One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 8: Island of Fog: Encore?

Chapter 8: Island of Fog: Encore?

Lieutenant General Kong Ming didn't notice the little episode over there, or he didn't want to be distracted by that little thing.Standing on the edge of the trap, he looked down at the embarrassed young pirate, "This kind of trap is my favorite trap, although it is the simplest trap invented by humans, but the effect is the most obvious. Although it is simple, there is indeed a terrifying abyss inside. This is the trick to lure your companions into the net!"

After smiling smugly at his perfect plan, Lieutenant General Kong Ming looked down at the embarrassed Luffy, "The mood of thinking about your friends will make you die without a place to die! There is sea water below!! "

Luffy tried his best to look up at him, and squeezed out a few words through clenched teeth, "Enke, where is it?"

"Huh?" Lieutenant General Kong Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, then slapped his feather fan and said with a slow smile, "It's really strange, under such circumstances, if you don't worry about the partners who are tied up not far away, you can't be afraid." You don't care that you can't escape the end of death, so you worry about the witch?"

Luffy tightened his grip on the edge of the trap, and a lot of mud fell on his face.He didn't care about the little bit of dirt, he looked fiercely at Lieutenant General Kong Ming above, and asked the deputy captain who was not here again, "Anke, where is it?!"

"Who knows~" Lieutenant General Kong Ming shook his feather fan carelessly, and said lightly, "I have already explained from the beginning that witches are special. And didn't I say that there is a time limit?"

"!!", Usopp was stunned, and when he quickly looked around at the companions who were tied there, he really didn't see the deputy captain.

"The worst actually came true..." Robin's heart sank. Although she also vaguely guessed a little bit, she didn't expect it to happen.

Although the state was still sluggish, Sauron still suppressed his voice and said, "Encore...was taken away..."

"!!!", his words made Usopp and Robin's faces change drastically, and cold sweat flowed down unconsciously.

The cook tried his best to raise his head to look at the trap in the distance, his voice became hoarse due to emotional fluctuations, "They... gave... little cutie a drink... strange things..."

"!!!!", the faces of Usopp and Robin could no longer be described as bad. The vice-captain drank something strange and was taken away. They knew what it meant. It was because they knew that they were satisfied. cold sweat.

"You don't need to show such an angry expression, pirates." Lieutenant General Kong Ming looked down at Luffy who was hanging there proudly, and said with a sneer, "The witch is a pirate, and it is only right and proper to be sanctioned by the navy. And, according to According to the high command of the Navy Headquarters, the fear she brings to the world is no less than that of any famous big pirate!"

Immediately, he stepped on Luffy's right hand holding the edge of the trap, and said with emotion, "Speaking of horror, I experienced scarier things when I was a child. Pirates! My hometown has been ravaged, it is an unbearable tragedy!"

Speaking of the previous events, Lieutenant General Kong Ming became agitated, and he raised his voice and shouted, "Pirates are a bunch of evil people! It doesn't matter if they are male or female! Do you understand?! I just want to fight against evil !Joined the navy to eliminate them! But!!”

Thinking of what he saw and heard in the navy, Lieutenant General Kong Ming snarled angrily, "What is unexpected is that both the world government and the navy are tolerant of pirates in order to maintain world order. !As for how civilians live in fear under the violence of pirates, the guys above can’t see at all! In this way, the era full of violence will never end! Because in the face of violence, we must use violence to fight back! Then Those who have no power to restrain the chicken can only be helpless?!"

Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who was getting more and more emotional, shouted loudly, clenched the feather fan in his hand and called out his goal all along, "No! We have a weapon that can fight! It is a weapon called wisdom! I will use my Wisdom, to end this era of rampant violence! For those weak people, this will become their hope! For this goal, I will try to change the nature of the navy! And you are the living sacrifices of this light of hope! "

After roaring and saying the last sentence, he directly kicked away Luffy's right hand that was holding onto the edge of the trap.

"Wow!!" Luffy, who didn't pay attention for a while, swayed for a while. Fortunately, his left hand was still firmly grasping the edge of the trap.However, the underground sea water and the surrounding fog made him unable to use his strength, and he also had no way to escape from the trap.

