Chapter 568 Plan
In fact, Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi had already guessed this answer when they were in the Gu God Cave.

Tang Huayi used his inner demon thoughts on her, trying to elicit her memory.

It didn't work out.

There was a worm hidden under her scalp, and as the memory aroused it, the worm began to become manic.

It can be seen that someone did it deliberately.

Let this memory of hers not be presented to others.

And under the demonic thoughts, the words she said were enough to prove that her relationship with Tian Youfang was not simple.

In this way, her identity will be revealed.

In fact, if it weren't for this link, Jiang Ran might not be willing to listen to so many words from the patriarch.

Therefore, Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi just looked at each other without showing too much surprise.

"When you think about it, it's not easy."

"So, I cast a spell on A-Zhu so that she can't recall the past.

Jiang Ran said softly.

"Your butterfly Gu is a crucial link.

"You pushed this process forward, and the Gu God Priest used this to force me, forcing me to take action against you in advance.

The old patriarch also nodded:

Then why is he A Zhu?

“But if A Zhu’s memory is still there, this matter will still be revealed.

“Fortunately, what Ana took away was just a replacement for the butterfly Gu.

"The role of this girl is not only the secret agent you placed next to the Gu God Priest, but also a bridge."

On the other hand, Ah Zhu pointed at his face in disbelief:

"But...I said, you are all like my biological children.

The patriarch nodded:

"How can I bear to do such a cruel thing to you?

"Actually, if Ana really takes away your butterfly Gu, then this step will not work at all.

She was also the one who heard the whole story just now. It was clear that the clan leader had just said that A Zhu was dead and was killed by him.

The patriarch sighed in admiration, and then said:

"I tried my best to save A Zhu...

"You can't live in the Flute Clan.

"It's really not easy...


"Letting you leave may cause serious problems.

"The Demon Lord is indeed very knowledgeable."

“So, I can only use some methods.

“While you are afraid of them, they are also afraid of you.

"I didn't do what the Gu God Sacrifice asked me to do, so how could they allow me to insert people into the Gu God Sacrifice?

"Whether Li Daitao is frozen or transplanted, although I took out the butterfly voodoo from your body, I also reintegrated it into a natal voodoo for you to protect your life.

“And your talent is far better than I imagined.

This sounds a bit complicated, and even Tang Huayi finds it difficult to understand.

"This is actually... an exchange."

"But... everyone thinks you are dead.

"I sent you to the center of the Gu God's sacrifice.

"This way, no matter who it is in front of, this matter will be seamless."

Only Jiang Ran nodded gently:

“The Gu God’s sacrifice is loyal to the Gu God because of the life-giving Gu, but it is not true loyalty.

"It needs to be taken out within three months after the transformation...otherwise, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Let you also become a member of the Gu God's sacrifice..."

Not to mention A Zhu who has lost his memory and knows nothing about the past.

"I used this as a bargaining chip in exchange for your opportunity to enter the Gu God Sacrifice.

“So, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"And the real butterfly Gu is still in my hands.


Jiang Ran said with emotion:

"The most dangerous place for a good move is the safest place."

"Now that things have happened, is the Demon Lord willing to believe what I said?"

The patriarch looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran smiled:
"At this point, it doesn't matter whether I believe the clan leader's words or not."

"...That's exactly the case, but if we can get help from the Demon Lord, the probability of success in this matter will be even greater."

The patriarch raised his head and looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran tapped his fingers on the table twice, and finally nodded slowly:
"Okay, I'll help you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

The old patriarch's face suddenly became filled with excitement, and he said with tears in his eyes:
“For thousands of years, our Di clan has been shackled by others all the time.

"How many people died innocently and tragically for this...

"All this tragedy is coming to an end soon."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Follow Gu God's script, there will be a war of hundreds of tribes tomorrow.

"Of course, it is said to be a war between hundreds of tribes, but in fact, the number of people who can participate in this battle is less than one palm.

“I think it will be over soon.

"After this battle, the insects supported by hundreds of tribes will undergo a new transformation.

