Chapter 29

At this time, the Qianyang was already approaching the fleet of GERMA66. Seeing the approach of the pirate ship, several phone bug ships also came to cover them and buy time for their escape.

"Germa is actually covering them?" Smoothie gritted her teeth slightly, she thought these guys would blow up the pirate ship easily.

"Don't worry about GERMMA! They are now at war with the fleet at the port," Daifuku said in a deep voice, and shouted to his men who were about to counterattack, "Aim at the straw hat boy's ship!"

"Yes!" The subordinates who originally planned to counterattack immediately adjusted the target of the fort, aimed at the straw hat boy's boat, and continued to fire.

And several black telephone bug boats sailed over, and the soldiers who had undergone rigorous training easily hit the egg tart boat in the distance.Smoothie, who didn't want to waste time confronting them head-on, asked the fleet to avoid the phone bug ships, go around from the side and continue to chase the Straw Hat Boys.

And because of GERMA's helping hand, the people on Qianyang were also able to breathe a sigh of relief.

The main ship of GERMA is hundreds of times larger than the Qianyang. When the Qianyang passes by the main ship, it is like a comparison between a table tennis ball and a basketball.

Sanji, who was standing at the bow of the ship, biting a cigarette, lowered his head slightly, his slightly long bangs covered his eyes, but his tense face and hazy expression could also be seen.

He knew that the guy who was his father by blood was standing there, but he didn't want to look up and see the guy's face at all.

Facing the increasingly urgent pursuit, Anke still had no intention of making a move. He continued to spin the trident with his right hand from time to time, while raising his left hand at the same time, and a few crystals floated out of his white palm.The transparent crystals are barely visible, and disappear into the air after melting into the floating bubbles.

Anke looked at the transparent prismatic crystal in his palm, but couldn't help but frowned slightly, [You need to be a little more careful, after all, this is the domain of the Four Emperors BIGMOM, and making too much noise is not acceptable. ]
Gloria, who was in a state of invisibility, floated down from the sky, grabbed the bun while looking at the crystal floating out of her hand, couldn't help tilting her head slightly and asked, "Didn't you practice this trick well?"

"It's a rare opportunity, I just want to try it~" Anke blinked his different pupils, and then looked at Baozi who was ravaged and listless, "Be merciful to my pet, Gloria. That's Sauron Give it to me."

"Isn't this still alive~" Gloria spun around again out of thin air, then reached out to poke the crystal floating out of her palm, her blood-red eyes looked at the densely packed egg tart boats in the distance, "However, let's use it for practice Just right~"

"It's you anyway~" Anke blinked his bloody left eye slyly, and said every word with an innocent face, "Master~~"

"!!", Gloria, who had never been able to knock out this name from her mouth, couldn't help but petrified when she heard this, and reached out and tapped her forehead angrily in the next second, "Who taught you?! Became so cunning!"

"You~", Anke stuck out his tongue, and then continued to concentrate on making bubbles and crystals.

"Really," Gloria curled her lips, circled around her a few times before stopping behind her, with her back turned to look at the countless enemies behind her, but the corners of her lips slightly raised.

It's rare that all of my arrogant apprentices have spoken, so I just do a little help.

And on the main ship of GERMA, Qiangzhi was standing on the city wall, staring sullenly at the Qianyang passing below, to be precise, at Sanji who hadn't raised his head.

When looking at the scarred and bandaged Luffy on the bow of the ship, Qiang Zhi gritted his teeth hard, and finally couldn't help shouting, "What is that guy! Straw hat boy Luffy!!"

"?", Lu Fei, who was so tired that he fell asleep, was awakened by him, and looked up at Qiangzhi above him in doubt.

Looking at the boy who dared to rush into the territory of the Four Emperors in order to bring back a person, Qiang Zhi had no idea what was going on in this guy's mind, "Here is the Four Emperors who once stepped in and couldn't get out again." Emperor BIGMOM's sea area! Did you risk your life just to bring him back?!"

Looking at Sanji who never looked up at him, Qiangzhi felt a wave of anger soaring, remembering Sanji's ineffective appearance when he was a child, and shouted angrily, "Sanji is a failure of GERMA! Skin You won't be a shield, but you'll be a cook! There's no dignity like the Wang family!"

Regarding his angry words, Luffy nodded in agreement, "Yeah."