"Don't be so stubborn, straw hat boy! Just fall down obediently!" Just as General Kong Ming was about to stab Luffy with his sword hanging there with one hand, he suddenly felt a murderous aura.With a solemn face, he quickly retreated a few meters, avoiding the hidden weapon shot from the side.

Although Luffy hanging there felt murderous, but because of the position, he only saw Lieutenant General Kong Ming suddenly disappear and then a black long handle of a weapon appeared in his field of vision. The vague sense of familiarity in his heart showed that I must know the person who suddenly appeared.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming stared blankly at the extra black-handled weapon where he was originally standing for a while, and then turned his head to look at the person who was walking towards this side quickly from the fog.

The one who suddenly attacked was a young sailor, his military cap pressed down so low that it almost covered half of his face.After running over quickly, he completely ignored Lieutenant General Kong Ming standing there, and instead stretched out his hand to pull up Lu Fei who was hanging there teeteringly.

"What's going on??" Usopp, who watched all this, stared at the scene with wide eyes in disbelief, "Why... the marines came to save Luffy..."

"..." Zoro and Sanji, who were still in a very strange state, also looked at the other side in a depressed state, but for some reason, they vaguely guessed a little reason in their minds.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming frowned and looked at the young sailor, shook his feather fan and said in a deep voice, "Which unit do you belong to?! Why did you disobey the order and save the pirate?"

"..." The sailor turned a deaf ear to it, and just reached out and grabbed the black-handled weapon stuck on the ground. Most of his face was covered by the shadow of the brim of his hat, but he could still see the corners of his lips that were raised with a chuckle.

Yake, who was hidden behind the stone tower not far away, saw who the guy who saved the straw hat kid was, his jaw was about to hit the ground.

Isn't that my good friend Jamie who was standing near me before? ?When did you run out? ? ?And he actually went to attack Lieutenant General Kong Ming? ? ?And also saved the Straw Hat kid? ?What exactly is going on? ?
Also noticing that the person who suddenly appeared was his colleague, many sailors began to talk about it.I don't know if this is another strategy of Lieutenant General Kong Ming, or what's going on? ?
Lieutenant General Kong Ming himself was also a little puzzled, because he didn't know what was going on with the sea soldier. He frowned and looked at the sea soldier. He quickly thought about all the possibilities in his mind, "It's Straw Hat Sea." A member of a gang of thieves?No, not likely.Except for the witch who has been escorted out of here, and a bone and two animals arrested in Mushroom Island, the remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates are all here, and I have never heard of any new members of the Straw Hat Pirates. a member of.It's also unlikely to belong to Foxy the Silver Fox and the others, after all, those guys' IQs still can't think of a way to sneak in...'

"Ahem..." Luffy, who was sitting on the ground, coughed a few times, then raised his head and said, "Thank you..."

The sailor smiled slightly, and reached out to pull out the weapon stuck in the ground.Three silver halberds appeared in everyone's sight, the middle one was the longest, and the two sides were the same length.The silver luster is very dazzling even under a light mist.

"!!!!" Seeing the weapon, Luffy and the people tied to the stone pillar all stared wide-eyed.Just because that familiar weapon belonged to their vice-captain who wasn't here.

Lu Fei stared blankly at the familiar weapon, and said in disbelief, "Encore's... trident..."

"Why... on that sailor..." Robin, who was tied up in the distance, was also very puzzled, but because of Hailoushi, his body became weak, and he even became weak when speaking.

The sailor raised the brim of his hat, put the trident on his shoulders, then turned his head and said with a chuckle. The strange and clear male voice was familiar, "Long time no see~ Captain~~~"

The delicate but resolute face obviously belonged to a man, and the tall and strong figure looked like a man from the top to the bottom, but the eyes were completely different.

The right eye is ordinary black, but the left eye is scarlet like blood, and the pitch-black character 'six' is even more eerie and weird.And the trident leaning on the shoulder looks like Encore's cool weapon from top to bottom...

"Sure enough..." Sauron heaved a sigh of relief. Although his current state was not right, the initial feeling was not wrong.

"Little's a man..." Even eating the useless chaitake mushrooms couldn't offset the lecherous cook's lust, but the current facts directly made him even more depressed than eating the useless chaitake mushrooms.

