Chapter 578 Bad Fate
That night.

Under the starlight, under the tree in the patriarch's courtyard, there was a pot of tea.

Sitting opposite Jiang Ran was Tian Youfang, who had taken office.

The current leader of the Di clan, Ana.

Jiang Ran poured him a cup of tea and pushed the teacup in front of him:

"How does it feel?"

"Like a dream."

Ana sighed:

“I never dreamed that I would suddenly return to the Di Clan at this time.

“I never thought that I could succeed as the clan leader.

"The old patriarch admitted all his culpability... and committed suicide.

“I should have felt happy, but I don’t know why, but I always can’t feel happy.

“What’s even more frightening is that after he died, I felt like I could gradually understand him.

"I don't know if I will become a person like him one day in the future."

Jiang Ran picked up the tea cup and gently blew the tea leaves in it:
"Shiwandashan is not without its merits. This tea is really good."

"If your Majesty likes it, then I will give you more."

“Don’t take too much of a good thing.”

Jiang Ran smiled and shook his head:

"The old patriarch is a very capable person. He is ambitious but also tolerant. He has selfish desires but also has the responsibility as a patriarch.

“I cannot evaluate his merits and demerits.

"The hatred between you and him does not allow outsiders to make irresponsible remarks. Everything is your own experience.

"What I can advise you is to come out as soon as possible.

"The eldest princess will do whatever she promises you.

"But... Shiwandashan is not such a barren land...

"Of course, the final choice is your problem, and I support it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ana looked at Jiang Ran:

"After this trip, will you go to Ten Thousand Poison Cave?"


Jiang Ran nodded:

"I still need you to help me in this regard."

"It's natural."

Ana said:

"The Ten Thousand Poison Cave is a forbidden area for our Flute Clan, but it is not that secret.

"Your Majesty, you mean that thing is in Ten Thousand Poison Cave? Why have we, the Di Clan, never seen it for so many years?"

"Listen to what Pluto has to say, my blood is needed to open that place."

Jiang Ran chuckled:
"I don't know if it's true or not... When I first met the Demon Crossing Pluto, I felt that this old man was remarkable and worthy of being called Pluto.

"Now that I have been exposed to it for a long time, I feel a bit...

"That's all, don't think too much about it, and don't mention it too much.

"How did you do what you were told earlier?"

"Everything has been arranged."

After Ana said this, he looked at Jiang Ran again, with some confusion in his eyes:
"It's just that I don't understand. If there is a secret in Ten Thousand Poison Cave, it has not been discovered by our Di tribe for many years.

“The danger involved is probably difficult to estimate.

"Why don't you let them come with us?

"In addition...what the patriarch said today was also expected by your Majesty?"

Jiang Ran didn't answer, but picked up the tea cup and took another sip, then smiled and said:
“If one day, the Di tribe no longer has any pressure to survive and does not need to deal with the natural dangers of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"You have free time, what are you going to do?"


Ana smiled, but halfway through her smile, it seemed a little hollow:
"She is not by my side, and I always feel as if no matter what I do, it doesn't matter..."

"The girl pretending to be 'Azhu' is gone today?"

Jiang Ran suddenly said something irrelevant.

Ana was stunned for a moment, then nodded:
"Last night, I really thought... unfortunately, it was just a dream after all."

"The deceased is gone, so we should move forward."

Jiang Ran patted Ana's shoulder gently:

"The future of the Flute Clan is in your hands... If you stop moving forward, how will others deal with themselves?"

"...Your Majesty is right."

"How to place the Gu God?"

Jiang Ran asked again.

Speaking of this, Tian Youfang smiled bitterly:
“For the time being, I really don’t know how to deal with this person.

"Let's take her up now.

"But from the looks of it, she probably doesn't have more than a few years to live."

This is true. Everything the Gu God had was taken away by the old patriarch and finally beheaded by Jiang Ran.

Nowadays, the Gu God is severely short-changed, and although Ana is kind, she will not easily let the powerful Gu God return to its peak state. What's more, her peak requires her life to a certain extent.

