Chapter 598 Immortality
Jun Hezai did not answer Jiang Ran's last question, but just smiled.

He spread his arms and stepped back quickly.

In one step, he disappeared from Jiang Ran's eyes.

The eight corpses each rose into the sky and landed in all directions around Jiang Ran.

The cold air spread out instantly, and then forced towards Jiang Ran at the same time.

Their fingers are like blades and their iron arms are like spears.

One step at a time, leaving no gaps.

Jiang Ran is also very interested in the corpse refining method in Yinfeng Valley.

The broken gold sword came out of its sheath, and the sky was filled with golden colors, shining brightly.

Wherever the blade passed, there was a clanking sound. The blade landed on these corpses, and it was indeed difficult to leave any traces on them.

The traces spread forward, covering a distance of more than ten feet, and the cracked ground was half a foot wide.

The sound also contained internal force, making those who were watching from a distance feel dizzy when they heard it.

Think about it carefully, what would it be like if a ten-meter-tall building flew all the way towards you in reality?
Jiang Ran's vision was blocked by smoke and dust. By the time he could see the stone clearly, the stone was about to hit him completely.

After flying a full distance of seven to eight feet, it hit a tree.

Seeing a group of eight corpses pushing hard, using boundless internal force, Jiang Ran was pushed back by the stone, and the towering ancient trees behind him were smashed one by one and flew away.

Each of the towering ancient trees must be at least as thick as three or five people hugging each other, but they cannot stop the power of this stone.

Just under the smoke and dust, something seemed to be rolling crazily in the air.

It made an extremely clear sound.

The sound of explosions in the air was endless.

After all, no one’s roller coaster would put a few towering old trees blocking the way.

A towering ancient tree blocked the crack, but was easily split into two.

This stone is about three feet up and down, and when you look at it suddenly, it looks like a mountain peak.

As a crisp sound sounded, a crack spread from the boulder.

The eight figures on the other side of the stone did not retreat even a step. They were already dead, so naturally they would not be seriously injured and vomit blood.

Jiang Ran stepped a little further and escaped, hearing a loud bang.

The five fingers were spread out, the blue veins were prominent, and a seemingly non-existent Dharma image spread out from Jiang Ran's back.

If you look at it from a high place, you can see that there is a line of smoke and dust between the dense mountain forests. Accompanied by the rumbling sound of falling trees, it spreads over thirty feet in front and back.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the sky and earth were colorless.

Suddenly, Jiang Ran heard something bad coming from behind him.


Only the clothes attached to his body were cut with cracks.

With his feet off the ground, he had nowhere to exert force for the moment, so he had to be pushed back by the stone.

He held the broken gold knife in his hand, and heard a ding sound. Jiang Ran's blade touched the palm of the corpse, and it was like two peerless magic weapons intersecting.

Suddenly he looked up at the top of his head.

But this is just the beginning.

However, the force wrapped around the stone was too strong. At a position that Jiang Ran couldn't see, several other corpses had already come behind the stone and pushed at the same time.

It's like a spiritual snake running so fast that it will cover the whole boulder in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the broken gold knife in his hand was raised, Jiang Ran's whole body was already pressed against the stone.

At this moment, bloody energy rose into the sky, but Jun Hezai, who had just retreated, appeared again behind the eight corpses.

The two parties exerted force at the same time, and all their strength was concentrated on this huge stone.

As soon as Jiang's back touched the big tree, the tree collapsed.

Being pushed back so far by a rock is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster or something.

His palms were already halfway deep into the stone, and a deep pit was pressed out of the mountain wall behind him. He stepped a little closer and then grinned:
"It's so exciting..."

A corpse fell from the sky, an arm was raised high, and it was chopped down hard.

Jiang Ran's arm was halfway deep, and the entire forearm was covered with stones. At this time, all the parts covering his forearm had been turned into powder.

The next moment, boundless internal energy suddenly came into play, and you could hear banging banging.

Jiang Ran held the knife in one hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned the blade, about to raise it.

The corpse fell, its arms had been slashed to the ground, and a large crack immediately opened on the ground.

Boom, boom!
Jiang Ran turned around and saw a huge boulder cut off by some unscrupulous corpse and thrown over.

