Peerless Tang Sect's power to turn the tide

Chapter 88 Huniu (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 88 Huniu (seeking a monthly ticket)

Mu Qing flew non-stop towards the dormitory building in the outer courtyard. It was already late at night, but the dormitory door was not closed, because tomorrow is a public holiday, and the dormitory building at night during this time period has no access control.

After Mu Qing flew out of Sea God Lake, in order not to attract attention, he took Qilin Yuanjia back.With both feet on the ground, he quickly ran towards the dormitory. He didn't restrain his speed along the way. It took only a few minutes for sparks and lightning to cross a large area of ​​the campus and arrive at the dormitory area.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he saw four figures standing at the door of the dormitory, looking anxious, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

When she felt Mu Qing's aura, Xie Huanyue was the first to turn around, shouting excitedly, "Boss, you are finally back!"

Xie Huanyue quickly ran towards Mu Qing, wanting to give him a big hug, but before he ran halfway, a cyan light flashed in the air, and a slim figure directly crossed Xie Huanyue, using a weapon stronger than him She rushed directly into Mu Qing's arms at a fast speed.

"Ning Tian!"

Mu Qing looked at the person in his arms, the other's arms were tightly wrapped around his waist, and his body was pressed against his arms, Mu Qing's heart was moved by Xiao He's sharp and pointed figure: "No Sorry to make you worry."

Ning Tian shook his head in Mu Qing's arms, buried his head in Mu Qing's arms, his body trembled a little, as if he had been frightened.

A few seconds later, Ning Tian rubbed his head against Mu Qing's arms for a moment, raised a ruddy smiling face, and his swollen eyelids seemed to have just cried.

Mu Qing scratched her head and didn't know what to say. In order to take the lead, this little girl even used the soul bone skills on her legs. This thing is not for you to use like this!
Just as Mu Qing let go and let go of Ning Tian's arms, he felt a soft breath again.



Shui Zitong tightly hugged Mu Qing's arm with both hands, staring at Mu Qing's side face with big eyes with moist luster, the corners of his mouth curled down, and said unhappily: "Next time, no matter what you do, never Don't take me!"

"Okay, okay, I promise you, don't be unhappy, okay?"

Mu Qing looked at the two pretty people beside him with some headaches, looked at the two pairs of complicated eyes, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Shui Zitong and Ning Tian looked at each other, the former lowered his head shyly, but did not let go of Mu Qing's hands, and even hugged him even tighter.

With a smile in the corner of Ning Tian's eyes, he took the initiative to walk forward, held Shui Zitong's hands, and said with a smile: "Sister Zitong, tomorrow is a public holiday, how about we go shopping together?"

Shui Zitong was taken aback by Ning Tian's sudden action. She is a shy person. Apart from being a little cautious and relaxed in front of Mu Qing, she is shy in front of other people, even her roommates. A type similar to a doormat, who can't hold back a word for a long time!
She looked up at Mu Qing, her eyes seemed to be questioning, but Mu Qing shrugged indifferently, and threw the question back.

After Shui Zitong pondered for a moment, he and Ning Tian exchanged a glance, felt the sincere emotion in the other's eyes, and nodded vigorously.

Ning Tian was overjoyed, and her secret path was stabilized. In fact, she shouldn't have treated Shui Zitong as an opponent in the palace long ago, because she was destined to be unable to become Mu Qing's palace with such a personality. defeat point.

She Ning Tian is truly what everyone expects!
Thinking of this, Ning Tian looked at Shui Zitong more softly.

Wu Feng had also run to Mu Qing's side at this time, his anxious expression was undisguised, he raised his hands slightly, trying to hug Mu Qing's other arm, but just as he was about to reach out, he saw his young master actively inviting Shui Zitong The act of going shopping.

This made her finally come to her senses about her actions at the moment, put her arms down with a dazed gaze, and stared blankly at the scene of Mu Qing, Ning Tian, ​​and Shui Zitong happily communicating. At this moment, she felt like an outsider, out of place.

Just when Wu Feng lowered her head and was at a loss, a warm and clean big hand was placed on top of her head, dispelling the darkness in her heart instantly.

"What are you thinking, Huniu!"

Wu Feng raised her head and stared at the smiling face in front of her, the light filled her pupils again.

The corners of Wu Feng's eyes were moist, the tip of his nose shrugged, and he said hoarsely, "I'm not a tiger girl, my martial soul is a red dragon, a dragon, not a tiger!"

"Yes, yes, you are a tiger girl and not a dragon girl, ah no, you are not a dragon girl but a tiger girl, ah no, I mean you are a tiger girl or something..."

"Stinky bastard, I'll bite you to death!"

Wu Feng opened his mouth and bit Mu Qing's arm fiercely with his white and neat teeth. It could be said to be biting, but he didn't dare to really force it, and the licking was more.

On the one hand, it is distressing, and on the other hand, it is afraid that Mu Qing will beat her up!
But every time Wu Feng was beaten, he didn't feel the grief and indignation he imagined, instead he felt a sense of joy in it.

Mu Qing felt two icy petals on his arm, and shivered all over. He looked down at Wu Feng's blushing, sad and indignant expression, and rubbed the other's hair a little amusingly.

"Let go, Huniu!"

Wu Feng took his mouth away, snorted coldly, and wiped the drool on Mu Qing's arm with his cuff, looking extremely serious.

Xie Huanyue stood on the side in embarrassment, with his arms folded, watching his boss being greeted attentively by three peerless beauties who are all over the world. Why does he feel that he is so redundant?
Xie Huanyue raised her hand and slapped herself, slapping her fat face.

"Damn, I'm so cheap, really!"

"I'm the one who plays the most. Next time I want to be so cheap, I'll..."

"What are you?"

