Chapter 561 Believe it
The girl named Xiaojiu gradually calmed down.

Brother Adhuo, after making sure that no one was around, whispered:
"You, me, A-Zhu, A-Shang, and A-Na...

“A few of us grew up together.

"I can neither believe that Ah Na would kill Ah Zhu, nor can I believe that if this thing is true, Ah Shang would give up revenge for Ah Zhu.

“After all… who can’t see Ah Shang’s feelings for Ah Zhu?

“There must be a truth inside this that you and I don’t know.

"And if you want to know the truth, the most direct way... is to ask Ashang."

"But, there is a tongue-sealing Gu in Ashang's mouth..."

Xiaojiu looked up at Azhuo:

"Are you going to untie his tongue seal privately?
"Are you crazy?

It wasn't until these two people disappeared that Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi appeared.

Ad Zhuo sighed and glanced at Xiao Jiu:
"This matter is no small matter, have you really thought about it?"

"If the final truth is that I really wronged him...however I hit him today, he will definitely hit him back twice as hard!!"

Tang Huayi scratched his head:
"Why don't we save people now?"

"Otherwise, there are some things that cannot be explained."

"In that case, tonight tonight, right here... you and I sneak into the dungeon to find the truth."

"Hmm... Then come out and have a look tonight?"

"Zi Shi... Grandpa, the patriarch, needs to practice Gu, and he has no skills at all times.

"me and you togather!"

After looking at each other, they looked at the entrance of the cave at the same time:
"I was really caught..."

After the two people discussed it, they left in two groups.

Everyone also expressed that they understood, but the eldest princess hesitated to speak, apparently because she wanted to ask about the battlefield of the North Line.

"Why Zishi?"

After returning to the guest room, he briefly talked about the matter.

The other one went back to rest...

Azhuo said in a deep voice:

Xiaojiu said quickly:

"But, they have nothing to do with this matter. Wouldn't it be a little bad for us to do this?"

"The wise old horse is going to take action tonight, why should we go wild on our own? We can just come over and follow them tonight.

"Nothing bad...

"If you don't let me ask Grandpa, the patriarch, I can only go with you to ask Ashang.

"Otherwise, according to the temper of that little girl, Wu Di would have been cold by now."

"When was he captured?"

Although when these two people communicated, they always talked about the 'A Shang', but during the conversation, it was obvious that this A Shang was Wu Di.

"it is good."

“If you want to know the truth, you have to pay some price.

"it is good."

"If I can take the blame for you and me, maybe the mountain gods will be able to forgive some of their punishment after death."

“You can’t risk this alone.

"Did you know that the order to seal the tongue Gu was given by the clan leader? If you unlock it privately, once someone discovers it..."

"As for when he was arrested... it should have happened in the past two days.

"Except for his old man, even if anyone else discovers it, they won't be able to stop you and me.

"But if this truth can save my friends and brothers, then no matter what the price, I am willing to bear it."

"Then don't let anyone find out."

Now that the key to the problem has been found, Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi did not wander around outside.

One goes to guard the door, waiting for visitors.

"Under the laws of the mountain, none of them are full of blood. Being able to come here, I don't know how many dead souls have been added to my subordinates.


Jiang Ran patted her hand gently and told her to calm down. If she could find Wu Di at night, she would definitely inquire with him.

A Zhuo nodded:

"If nothing can be done, you can leave this matter to the hundreds of tribes who came to the meeting..."

Time does not pass quickly during the day. When something is on your mind, it is inevitable that the days will feel like years.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran and others were good at cultivating qi, so they didn't really feel anxious.

It was just the food and drinks brought by the Di clan, but everyone was very careful and did not touch them randomly.

I still eat the dry food I brought with me.

Jiang Ran is no exception to this point.

Although he scorned most poisons because of his somewhat invulnerable physique, this was the Flute Clan after all, and there were too many experts in using Gu. There was no strongest, only stronger ones.

