Full-time mage: random treasure chest, I am crazy about it

Chapter 33 33 Snow Python Attack, Tianshan Holy Lotus (Revised)

Chapter 33 33. Snow Python Attack, Tianshan Holy Lotus (Revised)
Tianshan is not just a snow mountain in the west of China, even in the world, its ancient and sacred name is spread.

Even the ancient materials of Greece and Egypt mentioned that there is a holy mountain in the mysterious east, which refers to the Tianshan Mountain...

Here, the holy spirit feathered beast once hovered on the roof of Tianshan Mountain, and the holy tiger of Tianshan Mountain stood proudly in the scars of Tianshan Mountain, leaving countless totem information and legends...

Tianshan Mountain is an endless topic. Explorers have followed one after another, some people have obtained huge treasures to complete their transformation, and most of them are quietly buried in snow marks.

Pan Town is located at the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain.It is filled with portraits of those who disappeared, and rewards are offered for missing persons.It is also full of relatives who are looking forward to the return of the "missing people of Tianshan", hence the name...


At the end of the challenge week, Lin Chuan came to Tianshan Mountain to experience and collect resources because of the completion of the intermediate level of ice magic and the "Little Xuenv" was about to break through the infancy stage.

Lin Chuan didn't stay in this 'Pan Town' much, but headed towards Tianshan Mountain.Although Tianshan Mountain is dangerous, it's better if it's outside, at least it won't be full of commander-level monsters.

As you go further inside, the temperature between the sky and the earth is getting lower and lower, and the snowflakes have begun to fall gradually...

"A piece of pure white snow mountain, with drifting ice and snow, so pure energy of ice attribute!" Lin Chuan said with emotion. Fortunately, he is a major in ice department and has his own domain ability, so he can adapt to the current environment of Tianshan Mountain.

Along the way, Lin Chuan didn't encounter any commander-level monsters blocking the way, and he easily resolved the obstacles of warrior-level monsters he encountered several times.

After a few days of journey, the resources have been quite fruitful.

As Lin Chuan continued to go deeper, it became more and more dangerous. After all, this place has been in a dangerous zone of commander-level haunts since the beginning.

Although it seemed calm on the surface, Lin Chuan knew that the real danger was hidden in the dark.

On the fifth day after entering Tianshan, Lin Chuan stole some "extremely cold gems" in the ice cave, so he was attacked and killed by the Tianshan snow python family...

"Field of Ice"

At this moment, with Lin Chuan as the center, the surrounding plants and rocks have already condensed into ice at this moment...

Looking down from a high altitude, a white ring has appeared in this area, and the inside of the ring has completely turned into frost white, frozen rocks, plants that have turned into ice sculptures...

The frost in the ring became thicker and thicker, condensing into a frozen place.And this frosty white ring is spreading a little bit...

There are many icicles standing on the ice. Lin Chuan stood on one of the icicles, looked down, and his brows were furrowed.


The cry of the snow python came from the frozen ground, and a snow python about ten meters long, with pure white snow-like hair and blue animal eyes crawled out of the ice cave...

The aura of this snow python is very strong, obviously not as simple as a warrior-level creature, it has already reached the 'commander level'.

"Isn't it just to grab some 'extremely cold gems' and kill two snow pythons, and I need to trouble you, a commander-level driver!" Lin Chuan complained.


Below, the 'commander-level snow python' roared at Lin Chuan...

Following the roar of the 'commander-level snow python', bursts of voices soon came from all directions. They were responding, and the ground shook...


A large group of snow pythons rushed forward, bowing their heads in front of this commander-level snow python.

After the snow pythons gathered together, the 'commander-level snow python' roared again, leading the group of pythons to fly up, waving their giant tails, and smashing the icicle on which Lin Chuan was standing...

The icicle shattered, and seeing that Lin Chuan was about to fall into the siege of the python group, he shouted into his contract space: "Little Xuenv, possessed!"

Sleeping soundly, Xiao Xuenv rubbed her eyes in a daze, and didn't bother to fly out to possess her again, so she simply channeled her 'extremely cold ice crystal' to Lin Chuan's soul...

Lin Chuan was immediately covered in frost, the ice ring spread, and even his hair seemed to have turned into ice bodies.

The ice around Lin Chuan gradually began to dance behind him, turning into countless ice feathers, more and more ice feathers, densely forming two huge frost wings...

The icy wings on Lin Chuan's back suddenly spread out, and then a heavy flap...

I saw Lin Chuan rising into the air in an instant, avoiding the encirclement and suppression of the python group...

Lin Chuan focused his eyes, and a frosty white glow bloomed. He waved his hands, and the frost on the ground began to condense, turning into an ice phoenix. Under Lin Chuan's control, the 'ice phoenix' rushed towards the snow python group...

However, Lin Chuan's attack was not over yet. A frost-white star map appeared, and dozens of icy spears fell from high altitude, forming a combined attack of ground and air...


There were bursts of roars, and the 'commander-level snow python' broke out from the bombing.Looking back, he saw the frozen corpses of snow pythons all over the ground, roaring angrily.

"The skin is thick enough, so he was slightly injured." Lin Chuan, who was high in the sky, looked at the 'commander-level snow python' that broke out of the encirclement and said with emotion.

The star map of Lin Chuan's body appeared again, and the frost in midair condensed!A spear of frost descended from the sky, like a giant snow-white dragon swooping down...

