Chapter 108 Anchor
After the bell, Robber's Bridge.

After the old man learned that there was something wrong with Suzugo's cemetery, Sanji came here with Baozi.However, Yuanjia Road is narrow, and as soon as he came near the bridge, he saw Luo Lun and Yi who also came here.

Sanji has never seen these two people, but when he saw the pink coats on them and the blue butterfly flying in front of them, he subconsciously thought of a certain shark.

"Huh? The black feet of the Straw Hat Pirates?", B was a little surprised, "Why did you come here?"

"Miss Witch's pets are getting fatter and fatter." Lauren looked at the bun squatting at Sanji's feet. When I saw it at Chambord before, this little leopard was only a small one.

"Are you really Tiger Shark's subordinates? Why did you come to Wano Country?" Sanji didn't know whether the two were enemies or friends, and he frowned when he looked at the butterfly flying in front, "And Is that a cute little communication butterfly?"'

"Look, people who say they are not good at illusions will feel that Miss Witch did it." Lauren just turned his head and said to B, and stretched out his hand to him, "You lose, give me sugar."

"Tsk!", Yi cursed lowly, took out a candy and threw it to him, and at the same time muttered angrily, "Really, eating so much candy every day is not afraid of getting fat into a ball! @#¥@!¥#!#¥ "

"Thanks," Lauren took it unceremoniously, and continued walking towards the bridge leading to the bell regardless of Sanji who was standing there.

"Hey! You haven't answered my question yet!" Seeing that they ignored him, Sanji bit the cigarette in his mouth and tried to keep calm.

"Let's investigate who this butterfly belongs to, and then you can investigate what's in the cemetery behind the bell. There is no conflict, and each will go its own way." Lauren waved his hand carelessly, and walked forward while removing the candy wrapper.Anyway, just treat us as tourists, we are not your enemies. "

"Why do you know that I'm going to Bell Queen's cemetery?" Sanji said in a deep voice. Could it be that he was followed by these two guys when he went to the poor land to investigate information?

"The two of us belong to the boss's subordinates anyway, so we still have some intelligence capabilities, okay?" B rolled his eyes impatiently, and said angrily, "Don't be suspicious, we are only responsible for protecting the blue whale, and the others die. It doesn't matter to us."

"Pay attention to your attitude, don't give up treatment just because of this flamboyant pink dress." Luo Lun said calmly, he is about to evolve to the realm of human and clothing.

"Don't mention this! I haven't worn powder since I was a child! As a result, after being accepted by the boss, I will be assigned some crazy tasks!", Yi Fangya roared, and after the roar, he suddenly remembered something, and suddenly Feeling psychologically balanced, "Ah no, I'm fine, after all, there are still people who pretend to be women for two years."

"#", thinking of this incident, I couldn't help showing a murderous look. I gave him a gloomy look, then looked back at Sanji and said, "Want to hit someone? I can hold him down for you."

"No, since the purpose doesn't conflict for the time being, let's just pretend we haven't met." Sanji, who didn't plan to cause any disputes for the time being, just smoked a cigarette and was going to visit the cemetery, "Baozi, follow up."

"Wow!", the white bun immediately spread his legs and followed.

As soon as the trio, one in front and one behind, reached the bridge, a burly man suddenly rushed over.The middle-aged man, dressed like a monk soldier, held a Daguan knife in his hand, carried a basket with several knives on his back, and tied a white turban on his head.

The sharp Daguan knife slashed across, and he roared directly, "Leave the weapon behind, and you can cross the bridge safely!"

"To actually rob weapons instead of wealth, it really has the characteristics of Wano country." Sanji exhaled a puff of smoke, bent down and grabbed the fat bun who was about to rush forward.

"Now is not the time to fight," Lauren watched as the butterfly passed the monk soldier and flew forward, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers at the monk soldier's eyes as he was too lazy to fight, "Go to sleep. "

With a sound of "bang dong", the monk soldier fell to the ground and fell asleep without any warning, and the knives in the back basket were scattered all over the ground.

"Do you want to take this opportunity to get rid of him? Otherwise, you will be asked again when you come back." B poked the felled guy with his scabbard. He didn't want to be stopped when he came back to pass the bridge.

Hearing this, Sanji couldn't help but frowned, "It's fine to faint, but there's no need to strike so hard."

"Aren't you a pirate? Why are you still worried about others?" B looked at him with some surprise, "I thought that under the influence of the witch, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were all ruthless."

"The pirates haven't killed many people since they went out to sea. The ones who died were basically done by Miss Witch." Lauren used illusion to hide the sleeping monk soldier, and then continued to move forward. "The advantage of Wano Country's long-term lock-up is that we don't know the extent of the development of the outside world. It is estimated that there are only a few people under Kaido's banner who can use illusion."

"So these ordinary people will be easily knocked down by your illusion?" Sanji looked at the place where the monk soldier was lying, kicked the swords scattered nearby to him, and then raised his legs to the bridge.