“When the time comes, I will snatch it away.

“This is the Hundred Insects Gu King, an important medicine for awakening the Gu God.

"In addition, Ana, A Zhuo, Xiao Jiu, A Shang... and the butterfly Gu that has been given to the Gu God for sacrifice.

"This provided an opportunity for the Gu God to awaken.

"But...she has been sleeping for thousands of years after all.

“Whether you still remember the past when you wake up is still open to question.

"Once she wakes up, she will be at her weakest.

“When the time comes, we can attack them in groups.

"Let this Gu God... die as soon as he wakes up!!"

The patriarch's eyes were burning with blazing fire, and his hatred was almost solidified.

Jiang Ran nodded:
"It is indeed a good idea, but if this happens, people from hundreds of tribes will probably not be able to survive, right?

"I don't care about other people, but I came with the Yao people, and they are kind to me to guide me... I can't just leave it alone."


The old patriarch nodded:
“In that case, let the Yao people leave before tomorrow.

“Don’t be a part of this chaos.

"It is expected that without the scorpions of the Yao tribe, the final result will not be too biased."

"it is good."

Jiang Ran nodded:

“Then it’s settled, everything will go as planned tomorrow.

"Azhu... also has to do what she should do."


The clan leader took a deep breath and waved to A Zhu:
"come here."

A Zhu walked up to the clan leader with a confused look on his face.

The clan leader slowly stretched out his withered finger and pointed it at the center of A-Zhu's eyebrows.

A Zhu's scalp suddenly started to tremble, and something seemed to be struggling and moving under the skin.

It was as if severe pain was passing through his body, and A-Zhu's body began to tremble.

Fortunately, this process didn't take long. Soon, a big insect emerged from A-Zhu's nostrils.

The insect was covered in an unknown liquid and fell into the palm of the clan leader.

A Zhu's head was in a trance for a moment, but within a moment, two lines of clear tears were already flowing from the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly he stood up straight, then knelt down respectfully and kowtowed to the clan leader:

"Thank you, Grandpa Patriarch, for your life-saving grace."

"Have you regained your memory?"

Tang Huayi couldn't help but ask.

A Zhu nodded and said with a slightly sad smile:

"Yes, I have already remembered it. That night, the clan leader told me everything that happened.

“We have already thought about this path now.

"Now that I have important things to attend to... I won't stay here for a long time. I, I want to go find Ana."


The patriarch sighed softly:

“A big drama is about to come to an end.

"Everything must come to an end."

A Zhu nodded, saluted Jiang Ran again, then turned and left.

Jiang Ran also stood up:
"Clan leader, please have a good rest. See you tomorrow."

"it is good."

The clan leader stood up and respectfully sent Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi off.

It wasn't until Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi's backs disappeared outside that the patriarch slowly closed his eyes and clenched his fists:
"Everything... is about to end."



"Tell me, is what the patriarch said true or false? Why can't I tell the difference?"

Tang Huayi scratched his head:
"You should use your inner demon thoughts on him...

“But he has that weird bug that can make people lose their memory.

“After taking it off, it can also restore people’s memory.

"This method is indeed extraordinary. I don't know if the inner demon thoughts are of any use to him?"

At this point, she found that Jiang Ran didn't answer her, so she couldn't help but look up at him:

Jiang Ran then smiled:
"It doesn't matter whether it's useful or not. You have to know that inner demon thoughts are just a martial art, and it's okay to use them against people.

"But don't rely too much on...

"As for what the patriarch said, whether it is true or false, there is no need to use inner demons at all."

"Then what he said is true or false?"



"real or fake?"

"you guess."

"Brother-in-law, what do you think this is? A fist as big as a red bean paste bag can beat you to death. Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

"...I'm so angry. How did my sister fall in love with someone like you?"

"Don't you have to ask yourself this?"

"If you touch it, you are blinded by lard."

"...Then this lard is thick enough."

The two chatted and laughed casually, and in the blink of an eye they had returned to their residence.

