Chapter 9 Tea Shop
It's like stepping on the wind under your feet, and the surrounding scenery flies by without a trace.

Jiang Ran felt that he could run to the end of the rivers and lakes like this!

Of course, he also knew that this was just an illusion.

However, the feeling that this set of Heavenly Stems Nine Steps gave him was completely different.

Every time I lift my breath, I feel as light as a swallow.

There is a world of difference from the clumsy rush before.

At the same time, the true energy in the body circulated endlessly and endlessly. Accompanied by the rushing all the way, I just felt infinitely happy.

Subconsciously moving faster and faster.

When I forgot about the real thing, I heard Ye Jingshuang's voice behind me:
"Master Jiang... just wait for me!"

Hearing her words, Jiang Ran just woke up like a dream. Looking back, he saw Ye Jingshuang's pale face with a blush, and his breathing was a little rough.

The wound on his body seemed to be bursting open, a little blood seeped out, and was melted away by the rain.

"Miss Ye, what's wrong with you?"


Rao Ye Jingshuang's temperament, at this moment, she also had the urge to curse.

After this person learned the nine steps of the sky, he didn't care when he ran, and completely forgot about himself.

If he didn't yell, he might have gone somewhere.

But looking at Jiang Ran's innocent face at this time, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down:

"It's nothing, it's just that Mr. Jiang is walking too fast, and I can't keep up..."

If she was not injured, she would not be unable to keep up.

But at this time, after all, both inside and outside were injured, and his internal breath was not good after running too fast, and the wound also showed signs of bursting.

If this continues, before the pursuers come to kill her, she may have to be run away to death by Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran scratched his head:

"Is this... fast? I still have some ideas...

"If the girl can't keep up, then I'll just walk slowly.

"How about we go under the tree first and rest for a while?"

"It doesn't have to be."

Ye Jingshuang adjusted his breath a little to calm down the churning blood in his body, but looked at Jiang Ran again, but couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes:
"Mr. Jiang is indeed amazingly savvy, no wonder he has achieved so much internal energy at such a young age.

"Nine steps in the sky seem simple but complicated. I thought that even if you are familiar with the heart formula of footwork, you will have to spend one night to comprehend it before you can get started.

"But I didn't expect it to be used immediately."

"The girl is rude."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly: "I don't have any understanding, it's just that the girl taught me well."

Ye Jingshuang shook her head slightly:

"Jingshuang's words are sincere, and there is absolutely no false praise."

Jiang Ran looked at Ye Jingshuang's expression and knew he was not joking.

It's just that, Jiang Ran was a little confused.

Could it be that his comprehension is really high?

But in the past, when he was learning knife skills from the old drunkard, the old drunkard complained more than once, saying that his aptitude and understanding were really unattainable.

His sword technique is called "Nine Swords", because there are only nine strokes.

Jiang Ran liked swords in his previous life, and given such an opportunity in this life, even though he knew his own situation, he cared about this sword technique very much.

No day dares to slack off, but entering the country is really unpleasant.

He started holding a knife at the age of six, and it was not until the age of 14 that he achieved a little success.

After six years of polishing, according to the old drunkard, his saber skills are barely usable.

This also made Jiang Ran never have any expectations for his own aptitude and understanding.

Unexpectedly, today, Ye Jingshuang would get an astonishing evaluation from Ye Jingshuang.

"Could it be that the old drunk deliberately hit me?"

Jiang Ran pondered for a moment, feeling that there was only one explanation.

However, he did not dwell too much on this issue.

Now that I have learned Qinggong, the two of them hurried on their way, much faster than before.

After walking in the dark all night, the rain finally stopped after dawn.

On the way, I met a farmer and took a set of clothes from the clothes drying pole for Ye Jingshuang to change into. Of course, I also left some money, so I thought I bought it.

Ye Jingshuang couldn't wear Ye Jingshuang's outfit after a whole night of tossing around last night.

The bloodstain was too heavy, it was very eye-catching.

On the other hand, Jiang Ran's clothes were just wet and uncomfortable to wear.

Ye Jingshuang also taught him how to dry clothes with internal force, and Jiang Ran had been yearning for this for a long time. He had profound internal energy, and he did it according to the law, and he was dry quickly.

Since then, the two of them continued to move forward, and walked for another day and night, but nothing happened.

Another day, it was a fine day, the sun was shining brightly, and there were no clouds in the sky.

The two of them walked along the wild path and used lightness kung fu to go to the Cangzhou mansion.

While walking, I heard Ye Jingshuang say:
"There seems to be a tea shop in front, be careful."

Jiang Ran nodded.

The road they took was a bit remote, and it was hard to tell what kind of road this wild teahouse was.

Of course you have to be careful.

However, if there is nothing else to do, it would be good to take a rest and drink a sip of tea to moisturize your throat.

The two looked at each other, knowing that they both had the same idea.

Immediately slowed down and walked towards the tea shop.

In front of the tea shop is a tall pole with a guise hanging on it, with a huge word "tea" written on it, which is very eye-catching.

In the tea shop, there are not many customers at this time.

In twos and threes, they sat idle, chatting with their parents and gossiping.

Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang looked at each other before walking into the tea shop.

I saw a younger brother who looked very clever hurried over:

"What do you need, officer?
"Although we are a tea shop, we also have good wine and meat, as well as delicious white flour steamed buns. Would you like to come?"

"Forget about the steamed buns with wine and meat, just bring us a pot of tea."

Before Jiang Ran could speak, Ye Jingshuang spoke first.

The second brother glanced at Jiang Ran, saw that he had no objection, and immediately nodded:
"Okay, sit down, both of you, I'll be there soon."

While speaking, he took the rag on his shoulder and swiped it symbolically twice on the table before turning around and leaving.

Just as Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang sat down, Jiang Ran looked up at a tree outside the tea shop.

Wei Wei was taken aback, and was about to talk to Ye Jingshuang when he heard horseshoes.

Probe to look, only to see smoke and dust everywhere, a group of people came to the front in a blink of an eye.

There are quite a number of people in this group, six horses are leading the way, there are guards on the left and right sides, and a soft sedan chair in the middle.

Behind the sedan chair, there were more than a dozen guards with swords on their bodies.

The passerby came to the tea shop in a blink of an eye, reined in his horse and reined in, stretched out his hand and shouted:

The whole team stopped immediately.

The man got off his horse, walked up to the sedan chair, and said softly:
"Ma'am, this is a tea shop. Brothers have been running around for half a day. Would you like to take a rest before leaving?"

Then I heard a soft voice coming from the sedan chair:
"Okay, let's take a rest, but Guard Geng remember to tell you not to drink alcohol."

"Yes, thank you madam!"

Immediately turned around and waved lightly:

"Madam has an order to dismount and rest, and not to drink alcohol."

(End of this chapter)

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