Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 11 The Returned Angel's Blood and Tears

Chapter 11 The Returned Angel's Blood and Tears

The paper ball turned out to be Kaitou Kidd's message!

Vicky was terrified. She remembered clearly that there was nothing there until North poured the coffee and put it on the table.

Before she had time to think about it, Vicki rushed out of the office immediately, looking for North's back.

At this moment, she only had one thought in her mind, "If you can directly interview Kaito Kidd himself, then..."

It's a pity that there are many people coming and going in the corridor, but there is no one she is looking for.

Vicky thought for a while, came to the front desk on the floor, and asked, "Lily, have you met North?"

The receptionist gave Vicky a surprised look, and asked, "Vill, do you know where North's badge is?"

"Work badge?"

Vicky didn't react for a moment.

"Yeah, North called me just now and said he was stopped by the security check at the gate because he found that his badge was missing."

The lady at the front desk said so.

"Wait, let me go through it first, North is stopped outside the company gate now, and he lost his badge?"

Vicky asked with a strange look in her eyes.

"I remember seeing him when I checked in this morning. Hasn't he been in the company all the time?"

"Oh, by the way, you don't know about this. North went to the coffee shop downstairs to buy coffee half an hour ago. I heard that he bought it specially for you. The ID card should have been lost there, but he said he searched all over the coffee shop and couldn't find it."

The front desk lady tilted her head and thought for a while.

"So North had to ask me to call security to let him in."

Speaking of this, the front desk lady suddenly frowned and recalled.

"However, there is something strange. Just now, I seemed to see a man who looked very similar to North coming in, and he also had coffee in his hand. I thought it was him who came back, but it turned out not. Maybe I misread it."

"Stop, that's the man!"

Vicky suddenly interrupted her recollection, and asked hastily, "Did you see this person who looks like North leave?"


The lady at the front desk said with certainty, "I'm pretty sure that person hasn't left yet, as long as I see his appearance correctly."

Hearing this sentence, Vicky knew that she would definitely not be able to catch up with Kaitou Kidd.

At this time, she remembered the coffee that Kaitou Kidd brought in and the contents of the note, so she thanked the front desk lady and immediately returned to her office.

As soon as she entered the door, Vicky took the pot of coffee and ran to the sink, and poured the coffee in the pot little by little.

As the dark coffee is poured from the pot, the full picture is revealed in the transparent coffee pot.

I saw a teardrop-like bright ruby ​​wrapped in a sealed film, lying quietly on the bottom of the pot.

The gemstones are fixed at the bottom with sticky material, even if the glass jug is turned upside down, it will not fall down, so as to avoid accidentally pouring out the gemstones when pouring coffee.

"This is...the tears of blood of an angel!"

Vicky looked at the gemstone that appeared at the bottom of the glass jug in surprise, she didn't wonder if Kaitou Kidd made a fake one and put it in.

Because that makes no sense at all.

"He actually gave me such a precious gem? Why?"

Vicky couldn't understand the situation at all.

The Kaitou Kidd sent notice letters to the police and the media again, trying so hard to steal this gem, but he didn't want it anymore?
It can't be that Kaitou Kidd suddenly realized his conscience and felt that he shouldn't infringe on other people's property and wanted to send it back, right?

Then he should be sent directly to GCPD or a museum!
What's the matter with giving me such a hot potato to a little reporter?

Suddenly, she remembered the message paper of Kaitou Kidd.

"Could it be... because of my report?"

Vicky thought incredulously.

She tried to understand the reason why Kaitou Kidd did this, but after thinking about it for a long time, there was still no result.

You never know what the criminals in Gotham are doing for something.

Only at this moment did Vicky realize this sentence deeply.

She stopped thinking and took out her cell phone to make a call.

"Hello, GCPD? I'm Vicki Vail of the Gotham Gazette, and I have an important case to disclose to Commissioner James Gordon..."
Gotham has an island called Arkham, which is shrouded in dark clouds all the year round. There is a spooky-looking hospital on the island, which is heavily blocked by the electric rail network.

This is the world-famous Arkham Asylum, where there are outstanding people, and the patients who receive treatment are all rare high-level geniuses in the world, who speak nicely and have outstanding abilities.

It's a pity that their ideas are too advanced, not bound by laws and ethics, and cannot be tolerated by the world. In the end, they had to be imprisoned in this hospital...

In simple words, it is a prison specially used to detain mentally ill criminals.

At this time, a man wearing a khaki windbreaker with gray hair and beard came out from the heavy iron gate of Arkham Asylum.

It was Jim Gordon, the director of the GCPD. A police car had already been parked at the gate of the lunatic asylum. Gordon got into the car directly after he came out.

"how is the situation?"

Brock in the driver's seat asked.

"Mudface has nothing to do with Kaitou Kidd."

Gordon shook his head.

Brock raised his eyebrows, "Are you so sure?"

"I can't be sure, so I double-checked many times and used a little trick."

Gordon said blankly.

"Well, I don't want to know at all what method you used to press him."

Brock changed the subject, "When you went in to chat with old friends, the GCPD received a report from Vicki Weir, and it was related to Kaito Kidd."

"Isn't Vicki Weir a reporter for the Gotham Bulletin? Did Kaitou Kidd commit another crime?"

Gordon asked hastily.

"Almost, but with a little detail—he returned the gem."

"What did you say?"

Gordon suspected he had heard wrong.

"I said that Phantom Thief Kidd gave the angel's blood and tears ruby ​​to Vicki Weir, and then Vicki Weir reported the case to GCPD."

"Go to the Gotham Gazette, now!"

Gordon immediately urged Bullock to start the car.

"Don't be impulsive, Jim, she's already at GCPD and waiting for us to go back."

Brock smiled calmly.

Meanwhile, in a sparsely populated street near the Gotham Gazette Building.

Dean, who was wearing Gotham Gazette overalls, came out of the dark alley, and he could vaguely see three or four people falling behind him.

"When will there be fewer gangsters in the alleys of Gotham?"

Dean patted the dust off his body and shook his head helplessly.

Not long ago, he slipped out of the Gotham Gazette Building, and originally planned to find a place where he could avoid the monitoring to change his clothes and leave, but he bumped into a few robbers.

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(End of this chapter)

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