When he turned around, he saw a corpse with his arms straightened out and swept across an army.

It wasn't until Jiang Ran was pushed to a half-section of the rock wall that Jiang Ran finally stabilized his body.

The shadow of the Blood Flame Ghost Emperor emerged from behind him, and at the same time, bloody red flames also appeared on the eight corpses.

Covering the entire boulder in an instant.

"How dare you show off your little skills?"

Jiang Ran sneered, the power of the Zhengxin Sutra seemed to be endless, like ocean waves, endlessly stacked.

That bloody color is the true energy of the Blood Cauldron Scripture, which Jun Hezai integrated into his own martial arts.

Just like the Golden Cicada Emperor, he can use his internal power to corrupt his opponents.

It's a pity that Jiang Ran possesses the Nirvana Dharma of the inner demon and has a Nirvana elixir in his body. Although the Blood Cauldron Qi is powerful, it is meaningless to him.

Just listen to the heart-wrenching sound coming from the stone.

This huge stone could no longer withstand such abuse, and finally broke into pieces with a loud bang.

Suddenly gravel was flying all over the sky.

Eight corpses rushed out at the same time, and a blade of light was seen passing through the air. The blade was not fast, but the arc it drew seemed to be engraved in everyone's heart.

All invisible!
All things are invisible in front of this sword.

Just as the blade was rising and falling, an indestructible corpse was split into two.

But when the knife fell, Jiang Ran's arms and legs were grabbed by the corpses on both sides at the same time.

At the same time, he exerted force to break it into pieces.

But as soon as the sound of dragon roars was heard, the Eight Wilderness Barbarian Dragon Art, which was born out of Barbarian Dragon Power, suddenly launched.

Even if the corpses around him had great cultivation in life and were even more powerful after death, it would be difficult for them to take Jiang Ran's arrogance away.

"You alone want to shake me?"

Jiang Ran laughed, and with a backhand, he grabbed the wrist of a corpse, and with a brute force, the corpse lost its footing, and was lifted up by Jiang Ran, slamming it to the side.

When the two corpses collided, they immediately made a fierce and crisp sound.

It was like two statues made of diamond collided together.

The two corpses had their mouths crooked and their eyes squinting at the same time, but Jiang Ran felt that the smashing was very satisfying, and he immediately picked up and smashed them again.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang! !

It was as if a god was forging iron in the mountains and fields, and the huge roar formed a sound wave, causing several corpses around him who wanted to rush forward to lose their footing and stagger back.

Jiang Ran was so relieved that he suddenly flew up with a kick, and a corpse on the ground was lifted up and fell out.

With only the last one left, Jiang Ran raised his foot and stamped it.

Just after hearing a bang, the whole back of the corpse was dented, but the power of the corpse was not reduced, and it tried to dig into Jiang Ran's flesh and blood with his fingers.

Jiang Ran smashed it with his hands and stamped on it wildly, almost turning the chest and abdomen of the corpse under his feet into a piece of paper.

Then he kicked and flew away.

But at this moment, he felt something strange about the corpse in his hands. When he turned around, the corpse's hands were like guns, heading straight for his face.

"...Jiang Rulong took advantage of it."

Jiang Ran muttered, and suddenly thought of Jiang Rulong's fate, feeling too sad.

When he was alive, Jiang Ran used him as a weapon.

After his death, he was forged into a weapon by the people of Thousand Forging Hall...

Whether it's Qian Forging Hall or Yinfeng Valley, they both have a foothold in Zhao Kingdom.

Of these two families, one used corpses to refine weapons, and the other used corpses to refine puppets.

With thoughts in his mind, he raised one hand and threw the corpse in his hand into the air.

Followed by a swing of the broken gold knife.

The sword light went from bottom to top, directly hitting the corpse.

The seemingly infinite blade propelled the body towards the sky... Jiang Ran put his hand on the awning and took a look, but he didn't know where this thing could fly?
But when he looked back at the other corpses.

But he was slightly stunned:
"This is a bit outrageous."

He saw that the chest that Jiang Ran trampled into a piece of paper was inflating, but within a moment, it had returned to its original state.

