One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 134 Unallowable Existence

Chapter 134 Unallowable Existence

Outside the capital.

The four identical little ones have just arrived outside the city, and they still need to go through several villages before reaching Ebisu Village where Sauron and Gamma are located.Before leaving the city, the four little ones bought a small ball and passed it around in turn when they passed a toy stand.

"It's going to take a while to get to gamma," said the three little ones behind Alpha who was leading the way, and reminded Zeta and Beta who were behind and only cared about playing with the ball, "There are also Zeta and Beta, Don't just play around."

"Yes," the girl with six small cherry blossoms pinned her head nodded, speeding up a little, but accidentally let the little ball fall from her hand, bouncing and rolling into a nearby dark alley.

"I'll go pick it up," Beta let go of the hand she had been holding all along, and trotted into the alley following the little ball.

Just when the small figure disappeared into a dark corner, alpha, zeta, and delta standing outside suddenly shrank their pupils, and at the same time subconsciously took a few steps back, dripping with cold sweat.

In the next moment, the three little ones ran towards each other almost simultaneously, their little hands trying to hold the nearest person as much as possible.Alpha and Delta, who were already very close, quickly grabbed each other, but when Zeta, who was a little farther away, just caught them, she suddenly widened her eyes, and fell down like a puppet with a broken string in the next second. into the arms of both of them.

"!!!", Alpha and Delta, who felt a tingle in their hearts again, looked at the compatriots who fell in front of them in disbelief, only to find that there was a sharp black arrow on her thin back, sharp The black arrow even completely penetrated her small body.

However, before they could react, the faint sound of breaking wind approached quietly, and when the sharp arrow that flashed cold light was about to pierce Alpha who was standing there, the two little girls who were standing there suddenly disappeared out of thin air. A sharp arrow that hits the target can only pass through the air and disappear in the distant thatched hut.

All this happened in less than a few seconds. The people in Jianlou Village were surprised that four little dolls suddenly came here. Before they had time to recover from their cuteness, they only saw one of the little dolls followed by the falling ball. Running into the alley, another little doll suddenly fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and the remaining two little dolls suddenly disappeared as if they had turned into air.

After being stunned for a while, the sallow-faced and emaciated villagers came back to their senses. When they cautiously stepped forward to check the situation, they suddenly discovered that the little doll who had fallen on the ground was suddenly shot with an arrow. And judging by the blood that kept spreading, the arrow almost took away her young statement when it hit.

Some daring villagers also went into the box to have a look. After a while, they just came out with a blood-stained ball and shook their heads regretfully.

Seeing the two cute little dolls suddenly lose their lives for no reason, the villagers who felt sorry for them couldn't help talking:
"It's so pitiful, who did it?!"

"Suddenly they were assassinated. These two children are only in their teens, right?"

"I don't know who the parents of these two children are? It must be very sad to lose two children suddenly."

"It seems that there are four little dolls just now, and I only hope that the remaining two can escape safely."

"Yes, I don't know who is so vicious, even the little baby."


Not far away, on the roof of a thatched hut, a man wearing a black kimono and a black trench coat wrapped around his body was standing there, condescendingly looking down at the villagers gathered there.He was holding a well-made black bow nearly two meters in his right hand, and his thick windbreaker blocked the quiver on his back.

After checking the messy thatched huts around him, he quickly left from the roof.

The two restorations that escaped were the two most powerful of the Six Paths—Illusion and Physical Art, and there was another restoration on the side of Nonoroa-Sauron, but no matter what, it had to be done before they became witches. Eliminate them completely before the powerful weapons!

Ebisu Village.


An old water cup suddenly fell to the ground, and the sound of breaking caught the attention of Sauron who was sitting nearby.When he looked over, he saw Gamma's pale face. Before he could ask what was going on, Gamma suddenly groaned for the rest of her life, and the next second she suddenly called out an eagle and sat on it and left. here.

"!", Sauron was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed up, but the eagle disappeared from the field of vision within a few seconds.

A Kang was chatting with the villagers, and when he saw him leaving quickly, he immediately ran up in surprise, "Where are you going, little master?"

"I'll be back later!" Sauron said without looking back, and he didn't care that Yilu Chi himself would not come back here 100%.

"Master, wait for me, and why did the young lady who was with you suddenly disappear??" Akang yelled and followed him, not knowing what happened all of a sudden.

Sauron didn't have time to worry about him, he calculated the direction Gamma left and immediately chased after him, and now he also began to have a worsening premonition. The existence of Gamma and the others is too special, and her sudden departure just now must have happened.

[Encore...], recalling the bloody appearance of the Persian cat when he left last time, Sauron's face became more solemn, and the speed under his feet continued to accelerate.He didn't want to suffer such an accident again!

"What happened to the little master? Was that little lady kidnapped?" Akang spread his short legs and followed behind but still couldn't keep up with his speed. He could only watch the girl The green figure quickly left his field of vision.


Sanji's side.

[hateful!Just tell cutie the news that that guy came to Wano country as soon as possible! ], Sanji spent a lot of time in the Flower City before, and now he has left the Flower City.After passing through a leak-picking village, he came to a dry and desolate countryside, and occasionally saw one or two dilapidated thatched cottages.

However, this kind of deserted scenery can be seen everywhere in Wano Country. Even though it is only two to 3000 meters away from the Flower City, compared with the Flower City, it is a heaven and a hell.

Sanji, who was on his way, suddenly noticed something, stopped suddenly and looked ahead vigilantly.

In the light yellow sand flying in the distance, you can occasionally see two small figures appearing and disappearing from time to time. At the same time, there are still a few rocks that are suddenly torn apart from time to time.

The two little guys who were running away didn't notice Sanji in the distance, and the two of them were still holding hands. Delta still held a small trident in his other hand. Both of them had many injuries, and they looked very embarrassed.

They were exhausted after being chased and killed all the way, not to mention that they had never experienced a real battle since their birth, and it was already the limit to be able to escape until now.

"That person can see through my illusion, let's run to a place with hidden objects!" Alpha said loudly, and with a backhand wave of the other hand, a piece of volcanic lava was created, but she also knew that it would not be able to stop it for a few seconds .

Delta, who was more capable in combat, suddenly pulled her forward with his left hand. At the same time, he turned around and swung the sharp arrow from behind with the trident. Although the action was timely, he was still scratched a little. arm.

But they had clearly avoided this attack, but the two of them didn't continue to run forward. They held hands tightly and then stopped, standing there quietly.

"Gamma is coming, now she's the only one left." Delta suddenly said with a chuckle, and after the trident in his right hand disappeared, he raised his right hand to wipe the blood dripping from his face.

Alpha's left hand held the trident almost at the same time, and said with a smile, "If you run again, you will definitely not have the strength to avoid the next attack. Now it's just a last stand. If you hold on, maybe you can still see her."

In the shadow of the rocks to their right, a pitch-black arrow had already aimed at Delta standing on the right, and the fully drawn bowstring did not tremble at all.As soon as the slender fingers were loosened, the sharp arrow flew out of the string.

The afterimage flitting through the air was blocked before reaching the target, and the sharp arrow that deviated from the trajectory shot at a nearby rock, easily smashing the solid rock into pieces.

The figures of alpha and delta who were standing there disappeared for a while and then reappeared, looking up at the person who suddenly appeared to help them block the attack with some doubts.

"Little cuties, are you all right?" Sanji, who finally arrived here, made sure that there was no next attack, and quickly looked down at the two little ones, but looked at their scars in astonishment, "What happened? Why is someone attacking you all of a sudden?"

The two just shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know what happened either.

(End of this chapter)

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