Mu Qing came over and patted Xie Huanyue on the shoulder, looked at the slap on the other's face and smiled, "Why, you still want to slap yourself twice?"

"Ah, that's not enough. At most, next time I see you with some sister-in-laws, I'll walk around. I don't eat much, so I'm afraid I'll support myself!"

Shui Zitong, Wu Feng, and Ning Tian who were on the side were not only not angry when they heard Xie Huanyue's open mouth, but secretly gave each other a shy compliment.

This little fat man has a future, I am optimistic about you!

"Okay, don't worry about it, I just gave you the Treasure Pavilion that I auctioned off, right?"

"Give it!"

Xie Huanyue instantly became energetic, and we were all excited to mention this.

He was still thinking about his soul bone!
It's really interesting that the boss recognizes it!
Xie Huanyue looked at Mu Qing with eyes full of admiration, wishing she could bend down to shine Mu Qing's shoes.

I have not been able to get a soul bone in the sect. Although Fengjianzong is one of the next four sects ten thousand years ago, after the incident of Nagada in the Wuhun Palace ten thousand years ago, it has long since lost its former glory. .

In the entire sect, there is only his father, the title Douluo, and only two or three soul bones, all of which are ordinary soul bones that have just passed ten thousand years, and they have all been absorbed by his father and elders. For this little brat.

"Let's go, the three of you also go to the boys' dormitory with us, let's share the spoils."

After speaking, Mu Qing took the lead and walked towards the [-] dormitory.

It's strange to say that in the student dormitory of Shrek's outer courtyard, boys are forbidden to enter the girls' floor, but girls are not forbidden to enter the boys' dormitory.Of course, if you want to go in, you still have to tell the uncle on the guard floor, but at least there is no strict rule that boys will be expelled if they step into the girls' dormitory, otherwise Shrek will have a headache if there is any murder.

Several people were sitting on chairs at the entrance of the corridor with a book in their hands. The old man who was watching quietly greeted him and walked towards his dormitory.

The old man wore a pair of presbyopic glasses, squinted at the backs of several people, and smacked his lips: "The young man now really knows how to play!"


They just walked into the boys' dormitory, Mu Qing and Xie Huanyue sat casually on their respective beds, while the three girls looked at the environment of the boys' dormitory very freshly.

After all, they are young girls who have just started their love affairs, so they are naturally very curious about the boys' dormitory, especially since this is where the person I like lives.

Looking around, I found that it was no different from the girls' dormitory, and Mu Qing was a very tidy person, and his background in the evil magic moon was naturally not bad. The dormitory environment was quite clean, and there was no smell of boys' feet as expected.

"Hey, boss, this is something given by others."

Xie Huanyue couldn't wait to hand over a storage ring in her bosom to Mu Qing. Such a storage ring is equivalent to a gift, and the price is not cheap, because Mu Qing bought a strange stone with a length, width and height of two meters. After adding other things, Mu Qing used his mental strength to look it over, and found that this storage ring actually has a space of ten cubic meters.

Well, this storage ring alone is worth tens of thousands of gold soul coins!
"Come on, it's yours!"

Mu Qing took out a jade box from the ring, opened the lid, a thick, rich khaki-yellow light enveloped the entire room, the huge soul beast's aura surged, and Ning Tian, ​​whose soul power was relatively weak beside the impact, Only by using soul power with Wufeng can they resist the oppression of this momentum.

"The right arm bone of the 5000-year-old Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus King, Fatty, here it is for you!"

Mu Qing handed the box in his hand to the other party with a smile on his face, and Xie Huanyue took it into his arms with trembling hands, looking at Mu Qing with affection in his eyes, even if he knelt down on the spot and recognized him as his adoptive father, Mu Qing would not Not surprisingly.

He gave this soul bone to the other party, mainly because of Xie Huanyue's strength and talent. Pippi Xiang is a very good martial soul. If he uses it well, he is the Douluo Continental version of Wang Lufei alive. His attack power is very explosive and his defense power is even stronger. It is the top, innately immune to most physical attacks, this effect can not be achieved even by Xu Sanshi's Dark Underworld Shield.

"Boss, thank you. From now on, I will fight wherever you point. I will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation, no ambiguity!"

"Okay, you can absorb it before going to bed later, and I will protect you when the time comes."

After Mu Qing finished speaking, he looked at Wu Feng, who had envious eyes, and stretched out a finger to tick him off.

"Come on, Huniu, is it your turn?"


Wu Feng pointed at himself in disbelief, and walked to Mu Qing's side in confusion.

Immediately after, under her shocked gaze, Mu Qing stretched out his hand as if by magic, and a dark red left leg bone instantly appeared in his hand.

"Clang clang ~"

Mu Qing handed the soul bone in front of Wu Feng's eyes, looked down at Wu Feng's staring red eyes, and joked a little funny: "What's wrong, take it, see how you wanted it so much at that time. , I won it for you without any hassle, do you really admire me in your heart at this moment?"

"Let me tell you, in the future you..."

Mu Qing was proudly boasting about himself, but at the next moment, Wu Feng, with red eyes and tears in his eyes, threw himself into his arms and hugged him tightly, whimpering from time to time like a puppy low cry.

Mu Qing was surprised at Wu Feng's first such bold move. After all, Ning Tian and Shui Zitong were still standing aside and looking at them with a smile, and then patted Wu Feng's back of the head in a funny way, stroking each other A head of red hair.

"What's wrong with you, why are you still crying? This is not the Huniu I know!"

Wu Feng shook his head between Mu Qing's neck, the corners of his mouth drooping.

The girl brought the corner of her mouth close to Mu Qing's ear, and said hoarsely, "Young master and Shui Zitong are going to go shopping tomorrow, then... when the time comes, I will come to you, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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