It fell, covering all the starry night clouds above Lin Chuan's head. For Lin Chuan, it was as terrifying as the sky collapsing.

Lin Chuan has experienced many hallucination-like illusions. When he saw the black and purple ancient eagle that was so big that it caged Changtian, his reason told him that this was a means of oppression and a mental illusion. , so that the enemy is crushed by such majesty from the depths of his soul, and finally becomes unable to fight back.

"Do you have dark abilities?!"

"Little trick!" Lin Chuan shouted coldly. The huge black curtain covering the sky was like the coming of Si Ye's rule, trapping the enemy in a world where they couldn't see their fingers. The black and purple ancient eagle's attack on the heart was not the true spirit and soul. Instead, it erased all the light that should have shone on itself, and sealed itself in place with walls of darkness!


In the darkness of the night, the black-purple ancient eagle hung quietly above Lin Chuan's head, and the black curtain of light leaked from under its body, locking Lin Chuan's soul tightly.

However, Lin Chuan quickly noticed the flaw and found a weak point in the crack in the wall. From this position, he could completely knock down this dark wall that sealed him!
After the wall was broken, Lin Chuan, transformed into a red bird, stepped out, still accompanied by some dark turbidity. They slowly dissipated and no longer clung to him. The weak starlight and frosty moonlight fell on him again. The sacred fire that had been extinguished exploded on his body at this moment, and he regained his fighting spirit!
"Show some real skills, otherwise you will perish!" Lin Chuan was even more arrogant, looking directly at the black and purple ancient eagle, making this guy really feel his confidence in defeating it.

The black and purple ancient eagle was facing the night sky, and its cry sounded again, as if calling to the night realm above the sky. The soul-touching cry could be clearly heard echoing in the entire sky!
The cry of the ancient black and purple eagle was still echoing, and for a moment, something like a purple cloth appeared in the night sky.

Looking carefully, the purple cloth was filled with purple thunder, like the rapids of a river standing in the sky, one after another, filling the entire sky in an instant!

Then, thunder fell from the sky like a waterfall, and the sky was illuminated by blazing light, and then it seemed to be ignited again, too bright.

The thunder was too loud and deafening.

The black and purple ancient eagle triggered the thunder, and the lightning surged down like a long river, never to be extinguished.


The sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, thunder was flowing backwards, that kind of vision made everyone dumbfounded.

"What's going on? What happened?" Zhao Manyan was stunned.

In the sky, the river surged upward, sweeping down into the sky and turning into a vast ocean.

That was not river water, but real thunder, falling from the sky and hitting Lin Chuan.

"Can Lin Chuan bear it?"

"believe him!"

Lin Chuan originally hoped to find a little bit of peace through the scattered thunder waterfalls, but unexpectedly there was no gap at all, and he was irrigated and submerged in an instant!

There was a tremor that could shatter a person's eardrums.

On the horizon, thunder waterfalls cover the forests and rivers, and the thunder interweaves with each other, creating a frightening sight.

The next moment, the sky thunder evolved and turned into a swamp, trapping Linchuan. The black and purple ancient eagle fell from the sky, trying to break Linchuan.

"Break me!"

Lin Chuan showed off his power, exerting his combat power at its peak, using his own Suzaku Holy Flame to disperse the lightning, escape from the pressure of the black and purple ancient eagle, and destroy this thunder swamp.

"Transcendental power!"

"The stars turn into the scorching sun, and the scorching sun conceives the divine bird!"


When the lightning exploded, birds chirped in the sky, and the 2401 star appeared in the sky like a "sun". It was so bright and dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

It was a bright red star that turned into a scorching sun. Within it were conceived divine birds, all with red bodies. At this moment, they broke through the scorching sun, spread their wings, soared, and swooped down.A group of Suzakus, carrying the holy flames of heaven and earth, and endless power, overwhelmed the sky and submerged the sky, and the eyes were filled with red light.

The face of the black and purple ancient eagle suddenly changed, the thunder waterfall shattered, and the distance between the two was so close that it was inevitable to avoid it.

You know, there are a group of Suzakus in the sky swooping up at close range, carrying blazing fire and the light of destruction, and impacting on it.

Can't dodge!

Seeing this, the black and purple ancient eagle roared, its claws glowed, and its glow rushed out to fight against the swarms of Suzakus and the fierce fire.

This is a fierce battle, a test of life and death!

Even the black and purple ancient eagle of the Invincible Monarch had a solemn expression at this time. It rushed into the group of Suzakus, and immediately its black and purple feathers were flying, with blood, falling down.

The black and purple ancient eagle faced the group of Suzaku creatures, fought against the dense fire, and was injured.

This is a big showdown!

For a moment, figures impacted in the sky, Suzaku roared, and the scene was horrifying.

At the end, the black and purple ancient eagle, with its broken body and blood stains, opened and closed to face enemies from all directions.

It stood in the sky, one claw at a time, blasting the red suns one after another. The scene was terrifying.

One after another, Suzakus were being killed like this, dripping with blood!

But as time passed, the black and purple ancient eagle's body was damaged and its body was cracked. It was almost cut in half!
But, it survived.This battle is difficult, Suzaku is too strong and very dense.

The sky completely turned into a burning fire.

The sky keeps raining down fire!
"Transcendental power!"

"The divine bird turns into a star, and the star merges with the blazing sun!"


Lin Chuan shouted. At this moment, the Suzakus around him completely bowed to Lin Chuan, transformed, and turned into stars again...

Suddenly, a dull sound came out, and the stars rose up with red light, shining brightly, and gathered together at a very fast speed, and then a scorching sun appeared, huge and boundless.

The scorching sun created circles of fire ripples, and the ancient eagles densely populated under the sky disappeared in large areas in an instant under the scorching sun of Linchuan!

When the ancient eagle disappeared, the scorching sun released even more terrifying energy.

Below, Mu Ningxue, Mo Fan, and Zhao Manyan all hurriedly evacuated this place. They could not resist this power.

Just now, I thought that the blazing sun had released its power, but I didn't expect that it was just a rising trend!
At this moment, the scorching sun was shining brightly, falling down like a storm and tornado!
Magnificent and huge!
Even totem creatures such as the Black Snake and the Chongming Divine Bird hurriedly avoided it when they felt the scorching sun falling.

Even the moment the scorching sun fell, the original sky turned completely fiery red!
At this moment, the black and purple ancient eagle was in danger. The scorching sun fell down and bombarded its body. In just a moment, its body was ruined, its bones were broken, and its whole body was scorched and almost cooked.

You know, he is an invincible monarch with astonishing strength, but he still can't withstand this kind of attack, as if he is going to be crushed if he doesn't give people a way to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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