Chapter 558 Changes
Two bowls of deer soup have been placed on the table.

But Wushu didn't move...

He looked at the two bowls of soup and felt very embarrassed.

He still hasn't figured out the details of this big fat man... He claims that he is not from the Di tribe, but he can have his own house here and build a small fenced yard.

His skills are so unpredictable that even wireworms can't hurt him.

He stewed a large pot of deer deer soup, but asked for a human head in exchange.

Can you drink this kind of soup?

Seeing the fat man standing next to him staring at him, Wu Shu frowned.

I feel like if I don’t drink this bowl of soup today, I probably won’t be able to leave.

The soup is actually very good, full of aroma, and the meat is so tender that it falls off the bones, making you want to eat it.


"Indeed not."

Wu Shu's face darkened, and as his eyes moved, he heard the big fat man wondering:

Having said this, when I looked at the Brahma City, it had shrunk to a corner of the courtyard.

"Have another bowl of soup, and you can smell the aroma here from afar.

When the latter sentence was asked, a pair of small eyes on the fat face shone with a cold luster.

Wu Shu was overjoyed and shook his sleeves:
"for you!!"

While he was talking, he took out a large pipe pot from his sleeve, stuffed it with tobacco leaves, and started puffing away.

Immediately his eyes lit up:
"You have been sitting here for a long time, and there is nothing to eat on the table... How about I give you a bowl of soup?"

"In the past few days, I have been killing people in the woods every day, and I almost feel like a bird has faded out of my mouth. This fragrance really scratches the itch... Come on, come on, give me another ten or eight bowls."

Tons, tons, tons, a bowl of soup was eaten immediately.

"Why don't you drink it yet? Don't you like soup?"

Just as he was about to refuse, he heard Jiang Ran say:
"Okay, thank you."

Amei saw that the man speaking was about forty years old, rough and unkempt.

After a moment of silence, Wu Shu smiled:
"As the saying goes, happiness alone is not as good as happiness among everyone...

"This is my soup."

His posture and eyes did not take the people around him seriously.

Wu Shu said quickly:

"No need... just enjoy yourself."

"Do not……"

"That's quite annoying."


The man looked back at Jiang Ran, grinned, and showed his big yellow teeth:
"You say it's yours, so it's yours? If you call it, will it answer you?"

After the man finished drinking the soup, he reached out and grabbed the deer meat from the soup bowl. He ate it with gusto, but his face seemed a little impatient:
"The aroma of the meat is all in the soup. The meat has no taste. It's almost tasteless. It's almost tasteless."

This person knew that this bowl of soup had the wrong recipe, so how could she agree to it?

A hand suddenly stretched out and took the soup bowl in his hand.

Cursing secretly in his heart, he looked up again and found that Jiang Ran and his group were looking forward to him.

The melon seeds on Ah Mei’s head were shaking like a rattle.

The fat man didn't stop him, and moved his small eyes in the direction of the soup bowl, watching as the bowl of soup was about to fall in front of Jiang Ran.

What a fart!
Fancheng was not a fool, so he immediately shrank back:

When the man said this, he smacked his lips. As if he hadn't had enough to drink, he came to an empty table and sat down:

His face was full of expressions that he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"Fancheng, can I treat you to some soup?"

Jiang Ran was helpless:

He asked a question in front of his head, and his face was still pleasant.

This sudden change shocked everyone present.

Without thinking, I just drank.

Jiang Ran glanced at the visitor, feeling helpless:

"I love drinking! I love soup the most...but I can't drink two bowls. I am willing to drink with others..."

The bowl full of deer deer soup flew away immediately, heading straight for Jiang Ran.

"So, I probably have no way to prove that this bowl of soup is mine."

The big fat man smiled happily:

“If you want soup, of course you can.

"But I don't drink this soup for free. I need to buy it...a head for a bowl."

"Fart, what happened to that bowl just now?"

The middle-aged man tapped his cigarette pipe with a look of displeasure on his face.

"That was bought by this guest officer... He said that one person could not drink two bowls, so he gave one bowl to the guest officer.

"But I didn't expect that you would cut off my hair."

The big fat man was not impatient at all, and explained in detail:
"Now that you have drank this bowl of soup, if you want to drink it again, you will have to spend your life."

"Human head..."

The middle-aged man glanced at the environment in the small courtyard and suddenly smiled:
"I see...but it seems that there are almost enough heads in this courtyard.

"Come on, come on, serve me some soup...I'll count..."

He started counting points one by one:
"One, two, three, four... including the bodies, there are seventeen heads in total. You can serve me seventeen bowls of soup.

"The head will be served shortly."

Tang Huayi curled her lips and glanced at Jiang Ran:
"Has he counted all our heads?"

Jiang Ran nodded:

"Apparently so."

They were the largest group of people, and they were all alone in Fancheng. Wu Shu was accompanied by several disciples of the Zhou clan who were controlled by the iron worms.

These people add up to exactly seventeen people.

The big fat man rolled his eyes and suddenly nodded:

"Okay, seventeen bowls of soup, coming soon."

"Stay on!"

Wu Shu spoke immediately, looked back at the middle-aged man, and said with a smile:

"Your words are too loud. Seventeen bowls of soup will not overwhelm you to death.

"I have another bowl here, why don't you drink it first?"

"Okay, just bring it."

The middle-aged man chuckled lightly, his tone was unruly, and he didn't take the people around him seriously.

Wu Shu sneered and pressed lightly on the table with one hand. Under the shock of his internal energy, the bowl full of broth flew out again and went straight to the middle-aged man.

Just now he flew up the soup bowl and gave the soup to Jiang Ran because he wanted to give the possibly poisonous soup to others.

He didn't know the depth of Jiang Ran's martial arts, so naturally he wouldn't do anything weird.

