Douluo: Barak Rising

Chapter 29 The Power of Wan Jun

Chapter 29 The Power of Wan Jun
He hit the bet.

Not only did he win the gamble, but he made a lot of money. He couldn't even imagine that apart from this mutated Fifteen Ton Ant, there are other hundreds of years of soul beasts that could provide him with such an excellent soul skill.

Ten Thousand Strength: After releasing this soul skill, the strength attribute is doubled, and the time is maintained for half an hour.

Although it is not a specific percentage increase, but doubling it already shows at least a [-]% increase in strength.

In other words, as long as Jiang Yun releases this soul skill in the future, his strength attribute will be increased by 100% in the next half hour.

This may not be a big deal in the early stage, but what if it reaches the later stage?

When the weight of his Divine Halberd reached its limit, plus various factors, it wouldn't be too much for one halberd to strike a million kilograms, right?

And this is just a normal attack, and it can last for half an hour, who the hell can withstand it.

Although I haven't experienced the power of the 10-year soul skill, judging from the effect of the soul skill described in the original book, it seems to be the same.

Jiang Yun estimated that when the weight of his divine halberd reaches its peak, plus the increase in this soul skill, there is a high probability that its power will not be worse than the 10-year soul skill.

So whether the bet is correct this time, the answer is already obvious.

Of course, the most important thing is that the God-Dreading Halberd is perverted enough. If it were replaced with other power-type martial souls, even if he was given such a soul skill, the effect would definitely not be so good.

The strength after the boost still depends on the basic strength, only when the upper limit of the basic strength is high enough can the power of the boosted soul skill be truly exerted.

The basic strength is not enough, let alone a 10-year soul ability, thank God if it can match the power of a thousand-year soul ability.

"How is it, Your Highness?"

Seeing Jiang Yun open his eyes, Zhong Chen and Xiao Fen immediately approached and looked at Jiang Yun expectantly.

They were very curious about what kind of perverted soul skills such a perverted mutated soul beast could bring to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "Very good."

Then there is no more then.

Soul skills are the top-secret information of soul masters, Jiang Yun naturally won't tell them, after all, there are too many cheap daddy's eyes here.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zhong Chen naturally wouldn't ask again, and he also understood what Jiang Yun was thinking.

If Zhong Chen didn't ask, Xiao Fen was naturally too embarrassed to ask again. After all, he and Jiang Yun were not familiar with each other, and they represented different camps.

The father and son of the emperor's family, what a fart father and son, don't talk about these useless things.

Jiang Yun's soul ring has been fixed, and then he needs to go to the Wannian soul beast area to find the soul beast for Zhong Chen, and then he can return.

However, due to time constraints, everyone did not immediately go to the area where the ten-thousand-year soul beasts were concentrated, but continued to repair on the spot.

It wasn't until the next morning that everyone set off to the deeper place where the ten thousand-year-old soul beasts gathered.

No matter what type the seventh soul ring absorbs, the soul skills obtained are all soul avatars, so relatively speaking, it will be relatively simple, as long as the number of years agrees.

Not long after entering the ten thousand year area, they encountered a wounded fifty thousand year soul beast.

After an hour of hard work by Xiao Fen, Zhong Chen, and many silver-armored guards, they finally succeeded in taking it down, making Xiao Fen call Zhong Chen lucky.

But is it really luck?

actually not.

All of this is due to the shadow.

As early as the night before entering the Star Dou Great Forest, that is, when he was in the hotel in the small town, Jiang Yun had arranged everything.

Zhong Chen is not an outsider, since he has the conditions, he naturally has to choose a better one.

But the 5-year soul beast is not something that Xiao Fen can handle, so Jiang Yun can only make a bad move and let the shadow send the soul ring to Zhong Chen.

In this way, the Shadow Guard will not be exposed, and it can also help Zhong Chen get the ideal soul ring, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

After Zhong Chen absorbed the soul ring, it was already the evening of the next day, and with the help of the 5-year soul ring, Zhong Chen's soul power directly reached level 73.

Zhong Chen is 49 years old this year, don't even think about the title Douluo, but Contra still has a chance.

Of course, it's just a chance.

After all, at his age, it is extremely difficult to improve each level of soul power, and no one knows when it will be stuck.

However, if he can plan the Binghuo Yangyan Eye in the future, Jiang Yun doesn't mind helping him.

Perhaps there is still no hope of title Douluo, but Contra is definitely fine.

As long as you are loyal enough to yourself, even if it's a waste of a fairy grass, it's better than cultivating a Titled Douluo who doesn't know when to turn against each other.

It's a pity that the shadow guard soul power level rewarded by the system can never be improved, otherwise the shadow will easily enter the title level in the future.

After all, he is already level 89.

Another night was spent in the Star Dou Forest, and the next morning, everyone left the Star Dou Forest and came to a small town outside the Star Dou Forest.

After getting into the carriage and riding the horse, the crowd went straight to Barak City without stopping for a moment.

three days later.

Jiang Yun, who returned to the imperial city, parted from the Yinjia Forbidden Army, one returned to Liyang Palace, and the other returned to King Jiang.

After returning to Liyang Palace, Jiang Yun did not rush to take a bath and change clothes, but took Zhong Chen back to the room.

Shadow, and Shadow Moon came out of the darkness.

Jiang Yun looked at Yingyue and asked, "What kind of chain reaction did my second brother's death cause?"

Yingyue explained: "On the day Prince Hao died, under the orders of King Jiang, the commander of the imperial army, Bai Yan, went to the Duke's mansion, so that Duke Zhen dared not make any changes."

"In addition, Concubine Xiao was furious that day, intending to go to Yonghe Palace and fight Prince Feng desperately, but was stopped by King Jiang in the end."

"However, Concubine Xiao did not give up. In the next few days, Prince Feng was assassinated several times, all of which ended in failure."

"The people were sent by Concubine Xiao, but they were all dead men. They committed suicide immediately after the assassination failed, leaving no trace pointing to Concubine Xiao."

Jiang Yun couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

He knew that Concubine Xiao might go crazy after Jiang Hao's death, but he didn't expect the other party to go crazy so thoroughly that she would blatantly commit an assassination.

How can it be so easy to engage in assassination?
The rule of Douluo World is that before the battle, you must activate your martial soul and release your soul skills. The fluctuations in your soul power cannot be covered up. Even the Shadow Guards cannot completely cover up.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun asked again: "What about my elder brother, did you respond?"

Yingyue shook her head and said: "Not at all, as if nothing had happened, what should be done every day is still what to do, but the number of guards has increased a lot."

Jiang Yun chuckled and said, "It's pretty bearable."

Yingyue continued: "Because Prince Hao's death made King Jiang feel the crisis, and because we couldn't find any trace of us, he became more jealous of Duke Zhen, and did not punish Prince Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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