After entering the door, Jiang Ran stretched out his hand, held one of his wrists, and pressed it casually:
"it's me."

With a hula, the Huo Zhezi lit up.

Tang Shiqing placed the oil lamp on the table. Under the light of the pea-sized fire, everyone sat down around the table.

"How about it? Is there any harvest?"

The eldest princess asked casually.

"The harvest is not ordinary."

Jiang Ran rubbed his neck gently and said to Tang Huayi:

"Come and talk to them."

Tang Huayi had long wanted to recommend himself, and when he heard the words, he didn't shirk the words, so he explained the matter in such and such a manner.

So that everyone present was stunned.

Only Ah Mei, who had just taken action, was dumbfounded until Tang Huayi explained everything in an embellished manner.

Amei then rubbed her face vigorously:
"So, the purpose of our existence is to resurrect that Gu God?

"After a thousand years, why is she still not dead?"

"The more people are like this, the more they don't want to die."

Ye Jingshuang said:
"This method of the old patriarch is a bit risky. No one can tell how much of the Gu God's own abilities are left after being thawed out of the ice..."

"However, this is indeed the best way."

Ye Jingxue also expressed his opinion.

As for the others, they had no objection. Anyway, they would do whatever Jiang Ran said.

Only Ah Mei, after knowing the truth, realized that in the eyes of the Gu God and the Flute Clan, he and the other people from the Hundred Tribes were just blind guides.

Because of necessity, they had a chance to live. Otherwise, they might have been silenced by the Gu God a thousand years ago.

But now, even if you know it, so what?
She couldn't help but look at Jiang Ran:

", what should we do?"

For her now, she really has no idea.

The patriarch's plan was too obvious and she couldn't stay here any longer.

Otherwise, she will definitely die when she goes on stage tomorrow.

But let's go...not to mention how tightly guarded the Di Clan's village is.

If you can just walk out, how can you break through the blockade of hundreds of tribes and successfully return to the Yao tribe?
If Jiang Ran is right, even if he escapes back to the Yao tribe, it will be of little use.

A hundred thousand mountains are all under our control, but the small Yao people can be wiped out at the snap of a finger?
Jiang Ran smiled when he heard this:
"It's simple. I'll send someone to protect you all the way to repay you for guiding me along the way."

Amei immediately breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you."

"You are Welcome."

Jiang Ran glanced at Tang Huayi. Tang Huayi immediately understood what Jiang Ran meant. He went out to Demon Crossing Pluto's room and reached out to knock on the door.

I don’t know if he just woke up, but Demon Crosser Pluto walked in with a slumped face.

Jiang Ran smiled when he saw it:

"But it disturbed Pluto's sweet dream?"

"Don't dare."

Demon Crossing Pluto quickly rubbed his face:

"Your Majesty is looking for your subordinates, there must be something important."


Jiang Ran came to the Demon Crossing Pluto and said softly:
"I want you to escort Miss Amei and her group to leave the Di Clan and return to the Yao Clan."

Demon Crossing Hades thought he heard wrongly.

He looked at Jiang Ran with a confused look.

Seeing Jiang Ran's serious face, he said helplessly:

"But Your Majesty, we came all the way from Jinchan not for these people in the mountains.

"Now that something big is about to happen, how can I leave?"

"Don't worry Pluto, you will definitely be able to return in time."


Pluto was surprised:

"Why are you so sure, Your Majesty?"

"If you can't come back, that's fine."

Jiang Ran chuckled:
"go Go."

Although Demon Crossing Pluto didn't quite agree with Jiang Ran's words.

What does it mean if you can't come back?
This doesn't sound right.

But since the Demon Lord had given the order, he had to obey.

Immediately nodded honestly:
"Yes, I obey."

Turning back, he looked at Amei:
"Little doll, let your people clean up and we'll leave immediately."


Amei nodded quickly.

She knew the ability to conquer the devil Pluto.

With his own strength, he can make the entire Shang clan unable to fight back.

