Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

Chapter 574: The picture shows the dagger

Chapter 574: The picture shows the dagger
Thousands of years ago, there was no Gu magic in the world.

Because of the Gu God, there was the Gu technique.

Even if the Gu God has been sleeping for a thousand years, with her understanding and attainment of Gu, she can still command all the Gu in the world!

From the moment the old patriarch attacked her, she already knew that there was a heart-eating Gu hanging on the old patriarch's chest.

Previously it was just for fun, but also to feel the changes in my body.

After confirming that her body was still deficient and needed careful recuperation, she made a prompt decision and directly activated the heart-eating Gu in the heart of the old patriarch.

Not only that, the flame Gu swirling around the old patriarch also began to make restless chirps.

There is a faint intention of defection!

"Thousands of years have passed and I still haven't taught you what the rules are and what it means to commit a crime.

"I thought that after mastering the flame Gu, I could compete with my king's ice Gu.

"You are simply wishful thinking!!"

The Gu God moved forward with his bare feet and stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He looked up at the old patriarch who had been beaten to the base of the wall.

The flame Gu flying around the old patriarch seemed unable to resist the power of the Gu God after all, and turned against him, wanting to burn the old patriarch to death.

But the old patriarch now had a hole pierced in his heart by the Heart-Eating Gu.

He was also injured by the internal power of the Gu God.

Injured both internally and externally, there was nothing he could do.

He reluctantly raised his eyes to look at Jiang Ran, but saw that Jiang Ran was still sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, with no intention of taking action.

Finally he sighed:
"The Demon Lord is worthy of being the Demon Lord...

"Even now, you can still sit still. Are you really not afraid that you killed the wrong person?"

When he spoke, he was full of energy and showed no signs of weakness at all.

Gu God was stunned, this is unreasonable!

Suddenly, there were traces of itching on her hand. She took it to her and saw that the blood she had wiped away had condensed into blood beads on her palm.

And the moment she looked at her palm, the blood droplets flew up, as if pulled by a thread, and went straight to the old patriarch's heart.

"This is……"

Gu God felt surprised for the first time since he woke up:
"Are you using... the life-transmitting Gu?"

Life-transmitting Gu is a secret technique.

Even the Flute Clan has not been passed down.

It was a back-up left by the Gu God for himself, specifically used to control the Gu God's sacrifices.

The secret of this Gu technique can be passed down through one's life.

If the first-generation host has this poison in his body, then the children he gives birth to will also have this poison in their bodies.

Under the established rules, this poison can reverse a person's will and make the host do things he cannot help but do.

To achieve this, the most basic thing is that the poison is immersed in the blood and can be passed down along with the blood.

The root is implanted into the marrow, like a gangrene attached to the bone!
The old patriarch had previously taken the life-transmitting Gu from the body of the red-robed high priest, but he used it here at this time.

Use Gu to spread blood!

The blood follows the poison, the qi, and the internal force.

The Gu God was previously injured by the old patriarch's internal force, and his internal organs and meridians were damaged.

In normal times, these injuries are naturally insignificant.

After two days of rest, I recovered.

But at this moment, it became a fatal thing. Blood couldn't help but gush out from the damaged parts of the body. Even the Gu God could only open his mouth and let the blood blur out and swarm towards the heart of the old patriarch.

If you don't understand the wonders of the flute clan's Gu technique, you will really find it mysterious when you see this scene in front of you.

But in the same way, just looking at the old patriarch's behavior was in agreement with Jiang Ran's previous words.

Even if Jiang Ran wasn't here today, he would still take action.

This is his trump card.

His trump card is not very powerful...

A heart-eating poison that has been planted for a lifetime, a murderous weapon that can take away one's life if one is not careful.

A life-transmitting Gu taken from the body of the red-dressed high priest...

The combination of the two gave him the ability to turn things around.

The blood was like a torrent, and the thread was like a thread. The blood came from Gu God's body, but merged into the chest of the old patriarch.

