Full-time mage: random treasure chest, I am crazy about it

Chapter 450 Chapter 461 The Fall of Wu Ku

Chapter 450 461. Wu Ku’s death
The moment the light particles touched the ice pool, the blue dots of light became the seeds of the earth's grace, spreading crazily in a few seconds.

From the light to the water droplets, and then from the water droplets to the vast ocean, the water flow covered with blue light instantly dissipated the smell of ice and snow for several kilometers...

The misty water covered the sky and turned into thick clouds, covering the entire ice pool with terrifying power.

The ocean surged, the earth was filled with pressure, the mountains and rivers were covered, and the momentum was so majestic that the souls of those who oppressed trembled.

The heavy rain was still there, but it was dyed blue. The ice and snow in Linchuan were shattered, and the ice and snow creatures were shattered in an instant and disappeared from this world.

This is water magic that is far superior to the supernatural power of Lin Chuan's ice and snow!
Since possessing transcendent power, Lin Chuan's ice ability has broken through to an extremely strong level.

But this water magic completely destroyed all the ice and snow in Linchuan.

Lin Chuan is very angry!
In an instant, the Snow Girl was possessed, and the Ice Heavenly Seed appeared!

call! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Suddenly, the ice and snow broke out again, and the entire mountain forest and water flow were about to be shattered.

In all directions, ice and snow surged, reaching into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth. It was majestic and shocked the surrounding areas.

It was like a flash flood, like the vast sea hitting the sky, with a rumbling sound that made Wu Ku suffocate.

The blinding sea in the sky also froze under the roar. Wu raised his head and saw that Lin Chuan's body was being occupied by the power of the ice and snow holy spirit, and violent energy surged all over his body.

"Ice Holy Spirit, Heavenly Seed..."

Wu Ku's expression turned extremely ugly.

The next moment, Lin Chuan's speed exploded, and ice crystals shot out from where he was standing.

He almost flashed in front of Wu Ku, with ice crystals flying backwards all over his body. He was exactly like the ice god in ancient legends, powerful and majestic!
Seeing this scene, Wu Ku slid backwards.

Many drops of water immediately appeared on his body, each of them was very distinct, and when they rushed together, it was like countless Buddha beads added to his body, protecting Wu Ku firmly.

Water beads!
This is the absolute defense formed by Wu Ku combining water-based exotic treasures with his own transcendent power.

"I want to see how many water Buddha beads you have!"

Lin Chuan was like a mad god, and the ice of heavenly seed surged to a peak at the moment he exerted his strength.

Looking from a distance, you can even see a mountain peak made entirely of ice and snow, standing between Linchuan and Wuku!
The mountain peaks formed by the ice and snow are nothing but momentum.

The real power is only now fully released!
"Annihilation Phoenix!"

On the mountain peak made of ice and snow, a pair of sky-hanging ice wings suddenly appeared.

This mountain is clearly the Phoenix Mountain that depicts the myth. On the top of the mountain is an ice phoenix that can easily freeze for hundreds of kilometers!

The dense forests on both sides of the river froze violently despite the humidity, and the ice was still spreading crazily.

The sky was as white as ice, and the ice blades all over the sky streaked across the sky like thunderstorms, creating a series of shocking blue lights.

On the top of the mountain, the ice phoenix fell, bringing unprecedented ice of destruction with its body.

The beads were frozen and broken one by one.

Everything was frozen and shattered into ashes. Even though the ice phoenix's wingspan was only 50 meters, when it flew close to the ground and passed through the dense forest, it stretched out to a flat line of one kilometer.

The two wings of the ice phoenix extend 500 meters in each direction, like an ice boundary. Wherever the ice phoenix passes, this ice boundary will also freeze and destroy both sides! !
Wu Ku is covered with water beads all over his body, hundreds of them.

He and his water beads were continuously pushed into the distance. Wu Ku, who was born with a water soul, also possessed unparalleled magic power. Unfortunately, under the vast ice breath of the Ice Phoenix, his water beads continued to freeze. broken!
Watching the life-saving water beads disappear one by one, Wu Ku's face finally fell into despair and fear!
He couldn't resist the ice elemental Holy Spirit, the ice elemental heavenly seed, which was ice and snow that could destroy the world. He was just a human with a special talent, but he was still small, and he still couldn't escape the fate of being buried in the sea of ​​ice!
As time passed, the water beads disappeared.


Some of the more tenacious plants are being broken bit by bit.The wet soil dries as hard as rock and even freezes and cracks.

The extremely dense forest disappeared completely, using the ice boundary parallel to the horizon as its width, pushing into the depths of the forest, braving the cold air that would not dissipate!
At this moment, a man whose clothes and skin were frozen, half-bent, looked like a frozen clay Buddha statue kneeling on the edge of the ice boundary. It was too miserable to look at.

He is Wu Ku.

He tried to get up several times with difficulty, but he could only maintain such a movement that was almost prostrate to the ground.

He tried hard to raise his head, but all he saw was a pair of feet with footprints on the ice and snow, walking towards him step by step.

"It's over." Lin Chuan said to Wu Ku.

"You..." Wu Ku wanted to stand up, but the moment his leg bones supported him, he screamed in horror.

His legs, the frozen parts, were quietly breaking.

Blown up!

Wu Ku screamed like crazy, and the more violently his body twisted, the more parts of his body peeled off.

How could Wu Ku have thought that his body had been broken into such a state?

Now he really looks like a ruined Buddha statue that has been burned in a kiln, which is very consistent with the literal meaning of falling apart!
"Water, water, water..."

Wu Ku started to crawl, and his hands and skin fell off like dry soil.

But he was still crawling hard, trying to climb to the distant water river.

Because, there is water flow there, and as long as there is water flow, he can still unleash his power.

As long as you give him water, a person with a special physique like him can revive his life.

The water will replenish all the moisture he lacks, and even allow his skin and flesh to slowly grow back.

As long as there is water, he can come back again! !
I finally climbed to a place where I could see the water river. With a little magic, I could make the water in the distance pour by itself...

However, the next moment, his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

This place is frozen! !
There was no trace of water, only endless ice and snow, and even ice crystals rising from the cracks on the surface!
"I don't want to die, I can't die!!!"

"Please, please, be merciful..."

Wu Ku grabbed Lin Chuan's trousers, and his body was almost broken with only bones left.

"It's over!" Lin Chuan said to himself.

In an instant, the ice and snow attached to Wu Ku's body exploded, and the ice attribute energy bloomed and exploded, ending Wu Ku's last bit of life.

At the same time, with the death of Wu Ku, the water beads and water crystals in his spiritual world fell down.

These are all treasures.

Even if one is born with a soul body, he is not able to control the rain as he pleases.The reason why Wu Ku's ability to control water is so special is because he has the blessing of water beads on his body!

As for these three water crystals, they are the things that can allow him to break through the super level of water system.

Lin Chuan picked up the dropped things, full of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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