Chapter 581 Underground Demonic Kingdom
What does the world behind the door look like?

Before opening the door, Jiang Ran had thought about it and considered many possibilities.

Or you may see a mountain of treasures. In the middle of the treasures, there is a tall stone platform. Hundreds of night pearls embellish the cave environment, making the interior as bright as day.

This highlights the majesty of the divine weapon on the high platform that is said to be capable of destroying heaven and earth.

However, it does not.

When the door opened, it was still a dark cave.

There are jagged and strange rocks everywhere, no mechanism, no treasure.

Walking along the path, you can see the unsightly remnants that have long been corroded.

But what these residues were originally, even with Jiang Ran and others' current eyesight and knowledge, they couldn't guess at all.

There seems to be only one way forward.

Along the way, no one spoke anymore.

There is an indescribable sense of disparity in my heart.

I thought that by opening the magic door, I would be able to see the key things... But in fact, that door seemed like a joke.

Laughing at their expectations of that door.

The road was consumed underfoot, trampling forward along the dark path.

After walking for an unknown distance, a huge roar reached my ears again.


The wind was very strong.

The fire in Jiang Ran's hand seemed to have turned into a candle in the wind, and could be extinguished at any time.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran used his inner strength to protect it, so that its fire remained strong.

There was the sound of water, the moisture was caught in the wind, and the huge humidity made people very uncomfortable.

Jiang Ran finally couldn't help but look at Demon Crossing Hades:

"We...should have found the wrong place, right?"

The Demon King did not speak.

To him, this place has always been just a legend.

Ever since Jiang Ran pushed open the door with brute force, he felt that this place was different from the legendary place...

Therefore, faced with Jiang Ran's questions.

He could only respond with silence.

He was afraid that if he said something unreliable again, he would be slapped to death by Jiang Ran.

But when faced with the Demon Lord, as a subordinate, he really had to answer...

When I was struggling, there was a bend in the road in front of me.

The moment I turned around, my vision suddenly opened up.

This is a huge underground river.

The river rumbled to an unknown place.

But above the river, at an unknown height, there is a stone bridge.

This stone bridge is similar to the stone bridge over the Ten Thousand Poison Pit in the Ten Thousand Poison Cave... but it is narrower, longer, and looks more dangerous.

Two people can't get through side by side, so they can only spread out and pass one by one.

And at the end of the stone bridge... is a city!

A city deep underground!

It is entrenched in the cave, like a dormant giant beast, quietly waiting for people who don't know whether to live or die, to come and seek death...


For all Jiang Ran's questions, he could only go to see Demon Crossing Hades.

Demon Crossing Hades looked at the city in the distance. After a long time, he suddenly slapped his forehead:
"That's right!

"Demon kingdom!!!

"This is the real demon kingdom!!"

Just as Jiang Ran was about to ask, Tang Shiqing seemed to have remembered something and said:

"Legend has it that the Demon Kingdom collapsed in the past, and it was the king's deliberate act.

"We, the demon sect, cannot use the country as a cage to lock the door of our own hearts... The demons are free and should not be bound by government affairs. We should relax our minds and feel the nature of the world."


Jiang Ran felt that this sentence was suspected of beautifying himself.

Who is the hardest working person in the world?

That's probably the emperor.

I have to get up before dawn, hold court meetings, criticize papers, and get angry with ministers.

After finishing the work and eating some food, I have to continue to review the papers... There are endless papers to review and endless work to do.

You can't relax all day long.

After finally staying up until night, a eunuch came over with a lot of signs for him to turn over.

At the beginning, he was energetic and enthusiastic.

When people reach middle age, they are tired of caring and feel dizzy after a day's work. They have to consider going to the harem to lend some strength... After all, the three palaces and six courtyards are still waiting for food.

Of course, if the harem is peaceful, it's okay, but I'm afraid this harem won't be peaceful either.

Every day, either this concubine drowned, or that concubine violated a taboo, or this prince was stillborn, or that prince died young.

After dealing with the important affairs of the court, we still have to deal with the turmoil and turmoil in the harem.