So he tapped her acupuncture points and sealed her inner breath and martial arts.

Let her rest in the room for the time being.

Ana has never acknowledged even the identity of Gu God.

Jiang Ran understood his concerns.

Although it is said that the shackles of the Di clan for thousands of years were caused by the Gu God, it was definitely not the original intention of the Gu God.

This woman has nothing in her heart but war and conquest.

All he did was hope that someone could resurrect him.

Of course, it is also true that her methods are ruthless and cunning.

Being able to arrange the fate of hundreds of tribes thousands of years ago shows how capable this woman is.

So when he said this, Jiang Ran said softly:
“Since I don’t have a few more years to live, let’s just let it go for now.

"When you lead hundreds of tribes, this person will still be useful."


The two chatted casually, and finally drank a pot of tea before Ana said goodbye and left.

After he left, Jiang Ran suddenly said:
“You’ve been watching for so long, don’t you want to come down and meet?”

In addition to the sound of wind, there are no other traces of insects and birds chirping around.

Jiang Ran didn't care and suddenly raised his fingers.

A leaf suddenly fell between his two fingers, and he flicked it.

Just heard Weng's sound.

The sound dissipated halfway, and a figure appeared in front of Jiang Ran.

The man stood tall and turned his head slightly, allowing Jiang Ran to see the mask on his face.

"It is you……"

Jiang Ran smiled, seeing this person in such a place.

He was not surprised at all:
"It seems that I overestimated Jun Hezai."

"not necessarily."

The masked man silently looked back at Jiang Ran... and tapped his fingers lightly on the other hand.

A leaf fell to the ground immediately.


The masked man spoke first.

Jiang Ran just shook his head:
"Is there anything we can talk about between you and me?"

"You don't have a word to say to me."

"Yes." Jiang Ran said softly:
"I once thought about it when I was a kid, maybe I still really want to..."

This is of course false.

He is a time traveler and knows it from birth. How could he miss an irrelevant person:

"It's just that I feel like it's okay not to say something."

"Then don't talk about that."

The masked man said softly:
"Say something else?"


Jiang Ran nodded and stood up:
"Say inside the house?"

"May I?"

The masked man was stunned and seemed to be flattered.



The masked man gradually gets more and more advanced.

Jiang Ran thought for a moment and nodded:
"Then drink some."



Jiang Ran, Shi Qinghuayi and others slept in separate rooms last night.

After all, after Ana became the leader of the Di clan, Jiang Ran still slept in the same room with them. Even if he made excuses, he couldn't find a suitable one.

Jiang Ran and the masked man didn't drink for long.

After more than an hour, the man came out of Jiang Ran's room.

Where he went after that, no one knows.

In addition, after Ana took power, the Di clan ushered in the most peaceful night.

The next morning, Jiang Ran got up and saw two people.

Ah Mei, and that big fat man.

The fat man's blood elixir flower has returned to his heart.

Just a glance at the natal Gu of the Blood Pill Flower and Ana and others caused considerable damage.

So much so that the big fat man seemed to have lost a lot of weight. The most obvious evidence is that the clothes he wears are one size too big.

He came to say thank you:

"The new patriarch has told us everything. If it weren't for you, I would be dead.

“I, the Qing Clan, cannot deny this love.

"I am the young leader of the Qing Clan. Just tell me, no matter what you want, as long as my Qing Clan can afford it, I can give it to you as a thank you gift."

As for Ah Mei, she also came to express her gratitude.

After thinking about the matter, it is actually not difficult to guess why the old clan leader promised to let them go on the surface, but secretly asked the people of the Di clan to intercept them back.

It is also because of the secret scroll of immortality buried by the Gu God thousands of years ago.

The tribes are important chess pieces.

However, in order to stabilize Jiang Ran that night, the old patriarch deliberately said that the Yao people were irrelevant.

In fact, one cannot exist without the other.

But the order can be reversed.