"Boy, Lauren used to be the number one illusionist in the Navy Headquarters. Even you can knock him down, okay?", B said the truth angrily, followed behind slowly with a knife in his hand and continued to chatter, "And he His talent is super high, otherwise he wouldn't have been sent to be an undercover agent for two years just to make a substitute for the witch."

"What's going on?" Sanji had never heard of such a thing. When they met two years later, Encore did have a false identity. At that time, he thought that person did not exist.

"That Alice-Andes woman is a real person. Everything is a real person, but it all ended at Shambold. Because she was selected as a substitute for the witch at that time, she went to sea to become a pirate. At that time, Lauren and I were in charge of this matter, building a real and perfect character to welcome the reappearance of the witch.", B did not deliberately hide it, anyway, now the witch has been offered a bounty with her real identity, "The reason is very Simple, that is, people in the world cannot know that the witch is still alive, because if she is still alive, then the possibility of Portgas-D-Ace being alive is close to 99%. And this kind of thing is not allowed to exist. Once If the witch is confirmed to be alive, it is unlikely that your pirate group will go to sea safely. That's why when you were in Chambord, it was rumored that 'Alice Andes disbanded the pirate group and joined the Straw Hat Boys. Then you all Only being hunted down by some ordinary sailors, not by the general himself."

Sanji listened to this unknown truth in a daze. At that time, because the sailing time was urgent, they did not have time to investigate carefully and set off for Fishman Island. They did not expect such a thing to happen at that time.

"The most exaggerated thing is that the reward I got for two years of hard work is a box of snacks, although it's delicious." Lauren couldn't help complaining, and then he looked at Sanji who remained silent, "You still Okay? Could it be that you are too kind to hear similar information or something."

"No, it was just a little accident." Sanji took a puff of cigarette and asked, "Only you know?"

"No, Miss Witch came with Mr. Sauron at the time. He witnessed the whole incident, but he didn't say a word, and even his expression didn't change." Lauren was a little disappointed when he thought about it. He thought there would be internal strife or something, but he didn't expect that green algae-headed swordsman to accept the fact so calmly.

"It seems that two years ago when the witch's little body had a problem and she planned to snatch someone else's body as a container, he also knew about it. I still listen to the gossip from the boss," B suddenly remembered something, "When I was in the human trafficking center, the boss once talked with the witch who planned to buy slaves which slave was better."

"Two years ago?", Sanji couldn't help frowning, recalling that when he first arrived in Shambord Land two years ago, Encore did say that he would look for equipment everywhere, and Zoro asked if he wanted to help at that time.At that time, Sanji thought it was just shopping, but he didn't expect the truth to be so.

"It's normal if you don't know, after all, that person is Miss Witch." Lauren was not surprised by the deep thought on his face, took out a candy and continued to follow the butterfly in front.

At this time, they had come to a place like a mass grave, with crooked tombstones standing on the ground, large and small graves, some of which were already covered with weeds, and occasionally people could be seen in the messy graveyard. Or animal bones.

The blue butterfly fluttering quietly carried three living people and a live bun through the mass grave, and when it brought them to the middle of the mass grave, it suddenly turned into a spot of light and dissipated.Knowing that their destination was nearby, the three of them also temporarily stopped, ignoring their positions with rare tacit understanding and looking around back to back.

"Aww...", Baozi was a little scared by the messy environment and gloomy atmosphere of this mass grave, and followed Sanji closely.

The blond cook with a cigarette in his mouth just bent down to pick up the slightly overweight bun with one hand, and said with a slight frown, "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there is a living person here."

Lauren raised his hand, felt it quietly for a while, and then said, "But there are indeed traces of illusion here, and it is really similar to Miss Witch."

At this time, a sound came from a tombstone more than ten meters in front of Sanji's left, and then a child came out from behind the somewhat damaged tombstone.

The little girl, estimated to be about ten years old, had jet-black waist-length hair, was wearing a simple white kimono, and held a one-meter-long black-handled silver halberd weapon in her slender hands.The little girl's face without much blood looked very cute, and the corners of her slightly raised lips were also a little innocent.

And most importantly, the girl's eyes are rare heterochromatic pupils, the left eye is a bright blood color and the right eye is a deep purple.And similar to the ability of Encore's eyes, the girl's blood-colored left pupil has the black word 'one' in it.

"?!!!!", looking at the little girl who was copy and pasted like Encore when he was a child, Sanji, Lauren, and B were all shocked, and there was still disbelief on their faces. The cigarette fell without knowing it.

Looking at the three young men standing there in front of them, a trace of doubt flashed in the little girl's strange-colored pupils.According to the plan, Noah should be the only one who followed the butterfly, but now there are three.

The little girl obviously didn't know what Noah looked like. After carefully looking at the three people in Shihua, she tilted her head slightly in confusion, "Excuse me, who is my younger brother?"


 If you want to learn to be an excellent pigeon, you need to change or open your mind at every turn.The probability of the former is 88.88%╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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