Chapter 66
"Is this Kaido's territory? Will an enemy appear randomly?" Chopper held a small wooden stick picked up from the ground and looked around nervously.

"Hmph, if you little brats meet that guy, you will definitely be smashed to pieces!" Prometheus snorted coldly, and was dragged forward reluctantly by Encore, "That guy is the same as mother, he is the Fourth Emperor!"

"Woooooo...I hate fighting..." The white island cloud sobbed for a while, then floated onto Noah's shoulder and stayed quietly.

"?" Noah turned his head suspiciously to look at the little white cloud that had been sticking to him for the past few days, and then quietly followed behind Encore without caring about it.

"..." Dodo looked at him cautiously, and then continued to nest on his shoulder, but she thought worriedly in her heart, [What should I do... Master Blue Whale doesn't seem to remember me at all... What will happen then? Explain to Your Highness...]
"It's so hot..." Unlike the coldness of the open sea, the sultry heat of Wano Country made the furry Chopper hang his head listlessly and follow the girl in front of him.After looking up at the slender figure, it realized something belatedly, "It's strange, Enke, why are you walking by yourself today? Don't you usually feel too lazy to walk?"

"Just a walk," Enke just turned around and smiled, and then walked on.After passing through this lush forest, they saw the scene hidden in the forest.

This should be a village, or rather, it used to be a village.

In the village where no one can be seen, there are dilapidated thatched huts and wooden houses as far as the eye can see. There are only a few dead weeds on the dry land. Messy knife marks and bullet marks can be seen everywhere on the streets and walls. The straw debris occasionally rolls with the dusty wind, but it is already the only life here.

The whole village is like being ransacked by robbers.

"It's so miserable, what happened here..." Qiaoba stared at the desolate scene in a daze, and after suddenly regaining his senses, he hurried into the village to see if there were any injured people who needed a doctor.Although it looks deserted from the outside, maybe some patients are hiding.

Noah looked around, and said lightly that even he didn't know the source of the information, "In the Wano country under the rule of the four emperors and beasts Kaido and the general Orochi, nine out of ten villages were looted. The strong men were taken to work as coolies in the factory, and the old and weak women and children could only go around the capital to pick up the rags thrown by the nobles. Here, if you don’t vassalize the general Orochi, you can’t even survive. And there are several beasts under Kaido’s banner. With supernovas joining, they can be regarded as superior combat effectiveness in Kaido's pirate group."

"I heard Kin'emon-sama say that the situation in Wano Country is very complicated, but now it seems that the word 'complex' is a bit hard to describe." An Ke bent down and picked up a piece that had been cut almost to pieces on the ground. Ragdoll raised his eyebrows and said, "It is probably a big project to take back Wano Kingdom under the hands of the Four Emperors Kaido and the general who doesn't know the details, and let it be established."

"Well, if you want to bring down Lord Kaido just by relying on the Pirate Alliance of Lord Luffy and Lord Luo, it may be a bit beyond the scope of ability."

"If you don't try, how will you know? After all, it's young people's world now." Anke let go of his hand and let the doll in his hand fall to the ground. He looked at the broken and distorted smiling face with a chuckle, " Status, prestige, power, this is what they need now. And their ambition will not let them stop at the title of 'Supernova'."

"What is my sister going to do?" Noah held up Prometheus who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, and looked at the smiling girl quietly.

"Let's wait and see what happens, let's talk about it after we get the information." Anke just smiled, took out the white fan and slowly shook it while walking forward leisurely, "And the Wano Kingdom is an outsider. Hey, it’s okay to make a big fuss~”

"Yes." Noah nodded, looked at the doll on the ground, and then continued to follow her, [It's strange, I feel that someone in my impression likes dolls very much... who the hell...]
Dodo, nestled on his shoulder, looked back at the worn-out rag doll that was getting farther and farther away, and then looked at Noah's calm side face, then hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything.

After searching around carefully, Chopper didn't see anyone here, so he ran back to Anke and told her what he saw.

