  Finally, Lin Chuan transformed into the Holy Feather Suzaku and stepped forward, shattering it into pieces and causing blood mist to fill the air.

  All four supreme monarchs and sea monsters were killed by him!

  All the sea monsters gasped. This was a huge event. This young master from the human race killed four supreme monarchs in one go, which would definitely shock the sea!
  If you add the dead Yamata no Orochi, the strange tumor squid, and the devil fish king, it will be the supreme monarch level.

  The seven supreme monarchs of the Ocean God Clan were shot to death consecutively in one day. This is really terrifying.

  This area is completely disrupted!

  Lin Chuan did not stop. The sky and the earth fell apart. He went on a killing spree. The sacred feathered Suzaku he transformed into ran rampant, and corpses fell in pieces wherever he passed.

  Soon, the place was splattered with blood, the island was bright red, and the Suzaku transformed by Lin Chuan was fighting in and out, without giving these creatures a chance.

  The sea monsters are all afraid of death. Even if they are controlled and fearless of death, they will still be afraid when facing an invincible enemy and knowing that they will die.

  Everyone who had evacuated far enough saw Lin Chuan's power, their hearts surged and their blood boiled.

  "Kill, don't leave any one alive!" someone yelled.

  Including the leader of the Chinese army, who recovered a little bit of magic energy at this time and rushed forward again.

  Lin Chuan felt relieved as he watched those people go away. At this time, he used his special skills, his whole body glowed, and various magics were mixed together to kill them.

  Puff puff……

  In the rays of blood, the corpses of the sea monsters fell one after another. Some were stabbed through the eyebrows, and some were split in half. They all died quickly.

  Wherever Lin Chuan passed, blood kept splattering, corpses rolled, and arms and limbs were broken. It was bloody, cruel, and full of blood and chaos.

  Because this is a battlefield where there is no room for mercy, let alone mercy. There is only war and fighting here, and only the winner can survive.

  In this battle alone, Lin Chuan killed tens of thousands of creatures!

  All the demons were dumbfounded. In just a short time, the young man had achieved such terrible results. He was truly a demon king who had broken out of hell and was invincible!

  Even if the Kraken creatures were not afraid of death, they were still afraid of death. Each and every one of them became frightened, turned around and ran away, leaving corpses all over the ground. This place was like a Shura field, filled with blood and shocking.

  Even Lin Chuan himself couldn't bear to see it. He didn't know how many sea monsters he had killed. Their body parts were all over the ground. It was a hellish scene.

  Then, he fled far away without stopping, because this place would become the eye of the storm, causing chaos, and there would definitely be a more powerful existence coming.


  In about ten minutes, Lin Chuan caught up with the leader of the Chinese army, stepped on the back of the Skeleton Dragon, and quickly walked away...

  Although among the sea monsters, manta rays and sharks also have the ability to fly, they are sea monsters after all. The speed is incomparable to the real Skeleton Dragon.


  On the back of the Skeleton Dragon...

  When Lin Chuan set foot here, he found that the leader of the Chinese army was looking at Hawaii Island with a sad expression. Pang Lai was also writing down the court mages who had not returned in a very crude way.

  In order to get rid of the termite guards of the Mirage Dragon King Ant Mother, none of the subordinates that Hua Jun took out this time came back alive. How can this be considered a victory? It was completely a matter of exchanging every living life for a little bit of vitality.

  War is like this. Although the Mirage Dragon King and Ant Mother are killed, victory may not be a joy, because everyone who survives has witnessed the sacrifice of their companions and comrades.

  Lin Chuan stood behind and did not interrupt, quietly waiting for the two leaders to pay their respects to the deceased.

  "Lin Chuan."

  Soon, the leader of the Chinese army called out. Lin Chuan walked up, not knowing what the leader of the Hua Army was calling him for.

  "Is this our first time meeting?" Chief Hua said.

  "Yeah?!" Lin Chuan responded.

  "Your growth is so rapid, it has given everyone a surprise. I think within a few years, you will be able to match me, or even far surpass me." Hua Zhanhong said with a smile.

  "It's not enough." Lin Chuan sighed.

  Hua Zhanhong is speechless!

  Pang Lai:? ?

  Jiang Yu:? ?

  Everyone from the Palace Magic Association:? ?

  Killing the Supreme Monarch is effortless at all. You have only been practicing magic for a few years. This kind of strength is not enough. It is really enough for Versailles...

  "You, it's a good thing not to be satisfied with your own strength. It proves that you know the gap, but there's no rush. You still have time to grow!" Hua Zhanhong reached out and patted Lin Chuan on the shoulder and said, "Promise me. Something?"

  "it is good!"

  "I hope you promise me that no matter how tragic and desperate this war with the Ocean God Clan is, you will not be impulsive and you will survive for me."

  "I will." Lin Chuan nodded.

  Survive? Hua Zhanhong didn't say it, but he would do it. If the final result was not satisfactory, he would definitely be the first to evacuate. He was not the kind of person who would do anything to resist disaster.

  "No, you didn't understand what I meant." Commander Hua's eyes became sharp, and he even pressed harder on Lin Chuan's shoulders.
  "I want you to live because this war does not belong to your generation. We will lose, and we are likely to lose. By that time, I hope that the people who die will be our generation, not you, we The disasters we have encountered in this era due to our failure to protect them are because I and our generation are not strong enough. How can we let you and your generation of mages bear it?"

  "You have surpassed so many people of this generation, and your road is still extremely broad. You can become stronger and stronger. I hope that in the future, when you stand in my position, you can celebrate your victory with your teammates. Rather than relying on them to pave a bloody road at the cost of their lives like me, I can gain such a sad little hope."

  "I'll give you three years. During these three years, I need you not to participate in any war with the Kraken along the coast."

  "In these three years, we will lose."

  "We will have no base cities, our defenses will completely collapse, all of us will be driven to the cold west, and we will lose a lot."

  "At that time, I hope that you and your generation can protect the city, draw safe boundaries, and provide the next generation with a peaceful habitat."

  "Even, take back for us the territory on the east coast that was invaded by the Kraken!"

  "Reclaim the coastal territory occupied by the Kraken?"

  "I need you to promise me."

  The leader of the Chinese army said again, his tone at this time was very complicated, there was an order, a request, and more of a sincerity.

  Lin Chuan shook his head.

  It would be impossible to go three years without participating in any battle with the Kraken.

  The Kraken is approaching the city. No matter what his identity is, Lin Chuan cannot turn a blind eye to the Kraken's invasion.

  Lin Chuan, the leader of the Chinese army, understood the intentions. (End of chapter)

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