One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 179 Chaos in Raksha Village Prison

Chapter 179 Chaos in Raksha Village Prison
"It's all trash!! Give them all! If you catch them, you will be rewarded!!", the big snake that was about to go mad roared angrily, but he didn't dare to go forward because of being overly vigilant, especially when he saw those Blackened officers and soldiers.

"Heh," Hiyori just smiled, then glanced down at the two supernovas below, "You two, don't you want to fight?"

"Our target is not you and the uncle above," Hawkins said lightly, still guarding around Nami tightly, waiting for the pirates who would appear at any time.

"Really? The concubine will take Ieyasu-sama away first~", Hua Kui chuckled, and then turned her head to avoid a bullet shot from behind.

"Don't think that this is a place where you can come and go whenever you want!" The warden with a wooden face said blankly, and pointed the gun in his hand at Yasushi Tono who was still tied there.

"I..." Just as Rihe was about to say something, suddenly a slash flew over from a distance, not only splitting the fence blocking there, but also cutting off the high torture frame erected there .

"Are you here?!" Hawkins and Drake immediately became vigilant, and Luo and Sanji, who were hiding in the dark, were also ready to rush out at any time.

The toppled execution frame did not frighten the beautiful day, she just pursed her lips slightly, and when the next attack came, she directly kicked away Tono Yasushi who was still tied to the execution frame, while she turned over to avoid The sharp edge that is close at hand.

"Hahaha!!!", Yasushi Tono could only laugh while spinning and flying out, and finally the half of the execution frame was stuck on the nearby roof before it stabilized.

"Who?!! Who is it?!", Big Snake, who was also taken aback, immediately snatched back into the sedan chair and looked around nervously.

Hiyori, who had just landed on the ground, turned sideways to avoid a knife stabbing from the right. The dark black lines on the knife were very familiar, especially when she caught a glimpse of the familiar green in the corner of her eyes, even she couldn't help it. Feeling shocked and disbelieving.

After she stabilized her mind, she quickly distanced herself and backed away to the window where the prisoners were closed before stopping.

Almost all the prisons in Luocha Village now hold prisoners with anti-crescent tattoos, and the exhibition windows used for public display isolate the prisoners from the temporary execution ground.

The prisoners who had recovered from the shock just now saw clearly the two knives she was carrying behind her back. The sudden round eyes and shocked expressions also showed that they recognized the true identities of the two knives.

One is Qiushui, a long-lost national treasure of Wano Country, and the other is Kozuki Oden's famous saber.

At this time, seeing her surrounded by Orochi and those pirates, the prisoners hurriedly said, "Princess Hiyori! Get out of here quickly! This is Orochi's territory! His men must be rushing here!"

"Although I'm not a warrior, I won't run away from battle." She just smiled lightly, turned her head and blinked her eyes, and then looked seriously at the person who suddenly appeared again.

The person who appeared here with the knife looked around suspiciously, and then saw Nami who was tied there, and suddenly said with a surprised expression, "Nami?! Why are you here?!"

"Nonsense! How long have I been arrested!", Nami, who had been tied up for a long time, couldn't help but yelled with her fangs, and seeing his bewildered expression, she couldn't help shouting angrily, "And just now You did the oiran's slash, right?! Didn't you hear what I said just now? If you want to slash, you have to slash that wretched general!"

"What..." The swordsman with the green algae head who suddenly appeared here was a little overwhelmed. After looking at the vigilant Hawkins and Drake nearby, his face immediately sank.

"Don't be dazed, put Xia Qi and me down first and then talk about... Zoro!!", Nami originally wanted to let her help cut off the binding ropes, but the next moment she saw that the expression was full of murderous intent. The swordsman passed over everyone standing there, and rushed towards Hiyori standing there with his sword in hand.

Standing there, Hiyori remained motionless as if frightened, staring straight at the knife stabbing towards him.

The prisoners standing behind the railing behind her watched with wide eyes in disbelief as a ferocious ronin warrior stabbed her with a knife. The extremely sharp knife never penetrated her long hair, and directly pierced through the solid iron. railing.

The long loose hair of the oiran obscured their view, but judging from where the knife pierced, there was no doubt that it was her fragile neck.

Most of the prisoners are samurai who used to follow Oden, and now it is hard to see that the blood of the Kozuki clan is still alive, but the hope they just picked up is shattered in the blink of an eye, "Princess!!!"

The fear of the blade brushing past her neck didn't move Hiyori's beautiful face at all. Leaning on the exhibition window, she even smiled leisurely, squinting her eyes and staring at the one-eyed swordsman with a blank face. With an expressive face, "You seem to have gone to a very interesting place~ Did you see anything interesting?"