Of course, that's fine... The problem is, even if the court and the harem handle the situation conscientiously, there is no guarantee that there will be no unruly people to rebel.

Today the sky is dead here, and there will be an uprising over there tomorrow...

The most important thing is that there are 365 days a year, all year round.

Just thinking about it is depressing.

Jiang Ran privately believed that the reason why the leader of the Demon Kingdom said that the demons could not be restrained by the country was because they couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to give up.

Only then did this huge demon kingdom fall apart.

Of course, Jiang Ran was pondering these things in his mind.

After all, the tragic situation of the eldest princess working on behalf of Emperor Jin Chan is still vivid in our minds.

The president and princess almost cried from exhaustion.

This is on the basis that she doesn’t have to appease the harem...

The difficulty is evident.

Little did Tang Shiqing know that Jiang Ran had already thought about so many things at this moment.


“The collapse of the Demonic Kingdom was due to the will of the country’s leader.

"But the traitor is also real... In order to ensure that our demon sect will not be able to fight back when facing life and death crises in the future.

"So, the king just hid the magic weapon that could change the world...and built an underground demon kingdom.

"It's just that since it has been passed down to this day, many people only remember the magic weapon and forget that there is another thing about the Demon Kingdom.

"If I hadn't seen it today, I probably wouldn't have been able to remember this legend."


Demon Crossing Pluto nodded quickly:

“After all, compared to the divine weapons, this demon kingdom is nothing worth mentioning.

“Moreover, it is said to be a demon kingdom, but in fact it is an empty city.

“It’s just that the divine weapons are hidden in the city, and to open the portal to the Demonic Kingdom… it takes the blood of your bloodline to do it.

“So that door outside is not a real door at all.

"Cross this stone bridge and go to the door before the gate of the Demon Kingdom. It is the real door!!"

Having said that, there is no need to say anything more.

Jiang Ran took the lead, came to the stone bridge, stepped on the stone bridge, and then turned around and said:

"Be careful when crossing the bridge. This stone bridge is over an underground river and is contaminated by water vapor. There is a lot of moss growing on it and it is extremely slippery.

"Be sure to stand firm and don't fall. Otherwise, once you are swept away by the current of the underground river, you may have no chance of survival."

Although it is possible to survive by following the underground river.

But this possibility is too low.

On the contrary, it is possible to get caught in an underground cave and fall to death directly, or fall into magma, which is considered a good life.

I am afraid of being involved in a place where there is no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth. That is the real despair.

Everyone nodded when they heard this, expressing their understanding.

But Jiang Ran was still worried.

In fact, Jiang Ran never felt that he was suspicious by nature, but since he was deceived by his father-in-law and others, he has become a habit of thinking more about things when he encounters them.

Be cautious and be prepared.

So he took off his coat, tore it into strips, and finally twisted it into a rope.

Tie each other's belts together.

He didn't have enough clothes on his own, but fortunately, the devil-crossing Pluto King Azhuo and Ana were there. After removing the coats of the four of them, there was really a big rope.

Connect everyone in one place.

Then Jiang Ran asked Tang Shiqing to go first, followed by Tang Huayi, Ye Jingshuang, Ye Jingxue and the eldest princess.

Behind the eldest princess is Jiang Ran.

After that comes A Zhuo, Ana, and finally the Demon Crossing Pluto.

In this way, Jiang Ran can act as the center to prevent unexpected events from happening.

After making these preparations, everyone stepped onto the stone bridge one by one.

Everyone present had extraordinary martial arts skills. Although the stone bridge was slippery, it was basically not difficult for them.

Jiang Ran also told everyone not to look down.

The turbulent water seems to have a huge attraction in the eyes, making people fall involuntarily towards the water. But once you fall into it, you're basically doomed.

Tang Huayi smiled and said:

"You tell me, why is there such a big river underground?
"It's like a giant dragon guarding the underground demon kingdom!
"Is there really a dragon in this river?
"When we were led to the middle of the stone bridge, it suddenly jumped out and ate us all!?"

"If I want to eat, I'll eat you too!"

