Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 203: Die young!Batman wants to be used as bait for Kid the Kid

Chapter 203: Die young!Batman wants to be used as bait for Kid the Kid

call out!call out!call out!
Immediately afterwards, Okierwe followed the same pattern and shot and killed the drivers of the remaining three vehicles one after another, causing their vehicles to lose control one after another. Either the vehicle crashed and everyone was killed, or they were torn into pieces by the man-bats following closely behind.

"That old penguin will definitely die, go back."

At this time, O'Kilwe turned his head and said to the men behind him, and then walked straight into the Iceberg Club.

"Um...boss, are you sure you don't want to send someone to look for the body?"

One of the men asked after hesitating for a moment.

"After being bitten by dozens of bat monsters, he may have turned into a pile of minced meat. Who can tell the difference?"

O'Kilwe said without looking back.

After hearing what the boss said, the subordinates naturally had no choice but to obey orders. They all hid in the Iceberg Club and locked the door tightly.

After entering the Iceberg Club, Okierwe walked into the meeting room without stopping.

The conference room of Nuoda was filled with a tense atmosphere, with more than a dozen people wearing different styles sitting on chairs.

Behind each leader stood a bodyguard with a gun. Different from the people sitting down, these bodyguards wore uniform uniforms and used uniform weapons. They were obviously in a group.

However, judging from the atmosphere in the conference room, it was more like surveillance than bodyguards.

Several of the people on the chairs looked strange, some had golden skin, some had heads that looked like glass bottles filled with blue liquid, and some had no heads or any body tissue at all. All I can see is the clothes floating.

These people are all criminal bosses who are subordinate to the Penguin or have high interests tied to the Penguin. They are the most important part in building the Penguin's criminal empire.

There are four or five other bosses who are superhumans, but none of them are very powerful. Bullets can easily take away their lives. When a gun is pointed at the back of their head, they are almost no different from ordinary people.

"Oswald Cobblepot is dead, at the hands of those bat monsters! Now, who else has any objection to me taking over everything about the Penguin?"

After O'Kilwe walked into the conference room, he naturally came to sit down at the main seat and asked energetically.

There is a projector in the conference room playing the surveillance video of the entrance to the Iceberg Club. Everything that happened just now is in the eyes of the criminal bosses.

"I didn't see the body. Who can guarantee that Cobot is dead? And even if he is dead, why should we cooperate with you, a traitor?"

The golden-skinned middle-aged man said with an unkind expression.

"It seems that Mr. Jin has objections. Is there anyone else?"

O'Kilwe smiled carelessly, looked at the man with the glass head and asked, "Mr. Combustible, what do you think?"

"I...I need some time to think about it."

Mr. Keran paused.

"What about you, invisible man?"

Finally, O'Kilwe looked at the floating piece of clothing.

"What I think...after working with Cobot for so many years, he made us make a lot of money, a lot of money."

The invisible man spoke.

O'Kilvi understood it instantly and immediately made a big pie.

"Listen up, everyone, Oswald Cobblepot has become a thing of the past, and his old-fashioned rules of conduct are no longer suitable for the current era. Cooperate with me, and I will let you gain an identity far beyond what you once were. Status and endless wealth!”

"Ha! Who understands this?" A discordant voice sounded, and it was Mr. Jin again, not afraid of offending O'Kilwe.

The reason why he dared not give Ogilvy face is because his superpower has the highest defense among all the people present. He can harden his skin. Although he will still die after being shot multiple times in vital parts, he has I am confident that I can kill Okierwe before then.

However, Mr. Jin's ability can only defend against pistols and some small-caliber rifles at best, and is useless against more powerful weapons.

O'Kilwe smiled, then suddenly raised his umbrella from under the table and fired a beam of light at Mr. Jin's face.

With a pop, Mr. Jin's face was melted into a mess, and he could no longer die.

"Now, who has any objections?"

O'Kilwei calmly blew the smoke rising from the tip of his umbrella, and then asked.

Everyone present shook their heads and said that they would continue to cooperate with the Penguin Gang in the future.

Yes, Okiervi did not set up his own business and re-establish his gang, but inherited everything from the Penguin intact.

Even all the properties controlled by the Penguin, including the Iceberg Club, Iceberg Casino, Iceberg Restaurant and even Cobot Manor, were transferred to his name by O'Kilwe tonight.

He had prepared all the procedures in advance, including Penguin's autograph and fingerprints, as well as a notary. Except that he was not present, it could be said to be absolutely legal and compliant.

At that time, no one noticed that Mr. Keran in the corner of the conference room had a strange luster flashing on the flower decoration on his chest.
Thousands of meters away from Wayne Tower, in the sky, a pitch-black bat-like aircraft was struggling to make its way through the surroundings of thousands of man-bats.

"The number of man-bats is increasing, and the field of vision is almost completely blocked."

Inside the Bat Fighter, almost all the monitors could only see densely packed human bats, Kaitou Kidd said with a solemn expression.

"If this continues, even if we can fly to Wayne Tower, how to land will be a big problem."

"The human bat is the product of a mixture of human DNA and bat DNA, and it has the habits and characteristics of both creatures."

Batman pondered for a moment and then said.

"In other words, man-bats can also hear ultrasonic waves like bats, perhaps using ultrasonic waves of a specific frequency..."

"You can control the actions of the human-bat collective to a certain extent! Just like you control bats?"

Kaito Kidd understood Batman's thoughts as soon as he heard it.

"Not necessarily, but at least it can attract the vast majority of man-bats to the source of the sound."

The Bat Fighter happens to have an ultrasonic generating device on it.

"Kidd, I will eject your seat later, and then launch ultrasonic waves to attract the Man-Bat away. You take this opportunity to quickly go to Wayne Tower, where Lucius Fox is already waiting for you. "

Batman said blankly.

"What did you just say? Are you sure you are serious?"

Kaitou Kid asked in surprise.

Isn't this just Batman planning to use himself as bait to lure Man-Bat away, and then give Kaid Kid a chance to break out of the encirclement?

"Didn't you lure the Mask Club to Robinson Park before? Let me do it this time."

Batman said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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