If you're not careful, even an old drunkard might get into trouble here.

Seeing that the time was about to reach midnight, there was a sudden noise.

Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi had already changed into night clothes early and hid in their hiding place during the day. When they heard the sound coming from near the main entrance, they looked forward to it.

Thinking that this might be A Zhuo's strategy to distract the manpower in the dungeon.

Sure enough, people from the dungeon side also sent people to rush to the front entrance to help.

At this moment, the midnight hour has arrived.

Xiaojiu and Adhuo also arrived as promised, and saw Adhuo wave his hand and then walk straight towards the dungeon in a swagger.

If it weren't for the fact that they were wearing night clothes and had their faces covered, Jiang Ran would have mistakenly thought that they were relying on their status and didn't pay attention to the guards at all.

But if you look closely, you can see that although these guards are still standing here, their eyes are straight.

It's obvious that someone has been tricked.

He immediately pulled Tang Huayi and followed behind A Zhuo and Xiao Jiu.

I heard Xiaojiu say as he walked:
"Is this really what you and I suspected?

"The patriarch also called me over in the afternoon, knowing that I had beaten Ashang during the day, and even gave me a slap on the hand.

"He said that even if Ashang made a mistake, he should be dealt with according to the clan rules, and I shouldn't be allowed to do it privately...

"Grandpa, the patriarch, has been so clear-cut between public and private all his life. I can't imagine it..."

“Nothing in this world is impossible.

"Since A Zhu died, even if someone told me that you and A Shang were transformed from two pigs, I have to seriously doubt whether this is possible."

"You fart!"

"Girls, they don't know how to handle things."

"Isn't it because you are talking nonsense?"

The two people chatted casually along the way, which made Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi look at each other.

Are they friends who grew up together, or a flirting couple?

Perhaps, the friendship we grew up with means we can speak freely, right?
But this dungeon is not as unfathomable as Jiang Ran thought.

Not long after that, after dealing with one guard after another who had no idea what they were doing.

Azhuo and Xiaojiu arrived outside an iron prison.

This iron prison exists independently and is not connected to other cells.

There were four masters of the flute tribe standing in front of the door, giving them plenty of pomp.

It's a pity that Azhuo and Xiaojiu used their tricks randomly, and the four of them were already lying down.

Looking further inside, I saw a person whose hands and feet were tied and hanging in the air.

His whole body was covered with bloodstains.

Some of them no longer bleed, and there are some unnamed insects clinging to them, which seem to be eating carrion, removing saprophytic flesh and regenerating muscle.


Seeing this, Xiao Jiu took a deep breath. Most of these scars were caused by himself.

At that moment, he reached out and pushed open the cell door.

But the next moment, someone grabbed his wrist.

Xiaojiu turned to look at Adhuo, and saw Adhuo chuckle:
"Come out."

Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi looked at each other and saw a big word "fraud" written in each other's eyes.

This grandson is cheating!
"I've discovered you.

"You haven't come out yet, do you want me to invite you?"

As A Zhuo said these words, Jiang Ran had already noticed that something was moving on the ground and among the weeds.

He immediately sighed:

"I just know that I have to be extremely careful when dealing with you guys who use voodoo...

"How did you find us?"

Azhuo was even more surprised:
"Is there really someone? If it weren't for the worms in my body that are always warning me, with my martial arts, I wouldn't be able to detect your breathing at all.

"Who are you?"

When he said this, he seemed to remember something, and his eyes changed:
"Could the person who broke into my Flute Clan tonight be one of yours?"


Tang Huayi was stunned and glanced at Jiang Ran:
"How do you say this?
"Aren't those people the two of you directing and acting to prepare yourself for breaking into the dungeon?"

"...How did you know that we were going to break into the dungeon?"

Ad Zhuo was even more shocked. He had only told Xiao Jiu about this matter.

Immediately he couldn't help but look at Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu also shook his head:
"I don't know...who are you?"

"We're probably not enemies."