Those whose mouths and eyes were crooked after being hit gradually returned to their original state. Even the two halves of the body that were split in two by Jiang Ran's knife were actually connected to each other.

Just when Jiang Ran took these two glances, he had signs of recovery.

After working on it for a long time, the fight just now was in vain?

Jiang Ran sighed softly. These eight corpses were not as flashy as Emperor Jin Chan's Eternal Dragon Emperor Jue, but they were simple and difficult to deal with.

It's not that he can't be beaten, the key is that these eight corpses can't be beaten to death.

They were meant to be dead...

He carefully considered his sword skills.

The Nine Shocking Swords are extremely powerful. So far, he has created a total of eight sword techniques.

The first sword to shock the gods and ghosts is the first move that all those who practice the nine swords of shocking the gods will understand.

The second move is invisible. This is what Jiang Ran realized by himself. Before the blade, everything is dust.

The third move is inexhaustible, incorporating the principles of the Righteous Heart Sutra of Creation into infinity. Once the sword shines out, it becomes inexhaustible.

The fourth is to recruit death marks, draw a line with life and death, and mark the door of life and death, and those who fall in the middle will have their vitality destroyed.

The fifth move is to look at the sea, the sea is flowing across the sea, the world is turned upside down, and it is integrated into the invisible sword of thousands of shadows. It is really a powerful move, and the power is needless to say.

The sixth move, Ji Shi Feng, is based on the great method of Lengyue. It found an opportunity in the martial arts of the old Taoist priest of the Savage Temple. It is frozen thousands of miles away and is full of blades.

The seventh move to kill the gods is based on Jiang Ran's huge mental power and borrowed from the Qingshan sword of the mountain master outside the mountain. Even if he is a god, he will definitely die if he falls into it.

The eighth move, the moon in the night sky, comes from the help of the owner of the building outside the building. The stars can be moved with a snap of the finger, changing the sky and the earth. The sun can turn into the night. The moonlight is the light of the sword. The moment you see the moonlight, you will already have countless things in your body. Blade.

These eight moves are really powerful.

The further back you go, the more divine and clear the moves become.

Coupled with Jiang Ran's endless internal strength, Bai Yulou's thousand-year internal strength can't do anything to him.

But at this moment, Jiang Ran discovered that... none of these moves seemed to be of any use to these eight corpses.

The power of ghosts and gods is good, but it may not be able to cut open these eight corpses.

Ju Jiang has this ability, but the gap in this move is too big, and there are still flaws. It is natural for ordinary people, but these eight are not ordinary people. If they are not careful, they can really get into trouble.

Not to mention endless. In addition to being able to send them away thousands of miles away... well, this is still an exaggeration. In addition to being able to push them away, with this indestructible body, it is not really possible. Make them incapacitated.

As for the traces of life and death...

They were meant to be dead.

Once Guancanghai is used, it is estimated that the sound of iron is like falling rain.

It's still a little short of trying to kill them all.

Jishifeng should be pretty good... it can restrict their movements by being frozen for thousands of miles.

There is no need to use the two moves of killing the gods and Yue Yekong.

It really has no effect on these eight corpses.

Jiang Ran had already used God Killing on one of the corpses before.

It is said that the gods can be killed, but the opponent is a corpse with an empty mind and cannot enter the illusion at all.

Yue Yekong needs to rely on the spiritual power of both parties... These corpses have no spirit, where do they get the power?
Jiang Ran raised his hand and pointed. There was a blood moon in the sky, but he couldn't see anything when he looked up.

Jiang Ran changed his footwork, avoiding the attacks of the eight corpses while thinking about how to retreat from the enemy.

However, it seems that the key lies with Jun Hezai.

However, Jun Hezai already knew this. Unless it was under safe conditions, otherwise, Jun Hezai would never show up easily to give Jiang Ran a chance to make a comeback.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you are not as impressive as you were just now?"

Jun Hezai's voice sounded again. Although there was no smile in his words, he was smiling happily between the lines.

Jiang Ran frowned slightly:

"Don't make any noise..."

He stepped aside and punched.

Under the shroud of the law, a corpse was directly driven into the ground:
"Don't you see that I am thinking about how to catch you all in one fell swoop?"

