Chapter 94. 95. Overwhelming Magic

The outer city wall of the ancient capital is too extensive, and it is absolutely impossible to defend it firmly. When all the people evacuate, it will be a matter of time before they give up.

The strong men in the ancient capital, Han Ji, the chairman of the Bell Tower, and Lu Huan, the chief guard, shot at the same time, delaying the pace of the undead and buying time for the people to evacuate.

The magic is released in turn!The icy rain of mourning froze all souls, the howling waves rolled over the tide of undead, and the bewitching giant flowers of emerald splendor bloomed in the insurmountable mountain of corpses.The magnificence and turbulence are enough to suffocate, even the corpse of the corpse of the mountain is blocked.Han Ji and Lu Huan basically used super-level magic, and the high-level magic mixed in it was also handcrafted.

Mage, this is the real mage, even if the world is in catastrophe and the end of the world is dark, he can't hide his sharpness!
With the evacuation of the people, the super-level mages who were broken also withdrew to the inner city wall, which means that the outer city of the ancient capital has been abandoned, and it is only a matter of time before the undead fill here.

And the crisis facing the ancient capital is just the beginning.

Clock Tower Magic Association!

On the contrary, Zhu Meng, who had informed the research department before, found that there was indeed a problem in the rainwater. A kind of dew called Nine Netherness was mixed in it, allowing the undead to haunt during the day!
This is 100% certain that this unexpected disaster was man-made.Then a mysterious man arrives and solves the mystery once and for all.

It turned out that the disaster in Bo City was just a rehearsal of the ancient capital. Destroying a small city at will was just to cause a bigger disaster in the ancient capital!

"The ancient king has not yet fully awakened, but the dead troops from all directions have already invaded the ancient capital with the help of heavy rain, and want to turn this place into a larger kingdom of the dead, as the first gift for the ancient king after waking up from a thousand-year sleep." A gray-white mysterious The man came to a group of high-level officials and said.

"But the corpse of the mountain is very cunning. The corpse of a thousand years has wisdom, and it is not easy to step into the city to release it. It is very difficult to kill it and deter the army of the undead. Therefore, if there is no accident, the dead kings of all directions will Invade all the land outside the inner city wall first, wait for the ancient king to wake up, and then destroy the protective enchantment of the inner city wall in one fell swoop!"

"Wait a minute, who are you referring to by the 'old king'?" Zhu Meng asked.

"That person who is the same age as this city is the one who created the Land of the Dead." Han Ji answered his question.

Everyone was silent. If it was really the one at the beginning of the history book, then how meaningful would their persistence be?
If you have to go back to the source, even this ancient capital with a history of more than 2000 years is just the capital built by others.In other words, this city originally belonged to that ancient king!

"What's the point of knowing these things? I want to know how to resolve this catastrophe. After all, the ancient king is just a page in the history books. It is impossible for us to give up this human city." Ling Xi, the female elder of the Hunter Alliance Said.

The rain is probably only the first ring of the Black Vatican's plan. The second ring is to create bloody killings and awaken the ancient king with death and overwhelming resentment.

Fortunately, the rapid breach of the outer city wall was prevented before. With the current death toll, I think it is far from enough to wake up that person.

However, the inner city cannot withstand the continuous attacks of the dead kings from all directions, so the most urgent task is to stop the rain. "The gray and white mysterious man said.

"We don't even know where the Nine Nether Dew came from, so how can we stop it, let alone how to stop this rain?" Zhu Meng asked.

"The extinction of Dangerous Village was not caused by the undead, but by the Black Holy See. The dew of the Nine Nethers came from the Kunjing water that has been passed down and guarded by Dangerous Village for generations.

The spring of rage hidden in the catastrophic rainwater of Bo City, which has the opposite effect to the Holy Spring of the Earth, caused the demons to attack Bo City, and the dew of Jiuyou was also transformed by the water of Kunjing, and it came from the same pharmacist, making them all It can be perfectly integrated into the rainwater. Once the rainy day comes, disaster will follow, which is why it needs to be rehearsed. "The mysterious gray-and-white man told the truth.

"But the dangerous villages have been completely wiped out. Doesn't that mean we have no chance?" Zhu Meng said with a frown.

"No, there is another one! In fact, there is another one of Kunjing source water that was obtained by Fang Gu, the village head of Yangyang Village." The mysterious gray and white man said.

"Water from Kunjing can dissolve Nine Nether Dew?" Zhu Meng's eyes brightened and he said pleasantly.

"Yes, the source of Kunjing can neutralize the rage and grievance of Jiuyou Zhilu. Although it is not enough to completely offset the Jiuyou Zhilu that is evil from other sources, it can also buy us half a day. No matter Whether to find the ancient seal king or ask for more support, at least we have the most precious time!" said the mysterious gray-white man.

When the mysterious gray and white man wanted to bring Fang Gu over.But on the way, his "substitute" was brutally killed!
The mysterious gray and white man staged a fake strategy, but this is a bureau, a bureau to confirm whether Sa Lang is hidden in the high-level.

The Supreme Tribunal has been tracking the whereabouts of Sa Long, and this time it finally found its clues, confining its target to the high-level people in the ancient capital.Even if a dozen super mages with important positions are all placed under house arrest, I don't want to miss it!

The dark clouds are overwhelming, directly destroying the remains of the ancient capital.

The ice rain is like a sharp arrow, soaking the foundation of the ancient capital.

The originally towering outer city wall was like a fragile dam, and its weak body could not resist the tide of evil spirits at all.

The outer city wall was quickly destroyed, the thick bricks and stones collapsed, and the tall city towers fell like clay sculptures, not to mention the houses on the streets.

Looking out from the inner city wall, this ancient capital has been completely soaked by the black ocean for a radius of more than ten kilometers. The buildings, streets, squares, parks, schools, and hospitals have all been washed away by the evil spirits, and even the wreckage cannot be seen. 01:30 o'clock!
The undead finally entered the city, coming from all directions, the most frightening thing is not the ability of these ominous spirits to swallow up the ocean, but at a glance, except for the ominous spirits in the front, the tide line is pressing every step of the way , behind the tide line is still a vast expanse of darkness, stretching for an unknown number of kilometers, making one wonder that they are the invaders of this dead kingdom.

The inner city shrouded in a golden barrier has completely turned into a small isolated island in the boundless black ocean, crumbling and ready to be submerged at any time!


"The kingdom of the dead, this is the kingdom of the dead!" Han Ji glanced back.

"President, the ancient capital will survive this calamity."

"I hope so!"

When Fang Gu arrives, he informs that the last portion of Kunjing's water has been used to temper the undead, and his hope is shattered again.

Mo Fan on the field also wants to resolve this catastrophe!The result is still the same, Mo Fan's holy spring has long been refined into food for the little loach, and it is impossible to squeeze out a drop of spring water even if the little loach is melted.

"Doom is inevitable... Doom is inevitable!" Han Ji's old whisper seemed to be singing in a low voice, more like praying for the death of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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