Chapter 64 Teacher Mao is so short
"After all 8 singer-songwriters have sung, the others must be ranked from 1 to 8, and the rankings must not be tied."

The already dignified atmosphere was even more subdued. The eight singers didn't like this demo listening session very much, because in an environment like a recording studio, every syllable, every word, and even every breath of yours will be amplified.

But if there is a little flaw, it will be very obvious. This session does not have a loud accompaniment or a million sound repairers.

This is also the reason why many singers did not dare to participate in this show at that time. First of all, at least 7 original songs have already dissuaded a large number of singers. Not singers can write songs these days.

Even many well-known singers who are not small, their own creative ability is not very strong.

The other is the mutual listening session of this demo. You must know that the singers of the older generation are not bad.

With the rise of the fan economy, the birth of traffic stars, and the infinite reduction of the threshold of the entertainment industry.

Nowadays, many so-called "singers" rely on sound repairers to live, and basically few dare to turn on the mic.

After all, in this era of looking at faces, relying on blush is much easier than relying on talent. In the past, those kings and queens were all song by song, movie by movie step by step.

But now it may only need one event or variety show, and it is possible to top a star.

In fact, Su Bai can be regarded as enjoying this type of bonus, but the difference between Su Bai and them is that Su Bai is truly capable with works.

So Su Bai refused to take advantage of the heat to frantically brush his face, but hid himself.

He wants to be a superstar, but he doesn't want to be a traffic star.

Even if he was thrown into the battle of the gods in the 90s, Su Bai was confident enough to reach the top with the help of cheats, why bother to take the traffic route now.

"Now that the demo mutual listening is starting, who wants to be the first to audition demo?" Producer A's voice fell.

Everyone looked at each other and muttered.

"Who would want to."

"I don't think anyone is willing to sing first?"

"I'm a bit confused about this link. Everyone wants to press back, see the state of other people and adjust their own state."

Just when Su Bai was about to go straight up, Wang Yuan, the youngest in the grade, got up straight away.

"I'm on it~"

Everyone applauded Wang Yuan one after another. As the youngest singer, this wave of authenticity is indeed a very courageous act.

After debugging in the recording room, Wang Yuan still became a little nervous. He asked not to let the sound out, and let him adjust for tens of seconds.

After some auditions, Wang Yuan started his own singing.

"Lie in bed, stare at the moonlight so blazing like the sun."

The song sung by Wang Yuan is called "Thinking", and according to him, it is the most difficult song among his songs.

Although Wang Yuan's courage is commendable, but the first one to sing, I don't know if he was nervous or not. His performance was not very good.The same goes for feedback from other singers.

Grilled Sausage: He might be a little nervous, his breath is not stable, I think he may not bring out his best side.

Mao Mao: This is not easy to sing, the melody line is not easy to find, and it is still in the position where he changes his voice.

Gao Yuan: There is no problem with the melody of his song, but the density of his melody may be a little tight, which is a little embarrassing.

"Who is next?" Producer A appeared again at this time.

Immediately after, the sausage went in, very rustling.

"Come directly to the music." Roast Sausage didn't audition, but started directly, very uninhibited and free and easy of a rapper.

"You already have everything, how can you be angry?"

The demo of grilled sausage has received unanimous praise from everyone, and the performance is very stable.

Then Gao Yuan entered the recording room.

"Nostalgia for a city is often because of one person"

However, Gao Yuan's audition was more controversial. Like himself, many people would think that his song is native.

Wang Yuan: His songs are more down-to-earth and very memorable. I can easily remember them. I think this is his advantage.

Xu Qirou: His songs are good, but not my favorite style.

Roasted Sausage: I think his song is a good song, yes, it's very nice, but his song, to be clear, I don't think I like this song.

Master Hua: I think it's very ordinary, a bit earthy, and has no connotation.

Master Hua is as arrogant as ever, this person is outrageous, he seems to think that all the songs in the world have no connotation.But many people don't understand his canvas shoes, what is the connotation of the two of them drinking and getting drunk.