"Being distracted by boring feelings, risking his life for the weak, his spirit is still very fragile! As a soldier, he is too incomplete, he is a waste!!! This is that man!!", once talking about Sanji Qiang Zhi pointed out more than a dozen points almost at once, without repetition.

"..." Hearing the same evaluation as when he was a child again, Sanji clenched the cigarette in his mouth tightly, breathing slightly heavily but trying to keep calm.

Luffy blinked, just smiled brightly and waved his hand, "Goodbye! Thank you for covering!!"

"What are you talking about!!" Qiang Zhi couldn't help but yelled at his forced change of subject. If it wasn't for the fact that he was fighting with the BIGMOM pirates, he promised to blast the rubber with a cannon. Check your head to see what is going on inside.

Luffy lay back on the ground again, exhaled and said, "I was scared to death, why did that guy suddenly talk about all your good points..."

"What!!" Sanji, who was in a complicated mood, almost choked on the smoke when he heard his captain's sudden arrival, and shouted angrily, "That guy didn't mean that at all!!"

"Huh??", Carlot and Chopper also thought like Luffy, but they were confused when they saw Sanji's angry look.According to their understanding, what Lu Fei said was correct, that fierce man was indeed praising Sanji...

And Jinbei was directly amused by their silly looks, "Hahahahahaha! You are so amazing!!"

"You guys..." Nami shook her head amusedly, and sure enough a single cell is a single cell.

"?" Encore, who was standing at the top, glanced at Qiangzhi who was still furious, and then turned his head to look at Coco Island, which had begun to burn in the distance. After narrowing his eyes, he just chuckled and said, "After all, What about Sanji's family?"

"It's not my family!! You bastard!!" Sanji, who was extremely sensitive to this word, immediately raised his fangs and roared, regardless of who was speaking.

In the next instant, the entire Qianyang Ship fell silent, only the sound of the shells fired from behind 'bang bang bang bang' and then exploded 'bang bang bang'.

"!!!", when Sanji came back to his senses and saw the vice-captain above who was smiling sweeter and greasy, he was so frightened that he petrified.

Nami, who has seen her wayward countless times, silently stayed away from Sanji who was petrified there, and even Jinbei, who was at the helm, couldn't help breaking out a few drops of cold sweat nervously.

"Aha, bastard~~", Anke raised the trident in his hand with a smile, and pointed at Sanji below without politeness.

"Wow!!!" When he suddenly saw his old friend who had been practicing for two years, Sanji immediately started to howl, and the shrill screams even scared Qiangzhi on the main ship in the distance.

"!!" Jinbe stared dumbfounded at Sanji's ghost-like expression, who was almost foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground twitching, not knowing what happened to him.

Brook cautiously backed up to the rudder, and said to him in a low voice, "I remind you in advance, don't offend Miss Anke if you offend anyone. She is super capricious... Aww!!!"

After a wolf howl, another white bone fell down at the bow of the ship.

The blue murloc blinked, looked at the two friendly soldiers who were lying on the ground, and then at the enemy army who was getting closer behind him, and decided to help his own people transfer the anger of a certain wayward cat to the enemy behind.

[Let the old man think about what is the most likely thing for the little baby to get angry...], amidst the roar of artillery fire, the blue murloc pointed to the countless fleets behind, and said without blushing, "Little baby, Smoothie Said you were short."

"!!!", Anke's body froze, and slowly turned to look at Smoothie on the rear fleet, and found that he seemed to be not as long as that guy's legs. (Smoogee is 464cm tall and seems to be a long-legged family. Encore's current height is barely around 168bm.)
And Smoothie didn't know that Jinbe had blamed himself, and when he saw the Qianyang that started to enter his attack range, he just sneered, "It's time to solve it, it's really troublesome to chase after it!"

The next second, she pulled out her long sword and thrust it directly into a nearby subordinate. The moisture from that man's body was immediately absorbed into her body along the long sword, and her originally tall body became even bigger.The man who had been sucked of water fell down like a mummy.

"S...Master Smoothie!!" Seeing that she did not spare even her subordinates, the people around immediately wanted to escape, but a few of them were still killed.

"The water is not enough," Smoothie absorbed the water of seven or eight people in a row, and his height became nearly ten meters, almost equal to the mainmast.

