One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 277 Death Game 3

Chapter 277 Death Game 3
"Give me the antibody! I'm about to lose my mind!!" Some people with half of their bodies turned into ice ghosts rushed towards the antibody in despair, like a drowning person, rushing towards the only life-saving straw .

"I'm a doctor! Heal the wounded and save the dead, regardless of the enemy!", Chopper explained loudly impatiently, and when he almost encountered an infected person, he was pulled by his hat and taken to a safe place.

"As a doctor, you can't be the first to fall down. Leave it to me." After letting the anxious little reindeer take care of himself, Ace nimbly avoided the infected and ran towards the antibody.

"Got it!", there was a cheer, and a snow-white pirate took advantage of the chaos and immediately unscrewed the antibody and took a big gulp.

Before everyone's desperate cries could be heard, the pirate suddenly uttered an extremely shrill scream, and the pain of the voice made everyone who heard it shiver.

Not only that, yellow-green spots began to spread on the pirate who drank the 'unique antibody', and at the same time, he was emitting hot air.

"It's so hot! It's so cold! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss" The pirate rolled all over the ground in pain, his desperate hands kept pulling at the white ice and green spots on his body, and after rolling a few times, his whole body fell Twitching, foaming at the mouth, rolling the eyes and losing breath.

"!!!", the people who were crazily snatching the antibody subconsciously pulled away when he screamed, staring at the pirate with bloodshot eyes and dying of pain after drinking the 'antibody'.

"Hahahahaha!!!", Quinn got a bazooka at some point in his hand, and when he saw the despair and disbelief on the faces of those people, he almost laughed so hard that his stomach ached. He took the microphone and shouted , "How could I possibly give you the real antibodies?! Idiots! How does it feel to watch the bubble of hope finally burst? Idiots!! Hahahahahaha!!!"

"..." The distressed people looked desperately at the laughing Quinn on the second floor, and a few pirates who were still unwilling to give up asked loudly with luck, "Master Quinn! We are all beasts The pirates! Aren’t we companions?! Why are we infected with the virus??”

"Who cares about you? It's your last meaning to perform a comedy that makes me happy with your life." Quinn mocked with a cigar in his mouth, fiddling with the bazooka in his hand and preparing to send them another plague bomb.But soon his chubby body dodged back suddenly, avoiding the bird claws that tore the bazooka in two.

But as soon as he dodged back, he just met the fist from the left, and the scorching heat even made Quinn let out a short scream.After quickly backing away, Quinn clenched his cigar and looked at the two guys who appeared in front of him.Because of other concerns, he didn't immediately change into the dinosaur form.

Marko looked back at the dense crowd of people who had become desperate because of the virus. He waved his wings and soared into the air. In the blink of an eye, the beautiful and graceful light blue companions slanted down like a tsunami, "Pineapple gravel!"

But the healing flames did not fall on the patients, but rushed toward a passage on the second floor. The flames kept shrinking around a center, and soon turned into a ball of rolling fire the size of a basketball.

"What's going on?!", Marco didn't know why his flame was out of control, but soon he felt a strong sense of oppression approaching, "BIGMOM?"

"Well, what a beautiful flame~~", BIGMOM's unique laughter sounded, and after a while she stood on Baiyun Hera and appeared on the stage, holding the blue flame in her hands full of gemstones and giving it life. Throwing it forward, "Your name should be Apollo~~"

"Yes, Mom~",
The flame ball grows short and fat wings and bird claws, and there is a bright yellow dull hair on the small head, and the tail is three short yellow tail feathers that resemble beads, and the black eyes are slick, and the whole body is round and round. The appearance looks very simple and honest and cute.

"It's really good to get a powerful homias, but Prometheus, you're so free and easy to betray~", BIGMOM smiled horribly, grabbed the Napoleon sword with both hands and wrapped it with strong domineering, and then moved towards the stick without hesitation. Prometheus waved on Ace, "Weiguo!"

With the blessing of armed domineering, the already terrifying slash became even more terrifying, and the air was even distorted and made the sound of breaking wind.The unstoppable slash passed from the second floor, directly piercing through half of the house before rushing out from the other end. After a while, the sound of explosions could even be heard from a distance.

The pothole that penetrated half of the mountain allows people to see the sky outside at a glance from the main stage in the middle of the house. The sparsely fallen brick and stone modules are all scorched black, which is the damage caused by BIGMOM's attack just now one.