Seeing this situation, the commander-level snow python was full of anger, and did not dodge. It stared at its red eyes, and its body twisted violently.


A bloody light flickered all over his body, and the bloody light gathered in the snake's tail and flew towards the 'Ice Lance'.


The bloody tail cut off the 'Ice Spear' directly, and the commander-level snow python manipulated the bloody tail to slam it onto the ice...


The commander-level snow python suddenly exploded in speed, ejected, turned into a stream of red light, and rushed towards Lin Chuan wantonly.

"Mind Control Void Claw"

Seeing the light and shadow rushing towards him, Lin Chuan's expression became solemn, and a deep silver luster bloomed in his pupils.

Lin Chuan's thoughts were concentrated, and after Lin Chuan's 'Mind Control·Void Claw' went out, the 'Commander-level Snow Python' trembled a little and was not hindered too much...

"Pseudo-Dragon Armor"

Lin Chuan didn't dare to be negligent at all, and hurriedly called out his life-saving equipment.

The black dragon shadow split into more than a dozen, wrapping around Lin Chuan's arms, neck, head, body, and legs. Soon, dragon scales covered his body again, tearing Lin Chuan from his teeth-armed ankles!

The terrifying body of the commander-level snow python hit him, and Lin Chuan, who was wearing the 'pseudo-dragon armor', was thrown flying.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan put on the 'pseudo-dragon armor' in time, otherwise this terrible blow would have killed him.

Commander-level creatures are Commander-level creatures after all...

Lin Chuan fell from a high altitude onto the ice surface with a loud 'bang'. Afterwards, Lin Chuan got up in a panic, and when he got up, there was already some blood on his face...

The sound of "hiss hiss" came again, Lin Chuan looked around, and the snow python group had already surrounded and suppressed them.

"Space Rhythm Crack"

Silver star patterns intertwined all over Lin Chuan's body, the space trembled slightly, and a radiant void with deep silver appeared.

The space trembled, and the rushing snow python group had no time to escape from this area, and was pulled into the turbulent flow of space.

"Phew", Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally stabilized.It's really tough, frequent attacks don't give him a chance to breathe.

"Dimensional Call"


With the opening of the gate of the dimension, 'A Bao' bounced out from the dimension plane.

A Bao appeared and saw a snow python with a strong aura, and he was still within the attack range. A Bao felt that he was hurt by Lin Chuan...


A'Bao's body was covered in black light, and his body continued to grow. He rushed forward and threw himself at one of the snow pythons.

Grabbing the snow python, with a little force, the snow python died immediately.

But at the same time, Ah Bao was also caught in the encirclement. With the addition of the commander-level snow python, he fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and could only support hard, after all, he was only an advanced-level warrior.

Taking advantage of the gap, Lin Chuan quickly condensed the ice elements around his body, and the frosty white frost gradually condensed into a huge ice gun in the air.

The ice gun was divided into two again.

"call out!"

Thick frost was flying, and two ice guns turned over and crashed down from mid-air.Two shots in a row, at an extremely fast speed, directly landed on the commander-level snow python!

With the first shot, most of the thick skin on the snow python's body has been shattered!

When the second shot fell from the sky, a large area of ​​its skin was already frostbitten.

Get up again.Ignoring the injuries on his body, the commander-level blood python poured all the power in his body into his body, his whole body glowing with blood. At this moment, the violent power blew away the surrounding snowflakes and shattered the ice layer on the ground...

Ah Bao in the field was instantly blown away, covered in scars...

Unfortunately, in mid-air, the Frost Spear had been condensed. After Lin Chuan charged up, the 'Ice Spear' swooped down and slashed at the Commander-level Snow Python with a "swish".


The snow python hastily defended, and the 'Ice Lance' condensed Lin Chuan's ice element magic energy, broke through its blood-wrapped body, and pierced down.

In an instant, blood splashed, and the broken flesh stained the ice on the ground red.

The body of the commander-level snow python was directly scratched with deep wounds, and even the crazily beating heart in the center was exposed to the air.

But even with such a serious injury, he still climbed up again, slapped the giant tail, ejected, and the body suddenly got into the dense forest in the distance.It dived so deep that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the middle of the air, Lin Chuan, who knew the snow python well, was stunned for a moment, a little helpless, only the magic power of the space system was left, and in addition to the unknown area, I don't know what monsters were hiding, so he gave up chasing, and could only turn his anger on the victim. The abandoned snow python group vented.

The roar subsided, the battle ended, Lin Chuan stepped into the ice cave, and it was time to pack up the battle supplies.

In the ice cave, there is ice and snow, a vast expanse of whiteness, and many ice-attribute medicinal herbs grow, but it is full of vitality.There are also some extremely cold gems piled up in the corner.

A crystal clear plant in the center, surrounded by surrounding plants...

The plant is about the size of a bouquet of roses. Its whole body is snow-white, its roots are all white, and its petals are white and shining with attractive luster.

"One, two... four, 400-year Tianshan Holy Lotus!" Lin Chuan's eyes almost popped out, he got rich, and the bill owed to Dean Xiao (paid in advance when making the energy-regenerating magic weapon) can be repaid.

"Haha" Lin Chuan laughed, there are also such things on the periphery?This luck?
ps: Tianshan Holy Lotus: For those who are nearing the end of their lifespan, their lifespan can be extended, and the fruit of the contract tree can also make the soul species evolve.

After packing up the booty, Lin Chuan withdrew and headed towards the foot of Tianshan Mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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