"Grow... grow taller...", Enke, who watched her height soar, was directly petrified. Before, she was not as tall as her legs, but now she is probably not as tall as her palms, right? ? ?
But the other people on the Qianyang felt the gloomy murderous aura, and their surprise at Smoothie growing taller turned into sympathy for her in an instant, and they could only hope that the three generals would not be spoiled by that cat.

"Hahahaha... I've grown taller~~~", Anke suddenly smiled brightly, but the number of crystals floating out of his left hand kept increasing.

"Calm down, calm down!!" Gloria on the side immediately stopped her urge to fly over to settle the score, and dispelled a lot of crystals angrily, "If there are so many, those guys will die."

"Excessive!", the angry cat didn't care what he was going to do now, waved the trident and directly used illusion to create a large amount of sea water to submerge Smoothie.

Smoothie, who was about to slash, was drenched in sea water. Although it was an illusion, it also made her lose face in front of her subordinates.

"Damn witch!!" Smoothie gritted his teeth fiercely, the long sword in his hand had just been raised, but suddenly fell out of his hand in the next second and fell to the ground.

"!!!", Smoothie's pupils shrank, and when she gritted her teeth and looked ahead, her body froze suddenly, and after a while, her body returned to its original state.

"Master Smoothie?" The subordinates around didn't know what happened to her, they only saw that she just bent down to pick up the long sword on the ground, and then pointed at Qianyang in front, "Keep chasing!"

"Ah... yes!", although they didn't know what was going on, the subordinates could only follow her words and continue to chase Qianyang while firing.

"That guy returned to normal before he made a move. What's going on?" Nami was also shocked, and when she looked towards Encore, she found that the cat was still angrily moving towards Si Muji was waving a trident, while the smiling Gloria stopped her while holding a bun

"Huh?" Anke, who felt something, also calmed down. When she looked forward, she saw countless egg tart boats emerging from the sea fog ahead. After a light smile, she just narrowed her different pupils slightly. "Finally here~"

When the people at the bow saw the densely packed egg tart boats ahead, they couldn't help screaming.At the rear is the fleet of the three generals, Smoothie, and in front is the large fleet that completely blocks the exit, plus Cocoa Island, which is fighting fiercely on the left, and the enemy fleet that is beginning to circle around on the right. At this moment, the Qianyang, together with the The nearby GERMA fleet was undoubtedly completely surrounded.

"What should I do?! I'm going to be pinched again!" Nami anxiously looked around, but couldn't find a gap for a pair of pants to escape. "Now there is no coke on board, and wind blasting is no longer possible!"

"All of them are paddle steamers!!", Brook couldn't help screaming, "And this number is too scary!!"

"Have you entered the attack range yet?" There are a large number of shells attacking from front to back, left, and right. Even if Jinbei's steering skills are good, it is difficult to avoid them. Fortunately, Kailuote and Chopper continue to strengthen the barrier on the ship, but Obviously, this is not a long-term solution.

"Wow~It's scary~", Encore symbolically sighed, estimating the location and range of the entire enemy fleet.

"Don't just say scary things with your mouth, witch!!" The demon controlled by Daifuku had arrived at the sky above Qianyang at some point, swung a huge long knife and directly chopped down, "Devil cut !!!”

The seemingly fragile barrier accidentally blocked the blow, but the Qianyang also drifted a little to the other side uncontrollably. Jinbe grabbed the side of the ship to stabilize the ship, and he had sensed the surrounding surroundings with his sense of domineering Countless shells have formed a big net that we cannot escape.

"Why can't we let us leave here smoothly?" Anke frowned slightly, and when the demon swung his knife again, he suddenly jumped out of the barrier, and the trident in his right hand turned flexibly, sharp After avoiding the blade, the tip of the halberd was firmly inserted into the strong body of the knife.

Compared with the huge size of the devil, the trident is the size of a toothpick, and the attack power is not strong, but from the place where the trident touches, the blade quickly turns into a transparent crystal, and even begins to shatter quickly dissipate.

"What's going on!" Dafu, who was controlling the demon from a distance, saw this, and immediately rubbed his belt to call the demon back, "Come back, the demon!"

"Yes master!!", when the long knife in his hand completely turned into a crystal, the demon could only throw away his weapon, and then returned to his belt.

"Thank you a little bit for my subordinates' mercy, otherwise you could even turn into a crystal by the way~" Anke snorted softly and returned to stand on the mainmast. Even a demon is taller than her these days, it's too much!
"Sink them all in one go! That barrier won't last long!" Smoothie ordered loudly, watching the barrier begin to appear faint cracks proudly.