If he wasn't afraid of snake venom, he might not be afraid of even the snake king.

With his protection, this journey can be said to be safe.

While Amei was packing her things, Jiang Ran whispered a few instructions in the ear of the Demon Crossing Pluto. The Demon Crossing Pluto nodded and took a few things from Jiang Ran's hands and put them in his arms. Hide well.

After Ah Mei packed up her things, the group of people went out.

"That's it for's time for us to rest."

Jiang Ran withdrew his gaze.

Just listen to Tang Huayi smile infatuatedly:

"Now that there are no outsiders, brother-in-law, how do you plan to rest with us?"

One sentence directly made the faces of everyone in the room turn red.

The meaning of these words was so obvious that Ye Jingxue jumped up:
"Okay, okay, you can play by yourselves. The room next door is free. I'll go over there and rest!"

As he spoke, he wanted to run away, but was caught by Tang Huayi:
"Where are you running!? The little girl is so pretty. My sister wants to get rid of you today."

"...You stinking scoundrel!"

Ye Jingxue struggled repeatedly, but how could this demon sect saint be easily offended?

The two people were twisted together, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Jiang Ran rubbed his forehead and felt a little headache.

It was Tang Shiqing who stood up and coughed:
"Okay, okay, don't mess around.

"There are important things tomorrow, so don't indulge in pleasure...wasting your energy in vain."

This statement seems to be more straightforward.

Jiang Ran couldn't laugh or cry:

"You are not being harsh, just go to bed quickly. Don't make any trouble..."

After saying that, he got on the couch first and slept in his clothes.

Tang Huayi found that no one sang with her anymore, and she did not continue to entangle with Ye Jingxue.

He rolled up his bed and slept next to Jiang Ran.

The room gradually fell into silence.

This night was somewhat restless... I didn't feel anything at first, but Tang Huayi's words were like a switch.

It made several people feel a little hot.

Fortunately, it passed smoothly in the end.

Early the next morning, after everyone got up, they sat together in a daze.

You look at me, I look at you, and we all laugh.

Because they suddenly remembered something...

They came as members of the Yao tribe, but the Yao tribe leader ran away last night.

They are the only ones left.

Does this mean that they also have to compete on the stage?

Wouldn’t the clan leader’s plans be completely shattered?
But if they don’t stay in the Di tribe as Yao tribe, then what status do they have? Why come here?

This incident was somewhat embarrassing.

Fortunately, this embarrassing situation did not last long.

After all, the old patriarch knew their situation here, so how could he not be prepared at all?
Not long after I got up, someone came over to wash me and bring me meals.

He said that they were distinguished guests invited by the old patriarch and should not be ignored.

However, the person taking the lead today is not Adhuo.

Instead it was replaced by a young man.

This person's name is Xia. It's just this word. There's not even an 'ah' in front of his head.

Xia told Jiang Ran:
"You are a distinguished guest invited by the clan leader. After you have breakfast, you can follow me to the venue.

"Recently, the clan leader invited hundreds of clans to come to watch the ceremony and watch the clan leader ascend to immortality.

"But this excitement is not for nothing. There is also a hundred races teaching skills to watch."

Therefore, after eating breakfast, the group of people came directly to the Di Clan's main square under the leadership of this Xia.

This place is the place where stalls were set up to buy and sell things yesterday.

Now that everything is empty, the venue is surprisingly vast.

Jiang Ran and the others didn't want to attract too much attention, so they found a corner to sit down.

When he looked up again, he was laughing.

Now, there are no hundreds of ethnic groups in the field. There are only six or seven ethnic groups, who are staring at each other in the field.

Just as he was paying no attention, he heard a voice like a butchering pig shouting:
"I won't go, I won't go... Whoever wants to go, I want to go home, I want to go home!!!"

The voice was desolate and quite penetrating.

Looking around Xun Sheng, he saw a big fat man being pushed and pushed into the field by several people from the Di clan.

It was the fat man from the Qing ethnic group who was selling soup in exchange for heads in the small courtyard in the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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