Jiang Ran pointed at Wu Di in the cell and said helplessly:

"We're here for him."


Azhuo squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Ran: "Are you from outside the mountain?"


"That's it... Ashang walks outside the mountains and uses his outside name... Do you know what his outside name is?"

Azhuo looked at Jiang Ran seriously.

"...Wu Di."

Jiang Ran curled his lips:

"It smells shameless..."

"You actually know."

Azhuo frowned and gave Xiaojiu a look, and Xiaojiu immediately understood.

Just listen to A Zhuo say:

"Are you here to save him?"

"Not necessarily. We have to wait until he wakes up to see what he means... However, I guess we don't have enough time.

"If you have time to chat here, why don't you open the cell door first and let us see whether this kid is alive or dead?"

"……it is good."

Azhuo nodded and reached out to push open the cell door.

Then he extended his arms to Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi:

Jiang Ran did not hesitate at all, nor did he worry about whether Azhuo and Xiaojiu would suddenly close the cell door and lock them inside after they entered first.

After all, Jiang Ran couldn't be trapped in such a cell.

Seeing the two of them so calm made Azhuo and Xiaojiu a little stunned.

After pondering, the two people also came to the cell.

Jiang Ran had already arrived in front of Wu Di and was about to reach out when he heard A Zhuo say:
"Be careful, he's been poisoned.

"If you touch it rashly, you will be poisoned."

"Your Majesty is a master of using poison. Since you say so, it must be true.

"Please, your Majesty, take action to revive him."

Jiang Ran said.

"……it is good."

Ad Zhuo nodded, then fumbled in his arms for a moment, and took out a small bottle. After opening the lid, a black insect came out of it.

The insect had a fat head and big ears, and was fleshy. It burrowed very slowly, and after stopping at the mouth of the bottle for a while, it was sent under Wu Di's nose by Adhuo.

It followed Wu Di's nose and got into his nostrils.

He stretched his nostrils wide...with great difficulty, he managed to squeeze in.

But where exactly, I can't tell.

After a while, Wu Di suddenly started to tremble, then took several breaths in succession and sneezed loudly.

Just with a bang, the black fleshy insects were sprayed out.


As soon as Azhuo stretched out his hand, the insect was already back.

Xiaojiu handed over the handkerchief, obviously prepared.

At this time, Wu Di had slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. However, after seeing it, confusion appeared in his eyes.

He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but he couldn't.

The sound can only come from the nostrils.

"Don't be impatient yet."

When Azhuo said this, he looked at Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi and asked Wu Di:

"Do you know them?"

Wu Di followed Azhuo's eyes. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, followed by overjoyed.

How could he not recognize Jiang Ran's eyes?
Things like night clothes and masks can be effective for people who are unfamiliar with it.

But facing acquaintances, the effect of this thing is really minimal.

Jiang Ran said softly:

"Don't be anxious, calm down first.

"Since I'm here, everything will be fine."

Azhuo glanced at Jiang Ran subconsciously.

Judging from Wu Di's reaction, he indeed knew Jiang Ran.

It's just that this man speaks in such a loud tone. This is the Di tribe. Why does he have such confidence that he can solve all problems?

Then he discovered that Wu Di had indeed calmed down.

He nodded to Azhuo to show his recognition.

Seeing this, A Zhuo no longer had any doubts about the identities of Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi. He took out a small box from his arms.

Inside the box was some miserable green liquid.

Let Xiaojiu hold the box, and he took out a piccolo from his arms.

Bringing it to his lips, the piccolo was silent, but there was a faint rhythm, causing Wu Di's mouth, which could only be closed at first, to reopen a gap.

As the gap widened, an insect covered in spikes appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It lay in Wu Di's mouth, and the spikes on its body penetrated Wu Di's tongue, fixing it tightly.

But as Azhuo's flute progressed, the rhythm of the insect became more and more obvious. Suddenly, it jumped directly into the box in Xiao Jiu's hand.

