Chapter 322 Relaxation
He Caitou, who was still on the competition stage: Okay, okay, someone finally remembered me, right? !

He took back the magnifying glass in his hand and jumped down when the host parrot announced loudly. He looked as anxious as if something was chasing her behind her buttocks.

The menacing posture made the audience stunned again and again.

It wasn't until He Caitou broke into the Shrek Academy team without hesitation to talk, laugh, and make jokes that everyone was shocked to realize that they had put He Caitou into the "invisible" "cradle" without knowing when. .

Immediately, I was shocked into a cold sweat by my own "insensitivity" and the "invisibility ability" carried by He Caitou.

This farce was caused by something that even He Caitou himself probably didn't think was too outrageous.

The time clock suddenly sped up.

I don’t know when.

The moon has a cold and pretty face, quietly replacing the existence of the sun, standing quietly in the mid-air, its gentle light swaying along the clouds, passing through blockades one after another, stubbornly and tenaciously communicating with the world. Say hello.

That night.

There had already been a big battle today, and the Shrek reserve team, who were supposed to have a good rest on the top floor of the hotel, together with their team leader Wang Yan, actually walked through the back door of the hotel and tiptoed through a group of fanatics squatting around the hotel. The blockade of fans quietly appeared on the street.

"Teacher Wang Yan, where are we sneaking to?" Beibei looked back at the enthusiastic young man who had just been thrown away by them. He couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe the wisps of sweat that had burst out from his forehead due to nervousness, wondering. He looked in the direction of Wang Yan and asked.

He really didn't say that facing these fanatical boys and girls, oh no, it's not necessarily less, is more terrifying than facing opponents who are just one or two levels ahead of him!
His face turned green for a moment when he remembered how he had almost been kissed by a young boy who was not much shorter than him.

Thinking of this, Beibei instantly shuddered and shook his head suddenly to get rid of this terrible memory.

"I gave you the opportunity to change out of your school uniforms into regular uniforms." Wang Yan shrugged and spread his hands with an innocent look on his face. His eyes wandered between Beibei and Xu Sanshi, "Who knew you two would be fine? You’re so lazy~”

The ending of Wang Yan's whereabouts was full of teasing.

As his bond with the reserve team has deepened over the past few days, his attitude towards Beibei and the others is no longer as unfamiliar or business-like as before, but rather like someone he has known for a long time. between friends, casual and casual.

There is no "class" distance between teachers and students. Instead, there is more of a "bad friend" situation where they can quarrel with each other. Although this is probably also related to the foursome of Huo Yunche who have been familiar with Wang Yan since early in the morning.

However, everyone is happy to see its achievements.

"Okay, okay, you just want to see us brothers laughing, don't you?" Xu Sanshi hummed, stretched out his hand to hold his collar that was slightly loose in the chaos just now, and murmured in a low voice, "You have to keep your famous name forever. It’s for Nan.”

Speaking of Nannan, Xu Sanshi paused subconsciously. He silently glanced at Jiang Nannan on one side. Seeing that she didn't hear him, he breathed a sigh of relief and put a hand on Beibei's shoulder with a smile.

Jiang Nannan: Forget it, I’m not as knowledgeable as a fool. Well, for the sake of him winning today.

Her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and her peripheral vision passed over Xu Sanshi's body, and then she paused slightly without any trace. At an angle that Xu Sanshi couldn't see, there was a slight arc on her lips that was not clear, and the clear moonlight It shrouded her side, giving people a sense of purity and purity!

"Okay, for the sake of how hard you have racked your brains to win several games in a row these past few days, teacher, I will take you to a good place." Wang Yan laughed and shook his head. With Xu Sanshi's little thought, who is present? Maybe you don't know, it's just that everyone passed by tacitly.

But the love, hate, and grudges between the little guys have to be resolved by themselves. Old guys like them can't handle it.

"Good place? What kind of good place? What type of good place?" Xu Sanshi's eyes instantly lit up with a few cheap lights.

He simply refuses to change his attitude!
Jiang Nannan was furious and flicked her away with a sharp glare.

Xu Sanshi: Oh Mo, I was a little presumptuous for a moment. How can I break up if I said the wrong thing? !

He surrendered his help-seeking eyes to Beibei, who spread her hands towards him helplessly.

"Just follow me." Wang Yan sighed deeply and held his forehead in a funny manner.

"Since we left the academy, we have either been on the road or faced various dangers. We finally arrived at the capital of the Star Luo Empire and racked our brains to discuss countermeasures, fearing that we would lose any competition.

After such hard work, everyone's mental state has never slowed down.

Although being nervous is a good thing, being tense all the time is not good. Anyway, the next round robin is tomorrow afternoon, so I decided to take you out and you can come out and relax. After all, working behind closed doors will only do bad things. Occasionally seeing the night view of the Star Luo Empire and changing places to see the world will also be good for your next competition. "

Wang Yan smiled lightly, his eyes surging forward along the bustling flow of people. The tranquility and far-reaching breath hidden in his eyes secretly suppressed the restless moods of the little guys around him.

They couldn't help but follow the flow of people and look into the distance.

Teacher Wang Yan said that he would take them to rest, and they believed this.

They have been really depressed these days, and the heavy price they paid for the supervision mission is still vivid in their minds. The sudden strike of the home team puts all the burden on their small bodies. If there is no pressure, it is definitely Fake, especially for Beibei.

Compared to the other seven members of the reserve team, he was the one who could least accept the defeat of the Shrek Academy team and its inability to maintain its past glory.

As for the reason, it is probably because he has been born and raised here, and he is vaguely aware of some of the responsibilities that he has shouldered and shouldered, either actively or passively.

Of course, all this is a story later.

Let's get back to the point.

But I can only believe half of Teacher Wang Yan’s suggestion to take them out to relax. As for the other half? I guess he had other plans in mind.

"Wuhu! I can finally have a good rest~" Huo Yunche raised his eyebrows and was the first to relax, cheering and running forward. Since it is said to be a rest, let's enjoy it. As for nothing else, , Teacher Wang Yan will say sooner or later, so why rush?
"Hey! Little Yunche! Wait for me!" Xiao Xiao pouted and stamped her feet. In the next second, she flashed and immediately caught up with Huo Yunche, who was attracted by the strange vendors on the side. The two little girls Dazzled by the dazzling array of weird items, his eyes were all sparkling and particularly dazzling.

"Yuhao, shall we go too?" Wang Dong asked sideways, with a look of eagerness on his face.

"Okay." Huo Yuhao nodded.

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