Ye Jingxue was upset when she heard:
"We are so kind, why would you eat us?"

"Then you are wrong."

Tang Huayi said solemnly:

"If it was the dragon raised in this river by the former leader of our demon kingdom, then he would naturally be able to identify the disciples of our demon sect.

“We are all one family, so naturally it won’t eat us.

"But you, from a well-known and upright family, might suit its taste."

Ye Jingxue was even more dissatisfied:
"It's been so many years, even if I really raised a dragon, it wouldn't be able to recognize you.

"Can we tell which one is the devil? Which one is the right path?

"When the time comes, you'll be so tender and skinny, just the right size to chew... Tsk tsk..."

Tang Huayi blinked and then shouted to Jiang Ran:

"Brother-in-law, your little lover is bullying me!!!"

Ye Jingxue was furious:
"Don't talk nonsense, why are you just a little lover?"

"You two are honest with each other every night... If you are not his little lover, who are you?"

Tang Huayi couldn't say anything anymore, so she started to change the topic and planned to make trouble.

Ye Jingxue was speechless for a moment.

She was treated by Jiang Ran and the medicinal power in her body was refined. Didn't she meet her honestly every night?
At this time, Tang Huayi said this, and he felt ashamed and angry for a moment:
"you again……"

Before he finished his sentence, a click was heard.

For a moment, his face turned pale with fright.

A crack appeared on the stone bridge, and the crack began to spread at an extremely fast speed.

"not good!!"

Jiang Ran's expression changed, and the cracks spread extremely quickly, covering all the stone bridges under everyone's feet almost in the blink of an eye.

In fact, this has not yet reached the most delicate part of this stone bridge.

Jiang Ran raised his eyes and took a deep breath:
“Hurry up!!

"Follow my inner breath and exert force at the same time!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he lifted his foot into the sky.

This was an extremely risky decision, as the remaining distance was about half of the entire stone bridge.

If Jiang Ran was alone, he could reach the other side in a matter of seconds.

However, at this moment, eight people were hanging on him!

In this situation, he can only ask everyone to help him.

As Jiang Ran jumped up, poetically and picturesquely, Princess Jingshuang Jingxue, Demon Crossing Pluto and Ana all followed Jiang Ran's strength, and everyone present was already in mid-air in an instant.

Only Adhuo still had a superficial understanding of Jiang Ran. He heard what he said, but didn't quite understand it.

When everyone rose into the sky and he was taken up, he felt a little confused.

At the same time, the stone bridge beneath his feet suddenly collapsed, and all the rubble fell into the water and was swept away by the current.

Jiang Ran didn't dare to delay, and he spun around in mid-air with his inner breath. He grabbed the rope around his waist with both hands, let his flowing movement spread out, and headed straight for the other side.

Flying through the sky, all the way forward, I saw that the stone bridge under my feet was broken inch by inch, and the stones fell into the rolling underground river without any ripples.

Once the stone bridge is broken, they are not the only ones stepping on it.

Instead, it spreads to both sides.

Jiang Ranzong's speed was indeed slower than he expected.

His body gradually fell, and he saw that there was nothing at his feet. If he fell like this, everyone would fall into the dark river together.

The depth of the underground river is unknown, and no one can tell whether one can still struggle up after falling into it.

At this moment, Tang Shiqing suddenly shouted:
"Why don't you hurry up!?"

When Jiang Ran heard that something was wrong, he lowered his head and saw that Tang Huayi was holding on to the rope in his hand, but Tang Shiqing suddenly tugged hard and then flew out.


Tang Huayi's face turned pale and she quickly reached out to fish it out, but how could she catch it?

The lover of Tang poetry was in mid-air, using this force to rush straight towards the river.

"Use me to lend you strength!!"

Jiang Ran's face darkened:

Tang Shiqing's original intention was to let Jiang Ran step on her and use her strength to move forward.

But how could Jiang Ran act like this?
Until the two people bumped into each other, Jiang Ran shouted in a deep voice:
"Hold me, I will find a way."