With a sound of "dang", Usopp, who was overly shocked, slammed his jaw on the ground, staring dumbfounded at the strange male sailor with Encore's left eye and using Encore's exclusive weapon.

"Encore...Miss...??" Robin, who was weak all over, also had a look of disbelief. It's hard to imagine that their deputy captain has become a man after not seeing each other for more than ten hours? ?
However, even though the gender and appearance have been turned upside down, the Straw Hat Captain is still the same person, and after unceremoniously opening his arms and hugging the sailor who is a little taller than himself, he said cheerfully, "Encore~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Long time no see~", Hai Bing smiled and didn't care about his ambiguous actions.

"Okay..." Captain Straw Hat, who was just about to answer, regained his composure, and then sat on the ground limply due to the damp fog again, " gone..."

"Maybe it's because there's too much fog here," Hai Bing said lightly, put his military cap on his back, and looked at his rough hands with a smile, "But because this body is not a devil fruit ability user, So now I don't feel the fog at all, and I didn't even lose my strength when I touched the Hailou Stone before."

The straw hat captain who was sitting on the ground raised his head to look at her, to be precise, he was confused, but more worried, "Why did Encore appear on this sailor? And why did Sauron and the others Didn't you see Encore over there?"

Thinking of what happened during this time, Anke smiled wryly, and said helplessly, "Some troublesome things happened, so I can only temporarily reside on this sailor. Just when I recovered a lot of mental power, I saw Luffy that you were attacked."

Sensing her tiredness keenly, Luffy couldn't help asking, "Why do you feel that Encore you are so tired now?? What happened?!"

"For things that are a little more complicated, let's talk about it after we've dealt with it," Encore twirled his trident, and pointed to his partners in the mist with a smile, "After all, Sauron and the others are still tied there, and Zoro and Sanji are still in a decadent state~~"

Lieutenant General Kong Ming with a dignified face shook his fan to calm down from this unimaginable reality, and then asked a series of questions in a deep voice, "It is said that the witch's devil fruit ability is a crystal of nature, why can you transform into a sea soldier?" ?! And, how on earth did you escape from the warship that held you?? Moreover, you have been suppressed by Hailoushi from the beginning and those inexplicable spells, you have no way to use any ability!"

"You're right, Lieutenant General Kong Ming~" Anke said with a chuckle, the trident in his right hand quickly spun a few times and then fell to the ground, "I really can't use the ability of the devil fruit, And those inexplicable spells also made me very tired, so I just recovered a little bit of energy now."

After a pause, she, or to be precise, he blinked his bloody left eye, "Besides, I don't know how to change shape, and this is not my body. This body is indeed a part of this naval base. I'm just borrowing from a sea soldier~"

"..." Lieutenant General Kong Ming didn't answer immediately, but covered half of his face with a feather fan and was thinking deeply.After all, what happened now is too unimaginable. I watched those people put the unconscious witch's body into the box and take it away with my own eyes. How could it appear here again.And the sailor looked familiar no matter how he looked at it, as if he had seen it not long ago.

Immediately, he moved his eyes to the blood-red left pupil of that sea soldier, frowned and squinted at the text in the red pupil for a while, and then quickly contacted those who were appointed by Lieutenant General He The inexplicable spells used have already obtained vague results.

I'm afraid that red left eye is not something simple, that's why Lieutenant General He is so vigilant and nervous.But I didn't expect that under the supervision of so many experts, the witch could escape.She even left her original body, used the ability of that eye to possess the body of the sea soldier who had touched her before, and then lurked in the sea soldier, waiting for the right opportunity.

After thinking it through a bit, he looked thoughtfully at the unnatural red left eye on the soldier's face, "But, what kind of ability is that?"If it is not suppressed by Hailoushi, it should not be a devil fruit, but why have I never heard of ordinary people's eyes having such magical powers before.And, can she possess anyone she meets? '

However, Lieutenant General Kong Ming didn't notice the bandage on the arm of the sailor on the opposite side, so he couldn't guess that the sailor was possessed by Encore because he was scratched by the trident.