Quinn, who was unfortunately attacking nearby at that time, narrowly escaped, but the aftermath of that slash still made him tremble with fear. After confirming that there was no danger, he couldn't help pointing at BIGMOM and yelling with cold sweat on his face. , "Hey! Old woman, watch out! This is Brother Kaidou's place, if you break it, will you pay for it?"

"Well, what's the matter? The Straw Hat Boys haven't made a fuss yet, and by then your ghost island will be smashed to pieces like the wedding cake I expected!" BIGMOM didn't care much, eyes When he caught sight of Prometheus, his anger erupted like a volcano again, "Prometheus! Are you sure you want me to clean you up?! Why don't you hurry back?!"

Prometheus, who was at the center of the attack, was almost cut to pieces just now, but was fortunately carried away by Ace.Now, when faced with BIGMOM's anger, he trembled even more, but he still hid behind Ace and drew a clear line, "I don't want it! I'm the eldest lady's pet now!"

"!!!", BIGMOM's distorted expression was completely dark, but fortunately, her reason is still clear, and she knows why Prometheus became what it is today.After gritting her teeth for a while, she gave Quinn a vicious look, "Where's the witch?!"

Even though he is a big signboard, Quinn was also frightened by BIGMOM's gaze, so he quickly communicated with Mary Army, who was monitoring the whole island, and pointed out the location of the witch, "She is in the southwest of the third floor!!"

"Kill her, and Prometheus and Zeus will return to normal!" BIGMOM gritted his teeth, driving Baiyun Hera to fly to the place indicated by Quinn.

"Flame-Liuhuo!", the flames falling from the sky blocked the front of BIGMOM like a waterfall, and Baiyun Hera, who was afraid of the flames, stopped immediately.

BIGMOM raised his fist to block the fist coming from the flames, and looked at the young guy who dared to block the way with a smirk, "It seems that you have died once and you haven't learned how to behave! Ace!"

"I cherish this life very much now! Because too many people want me to live!", Ace tried his best to block BIGMOM's fist bigger than him, and landed on Prometheus who turned into a big fire Sri, "I can't let you leave here to find Encore."

"Then you have a try!!", BIGMOM roared, gripped the Napoleon knife tightly and slashed at him, but the blade was tightly wrapped by the magnificent blue flame.

Marco, who flew up from the bottom up, kicked the knife away, and when he turned around, the flames completely enveloped BIGMOM's mount Hera.

"Flame flame~~", the newly born homias Apollo waved his short and fat wings, but flew over at an extremely fast speed that did not match the frequency of wings, and trapped Hera within two or three seconds The flames of the phoenix are absorbed cleanly.

"Thank you, junior~", Hera blinked her right eye with long eyelashes at it, and continued to fight with BIGMOM seriously.

In the distance, Perospero, who was watching the battle, watched BIGMOM fighting with the two fires in amazement, but he didn't mean to help at all, "This is really scary~"

In the constant "rumbling" shaking, the entire ghost island shook, and the shaking of the ground caused many people to stagger and fall to the ground. At the same time, the potholes on the ceiling began to smash Under intermittent gravel tiles.

Hera carried BIGMOM into mid-air far away from the enemy, and BIGMOM looked up at the moving sky outside the hole in the ceiling while being wary of them. Knowing a lot of facts, she just grinned, "I'm really impatient, but pick things first Is it the witch's little pet?"

"Should we let the island of ghosts fly to Huadu now?" Quinn, who also knew the plan, was also a little surprised, but he quickly remembered that the witch said an hour ago that he would sink the island of ghosts, and that time There is a giant snake similar to the ghost island hovering in the waters of the ghost island.

At this time, the east side of Oni Island was hit, and the huge island began to tilt down to the west.The sloping ground made the combatants slide along the ground, but their fighting weapons did not stop at all.

In the chaos, the flames of war were still raging, but everyone didn't know why the terrain changed.When Ghost Island had tilted to nearly 40 degrees, it stabilized in a shock, and quickly rose to a high altitude when most people didn't notice it.

Many people have already noticed that the situation has become more serious. Kaido’s voice suddenly sounded in the island’s communication system. He was impatiently waiting on the roof and directly provoked with a little drunkenness, “Every little bastard! Don’t you guys want to take Lao Tzu’s head?! Hurry up to the roof hahaha!!”


(End of this chapter)

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