Chapter 72 Breaking into a Big Event - "Hell Detective"

Powerful items that are easy to hold...

Li Buying thought about it carefully, and finally remembered something that might not have been discovered in this universe—the Dionysian factor underground in Gotham City.

Dionysus factor looks like a green liquid from the outside, but it is actually a metallic substance.

As for its function in the comics, it is very simple. The simple metaphor is [the elixir of life]. After taking it, it can bring people back to life with full blood, immortality, and even bring the dead back to life.

The only problem is that in Li Buying's impression, the Dionysian factor did not appear in the movie, and it is not certain whether there is one in this multiverse.

During the time he came, the Joker and Batman were still in love and killing each other, but so far they haven't really let each other fall into death.

If there is one in this world, then the purest underground Dionysian factors in Gotham City must still be there, but Gotham City is too troublesome, and Li Buying really doesn't want to go there if he can.

In addition to the Dionysus factor, Li Buying also thought of another important metal, which is the ninth metal [N metal].

The N metal in the comics has the ability to subvert all science and magic. Not only can it counteract gravity and allow users to fly, it can also be used to attack ghosts and ghosts, and even has a certain restraint effect on magicians.

At the same time, equipment made of N metal can also strengthen the user's strength, reduce energy damage, accelerate wound healing, and protect the user from extreme temperatures, etc.

The N metal in this world is probably not that versatile, but it is definitely still strong after being weakened.

Through searching, Ai Yi discovered that there are Eagleman and Eaglegirl in this world. Although he doesn't know what their situation is, he can confirm that a spaceship made of N metal fell from Egypt through Eagleman and Eaglegirl.

But this metal is also difficult to deal with. Eagleman and Hawkgirl are probably guarding that side.

"...Ai Yi, you should carefully sneak into Gotham City's network first, check and search for the possible location where the battle between Batman and the Joker may fall, and we will look for it after a while."

Regretting again for not knowing about Marvel and DC in his previous life, Li Buying sighed and got up and looked out the window, a green light suddenly flashed across the sky to catch his attention.

"Master, the one who flew over just now is Green Lantern."

Before Li Buying asked Ai Yi to tell what it was that just flew over, he nodded to express his understanding, and he was not interested in the lantern ring.

Lantern rings seem to have various effects on people's emotions, and generally speaking, it takes a total energy to increase the ability of lantern rings.

Li Buying felt that he was not a strong-willed person, and the result of forcibly using the lantern ring with no energy must be very weak, and he couldn't control the lantern beast.

Continuing to look up at the sky in a daze, Li Buying thought that today he could spend the day safely like the previous few days, when suddenly the spider sensed it, telling him that the danger of death was coming.

This world is really full of disasters and disasters! ?
He suddenly looked into the distance, and his eyes drifted across the ocean to notice the crisis that could destroy the earth, and what appeared in his eyes was the future.

The demon with bat wings and two horns on its head was flying and cheering in the air, as if it was welcoming the appearance of something!


The terrifying wave of magic power struck, Li Buying yelled in pain, covered his sore eyes and turned on the system, and at the same time he sensed the danger, a major event mission appeared on it.

Big event task - "Hell Detective"

Just today, the Archangel Gabriel reached an agreement with the devil's son, who quietly hid from Satan, to release him and his minions to the world in order to make mankind suffer.

Although Superman may be able to prevent this crisis in the end, the result is still a loss of life, so before the children of the devil come out, find a way to completely expel them!
Task reward: Charge point +1, constitution [magic resistance]

"Fortunately, it's from "Hell Detective", not the scum in the comics."

Li Buying shook his head slightly to recover from the impact, he never expected such an event, he thought there would be enough time for him to slowly manage and expand Ai Yi's ability.

After waking up, he began to think about this big event. The story of "Hell Detective" is simply that the exorcist Constantine stopped the angel Gabriel who wanted to make mankind suffer, and the son of Satan who wanted to invade the world.

Unlike Marvel's hell, which is part of the dark dimension, the hell here belongs to the name of the only plane, which is very high in terms of personality.

In Li Buying's view, no matter how high God is in the DC universe, the plane of hell is only below him.

However, the space channel connecting this world to hell should not be very large. After all, the mission introduction said that Superman can solve this problem.

As for the protagonist Constantine in "Hellboy", he is an exorcist, but the image in the comics is very different from the image in the movie.

In the comics, he is a first-class rotten person who commits all kinds of crimes. It can be said that he is destined to go to hell, and he is not innocent at all.

But it is different in the movie. Constantine committed suicide and entered hell when he was a child. After being rescued, he saw the horror of hell and pursued the qualification to go to heaven after death.

Since then, Constantine has continued to do good deeds, trying to erase the inevitable impact of going to hell brought about by the act of "suicide".


After carefully thinking about this major event, Li Buying can confirm that this mission is indeed related to the safety of the entire human society, and it is really no joke to open the passage to hell.

Without waiting for Doomsday or Darkseid, the entire human society may have to drop in number under the ravages of hell demons. The demons that come out will definitely not be as few and weak as in the movie, and there will definitely be very scary things Appear.

After thinking about these things, Li Buying immediately decided to call for foreign aid, pretending to be a prophet and calling all the people who could be called. Presumably, the magic fluctuation just now has attracted the attention of many magic-side superheroes.

Think carefully about the superheroes on the magic side in DC, Black Adam, the kid Shazam...

Li Buying knew about these two. As for the reincarnated Eagle Man and Eagle Girl, it seems that they do not have magical powers, but N Metal can resist magic.

As for Superman—he doesn't know whether the magic resistance of Superman in this world is weak, normal, stronger than ordinary people, or very strong. He should not be called, so as not to be controlled by some strange magic by demons.

Not to mention Batman, again, he didn't want to see this guy so early.

Li Buying asked Ai Yi to put down what he was doing first, then see what they were doing, and then immediately notify a few people.


"Oh, damn it, what happened just now, I felt an evil magic power from hell."

Overturned to the ground by the magic power fluctuations that ordinary people can't peek at, an old man wearing a Spartan-style golden helmet, a man and a woman, got up and shook their heads. The strong Egyptian who was still standing next to them glanced at them.

As for the remaining members, they looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware of what had happened.

They didn't know anything about what was going to happen. At this moment, the computer that the couple put aside suddenly flickered and the document opened automatically.

(End of this chapter)

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