One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 337 Golden City Vacation Chapter 1

Chapter 337 Golden City Vacation Chapter 1
The world's largest entertainment city "Grand Tesoro" is located on a cruise ship. It is more like a mobile golden kingdom than a cruise ship.At night, the entertainment city made of pure gold emits dazzling light, like a pearl moving on the sea.

The Qianyang arrived near the entertainment city in less than a day, and was almost blinded by the golden light.

When entering the port in the city from the waterway, there is a drizzle of gold powder on the top, real gold powder.Within a few minutes, a thin layer of gold dust had accumulated on the boat.

"Gold powder???? Gold???", Nami's eyes immediately burst into a lot of Bailey, calling everyone to collect gold powder.

"The sea water has become golden," Sauron leaning on the side of the boat looked at the yellow-orange water below.

"I'm going to become a golden cloud~", the golden Zeus happily flew to Nami who was collecting gold powder, "Nami, I brought back a lot of powder."

Robin leaned on the tree trunk, and called out a few hands to gently push the swing, "But Luffy is now the Four Emperors, and the people on this ship really dare to welcome them? We are not afraid that we will rob this ship."

"We're just here to play, it shouldn't be too noticeable." Anke, who was sitting on the swing, kicked his legs lightly, and raised his hand to catch the gold powder falling from the gaps in the leaves, feeling a little thoughtful .

"Isn't it noticeable? It doesn't fit Luffy's character~", Robin covered his lips with a smile, "But as long as the city lord here doesn't do anything too much~"

"Yeah," Anke patted the powder on his body, and smiled lightly, "as long as he keeps himself safe."

"Encore~", the joyful Four Emperors floated over, holding a large handful of gold powder and sprinkled it vigorously, looking eagerly at the girl bathed in the golden rain, "How is it? Does it look good?"

"It's like it's raining," Enke, who was covered in gold powder, just smiled and bent his eyebrows, reaching out to poke his shining face, "Look back~"

"Huh?" The simple straw hat captain looked back, and saw the death-like navigator standing there with a broom.

Luffy, who was terrified, immediately hid behind Encore, pushing the swing for her obediently.

"After we've had enough fun, let's go directly to steal the vault~" Anke smiled and blinked his right eye at the pissed-off navigator, instantly making Nami cheer.

After the boat left the channel into the city, it came to a luxurious and exaggerated open-air performance venue. At this time, Gilder Tezzolo, the lord of the entertainment city, was singing and dancing hotly on the top wearing gold jewelry all over his body. Gold splash.There were occasional deafening cheers from the shadowed spectators all around.

"Hahaha, it's so lively~", Luffy, who has always been restless, didn't run all over the boat excitedly, but stood behind the swing and covered Encore's ears with his hands.

Sanji, who came out with three drinks, saw this, and said to the blue murloc at the helm, "Jinbe, let's go directly to the port."

"Okay." Jinbei didn't bother to ask, and directly turned the rudder to let the ship head towards the direction of the port.

The huge port once again opened the eyes of the pirates, and the spacious golden pier still looked empty with hundreds of expensive ships parked there.

"Wow! The ground is also gold, so luxurious!~", Chopper and Usopp came to the ground first and ran around there, attracting disgusted glances from nearby tourists wearing gold and silver.

"Yohohohoho, I'm a golden bone now, golden bone~", Brooke, whose bones were full of gold dust, shook happily, and a lot of gold dust came out of his exploding head.

"I always feel like I'm going to have a lot of fun tonight!" Franky, who was originally a gangster, was already gearing up, "Get ready to get rich overnight, brothers!"

"Gold gold gold!!!", Nami was already dazzled by the gold eyes.

"Aww, ow~", Baozi cheerfully played with Prometheus, Zeus and Apollo.

After Jinbe dropped the anchor, he said, "Then the old man will stay on the boat and guard, it will be safer."

"We never leave anyone on the boat to watch," Sanji patted him on the shoulder, bent over to pick up the bun and jumped to the shore.

"Anyway, everyone can find the Qianyang, don't worry." Sauron stretched himself, and slowly got off the ship.

Luffy put his straw hat on Encore's head, carefully adjusted it to cover the bandaged left eye, and then happily carried her off the boat, "Hurry up, Jinbe."

Jinbe hesitated for a while, and followed everyone to the ground first. Soon he saw the deputy captain of the Persian cat raised his left hand and pointed at the Qianyang. In the next second, several layers of light appeared around the Qianyang. After a few seconds, she Only then did he let go, and the Thousand Suns didn't seem to have changed in any way.

"The cannonballs can't even explode~", An Ke smiled, and lowered the brim of the straw hat.

"Ah, welcome to the Straw Hat Pirates of the Four Emperors~" A curvaceous red-haired and brown-skinned sexy beauty came over with a twisted and enchanting figure to say hello. She was wearing a seductive close-fitting dress with black Gloves, "Meet you for the first time~"

Sanji, who was attracted by the beauty, immediately turned around and came forward to say hello, "Hi LADY, I am Sanji, the chef of this ship. It is fate to meet you here!~~~"

"You can really talk~" The beauty who is a head taller than Sanji rolled her eyes and introduced herself with a smile, "I am the exclusive VIP receptionist, my name is Bacala~"

"Do you know us?" Luffy looked at the strange beauty suspiciously.

