Douluo: Beginning to level Shrek Academy

Chapter 204 Shrek Academy Team

Chapter 204 Shrek Academy Team

Yuan Lang was about to say something when he suddenly felt a sharp murderous intention locked on his body.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw not far away, a man in a cloak was looking at him coldly.

Although those were a pair of eyes with only the whites of the eyes, they gave people a great sense of oppression, as if he could see Yuan Lang, and the killing intent was almost condensed into substance.

It seems that there is some deep hatred with Yuan Lang.

Although Yuan Lang couldn't see that person's face, Yuan Lang could still recognize the students around him.

It was Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy.

It's not hard to guess that the blind boy who completely wrapped himself in black cloth must be Tang San.

Seeing that he was able to find him in the crowd, it must be that Xuantian Kungfu has gone a step further, allowing him to use his mental power to detect everything around him, instead of relying on his eyes to see things like in the past.

It's just that Xiao Wu was missing from the crowd.

It seems that after he nukes Shrek Academy, Xiao Wu left Shrek Academy.

And there were four more unfamiliar faces behind them.

Three men and one woman.

It seems that they are newcomers, and Yuan Lang doesn't know him.

In the team, there are three teachers, two men and one woman.

The headed man has a short beard and a short beard, looking very proud.

The body is upright and looks like a master.

Yuan Lang estimated that it should be Tang San's mentor Yu Xiaogang.

Unexpectedly, after Shrek Academy collapsed in advance, he would still walk with Tang San.

Next to Yu Xiaogang is a female teacher. Although she is already an aunt, she still has her charm.

It seems that it has been nourished by love and has a second spring.

The face that should have been decadent was flushed red.

Her black hair was extremely smooth, as if she had been smeared with sesame oil.

She seemed to be in a relationship with the master. The two were close to each other, and they seemed very intimate when they talked.

Yuan Lang could guess without thinking that it must be Yu Xiaogang's wife Liu Erlong.

In this way, it is not difficult to guess the identities of the three unfamiliar men and one woman in front. They should be Tailong, Huang Yuan, and Jingling Jiangzhu, members of the Lanba Academy founded by Liu Erlong.

The last teacher has pink hair and looks very sharp.

Knowing the plot well, Yuan Lang could easily guess that this person should be Qin Ming, a graduate of Shrek Academy.

He was originally supposed to be the leader of the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

But it appeared in the Shrek Academy team.

Combined with the Douluo plot that Yuan Lang is familiar with, the whole process is not difficult to reconstruct.

Obviously, the Shrek Academy that was hit by a nuclear explosion would definitely not be able to live in it.

There is no comparison between Shrek Academy and Wuhundian Academy.

Yuan Lang nuclear-bombed Wuhundian Academy, even though the academy was ten times larger than Shrek Academy, even though Bibi Dong was in pain, with a wave of his hand, he could still choose a site for re-establishment.

But Dean Flender is a poor ghost, and there is no reconstruction funds at all.

After Shrek Academy was destroyed, they should theoretically go their separate ways.

But Yu Xiaogang's joining brought the teachers and students of this academy together again.

He took his teachers and students to Qin Ming, the best graduate, and wanted to join the Imperial Fighting Team of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Unfortunately, it was rejected.

The royal team simply looked down on the teachers and students who ran away from the pheasant academy. In the end, the two sides fell out, and Qin Ming left in a fit of anger and left the Royal Academy.

Follow them away.

Being homeless, they joined Lanba Academy, and accidentally met Liu Erlong as the principal.

Liu Erlong had been waiting for Yu Xiaogang for many years, so he was naturally elated.

For Yu Xiaogang's sake, she willingly gave up her academy, disbanded and renamed it, and reorganized with the former Shrek Academy teachers and students into the new Shrek Academy.

Seeing the close relationship between the two, it is estimated that after Tang San returned later, the gap between the two was repaired, so that Yu Xiaogang realized that his sister could also fuck.

That's why the two of them acted intimately just now.

The facts are slightly different from Yuan Lang's conjecture, but the general process is very similar.

It is estimated that this is the so-called historical inertia!

If there is a slight deviation from what is supposed to happen, then due to the inertia of development, it will continue to move forward according to the predetermined destiny.

"Little San, what's the matter?"

Seeing Tang San's abnormality, Yu Xiaogang asked in doubt.

"Yuan Lang~"

Tang San gritted his teeth and only two words popped out from between his teeth.

It seems that there is endless resentment.

As a time traveler, he carried all the martial arts cheats of the Tang Sect and information on the blueprints of the organs.

Traveling to this continent, that is the proper protagonist of Douluo Continent.

He who cheated should have had a smooth journey and a smooth rise.

I didn't expect to just stand in the wind and take off.

On the way, Yuan Lang, who was also time-traveling, came out. He was worse than him, but he was physically transported, and he was carrying more advanced weapons than him.

Immediately come from behind, stealing all his limelight, plundering opportunities, and abducting women.

Let him almost die at the hands of his father.

If it weren't for the protection of his dead mother, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to return to the game.

Reincarnate directly and become a ghost again.

This hatred is irreconcilable.

He wished he could rush forward right now and tear Yuan Lang into pieces.

"What!? He is Yuan Lang."

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he was startled and looked at Yuan Lang with anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

Obviously, he had seen Yuan Lang before.

But because of the description, Yuan Lang is a handsome young man.

Yuan Lang became more mature and handsome after going through the Death Canyon experience.

Let him not think about Yuan Lang.

Now being pointed out by Tang San, they naturally share the same hatred and hatred.

He was originally Tang San's mentor. He had theories, but he had not verified them.

Tang San had talent, but no theory.

The two of them complement each other naturally and achieve each other's success, not to mention how wonderful it is.

After Tang San graduated from junior college, he immediately asked him to go to Shrek Academy for further studies.

I originally thought that after finishing my resignation, I could rush over and achieve mutual success with Tang San again.

Who knew, when he arrived, Shrek Academy had already been destroyed.

After searching in many ways, he finally found the teachers and students of Shrek Academy who had left.

After understanding the cause and effect.

He immediately vowed to avenge his student Tang San (test subject).

But something happened that made him even more desperate.

Yuan Lang actually joined the Wuhun Palace, so he never had this opportunity.

Based on his wisdom, Yuan Lang is extremely talented and will definitely participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition.

This is his only chance for revenge.

Only then did he try his best to persuade Flender to take his students to join Qin Ming, a graduate student who was the leader of the Tiandou school team at the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Afterwards, even if he was kicked out, he still tried his best to keep Shrek Academy lingering.

Finally, Huangtian paid off and reunited with Liu Erlong.

The dove occupies the magpie's nest, reorganizes the Shrek Academy on the Lanba Academy, and rejuvenates the second spring.

Now that he finally saw Yuan Lang who almost killed his theoretical test subject, he felt hatred.

"Is it the Shrek Academy he leveled? I'll go and destroy him."

Liu Erlong snorted coldly with a look of anger.

While speaking, her soul power crazily unfolded, and the frightening soul sage fluctuated wildly.

He was about to rush towards Yuan Lang.

Although she has long black hair and is extremely supple, her personality is not gentle, but rather violent.

He had long heard that his elder brother Flender's college was ruined by Yuan Lang.

Only then was displaced and suffered a lot of grievances.

If we meet today, don't worry about him, and avenge the elder brother first.

(End of this chapter)

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