"It's not surprising. There doesn't seem to be any food here. I think the whole village has moved out." Anke looked around and found no useful information, then continued to move forward, "Let's go ahead and have a look. There are some faint breaths a few miles ahead."

"Okay~", Chopper narrowed his eyes with a smile, and then jumped up and down to follow.

Noah suddenly remembered something, and reminded, "Sister, I think we should find a place to change clothes first. This is Wano Country, and the current clothes are too eye-catching."

"That's right, what we are wearing now is a bit like a fancy dress for Wano Country." Anke looked at the short skirt on his body, and after waving a fan, he transformed into a simple kimono for everyone, "The rest will wait until Let's talk in town."

"But why is the color of my clothes a bit like Kin'emon's suit..." Chopper looked at the kimono on his body, then at the simple blue kimono on Noah, and immediately shouted unfairly with his fangs Said, "Why does Noah's clothes look so refined??"

"I haven't seen many men's kimonos. I'll ask Kin'emon-sama to help you change one after I see you." Anke just smiled, patted the white kimono on his body, and continued walking.

"That's right! Then I must change into a handsome ninja outfit!" Chopper immediately jumped up happily, but it didn't take long before he covered his belly and said with a bulging face, "I'm hungry..."

"Speaking of which, we came to Wano country without eating today," Anke remembered this, closed his left eye, took a fan and cut a small black crack in front, reached in and took out After a while, he took out some dry food and handed it to them, "Eat some first."

"Bread!!" Chopper's eyes lit up, and he took it happily before looking at the gap in Encore, "But what did you hide in Encore? It's like a treasure bag."

"All kinds of things. Gloria gave me a bunch of things when she came last time." Anke took out a small white porcelain bottle before closing the space, opened his left eye and continued walking.

"Is Encore's master? It feels like she cares about you."

Anke rolled her eyes silently, she didn't think that Rabbit cared much about her.Noah looked at the bread in his hand, then at the island clouds on his shoulders and the little sun Prometheus floating nearby, "Do you want to eat?"

"I don't want to eat it!!", Prometheus immediately yelled with his fangs, knowing that the noble one only eats flames.

"Don't be so rude to my brother!" A piece of crystal was thrown from the front, smashing the noble Prometheus to the ground.

Chopper biting the bread looked back at the little sun lying on the ground, and kindly reminded, "It's best to follow up quickly, or Enke will get angry."

Prometheus had fully seen the terror of that Persian cat in the past few days, and after shaking, he quickly flew up.

At this time, the sound of approaching hooves suddenly came from a distance, and not long after, two burly men riding huge lizards appeared in front of them.

However, the two of them seemed to have not noticed the few people in front of them, chatting about the news they just heard, "Speaking of which, you just heard that an intruder came in, right?"

"Yeah, I saw the shadow of a boat, and everyone went to check the situation."

"You have to report the situation to the real person at all times," one of them said, seeing the few people in front, and immediately grabbed the reins to control the lizard's speed, "There is a figure ahead! It may be an intruder, be careful! "

Chopper immediately turned into a giant and walked in front of several people, whispering nervously, "Those don't look like good people, could they be Kaido's subordinates?"

"Who knows." Enke didn't care, raised his left hand to stop Noah who was about to go forward, and knocked the gigantic Chopper back to its original shape with a fan in his right hand, "Noah, don't do it, and Chopper Don't exceed my height."

"Oh...", the aggrieved little reindeer doctor stood obediently near Noah, clutching his hat.

"Hey you guys!!" Two lizards stopped in front of them, and one of them shouted loudly, "It doesn't look like people from here, where did you come from?!"

Encore just looked up into their eyes, smiled and said nothing.

"?" The two men sitting on the lizard froze for a moment. When they saw the girl's blood-red left eye, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. When they were about to say something, they suddenly rolled their eyes and fell off the lizard. Even the two lizards passed out.

"There is no useful information, but I know a village with a little more people." Anke didn't care about the two people and two lizards who fell on the ground, and walked towards the so-called Leaking Village in the information, "Let's go, later Someone else is coming."


(End of this chapter)

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