"Hot eggs!!!", Nami's voice suddenly sounded, and a ball of flames flew over.Lieutenant General Kong Ming quickly left from there, after all, he didn't want to be burned by those fires.

"This body can't use crystals, and Xue Lian is not here~" Seeing the approaching flames, Enke puffed his face dissatisfied, and then he clenched the trident with both hands and spun quickly, separating the spiral weapons. the hot flame.

Although this body was many times weaker than her own, it didn't affect her ability to react.Moreover, although the combat power will be weakened many times, it will not be weak enough to be hanged and beaten.

A large number of flames dispersed the fog in the execution ground, and the field of vision suddenly became clear.Remnants of flames burned around the square and gradually died out.

"Everyone!!" Nami jumped in with three knives on her back, looking nervously at her friends who were tied to the stone pillar.But at this time, General Kong Ming, who had jumped onto the nearby stone tower, stretched out his long black sword directly towards Nami who was standing there, and the rapidly extending sharp blade quickly approached her.

"Choke!" After the crisp sound of iron objects colliding, Enke, who suddenly appeared near her, blocked the uninvited long sword with his trident.Lieutenant General Kong Ming frowned slightly, and then the black sword in his hand shortened back to a length of nearly two meters.

"So... what happened..." Usopp and the others who saw this scene in the distance were stunned, unable to believe that the sea soldiers would block Lieutenant General Kong Ming's sword and save Nami.

"Sure enough, the power of a man is very convenient. If it were my body, I wouldn't be able to take such a powerful blow~" Anke said with a chuckle, and with his right hand, he nimbly grasped the trident and swung it back to block it. Nami waved the weather stick.

"Who are you?!" Nami didn't use the electric shock because the guy saved her just now, but she was also vigilant because of the navy suit on the other side.

"Nami, this is too much for your vice-captain!", the sea soldier turned his head and said angrily, with an innocent look on his heterochromatic pupils.

"Boom!" Seeing those eyes, Nami's weather stick fell to the ground, and she was immediately petrified.No matter how unfamiliar that face and figure were, she would never mistake those unique eyes.But what the hell is going on here? ? ?

"Forget it, I won't tease you." Seeing her appearance, Anke shook his head amusedly, then reached out and handed her a bunch of keys, "Now let's put them down first."

Nami stretched out her hand to catch the bunch of keys in a daze, and still can't believe that their cute and weak deputy captain has turned into a man...a man...

Yake behind the stone tower saw his friend as a sailor who not only rescued the pirates but also had a good conversation with them, he couldn't help but stunned and said, "What's the matter with Jamie?!!! Why? Will you ignore the orders of the lieutenant general and run out by yourself??"

The nearby team leader gritted his teeth angrily when he saw that he gave the key to the pirate, "Damn!! Why did that bastard give the key to the pirate??"

Yake, who had regained his composure a little bit, remembered the way Jamie had blocked Lieutenant General Kong Ming's attack just now, and couldn't help being stunned again, "Besides, why does Jamie not only seem to have taken the wrong medicine today? It seems to be hung up??"

"I don't know if it's on or off, but the only thing I know is that there must be something wrong with that guy!" The team leader frowned and looked at Jamie outside, and it was hard to believe the facts in front of him.After all, now it seems that, apart from the same appearance, the momentum and temperament are completely different, as if a different person.

Jamie looked at the tense situation outside, and couldn't help but whispered, "Captain, are we going to help out now? After all, they will soon let go of the pirates who have finally caught after they get the key."

"No, wait..." The team leader looked up at Lieutenant General Kong Ming standing on the stone tower, and found that he had only given instructions to stand by, and then said to the nearby sailors, "Stand by, Stay alert!"

"Yes!" The sailors replied in a super low voice.

At this time, the belated Foxy was also carried by Kang Xiao, and when he saw Luffy sitting there, he immediately shouted, "Hey!! Straw Hat Boy!!!"

Because the fog here has dissipated, Luffy has also become more energetic. He stood up and greeted Foxy with a smile, "Yo, split up~"

Foxy fell silent for a few seconds. After recovering, he immediately took the spear in Kang Xiao's hand and aimed it at the sailor standing near Luffy, "Hey! I say you! Get out of the Straw Hat!"

