Chapter 23 23. Attack on the Deadwood Forest (Revised)
The Nanling Mountains are so vast that even if you fly high in the sky, you can't see the end of the continuous mountains.

A pair of wings made up of wind cyclones suddenly opened, rising from the ground into the white clouds.

The owner of the wings is a tough middle-aged man with shattered hair. He is wearing a tattered military uniform, and the blood flowing from his body is falling into the mountain drop by drop...

But at this moment, he was hugging a young woman who was unconscious. The blood dripped as far as the human man flew, from this mountain range to the mountain range to the east!

Below are tens of thousands of mountains, between the forest and the valley, there are countless pairs of green eyes staring at this bold human man.

"I can't hold on anymore, I hope you can escape in the future." The tough middle-aged man whispered to himself.


Magic City, Jinyuan Apartment.

For a month in a row, Lin Chuan stayed at home and practiced painstakingly. Finally, he became more proficient at releasing intermediate-level magic spells of the ice and space systems, to the point where he could release them in two to three seconds...

Mental strength has also increased significantly. When the selection for the National Battle begins two years later, it is possible to reach the fifth realm of the Middle Realm, which is equivalent to a top-quality soul seed, and the space system is enough to rank in the upper reaches of the high-level.

It should be noted that when Ai Jiangtu, the captain of the national team, first appeared on the stage, his spiritual cultivation was only at the fourth level, which was only a high-level space system.

The most urgent thing is to quickly improve your summoning system, otherwise it will limit the growth of summoned beasts.

The next day, after sleeping until dawn, Lin Chuan woke up with a ray of sunlight shining on his face, dazzling him.


Xiao Xuenv got up earlier than Lin Chuan, and she stepped on the bedside, passing by Lin Chuan's door from time to time, with ice crystal feet imprinted on her face, she became energetic instantly when she was half awake.

Lin Chuan twisted up the mischievous little Xuenv, and flicked it on the small forehead, Xiaoxuenv yelled...

Lin Chuan stared at the little Xuenv who fell to the ground. The little Xuenv had already started to develop in the direction of "fat cub". During this month, Lin Chuan started feeding "spiritual seeds" and "spiritual seed fragments". Alright, it's about to turn into an ice crystal ball, and she won't feel pain even if she falls on the ground.

"Ring ring ring~~~~~"

At this moment, the phone rang.

"There's a big order, do you want to take it?" Zhu Rui, the hunter's assistant, said.

"What about the specific situation? Lin Chuan turned around and said
"This is commissioned by the military to search and rescue a military member in the Nanling area," Zhu Rui said.

"Then why don't people in the military do it themselves?" Lin Chuan continued to ask.

"There are countless mountains in the Nanling area. The military is short of manpower this time, so we can only rely on the strength of folk mages and hunting mages." Zhu Rui replied.

"I just need to get their locations?" Lin Chuan asked.

"That's right, just use the special equipment owned by the military to report whereabouts later." Zhu Rui said.

"Nanling?" Lin Chuan hasn't gone out to hunt monsters for a long time. During this time, he only has 3000 million funds left, which is beyond his means.

It just so happens that he is proficient in mastering the middle-level magic of the three departments, the ice department is about to improve, and the summoning department still needs resources, Jing Jisidong: "Go, when do you need to start?"

"The sooner the better!" Zhu Rui responded.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chuan changed into a suit of clothes.I went out to the 'Hunters' Alliance', and after waiting for a while, Zhu Rui sent the military's 'communication equipment' and the rough topographic map of the Nanling Mountains.


In Nanling...


Lin Chuan took a step back, frost-white ice crystals were sliding down his palms, and he waved his hands.

Frost flew, and crystal clear powder filled the entire battlefield. The cold air dispelled all the air here, and the ground condensed into ice and was covered by frost...

After Lin Chuan used the ice vine skill, the frost turned into living plants, covering the green-striped magic wolf on the opposite side like a creeper.

The blue-striped demon wolf suddenly jumped up, and the blue lines on its body became extremely shining.

It jumped to the top of Lin Chuan's head, and trampled down on Lin Chuan fiercely with its four limbs. The blue lines on its body seemed to endow it with greater strength. Down……

"Pseudo-Dragon Armor"

Lin Chuan landed from mid-air and summoned his own defensive magic equipment. The black dragon scales transformed into a tight connection, quickly covering Lin Chuan's whole body...

Lin Chuan was directly sent flying by the force of that claw, he rolled in the air, slid a long way along the big reef, and finally stopped after hitting a big rock heavily.

The rock had been shattered, and the fragments covered Lin Chuan's body.

"Boom boom boom~~~~~"

Suddenly, the icy ground cracked open, and thick chains of ice came out of the ground. They danced like dragons and phoenixes, and made metallic clanging sounds every time they collided.

In an instant, the blue-patterned wolf was tightly trapped by these icy chains, and there was no hope of escape!
"Kang Kang Keng Keng!!!"

The icy chains kept intertwining, and the long ice chains bound the body of the blue-striped demon wolf several layers.

Not long after, the blue-striped wolf was completely wrapped in chains like an ice-locked mummy, and the power of ice-cold rushed in frantically, freezing the blue-striped wolf.

"Ice Burst"

There was a roar, the ice locks exploded, and the blue-striped demon wolf was killed on the spot by the powerful impact. The white bones protruded, the internal organs were splattered with blood, and the blood spurted out, staining the ice surface red.

At the end of the battle, Lin Chuan looked at the corpses of demon wolves all over the ground, and exhaled. It was already the third day since he entered the Nanling area. Not to mention the rescue target, he didn't even see a human figure.


Two days later, Lin Chuan wandered alone in the 'dead wood forest', lost his way...

All around, every dead tree looks exactly the same, and the dead leaves everywhere make it impossible to distinguish the direction, like a maze-like terrain.

Tired from walking, he sat down to rest for a while, Lin Chuan wondered whether he should break through forcefully, rather than wandering aimlessly in the dead wood forest like this.


Suddenly, screams came from another direction in the withered forest, and the shrill sound echoed in the withered forest, making people shiver...

"There is indeed a problem here." Lin Chuan's expression darkened.Running towards the screaming place, a gust of wind blew by while running, and a strong smell of blood blew from the direction ahead...

Lin Chuan's arrival location...

It was found that the dense vines in the center of the scene formed a plant cage, protecting a figure in the center...

"Puff puff!!!!"

Several dead trees in the surrounding area have already sprung up from the ground, using their roots to squirm on the ground. Those branches are as sharp as spears, sharp and terrifying, stabbing at the plant cage at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Chuan looked around again. Two middle-aged men in army green clothes had been pierced through their hearts, and blood was dripping down their bodies. It seemed that this was the source of the screams...

Suddenly, a sharp dead tree stabbed towards Lin Chuan fiercely, and it was the dead tree he had landed on that attacked Lin Chuan!

Lin Chuan immediately jumped up to avoid the attack, before he landed in mid-air...

(End of this chapter)

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