His heart was pierced, and after the blood entered his body, it immediately traveled to the heart and spread in all directions with the heart.

The flame Gu that was about to fall stopped in mid-air, and then the old patriarch regained control.

As soon as he thought about it, a flame Gu suddenly swept across his neck.

Blood suddenly spurted out.

It seems to be trying to balance the blood in the body!
"Is he... changing his own blood?"

The poetry of the Tang Dynasty was astounding:

"Gu magic can actually be so powerful?"

Jiang Ran shook his head gently:

"I did some research on Gu magic in the past, but it was mainly for prevention.

"At their level, I can't even understand this fight."

"Can it be broken?"

"Mostly it's not a big problem."

Jiang Ran thought about it, no matter how weird and absurd this Gu technique was, it would probably shatter with one punch.

If one punch can't break it, then two punches, three punches... Ten punches and a hundred punches are certainly not unacceptable.

Ye Jingxue shook his head gently:

“Isn’t this Gu God a bit exaggerated?

"You were actually forced to do this by the old patriarch?"

Jiang Ran disagreed:
“This Gu God is indeed no small matter and should not be underestimated.

"She was plotted by the old patriarch...

“But this is normal.

"Think about it, when you take a nap on weekdays and sleep for a long time, your mind will be unclear for a while after you wake up.

"How long has the Gu God been asleep?
"That's thousands of years... After she wakes up, she can still act cool and use ice Gu to pose, without losing much of her combat power.

“This has surpassed countless people in this world.

"How could she have imagined that someone had been plotting against her for so many years after she had slept here for so long.

"It's really reasonable to be in such a situation for a while."

No matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult for them to withstand calculations.

No matter how high a person's martial arts skills are, there is another person secretly studying him, pondering him, breaking down his character, and knowing every decision he may make.

Under such circumstances, why do you think that the latter must lose to the former?
Even if the real martial arts is no match for the opponent, the continuous calculations can still shorten the distance between them, making the outcome confusing.

The old patriarch had been plotting against the Gu God for so long. If he couldn't even do this, wouldn't his life have been in vain?
While thinking this way, Jiang Ran noticed that the patriarch's appearance gradually changed.

Bloody texture also appeared on his body.

The originally aging body seemed to be rejuvenated, and the withered palms became thick and powerful.

The old face and the sagging skin also became plump.

His rickety figure gradually stood up, standing proudly like a javelin.

I saw Gu God's hands moving in front of me one after another, then pressing down with both hands, and let out a roar:

"Get out of here!!!"

There was a loud bang, causing thunder in all directions.

The Gu god priests outside the tomb are drawing formation diagrams and holding sacrificial rituals.

Hearing this voice, they couldn't help but look at each other.

This tomb is extremely soundproofed, so no one outside knows anything about what happens inside.

Now that this sound can be transmitted here, it is obviously very important.

Several people looked at each other and rushed forward to open the door quickly to see what the result would be.

But then he remembered that before the clan leader and the high priest went in, they had told him that no one was allowed to come and disturb them.

No matter what noise you hear, just pretend you can't hear it!
Therefore, although several people were eager to give it a try, they still suppressed the commotion.

Continue to worship their gods with the highest sincerity!

The two people in the tomb have separated.

The figure of Gu God staggered back two steps. His long black hair had become a little silvery at some point.

The rosy skin has also become dry and has many wrinkles.

This made her subconsciously reach out to touch her face, unable to accept such an outcome:
"This is could this happen?"

She had just relied on her cultivation and skills to forcibly interrupt the life-transmitting Gu's ability to transmit blood.

Now I just feel that my body is empty of energy and blood, and my energy and spirit are not as good as before. Compared with the old patriarch over there who seems to be rejuvenated, she seems to be the younger one... Of course, there is nothing wrong with this in every sense.

After all, the combined age of these people in the field today may not be a fraction of the age of others.