The sailor just shrugged and walked away a few steps with the trident indifferently.Foxy was still vigilantly pointing the gun at him, but when he suddenly caught sight of Lieutenant General Kong Ming standing on the nearby stone tower, he immediately tensed up, quickly turned around and pointed the gun at him, and said with fear, "Almost Scared me! When did you stand there?!"

Lieutenant General Kong Ming just shook his feather fan and did not answer, thinking quickly about strategies that could efficiently solve the current problem in his mind.Although the development of the situation was far beyond common sense, Lieutenant General He had already given him advice before.Although it was still a little hard to understand, he also confirmed why the Navy Headquarters was so vigilant about that pirate girl with odd-colored eyes.

Holding a gun, Foxy looked at the pillars in the distance, but did not see his partner, and immediately asked loudly, "Where is my partner?!"

"If you have the ability, go find it yourself." Lieutenant General Kong Ming said indifferently. Anyway, although he didn't like those few unknown pirates, since they were pirates, he just caught them.

"You bastard!" Foxy couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and seeing that he didn't move, he handed the gun back to Kang Xiao who was standing aside, since he didn't know how to use a gun anyway, "Kang Xiao, hold the gun and remember to aim at that guy."

"I see!" Kang Xiao nodded, and according to his words, he raised his gun and pointed it at Lieutenant General Kong Ming who was standing above.But no one noticed that Lieutenant General Kong Ming showed a trace of treachery at this moment, but soon covered half of his face with a feather fan.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!!", the long-nosed sniper finally recovered from the cruel fact of 'the cute vice-captain turned into a man', and immediately yelled, "Don't stand there in a daze Ahhh!! We are still tied up here!!! Although it is unbelievable that Anke has become a man! But we can't just let us hang out here!"

"That's right! We need to save Sauron and the others!" Captain Straw Hat snapped back to his senses, and while running towards his companions, he shouted loudly to Nami who was stunned there, "Nami! Hurry up and get the key! !"

"Ah! Yes!", the awakened navigator nodded subconsciously, grasped the key in his hand and picked up the weather stick on the ground, and quickly followed
Just as the two of them rushed towards the person tied there, suddenly there was a "bang!" gunshot, and the bullets fired from behind quickly shot at the unsuspecting Luffy.

The sound of speeding bullets passing through the body was barely visible, but the people who saw this scene opened their eyes wide in disbelief, and cold sweat flowed down.

But Luffy, who was the target, was not injured. When he turned his head suddenly, he saw the sailor who was possessed by Encore covered his left shoulder and sat down on the ground. The trident he was holding in his hand also fell off. fall to the ground.

"Encore!!!", Luffy's heart sank, and he rushed back to help him in a panic, but saw in panic that the white navy shirt had been stained red by the snow.

"Don't worry~", even though his face was covered with cold sweat, he still had a calm smile on his face.After blinking his blood-colored left eye, he smiled and said, "This body belongs to someone else, and my original body is not injured, although it's just a connection of perception..."

"Encore!!" Nami and Usopp in the distance all changed their faces, and it was hard to imagine that the one who was shot would be their deputy captain.Although it was just a body she controlled, it was unimaginable that Encore would be shot anyway.

"Who fired the gun?!", after recovering from his senses, Foxy quickly looked around, only to see the gun in Kang Xiao's hand smoking behind them, and he couldn't help shouting in shock, "Kang Xiao, what are you doing?!! Did you shoot??!"

"This is a counter-covering strategy!" Lieutenant General Kong Ming said triumphantly. Although the person who was shot was not the main target, he was still a troublesome opponent. "Thought it was a companion! So the back became an excellent target! I was lucky enough to survive the trap, and I was lucky enough to see my partner who was still alive! The moment you relax about this is the moment I aim to release my special attack!"

"Tsk!" Seeing that the target person hadn't been hit, Kang Xiao cursed in a low voice, pointed the gun at Luffy again and was about to shoot again, but the finger holding the trigger hadn't moved yet, and the target person already had a murderous look on his face appear in front of oneself.

"!!!!!!", Kang Xiao, who was full of disbelief, stared at the person in front of him with wide eyes. Before he had time to see what happened, he had already flown into the air, and when he hit the ground hard, he had already lost consciousness.