And the people outside couldn't see it very clearly. The green-haired swordsman's strong body almost completely blocked the petite figure, but from the strands of long emerald hair that fell to the ground and the screams of the prisoners, it was clear that It's hard to guess what happened.

"Zoro!! What the hell are you doing?!!" Nami, who hadn't expected this at all, turned pale with fright. Judging from just now, it's no surprise that Hiyori is Momonosuke's biological sister. But why did the green algae-headed swordsman suddenly kill her as if he was insane?
Hawkins and Drake, who hadn't expected this at all, were also stunned. However, during this brief distraction, the ropes on Nami and Xia Qi who were originally tied there had also been cut.

"Miss Nami!" Sanji, who took the opportunity to rush up, looked nervously at the bomb coil on the navigator's neck, and quickly looked at Luo on the other side, "First untie Miss Nami's bomb collar!"

"Don't even think about it!!" Before Luo could make a move, the stretched straw directly slashed over with a sword, interrupting Luo's action of undoing the coil of the bomb.

When Luo and Hawkins faced each other, Sanji also immediately protected Nami from Drake's urgent attack, but the two who had already won the victory did not get too entangled, and after subconsciously counterattacked, they followed Keep the distance but also keep them within the attack range.

"Sanji, Xia Qi and I can't be too far away from this prison!" Nami reminded nervously, and quickly retreated when he was about to approach the fence, "And that guy has our doll in his hand! Although he doesn't Know what ability, but it is definitely a trouble!"

"Captain, Bebo and Peijin are still inside." Xia Qi, whose face was still covered with bruises, also said quickly, and at the same time gritted his teeth and pulled the collar around his neck.

"I advise you not to bother, even if you untie that bomb collar, they won't be able to escape." Hawkins moved the sword to his right hand, stretched his left hand forward, and four straw dolls appeared on his arm. "You should know what my ability is. The four of them probably don't have the witch's ability to bring the dead back to life, right?"

"!!" Seeing the four straw dolls, the expressions of Luo and Sanji immediately became gloomy.But they did not dare to act rashly, because what Hawkins said was the truth, and the lives of Nami and the four of them were in his hands.

Hawkins took the straw doll back and said confidently, "No matter how powerful your medical skills are at Trafalgar, you can't save the four of them from my ability, right? After all, not everyone is a witch."

Drake simply withdrew his knife, folded his hands and said coldly, "You must be smart people too. It's easy to keep them safe and sound, just replace them with yourselves."

Although their plan has been foreseen, Luo and Sanji really have no second choice.They have all seen with their own eyes how terrifying Hawkins' ability is, so powerful that the girl is on the verge of death, not to mention that Nami and the others are just ordinary people.

"Hahaha!! That's right!! Catch all those daring guys!!", suddenly the big snake's voice came, and at the same time he poked his head out of the sedan chair and kept shouting, "Take This gang of villains are all executed!! They are all shot!! Let me see who this general..."


The big snake's words were blown away by a gust of wind, and the strong wind not only shook all the people in the execution ground to fly towards the green bamboo fence, but even the whole green bamboo fence that was firmly on the ground was lifted into the sky, tied up. The solid fence also fell apart, and the green bamboo that was broken into several pieces fell down one after another.

Sauron, who was still in front of the prison, was the first to bear the brunt. After being hit hard, he flew up uncontrollably, and finally fell to the ground following the broken bamboos.

Nami, who was also blown out by the strong wind, also heard the constant beeping sound of the bomb collar on her neck in shock. She was so frightened that her face was completely bloodless, and in a panic, she immediately conjured up a key and wanted to put it away. The collar came off, but the key to the illusion passed through the collar.

"Captain!!", the bomb collar on Xia Qi's neck, who was rushed to the corner by the strong wind, had entered the countdown, and the rapid beep made him tremble with fear.

"Slaughterhouse!!" Two slashes passed by, and the heads of the two people wearing the bomb collars were separated, and the bomb collars that were originally wrapped around their necks were also separated from the separated heads and bodies. Seconds were replaced by two pieces of bamboo.

"Boom, boom!!!", the bomb collar exploded high in the air after the countdown had ended, and the strong explosion caused a strong wind to scatter, blowing the green bamboo and cherry blossom petals all over the ground to the sky again.

And Nami and Xia Qi's heads twirled in the air and then pressed back on their bodies again. The two escaped from the dead looked at the gunpowder smoke dissipating in the air, and they still couldn't help being covered in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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