It's just that this Gu God has already lost his previous calmness:

"This is a have already planned it!!
"You peeked at my king's longevity scroll!
"How dare you steal such power from heaven!?"

"The ability to steal the sky?"

The old patriarch looked down at his chest. The blood there was bright red. When he opened it, he could see a huge hole and scars left by the Heart-Eating Gu that had been living here all year round.

Terrible and terrifying.

However, at this moment, the wound was gradually healing.

I heard the old patriarch sneer:
"You still dare to compare yourself to the gods? How ridiculous!
"You are right, I have already seen your longevity scroll.

"Do you think you can be safe and sound just by hiding in this cave, with a group of Fate Gu puppets protecting you outside, and Ice Gu protecting you inside?
"But I don't know what I paid to deal with you?
"The fire poison of the flame Gu is so piercing, and it takes a lot of effort every day, is it fun?
"If it wasn't for stealing your longevity scroll, why would I go to such trouble?

"But it is precisely because I read your longevity scroll that I know why you can sleep for thousands of years without dying.

"The power of Gu is indeed enough to see through the way of heaven.

"Whether you can live forever is still unknown...but in order to wake up, you used Gu magic to change the blood and change the hematopoiesis machine, but I can clearly see it.

"So, since then, I have been no longer satisfied with waking you up and freeing the leader of the Di clan from this thousand-year cage.

"I want to replace it even more!"

When Jiang Ran heard this, he finally nodded:
"That makes sense!"

"shut up!"

Gu Goddess Mu Wenyan suddenly waved her hands.

The invisible thing came straight towards the river:

"Where did it come from? Do you have the right to speak here?"


Jiang Ran opened his mouth and smiled, and the breath he exhaled was like a sharp sword.

A little bit of dust fell to the ground without hurting him at all.

Gu Goddess Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

I just felt like I was seeing a ghost.

When he woke up, the leader of the Di tribe wanted to swallow him and steal all his abilities.

A bystander whom he had never paid any attention to, had his Gu skills shattered while talking and laughing.

What the hell kind of world is this?

At this moment, she was really impulsive and wanted to turn around and lie down and sleep for another thousand years.

"Master Gu God is so angry when he wakes up."

Jiang Ran shook the gourd in his wine:
“I had a fight with the old patriarch, but I still haven’t completely sobered up.

"It's really sad.

"But Patriarch, you are quite capable...haven't you been thinking about how to deal with this Gu God all your life?"

"……so what?"

The patriarch sneered:
“You are not from my Di clan, and you have never understood my situation.

"Although I, as the leader of the Di tribe, command a hundred thousand mountains, when I give an order, hundreds of tribes will surrender.

"However, he is like a puppet, being controlled by others throughout his life.

"If you had experienced what I have, you would understand what the enemy is in this life.
"I'm really tossing and turning, having trouble sleeping and eating!"

"But actually, after you read the Secret Scroll of Immortality many years ago, everything changed."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"When I heard you talk about the whole plan to deal with the Gu God, I felt strange.

"It is correct that the fragments of the immortal scroll are recorded in the cave where the Gu God was worshipped.

“But there is no such detailed record in the fragments of the longevity scroll.

"But judging from the old patriarch's various methods, everything is exactly the same.

“I originally thought that the remaining part was provided by the Gu God Priest.

“However, after I came here today, I found that the Gu God Priest was dead.

"After much thought, I feel that you probably read the Secret Scroll of Immortality many years ago.

"Then the question comes... Since you have read the Secret Scroll of Immortality, it means that you have a way to avoid the protection of the Gu God by the Ice Gu.

"And in that case, the Gu God should have no resistance to your killing move.

"You didn't kill her.

“But it’s such a big circle.

"It seems now that you want to use the Gu God to refine medicine.

"Hundred tribes, Tian Youfang, Wu Di, A Zhuo, Xiao Jiu, and A Zhu..."

As Jiang Ran spoke, he looked at the blood elixir flower on the ice bed. There were many natal poisons clinging to the blood elixir flower.