Nami was awakened by the sound of Kang Xiao falling to the ground, and rushed towards the sailor sitting there in a panic.Although she was surprised for a while at first, she suddenly remembered that the sixth ability of Anke's left eye can allow herself to possess others.That is to say, no matter what appearance, that is their mate.

"How are you, Anke?!", Nami nervously supported him, looking anxiously at the muzzle of the gun that was bleeding continuously.

"It's okay, I just suddenly forgot that this body doesn't have the power of a devil fruit, and the ability of the eyes is also restricted~", he said softly, and then stretched out his fingers and pointed to the man who was still tied there but looked worried. Friends, "We are still at the naval base, Nami, let them out quickly. We are surrounded by the navy now."

"But..." Nami looked at him hesitantly, after all his face was turning pale.

"Nami, go and save Sauron and the others first!" The straw hat captain who rushed over said to her in a deep voice, while he stretched out his hand to support the person sitting on the ground.

"Okay..." Seeing the captain coming, Nami was relieved, and quickly rushed towards the stone pillar in the distance with the key.

After An Ke watched her leave, he looked down at the wound on his body.But because this body was not her own, she wasn't too worried.It's just that I didn't expect being shot to be so painful.If I knew that when I possessed this body, I should have compulsively signed a contract with the owner of the body, so that it would be convenient for me to use my eyes.

However, in the final analysis, this body is still too weak.It's fine if the devil fruit can't be transferred, but even the movements are so slow that it's impossible to use the six moves.Moreover, because the consciousness was already weak before escaping, this is the most important reason for being shot.

Luffy was thinking of a way to help him stop the bleeding, but suddenly saw the trident that fell on the ground began to blur, and immediately asked nervously, "What happened to Encore?? Why did your weapon start to disappear?"

"Don't worry, it's just because this body is too weak. If you lose too much blood, it will become very weak." He smiled, then pointed to the bloody left eye, and said helplessly, "And this The power of one eye is also suppressed, and even possessing someone else will be very troublesome."

"Where is Encore's body??" Luffy said anxiously, "I'll find it for you right now!!"

"I don't know... I feel very tired when the soul escapes..." After a weak smile, he began to slowly close the pair of different pupils, and whispered the last words before the consciousness dissipated. In one sentence, "Find me quickly, please...It's so cold...Luffy..."

"!!!!", Lu Fei's pupils shrank, and he stared blankly at the person who was supporting him and closed his eyes.After a while, he just put the sailor back on the ground and lay down. After standing up, he just looked up at Lieutenant General Kong Ming standing on the stone tower.

Over there, Nami has quickly put Usopp and the others down, and after letting the pervert who is depressed due to lack of coke take care of the sluggish green algae head and the blond cook, Nami, Robin and Usopp then Came here quickly.

"What happened to Encore/Miss Encore??", Usopp and Robin hurried over here, but only saw the sailor lying on the ground and passed out.

"Encore, I'm not here..." Luffy said lightly, looked around and then looked at the outer ring mountain in the distance.

"What do you mean not here?" Usopp froze for a moment, then nervously looked at the bleeding but unidentified sailor on the ground, "Is she not on him? Where did she go?"

"Does it mean that the consciousness is not on this sea soldier?" Robin also frowned slightly to look at the sea soldier who fell on the ground, and then looked up at Kong Mingzhong who stood silently on the stone tower but did not give any instructions. Will.

Judging from the experience of being played with by people all day today, the lieutenant general is a very resourceful person, and all his strategies are very shrewd and easy to handle.Although he didn't know why he gathered all the Straw Hat Pirates here at the execution ground this time, the unexpected appearance of Encore must have been unexpected to him.

Robin frowned and looked at Lieutenant General Kong Ming who occasionally shook his feather fan, not knowing what he was thinking.After all, all the captured members of the Straw Hat Pirates are here now, and even the sailor who pretended to be a pirate was beaten away, but Lieutenant General Kong Ming still didn't move, as if he was still planning something like that.

Moreover, there are obviously many ambushes around, and all the captured people have been released, why does he still have no next plan?
And the act of bringing them all here is also very suspicious, like...

It's all about delaying time...

(End of this chapter)

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