Tang Shiqing's expression changed. At the critical moment, Zi Jiang Ran could see in his eyes that he was definitely not joking, and there was no way he would use himself as a stepping stone.

He immediately sighed and put his arms around Jiang Ran's neck.

Immediately afterwards, his face turned red.

Just because at this critical moment of life and death, Jiang Ran secretly bit her ear.

Before Tang Shiqing could react, Jiang Ran's body spun around:
"Hold tight."

Tang Shiqing hugged Jiang Ran with all her strength, her limbs wrapped around his body.

Jiang Ran suddenly shouted angrily!
The rolling sound waves crashed down, and the rushing water immediately rushed out a water column.

Jiang Ran flew up and stepped on the water column. This weak force reached Jiang Ran's feet, but it was enough for him to stand up again.

Between the ups and downs, he pointed his toes again, and he had already stepped on the half of the stone bridge.

The collapse of the stone bridge had stopped at this point. Jiang Ran used his strength to get up again. When it fell, he had already arrived in front of the city gate of the underground demon kingdom.

People on both sides fell to the ground, but Tang Shiqing was still hanging on Jiang Ran's waist.

Jiang Ran subconsciously wanted to give her a slap on the butt to make her act haphazardly in a critical moment...

But considering that there are still outsiders around.

Then he held her waist with both hands and placed her on the ground.

This narrow escape from death was truly shocking.

Tang Shiqing was down-to-earth, and when he looked at Jiang Ran, his face turned red:

"I...I was wrong..."

"You know you're wrong?"

Jiang Ran glanced at her angrily:
"If I use your life as a stepping stone, how can I rest in peace for the rest of my life even if I live on it?

"It's really unreasonable for you to act like this!"

"I understand...don't be angry."

Tang Shiqing gently tugged on Jiang Ran's sleeve.

Jiang Ran took a deep breath. He was not angry, he was afraid.

Couldn't help but glance at Tang Huayi again.

Tang Huayi quickly said:
"That's right, sister, you are too reckless to do this.

"If you have any shortcomings, my brother-in-law will never be able to feel at ease in his life."

Tang Shiqing couldn't help but glare at Tang Huayi.

At this moment, Jiang Ran still felt a little shaken. He had been in the world for a long time, and there were very few things that could make him so shocked.

Looking at everyone, he saw Ye Jingxue biting her lips and saying:

"Don't blame them, all the mistakes are my fault...

"If my feet hadn't fallen a little heavy, the stone wouldn't have broken."

"If I hadn't quarreled with you, maybe nothing would have happened."

Tang Huayi said:
"So it's my fault after all."

"Brother Jiang, don't blame them..."

Ye Jingshuang said to Jiang Ran:
"Fortunately, everyone is fine..."

The more Jiang Ran listened, the darker his face became. Why did you end up falling in love with each other after a life-and-death crisis after doing this for a long time?
And how can you keep yourself from blaming this or that?
Do I like to blame you?

It’s not because you are careless! ?
The most important thing is, am I to blame?

This is simply a fear!

Seeing that the eldest princess also wanted to plead for mercy.

Jiang Ran quickly waved his hand:

"Okay, okay, everything is fine.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, our method of crossing the bridge was a bit reckless.

"It now appears that this bridge simply cannot bear the weight of all of us.

"But now is not the time for us to discuss the ownership of responsibilities here..."

When he said this, he looked at the door not far away.

He looked back at the road again and said softly:
"Now that there is no way back, let's take a look at what's inside this door."

He said, taking a step forward and reaching out his hand to press on the door.

Apply a little force...the door won't move at all, and no matter how hard you apply, there will be no response.

Jiang Ran didn't believe this evil, and as his inner breath strengthened little by little, the door gradually made a heart-wrenching sound.

But even though it was about to twist and deform, it never showed any intention of opening it.

Jiang Ran thought for a moment, took back his palm, and nodded slightly:
"There are indeed some ways..."

Although it is said to be a city, it is actually not that big. Apart from this door, there is no entrance above.

There was a palm-sized dent on the door, as if Jiang Ran wanted to press his palm into it.

(End of this chapter)

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