"These natal Gu fed by blood, their masters, all died because of your ambition.

"Even though you could kill the Gu God a long time ago, you still use this name to kill them and seize their life Gu.

"It is precisely to condense the power of these natal Gu into the blood elixir flower and then pass it on to the Gu God.

"And at the end, you will steal the blood containing power into your own body.

"With the help of the Life-Transmitting Gu and the Heart-Eating Gu...

"I have to say, old patriarch, your scheming is really terrible.

"In fact, among the scheming people Jiang has seen since he came out of the world, he can be ranked in the top three... No, maybe he can be ranked second.

"Although Qi Tianyue is pretentious, she was eventually deceived by Jun Hezai and thrown into chaos.

"The old patriarch directs and acts on his own. He is struggling between the justice of the Di clan and his own selfish interests. He is still able to reach this day. His scheming skills are probably better than those of Qi Tianyue."

The old patriarch sighed softly:
“Lord Demon Lord, there are some things that are really unavoidable.

"Now is not the time to discuss this matter with Lord Demon Lord in detail...

"Wait until I kill the Gu God first, and then talk to the Demon Lord about old times."

The Gu Goddess' eyes flashed with murderous intent:
"You dare to kill gods? It's simply...wishful thinking!!!"

She took one step forward, ice edges flashed under her feet, and she climbed the stairs barefoot.

Her hair was flying in the wind, and her clothes were rustling.

However, something else sounded at the same time.

Around the cave, there were endless whispering sounds, and black shadows came out of the gaps.

It's a bug!
Some bugs can be called by their names, while others cannot be named at all.

Just by looking at their appearance, you can tell that they are extremely ferocious.

"Since I was a child, I have had the ability to control hundreds of insects.

"The self-created Gu technique is unprecedented!

“Do you think you can compete with me by stealing my blood!?
"How ridiculous!
"Today I rise on the clouds. I will first kill you, the traitor, and let you endure the pain of having your heart dug out by thousands of insects. Then I will kill your Flute Clan, and let your Flute Clan's many years of hard work be lost.

"No big deal, I will issue an order and order hundreds of tribes to commit crimes.

"Pass on the secret art of Gu!
"Command my 100,000 people in the mountains, break out of the 100,000 mountains, and dominate the world!!!"

Her voice became louder and louder, and her momentum spiraled even higher. She was so condescending that she really felt like an empress descending to dominate the world!
However, what was really scary was that the insects that spawned from the dark corners gathered at her feet like a wave.

The sea of ​​insects is churning, as if it can swallow everything in the world.

At this point, Jiang Ran finally saw how terrifying this Gu God was.

The methods of the hundreds of tribes were cunning enough, but they were all done by her alone.

The bloody lines on the old patriarch's face and his rejuvenated physique are all due to her plan a thousand years ago.

Such a woman... the word "terrible" is almost impossible to describe.

The expression of the old patriarch also changed.

So far, he has taken less than 50% of the Gu God's blood.

But the momentum is still far behind compared to it.

However, at this moment, the old patriarch also laughed:
"As the Gu God, you should rule the world.

"But if this Gu God is in another place, how should you deal with it?
"Listen to my advice, you have lived long enough... you deserve to die!!"

As soon as these words were heard, the swarm of insects could be seen rolling like turbid waves in the sky, attacking brazenly.

In just one wave, the old patriarch was already covered under the sea of ​​insects.

After a few breaths, a burning sensation burst out.

Scorching flames soared into the sky, burning a huge hole in the sea of ​​insects.

At the same time, the flames moved upwards, and the rocks and soil blocking the top of the head shattered when touched, making them unstoppable!

The people of the Di tribe in the distance had regained their composure after watching the excitement in the morning.

But unexpectedly, there was a loud bang, and they all turned their heads, and saw a wave of heat rising into the sky, like fire coming from heaven! !
(End of this chapter)

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