"Damn it! I managed to escape here!" Jinbei gritted his teeth fiercely, then looked back at Enke who was still standing firmly on the top amidst the turmoil, "Little baby! If you don't make a move, the boat will sink! !"

"It's okay, it's not time yet." Anke just waved his hand, still spinning the trident slowly from time to time.

"Time?" Upon hearing this word, the people below looked at each other, not knowing what else she was planning to do in such an emergency.

"Anyway, the shells won't blow up on the ship, you just keep driving towards the exit~" Gloria waved her hands indifferently. Anyway, they didn't pay attention to the siege and attack.

Although Carlot didn't know what she was going to do, she still worked hard to support the barrier, and said, "It's okay, Mrs. Encore! I won't let this barrier be destroyed!"

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly descended from the sky into the fleet in front of the Qianyang. When it fell into the sea, it was like a meteorite and set off a turbulent sea. It was not as big as the egg tart boat with his fist. They were all blown away with the waves:

"Those who trouble the boss are unforgivable!!"

A loud but somewhat silly voice sounded along with the sound of the waves. Before the sea that was constantly surging had calmed down, the person who came came beat the surface of the sea a few more times, and the encirclement that had firmly trapped the Qianyang appeared immediately. A huge gap.

"See you in Mianjin!!!", Jinbe opened his mouth wide in shock when he recognized the guy in front who could swallow the Qianyang in one gulp.He remembered telling them all to retreat before the wedding!Why is Mitsumi still here?

"Could it be?!", after suddenly thinking of this possibility, Jinbei let go of the rudder and was about to jump directly into the sea, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Master Jinbe." The Persian cat's indifferent words came from above, but the impatient Jinbe suddenly stopped and looked.

Under the bright and flawless moonlight, the girl with a shallow smile only smiled with crooked eyebrows, and there was only a faint smile in her blood-colored left eye and violet-like right eye.

Raising her slender and white left hand, pieces of crystal clear crystals appeared and disappeared, but she just smiled lightly and said, "Please tell your companions, when you feel my signal, please come to the vicinity of Qianyang ~"

"Hmm! Okay!" Although he didn't know what she was going to do, Jinbe nodded and jumped into the sea.Mitsumi, who fell from the sky, also dived into the sea, and the sea surface that had caused waves began to calm down, but the overturned ship was still floating on the sea surface in embarrassment, and the fallen pirates were also floating in the sea water .

Brook, who was near the rudder, also quickly grabbed the rudder to prevent the ship from being washed into the enemy's attack range by the current.

Seeing that the gap created by Mianjin hadn't been filled by the egg tart boat, Nami immediately shouted, "There is a gap in the encirclement! Leave now before they regroup!"

"Yes!", Brook nodded vigorously, and with a turn of the rudder, the Thousand Suns sailed towards the gap in the distance.

[about there. ], Encore looked at the last piece of crystal that floated from his palm and disappeared into the air, looked at the gap in front that was beginning to be surrounded by egg tart boats, and then looked back at Smoothie who was still chasing after him .

The shelling was still going on, and they fell into the sea roaring and then blasted several meters of spray. Many were lucky enough to reach the Qianyang, but they were also blocked by the barrier.The gunpowder smoke from the shell explosion appeared and dissipated in the barrier, and the cracks in the barrier were filled within a few seconds.

Facing the heavy pursuit of the BIGMOM pirates, even with the help of Germa, it is almost impossible for the Qianyang to escape from Wan Guoli.

"What should we do now?" Chopper looked nervously at the continuous shells and countless fleets around him, not knowing how to escape from the encirclement.

"The number of these fleets is not a joke at all!", Sanji also didn't know how to escape here safely, and then noticed the two HOMIAS tied to the bow, "And why are these two things so familiar?? "

"Miss Anke's booty, she will use it to play with later!" Brooke took the time to answer, and then concentrated on sailing the boat to avoid those shells as much as possible.

"Battle... loot??" Sanji was so surprised that he almost dropped his pipe. What happened when he was not on the boat?Even the two homias of BIGMOM were taken hostage? ?

"It looks cute, so I'll keep it." Anke replied lightly. After hooking his fingers, the rope that tied Prometheus broke, and the little sun, who was full of reluctance, uncontrollably Floating towards her, "I'll use it to practice later~"

(End of this chapter)

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