"That's natural. Everyone is a famous pirate now. After a little reading of the news, you will know who the current Four Emperors are~" Baccarat took out a small notebook and flipped through it for them with a smile. "The government , high-ranking officials of the navy, and famous pirates are all recorded on this VIP list~"

"Seeing that the pirates are still so calm, you are quite bold." Robin said with a smile, it seems that this ship hides many interesting secrets.

"This is the largest entertainment city in the world. We pay great attention to cultivating the quality and courage of our employees~" Bacala clapped her hands with a smile, and an expensive white convertible car drove over, "Please, I will take you to the center city~"

"Wow!", the advanced car immediately attracted the attention of Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Franky, and the four kept looking at the car equipped with eight turtles.

"This is a tortoise car, which is the main way of moving here. There are eight rare muscular tortoises here~", Bacala introduced briefly with a smile, and after a tortoise opened the car door, it faced the four opposite sofas in the car With an inviting gesture, "Then everyone, please get in the car~"

Luffy, who had jumped to the front of the car and sat down, quickly got down again, excitedly pulling his deputy captain to sit on the sofa at the front, "Hurry up, everyone, our goal is the entertainment city~"

"Yes, yes," the others got into the car and sat down one by one, only to find that all of them were seated just right, even the big Franky and Jinbe didn't feel crowded.

"There is a small refrigerator near the sofa, please drink the drinks in it~" Bacala sat in the driver's cab and started the car with a twist of the golden key.The muscular tortoise shivered when the electric current ran through its body, and immediately shook the lever desperately to provide power.

The speed of the car is not too fast, allowing everyone to enjoy the magnificent scenery around them.

Everywhere you look is a piece of gold, and it is a bit boring after watching it for a long time.

"Come on, let's all have a smile~" Anke raised the camera in his hand to the partners who were amazed opposite him, and pressed the shutter on the partners with funny expressions and the captain who stretched his head over.

"I'll take pictures, I'll take pictures~", Luffy took the camera over, stretched his arms cheerfully and pressed the shutter from all angles.

Anke smiled cooperatively at the camera, and in the next second, a white rose appeared and pointed at Sauron, "Put down the wine."

"Yes..." Sauron put the wine back with a bitter face, and took out a bottle of Coke bitterly.

"Hey~", Doctor Xiaochuan was very happy, because someone could treat those disobedient patients.

"Hahaha, don't just think about drinking in the dreamland," Usopp was still looking at the surrounding scenery curiously, calling out to the three homias flying above from time to time, "Zeus, Prometheus, Apollo , don't fall behind!"

"Don't worry, we will find you~", the three homias laughed, and soon they flew to nowhere.

"I hope those three little gentlemen don't get lost, because the boat is ten kilometers long." Bacala, who was driving, didn't care, and smiled cooperatively when she saw the camera facing her.

"ten kilometers??"

"Yes, there are shopping malls, restaurants, etc. in the city, and of course there are various facilities such as casinos, amusement pools, aquariums, theaters, etc. This huge ship has its own country and is an independent country recognized by the world government. Bow Pulled by a huge sailing turtle, it is not affected by ocean currents and sea winds, and can reach any sea area in the world." The car is about to pass through a tunnel, and Baccarat introduces with a responsible smile, "Next, we will enter the advanced area~ "

After passing through the tunnel, there are taller and bigger skyscrapers, brighter lights, and eyes full of gold.

The luxurious and extravagant style made many members of the Straw Hat Pirates dumbfounded. Looking at the high-rise buildings in the past, they are all golden.

"The King Tesoro of this Grand Tesoro loves gold very much. He collected gold from all over the world and built such a fantastic city on this ship.".Baccarat introduced it with a smile, while the giant screen in the high-rise building also played the influence of Tezolo singing and dancing covered in gold jewelry.

['I'm a rich man' is written all over the body, very suitable for being robbed. ], Encore raised his camera and photographed the future robbery victim.

"That's amazing, is he rich?" Captain Straw Hat has no concept of rich or not, and simply thinks that the city full of gold is cool.

"That's natural~" Baccarat probably heard such a question for the first time, "Master Tezolo is recognized as the strongest king of amusement parks in the world. He is not only an entertainer on the stage, but also a The king of a country is so dreamy~"

Not many people in the car listened to her, and Usopp stared at the golden road signs on the side of the golden road with glowing eyes, "Just steal one and you can get a lot of money, right?"

"From just now, my blood of thieves has started to boil~", Nami's eyes never left those golden signposts.

"That's not okay, please look over there~" Bacala, who was driving, stopped the pirates' crime in time, and smiled and motioned them to look at the roadside trees, "Video phone bugs are set up in every corner of the city, If anyone who steals or destroys is found, he will be imprisoned in an underground prison according to the city's regulations. Please pay attention~"

Anke looked at the dense video phone bugs, and continued to play with the camera in his hand without paying much attention.

Luffy raised his hand and pressed the straw hat on her head that was blown by the wind, and asked Bacala in the driver's seat with a smile, "How long will it take to arrive at the amusement park~"

"It will be soon, but before that~" Baccarat turned the steering wheel and parked the car in front of an exquisite and expensive clothing store, and smiled and posed an inviting gesture to the store, "First, please change your clothes to suit you." Clothes for the amusement park~don’t worry about the price~”


(End of this chapter)

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