"Catch them all?"

Jun Hezai shook his head gently:
"Now that things have happened, Your Majesty is still thinking about such an impossible thing?
"Does your Majesty know how much my subordinates paid for these eight corpses?
"Sneaking into the Shadow Wind Valley and proceeding carefully, it took eight years to obtain the corpse refining method of the Shadow Wind Valley and bring the Valley Master of the Shadow Wind Valley under control.

"We selected thousands of young people who are most suitable to be used to make flesh and blood puppets.

"The Five Kingdoms War pushed their internal strength to a level that is almost unbelievable to ordinary people.

"In the end, I integrated all the flesh and blood puppets that I had refined over the years in Yinfeng Valley into these eight corpses.

“Let them have the boundless power to change the world.

“That’s how we got to this day.

“They are indestructible, immortal, and possess the power to destroy heaven and earth with every move they make.

"How can Your Majesty win against eight opponents with such appearance?"

Jiang Ran was silent for a moment and suddenly smiled.

There was a sound of falling above the head. It was the corpse that had been thrown into the sky endlessly before, and it was just now that it fell in the air.

Just listen to Jiang Ran say softly:

"Indestructible, immortal?

"I have not noticed this... I only know that nothing in this world is indestructible.

"Some just don't have enough strength."

At this point, he suddenly punched the air, and the body that was about to land was once again informed that it had to hover in the sky for a while, and there was no space on the ground for him to land.

Jiang Ran casually took back the broken gold knife.

Pressing one hand on the handle of the knife, the boundless cold air began to spread from the feet, and wherever it passed, the world was covered with a layer of frost.

The remaining seven corpses jumped up at the same time.

But he was swept away by the cold wind, and there was a tinkling sound coming from his body.

Looking up again, he saw a huge Dharma form emerging behind Jiang Ran.

The Dharma Prime Minister stood proudly, with swastika characters rolling behind his back, and his fist like a mountain slowly opened, as if the weight of a thousand troops was wrapped in it.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the huge fist had fallen.

It sounded directly among the corpses.

These corpses still wanted to get up, but Jiang Ran didn't give them the slightest chance.

The fist, which was as big as a mountain, hit one after another... The dust and gravel on the ground flew up at the same time, and a huge deep pit visible to the naked eye appeared in Jun Hezai's body bit by bit at this moment. before.

His seven corpses were all pressed under the sand by Jiang Ran. Just as he was about to struggle, Jiang Ran punched them again.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!
Jiang Ran stretched out his arms and seemed to be mentally prepared for a protracted war.

The hands covered by the Dharma were hammered down hard and rhythmically.

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches...

He didn't know how many punches he had to hit to truly kill a corpse.

He could only watch.

Fortunately, his inner strength is deep and endless. Even if he punches thousands of times, he is not afraid of getting tired.

The sound of landing sounded again, and it was the same one in the sky that had just been hit by Jiang Ran, and now it fell again.

Jiang Ran took advantage of the situation and grabbed it in his hand with the Dharma. As soon as he waved his hand, he heard a snap and the corpse was thrown into the many corpses.

Looking from a distance, you can see a giant Dharma form that is taller than the old tree in the restaurant.

His fists thundered, striking and beating on the ground, so crazy that he seemed to have no humanity at all.

This dozen is enough to make a cup of tea.

In the distance, Tang Shiqing and others finally took advantage of this moment to catch up and see how the battle was going.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ran heard the footsteps and suddenly turned back to look at the eldest princess:
"Princess, please give me a hand."

The eldest princess straightened her back.

what does this mean?
Taking orders in times of danger? Is there anything you can do that others can't do?

Not daring to be underestimated, the eldest princess immediately said in a deep voice:

"You said, no matter what it is, I will give you my life and give it to you!!"

Jiang Ran nodded repeatedly:

"Okay, I'll arrest the traffickers.

"Emperor Jin Chan plots rebellion and rewards four million taels of gold. I also ask Her Royal Highness the Princess to give me an IOU!!"

The eldest princess gritted her teeth:
"Is it unbecoming of a royal person for me to swear using curse words?"

(End of this chapter)

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