Xiaojiu closed the lid of the box.

And Wu Di spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff:

"Hold's killing me..."

"Speak first and open your mouth."

Azhuo spoke.

Wu Di honestly opened his mouth, and saw Azhuo taking out a bottle from his arms and pouring the powder into Wu Di's mouth.

"The Tongue-Sealing Gu itself has a paralyzing effect, making you unable to feel pain, and its body fluids have the ability to stop bleeding... But now that it is out of your mouth, the hemostatic effect has disappeared.

"This is a medicinal powder that stops bleeding and promotes muscle growth. It can help you stop bleeding."

Ad Zhuo said, capping the bottle and stuffing it into his arms.

Then he looked at Wu Di:
"In the end what happened?"

Wu Di did not speak, but looked at Jiang Ran:
"How did you get here?"

“The thing I’m looking for is in the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, the forbidden area of ​​the Flute Clan.

"It took a lot of tossing and a little bit of twists and turns to get here.

"As a result, I heard that you were captured as soon as I arrived...Brother Wu, I would like to know how on earth you were captured here by the people of the Di tribe in the middle of thousands of troops?"

Jiang Ran raised his brows slightly and his words were slightly joking.

When Azhuo and Xiaojiu heard this, they felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Do you want to enter the Ten Thousand Poison Cave?"

This Ten Thousand Poison Cave is truly a forbidden area for the Flute Clan. It would be a great shame and humiliation for outsiders to interfere with it.

It's probably like the ancestral hall of the Di tribe, and outsiders intend to enter and steal things.

"I see."

Wu Di said softly:

"I will help you... If I had known that what you were looking for was in Ten Thousand Poison Cave, I would have followed you.

“With you here, they can’t catch me.

"It was careless after all. I didn't expect that they would actually commit such a murderous act."

Azhuo's face was as dark as iron, and he felt that his brother and friend had finally changed.

When he heard that someone wanted to go to Ten Thousand Poison Cave to cause trouble, his reaction was to help instead of stopping him... He was not sure for a moment whether what he was doing was right or wrong.

At this moment, Wu Di finally looked at him:
"Brother A Zhuo...A Zhu was not killed by Ana."

As soon as these words came out, Azhuo suddenly couldn't think about whether Wu Di had changed or not.

I couldn't help but ask:
"Did Ana say that?"

"This matter is a long story..."

Wu Di gritted his teeth. His tongue was still a bit awkward and he had a big tongue when he spoke:

"If you want to know the specifics, just ask him...he knows everything.

“Don’t let the patriarch catch Ana.

"The natal Gu in my body has been taken away by the clan leader. If I let him catch Ana again, I can get the Gu King.

"Then we can no longer stop him from exhausting all his mechanisms and killing A-Zhu's ambition just now."

"You was the clan leader who killed A-Zhu?"

Xiaojiu's face turned pale for a moment:
"This is impossible...who said that?"

"Ana told me personally."

Wu Di looked at Azhuo and Xiaojiu:
"You know what Ana is like... He will not deny what he did."

Jiang Ran shook his head slightly when he heard this, feeling that Wu Di's words seemed a bit naive.

How can you win people's trust in this kind of thing just by relying on one-sided words?

In fact, until now, they have no physical evidence to prove what the patriarch has done.

The strength is still slightly insufficient.

However, when Ad Zhuo took a deep breath, Xiao Jiu's face was filled with sadness.

"It's actually the clan leader?"

"He...he has such a cruel heart!!!"

Jiang Ran was surprised, did you believe it?

He carefully looked at the expressions of Azhuo and Xiaojiu, although he was not very willing to admit it.

But I have to admit... they did believe it.

Jiang Ran suddenly understood why the patriarch wanted to put the tongue-sealing poison on Wu Di... If not, these two people would probably believe whatever he said, right?

In other words, it is not Wu Di that they believe in, but... Tian Youfang?

(End of this chapter)

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