Su Bai kept a low profile and didn't judge their works too much.

The next one to enter was Su Bai. Su Bai had originally prepared another song, but when he bumped into Xu Qirou suddenly, Su Bai suddenly changed his mind and wanted to sing a sweeter song instead.

Since he changed the song temporarily, he did not use the accompaniment, but changed it to a cappella.

"If one day

I go back to the past

back to the original me
do you think i'm good

If one day

I am far away from you

can't meet you anymore

Will you realize that I've said goodbye"

Because Su Bai changed the song temporarily, and Su Bai didn't want to sing the chorus during the demo, so he didn't remember the lyrics of the main song, so he took a pen and wrote it down in his hand.

Look at the palm of your hand while singing.

After the singing, most people's evaluations were not bad. Although there were only a few lines, they felt good.

But two people gave different opinions.

Lion Zeng: "I usually remember the songs I write myself."

I don't know if this is questioning whether Su Bai wrote the song himself, or mocking Su Bai for reading the lyrics.

Master Hua: "This melody is just average. I think I'm the same as before, and I don't have much expectations for his songs."

Su Bai's fans in the live broadcast room were not happy at this time.

[What did this man say, who is he questioning? 】

[I'm really drunk, what level are you? You question my whiteness, our fans can say whiteness, but do you deserve it? 】

[I only remember those two bad songs with throat-cracking back and forth, and I usually remember the songs I wrote, how many songs do you have?]

[I really don't know how to count ac in my heart, how can I have the face to say that she's just a money-loser who looks like a man?]

[Master Hua is also quite funny, and I don’t want to see if I have a song comparable to Su Bai’s]

[There is not a single masterpiece that can be remembered, it is purely a self-indulgence with the group of NC fans, and it is not ashamed to say it]

[Stop barking, our mage elder brother just doesn't expect him, what's wrong?Is he worthy of our brother's expectation? 】

【Any song of our brother is better than Su Bai's! 】

[I'll go, why are NC fans everywhere. Mage, come and take your dog back! 】

In the live broadcast room, Su Bai's fans and Master Hua's fans, after two months, started a frenzied war.

As for Lion Zeng.emmm, after the operation of her concert, how can she still have fans?
Then Xu Qirou went in to try out the demo, which was a relaxed and cheerful song that was different from her previous style.

It's called "Cardamom", full of youth, coupled with her unique clear and sweet voice, won unanimous praise from everyone.

After Xu Qirou finished singing, Zeng Shizi ran in before Maomao.

Zeng Shizi hugged a guitar, went in to adjust it for a long time, and then said to the operation teacher: "Please adjust the volume of my microphone to twice the volume. Because my voice is relatively low, the tuning teacher must know how to help me amplify the microphone."

"I think I may not be able to hear my singing outside. The vocals should be louder. It should be 1.5 times louder."

"Behind the raindrops, behind the crystals"

Although the singer outside had an obvious expression, he didn't understand what this guy was singing.

However, they are professional singers and girls, so their evaluations are relatively tactful.

"The melody of this song may be relatively flat, but it feels good."

"I think her lyrics are very good, very literary, but not too deep, I quite like it."

"I think she has her own world, and I like her style."

Xu Qirou kept her mouth shut and did not express her opinion.

Su Bai looked a little confused. What the hell is this?

The microphone's voice is amplified by 3.5 times. I can't understand what she sang with my absolute pitch. You guys like it?
And her she serious? ? ? ?

Mao Mao walked in at this time and started his singing.

"Three Nine Plum Blossoms"

He sang very short, although he said before he went in that he could sing very short, but no one expected it to be so short.

Roast Sausage: "I think he's a bit insincere, and his singing is a little too short."

Su Bai: "Mr. Mao is so short."

[Su Bai, you are enough, I always feel that what you say is malicious]

【Ms. Mao is very short, pass it on】

(End of this chapter)

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