Lin Chuan returned to Ding Yumian's residence. In order to block the blow, his ice ability blossomed crazily, draining away his magic energy and causing serious mental exhaustion.Unable to withstand the fierce sleepiness, I took a rest immediately.

When Lin Chuan woke up the next day, Ding Yumian picked up his phone and showed him the content of the free online platform of Pearl Academy...

In this battle in the Magic City, Lin Chuan contributed the most, and many students even took out recording software to post Lin Chuan's heroic appearance of killing the powerful sea monster on the Internet.

All kinds of sweeps, all kinds of strength, all kinds of crushing!

But these are not the main points. The comments section is the most popular, and what they are most concerned about is the story of Ding Yumian and Lin Chuan.

During this mopping up campaign, many people saw that Lin Chuan and Ding Yumian were very close, so the news about the Big Devil of Pearl Academy successfully dating the Belle of Pearl School exploded!
This made Lin Chuan feel helpless.

"Hehe..." Ding Yumian laughed heartily.

"Very happy!" Lin Chuan asked.

"Of course!" Ding Yumian replied.

"Then come out again to test their ideas!"

Lin Chuan hugged Ding Yumian beside him. Ding Yumian twisted her body in his arms, adjusted to the best posture, and said delicately: "It seems that our relationship is more important than destroying the sea monster."

"The Kraken disaster will hurt people, and entertainment is needed to relieve people's stress..."


Lin Chuan started to become a little dishonest, and Ding Yumian became more proactive. Ever since she got together with Lin Chuan, her previous reserve and calmness had been torn to pieces by herself.


Ding Yumian propped himself up and stared directly at Lin Chuan in front of him. He closed his blurred eyes and slowly moved his red lips closer to face the tender Ding Yumian...

Lin Chuan sucked it directly.

At the same time, Lin Chuan fumbled with the quilt. When he grabbed a corner of the quilt, it covered the two of them with a splash.


"Let's go out for a walk..." Lin Chuan said.

Ding Yumian thought for a moment and said, "Go home!"

"Look at the scene after the disaster in the Magic City. Don't stay in the dormitory all the time." Lin Chuan advised.

"All right!"

Finally, Lin Chuan and Ding Yumian walked outside.

Outside Pearl Academy, the living environment here is very good. Late at night, the clean streets and trees on both sides give people a particularly peaceful feeling.

The scene after the disaster cannot be seen at all...

Lin Chuan held Ding Yumian's hand and when he was walking across a stone bridge, Ding Yumian motioned for a breath of wind.

"Do you think the demons can hold on? The real war has not yet come, and there are already emperor-level demons coming. I wonder if they can hold on by then?" Ding Yumian asked.

"Do your best, obey fate, and cherish the time now!" Lin Chuan said, rubbing her hair.


Soon, Lin Chuan took Ding Yumian to the amusement park.

"This is my first time at an amusement park."

Ding Yumian looked at the crowd around him, with crystal light flowing in his eyes.

Because of her talent, she had never been to this place before.

The merry-go-rounds and Ferris wheels that appear in movies, TV series, novels, and animations are experiences she has never had before.

"It's okay, we can go find some fun places together." Lin Chuan said.

"Yes!" Ding Yumian responded. If she came to the amusement park alone, she would not find it interesting.

But with Lin Chuan by her side, she found it very interesting.

After holding Lin Chuan's arm to buy a ticket and enter, Ding Yumian first went to the ice cream shop and bought a large bucket of ice cream.

Eating ice cream in winter is very exciting. One bite will make your whole body tremble with cold, your temples will tingle, and your teeth will chatter from the cold.But she just wanted to eat.

"Ah~" She scooped up a big scoop of ice cream and handed it to Lin Chuan's mouth.

Lin Chuan opened her mouth to eat naturally, then took out a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth.

She was always in a hurry when she ate, and her mouth would be stained with cream.

As the two walked, they looked for the rides they wanted to play.

From time to time, Ding Yumian would scoop up a spoonful of ice cream and feed it to his mouth.

"Why don't you buy two barrels?"

Lin Chuan opened his mouth to eat, and then asked.

"Can't finish it." Ding Yumian blinked, his face serious.

"It's because after buying two barrels, you can't feed me anymore."

"Hehe, you already know, so why are you still asking me?" Ding Yumian wrinkled her delicate nose and smiled charmingly.

After walking for a while, Ding Yumian stopped at the bumper car, and then looked sideways at Lin Chuan, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"You want to play with this, right?"

"Hehe, I think so!" Ding Yumian smiled and nodded.

Not only are children playing bumper cars, there are also young parents who have given birth to children, and couples in love.

There were even 40-year-old uncles and children bumping into each other and having a great time.

Here, you can't experience the grief after the disaster, because the magicians have blocked the demons outside the safe world, so this scene is possible.

Lin Chuan, on the other hand, was thinking that when the Marine God Clan's army pressed forward and launched an actual attack, this dream would be shattered, and mortals would not be spared. He didn't know how long this scene could last...

For a moment, Lin Chuan and Ding Yumian were playing bumper cars, which was not that unusual.

The two drove bumper cars and bumped into each other.

Seeing the child-like smile on Ding Yumian's face, Lin Chuan also felt very happy.

Ding Yumian rarely smiled like this.

After having enough fun with the bumper cars, the two went to see the carousel.Until he built the merry-go-round himself, Ding Yumian thought it was actually not interesting.

Until Lin Chuan sat behind her, put his hands around her waist, and held her in his arms.

"Well, you are very different today. You are much happier than usual." Lin Chuan said.

"Only after experiencing disaster can we cherish these hard-won days even more!"

"Yes!" Lin Chuan hugged her tightly, rested his chin on her shoulder, came close to her cheek, and kissed her gently.

The swaying lights, the exquisite carousel, the children full of laughter, and the teenagers and girls snuggling together.

The plots that appear in novels and movies are actually happening.

For a moment, when he took Ding Yumian on the Ferris wheel and climbed to the highest point, overlooking the gorgeous neon lights, he still thought it was beautiful.

The swaying white world, the whole city lit up with thousands of lights in the dusk.

If you don't look at the broken land outside Anjie, then all of this would be too beautiful.

When she accidentally looked sideways, the girl sitting opposite her was holding her chin in her hands and looking at him with a sweet smile.

His reflection could be seen in her clear eyes.

Lin Chuan felt that the scenery he just saw was not as beautiful as hers.The most beautiful scenery is right in front of you.

"You must be tired after walking for such a long time." Lin Chuan said.


(End of this chapter)

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