Jiang Ran felt that the old patriarch was not sincere in what he said. He ostensibly let Amei and others go, but he was worried that the old patriarch was behind his back, so he gave Demon Crossing Pluto a pill to prevent poisonous insects and asked him to protect the Yao people.

In this way, there will always be a gap in the inner flow of the Gu God who is finally resurrected.

Otherwise, the old patriarch may not be able to capture her.

Without that slight gap, he would not be able to injure the Gu God. If the Gu God's internal organs had not been damaged by the old patriarch's internal power, there would be no blood and the life-transmitting Gu would be useless.

All of this is calculated.

Therefore, it is natural for Amei to come to thank Jiang Ran. Otherwise, if they had come alone, they would have died in the hands of others before the Di clan could wait.

Besides expressing gratitude, it is time to say goodbye.

I originally thought it would be beneficial, and since the Flute Clan summoned me, I had to come.

After the results came, I didn't get any benefits and almost died. Now that I have nothing to do, I naturally have to go back early.

It's already so dangerous before we even leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains. One day we leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and we still don't know what it will be like outside.

Jiang Ran didn't ask for a thank you gift from the fat man, nor was he too polite to Amei.

After dealing with them one by one, they were allowed to leave.

But even so, Big Fatty and Ah Mei each left something for Jiang Ran as a thank you.

What the big fat man left behind was a seed.

Tell Jiang Ran that these seeds can usually be planted in flower pots.

Just water it with clean water.

But every day at noon, a drop of blood needs to be fed.

It won't take long for it to bear fruit.

There is only one flower and only one fruit.

This fruit can detoxify hundreds of poisons and cure all diseases. After ordinary people eat it, it can strengthen their muscles and bones. After people with advanced cultivation eat it, they can adjust their breath and exercise skills, which can increase their internal strength for up to thirty years.

This object is extremely rare, and its production method is extremely complex and full of chance.

Therefore, there are not many in the Qing clan, and as the young clan leader, he only has one.

I gave it to Jiang Ran.

This thing didn't mean much to Jiang Ran, but it was indeed precious, so he accepted it.

The big fat man also gave Jiang Ran instructions.

It is said that this fruit also recognizes people. Only those who water it with blood every day can increase their internal strength by eating its fruit.

Otherwise, if you eat it, you will die, and there is no cure.

Jiang Ran also took note of it carefully.

As for what Amei gave Jiang Ran, it was a scorpion and the Yao people's method of controlling insects.

The reason for the scorpion was that Jiang Ran was very fond of the little snake of the Shang tribe, and the little snake died after devouring ghost ants in the courtyard of the big fat man's forest.

So I gave him a small scorpion.

The law of controlling insects is because Jiang Ran has collected many similar methods before.

Amei knew that with Jiang Ran's ability, he would not pay attention to the Yao people's tricks at all.

I gave this thing to him calmly.

This really touched Jiang Ran's heart.

I happily accepted the things.

He also asked Ana to send people to escort Amei and others back to the Yao people.

The thing in the morning was to meet these people, and Ana was very busy all morning.

Most of the time I spent communicating with the Gu God.

It is a good thing that Numu can unite a hundred thousand mountains and become the king of the mountains at the age of ten. She is willing to teach Ana.

In addition to teaching, he also made many plans with Ana.

Prepare to start implementing it after they come out of Ten Thousand Poison Cave.

After a whole morning of fussing, everything was arranged to a certain extent. After lunch, the group finally set off to the Ten Thousand Poison Cave.

This path is completely different from before.

The Ten Thousand Poison Cave is located in the same direction as the Gu God Cave, but it is beyond the Gu God Cave.

So you can't walk along the line of sky.

Instead, we need to make a slight detour and take another route.

This time it was Ana who led the way.

Wu Di was thrown into the Di clan and was responsible for handling clan affairs during Ana's absence.

Xiaojiu was placed next to Wu Di to help him.

Azhuo followed everyone out.

Whenever Tang Huayi felt like this, he couldn't control his gossip soul.

