its breath.

There were more than a dozen damaged holes on the ceiling, and a thick wire hung from one of the holes. This wire was cut off and just touched the body of the mutant human bat.

Even now, the broken end of the wire is still flashing with dazzling electric light, and you can tell with just your eyes that the voltage is not as high as usual.

Kaitou Kidd took out his card gun, aimed a sharp playing card at the wire on the ceiling, and instantly cut off the hanging wire, and the light suddenly went out.

After all, the blood on the ground is also conductive, and Kaito Kidd doesn't want to be hit by that high-voltage electric current.

"Not long ago, someone must have entered the control room."

Kaitou Kid leaned down, dipped his gloves into the blood on the ground, and thought to himself.

He walked straight over and opened the door to the monitoring room. As expected, it was locked.

The door to the monitoring room is also an electronic door and cannot be locked.

But this didn't bother Kaitou Kidd. He flicked it casually and an ID card appeared in his hand.

This ID card was found in the office where he entered through the window. It should be a spare card.

Taking the card and swiping it over the sensor, the door of the monitoring room was opened.

Kaitou Kidd opened the door and walked in.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground in the monitoring room, only two meters away from the door, with blood stains under his body extending back.

It was obvious that this person was the source of the blood outside.

And when Kaitou Kidd turned this man over, he suddenly discovered that he was the Lucius Fox he was looking for!

He came to the monitoring room just to find Lucius's location through monitoring, but found out that Lucius happened to be in the monitoring room. It was a coincidence.

After a while……

"Hey! Hey! Mr. Fox, time is very urgent now, wake up!"

what sound?
In the deep coma, Lucius faintly heard someone's voice.

Is someone calling me?
It’s impossible, am I already dead?…

"Mr. Fox?"

Sudden!Lucius opened his eyes and woke up from his coma.

Immediately, what came into view was a figure wearing a white top hat and a monocle whose appearance could not be clearly seen.

"Phantom Thief Kidd?"

Lucius murmured.

He sat up and found that his whole body was covered with bandages, and the bleeding from the wound had stopped.

"Do you feel okay? I'm not proficient in medical skills. I just helped you to stop the bleeding."

Kaitou Kidd asked.

feels good!

This was Lucius' true thought. Although the injuries on his body were still not minor, they were out of danger and he could barely feel the pain.

It's definitely not as simple as "simply stopping the bleeding" as Kaitou Kidd said.

This is indeed the case. When Kaitou Kidd came in, Lucius's situation was no longer optimistic and he was in a completely endangered state.

The huge blood loss almost took away his life. If Kaitou Kidd had arrived two or three minutes later, he might have really died.

Waking up Lucius in this state was almost like a race to death. How could it just stop the bleeding?

Kaitou Kidd used the recovery medicine exchanged in the system. Although the effect was far less powerful than the flesh and bones of the living dead, it was not a big problem to restore the color of Lucius's body that had lost too much blood.

"Mr. Fox, I know you are seriously injured now, but I have a more urgent mission here, so I have to wake you up."

Looking at Lucius, Kaito Kidd said solemnly.

(Are there any problems with your writing recently, everyone? If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me directly. Besides, two-in-one means combining the words of the previous two chapters into one chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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