"Why do I always feel that there is some confusion between Xiaojiu and Wu Di?"

She asked Ana:

"Don't Wu Di like the girl you like?
"Are you feeling that there is no hope of switching to someone else? Or...are you chasing after you halfway and giving up in the middle? Or, do you want to be like my brother-in-law and enjoy the blessings of being together?"

Ah Na was worthy of being Ah Na. Hearing this, he did not feel sad because he thought of Ah Zhu.

He just smiled and heard Azhuo say before he could speak:
"The girl doesn't know something...

"We grew up together. A-Zhu and A-Na like each other, and everyone can see that.

"A Shang likes A Zhu, and you can tell that personally.

“As for Xiaojiu…she likes Ashang.

“But because A-Shang likes A-Zhu, she doesn’t dare to say it.

“I thought it was well hidden, but in fact we can all see it.

"It just so happens that Ashang himself doesn't know anything.

"My heart is all set on A-Zhu.

"Fortunately, although he likes Ah Zhu, he doesn't compete with Ah Na. Xiao Jiu is the one who comforts him when he is looking around in self-pity every day.

"You said that this lonely man and a widowed woman live together every day, but he has never taken a good look at Xiaojiu. Doesn't this sound hateful?"

"...This kid is so blessed that he doesn't know how to be blessed."

Tang Huayi clicked his tongue and said:

"I think Xiaojiu is pretty good-looking. Although she's not very smart, she's good enough to be a wife."

A Zhuo nodded:

"Who says it's not the case, but Ah Shang has no consciousness at all.

"Xiaojiu didn't dare let people know that she liked Ashang. She even cried several times behind her back. I only saw her twice."

Tang Huayi listened and couldn't help but glance at A Zhuo:
"I said, you two grew up together, and you never liked A Zhu or Xiao Jiu?"

A Zhuo quickly waved his hand:

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, A-Zhu... Alas, A-Zhu's heart is all about Ana.

"Xiaojiu's heart is also with Ashang.

"I grew up with them, but I don't want to get involved in their complicated relationship.

"It always feels messy and very pretentious."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found Ana staring at him expressionlessly.

Ad Zhuo laughed twice:
“Besides, I got married the year before last.

"Now that my son is one year old... there is no need to get involved with them."

Tang Huayi was dumbfounded as he listened, glanced at A Zhuo, and then at Jiang Ran.

Then his eyes fell on Tang Shiqing's belly, and an angry look gradually appeared on his face.

Although Tang Shiqing was looking intently, her face was visibly red.

Tang Huayi sighed silently and touched her belly again. She didn't know what she thought of...

Ye Jingxue couldn't help but pinch Tang Huayi:
"You don't have to be so obvious, do you?"

"What did I show?"

Tang Huayi rolled his eyes and was about to speak when he suddenly frowned.

Looking at Jiang Ran, he saw Jiang Ran looking at Ana:

"Does this voice sound familiar?"

A faint cry for help came from the corner.

The distance should be very far, otherwise, others would have heard it long ago.

In fact, except for Jiang Ran, Tang Shiqing, Tang Huayi, Ye Jingshuang, and Demon Crossing Hades, no one else heard it at this time.

Jiang Ran patted Ana on the shoulder and pointed him in a direction:
"Go over there, it's probably less than three miles of mountain road, there's someone who needs help."

Ana glanced at Jiang Ran inexplicably. It might be normal for someone to need help, but why himself?

But Jiang Ran's words naturally make sense.

After Ana pondered for a while, he set off honestly.

The three-mile mountain road passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ran and his party were waiting where they were, and within a moment, they saw Ana return to the crowd with a complicated look on his face, holding someone in his arms.

When he put the person on the stone, it was none other than 'Azhu'.

However, at this moment, her brows were furrowed, her face was black and blue, and she was gritting her teeth hard, but she was still trembling, and she let out weak shouts of "help, help, help".

"She is...poisoned."

Ad Zhuo glanced at it, then looked at Ana again:

"We actually met again. Is this considered a bad fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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