I just hope that Jiang Ran can drink the bowl of soup smoothly.

But it's different at this moment... This middle-aged man is arrogant and doesn't take everyone present seriously.

He didn't care about others, he didn't even care about himself. How could he tolerate this?
Therefore, taking action to coerce internal strength now is far beyond what it was before.

But he saw the middle-aged man smile, turn the pipe pot in his hand, and with a soft pop, the soup bowl suddenly rose into the sky.

The belt fell down, but he caught it with his pipe pot.

A huge soup bowl was spinning endlessly on his pipe pot, but the soup in the bowl did not flow out at all.

It wasn't until the rotation of the entire bowl stopped that he reached out to take it, raised his head and drank.

When Wu Shu saw this, he did not become angry, but instead had a sneer on his face.

Seeing him reaching for the meat in the bowl to eat, he shook his head slightly, looking at him as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Is it the iron worm of the Wu tribe?"

The middle-aged man suddenly said something shocking, causing Wu Shu's pupils to shrink suddenly:

Just after saying the word you, the middle-aged man suddenly let out a sigh.

He spat out a chewed-up iron worm:
"These iron worms are chewy and unpalatable... I really don't know what you did.

“When breeding these bugs, in addition to considering their aggressiveness, concealment or toxicity, can’t they also consider their deliciousness?

"When we are really at the end of our rope in the future, we can barely take out these things, so we can just pay... so we won't starve to death, right?"

Wu Shu's expression could not be said to have changed... his whole body froze on the spot.

When he took action, there were iron worms attached to the bowl.

Want to use this to kill people...

Unexpectedly, this man actually vomited out the iron worm.

"who are you?"

Wu Shu understood that he had underestimated this person.

"You are not qualified to know my name... Hey, here comes the soup!"

The middle-aged man suddenly raised his head and saw the big fat man holding a large tray in his hand. There were large soup bowls on the tray, and the soup bowls were piled on top of each other. They were so full that they jingled when he walked.

Soon, he came to the table and the big fat man put down the soup bowl:
"Sir, your soup has arrived.

"I wonder when the head count... will be paid in full?"

"Give it back to you first."

After saying this, Wu Shu's expression suddenly changed, as if there was something in his throat. He bent down and wanted to spit it out, but couldn't. He reached into his mouth and tried to clasp it, but no matter how hard he dug, he couldn't. Pick something out of your throat.

His eyes were red, his blood vessels were bulging, and his body suddenly stiffened and twisted involuntarily. There was no trace of blood on his face, and it turned into a layer of jet black.

Suddenly, a black moth flew out of his mouth...

This seemed to be the beginning of everything.

Wu Shu suddenly looked up at the sky, his mouth wide open, and swarms of black moths flew out from his mouth, eyes, nostrils, ears and other places.

At first, they were black moths, but later on, these moths were stained with a layer of blood.

After all the moths flew out, Wu Shu's body collapsed to the ground.

Dying from exhaustion.

Following Wu Shu's tragic death, the bodies of the three Zhou Clan disciples controlled by him with the iron thread worms also fell to the ground.

Countless iron worms swam out from their bodies, and the iron worms carried by Wu Shu also poured out one after another, covering the entire ground.

Ah Mei's pupils shrank, and scorpions came out of her sleeves one after another, crawling onto her arms and shoulders, ready to take action at any time.

But at this moment, the black moths that had covered half of the sky suddenly fell from the sky.

The moment the powder sprinkled by the moth's wings touched the wireworms, the insects twisted and struggled, and in the blink of an eye, they were all dead.

The moths fell down one by one, attached themselves to the body of the iron worm, and began to eat slowly.

Jiang Ran was amazed when he saw it:

"You're so stupid that you still eat this?"

He said and glanced at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly and answered seriously:

"I didn't eat it in the past... maybe I've eaten too much messy food recently, and I've become more vegetarian."

"I see."

Jiang Ran nodded:

"Then after eating these messy things, have you changed anything?"


The middle-aged man nodded and said with a smile:

"They become more and more bloodthirsty, and it becomes more convenient to use them."

Ah Mei glanced at Jiang Ran subconsciously when she heard this.

Jiang Ran touched his chin:

"I see……"

"You are not afraid?"

The middle-aged man suddenly looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran smiled:
"How can people be afraid of jumping on a moth?"


Of course, there is nothing to fear when a moth flies in, but how can my moth be one of those ordinary things?
The middle-aged man curled his lips and glanced at the fat man:
"How? Does this count as four heads?"

"Forget it, of course it will!"

The big fat man nodded repeatedly:
"Drink soup, drink soup, we still have thirteen bowls to go."

"Calculate slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Okay, sir, please use it with ease."

As the big fat man spoke, he picked up the kitchen knife and started working. He cut off four human heads and placed them in flower pots.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Jiang Ran found that the flowers in the two flower pots where the heads were originally placed seemed to become more attractive.

There was some speculation in my mind about the identity of this big fat man.

The middle-aged man was busy working non-stop, drinking soup and eating meat, so happy.

Jiang Ran and his group just sat there and watched.

Just as I watched, someone else came...

The location of this small courtyard is truly unique.

People who go to the Di tribe always pass by here.

But the person who came this time was not particularly unfamiliar to Jiang Ran.

There were five people in this group, all wearing black robes and looking mysterious. They were the Wing Clan that had killed people in Lin Zhongye before.

The group of people walked into the small courtyard in silence.

When the middle-aged man drank the soup, those moths had already eaten away the iron worms on the ground.

The people of the Wing Clan dispersed around the middle-aged man in a tacit understanding, forming a vague encirclement.

The middle-aged man looked helpless and said to the big fat man:
"Shopkeeper, please add five more bowls of soup."

"Still here to drink soup?"

One of the Wing Clan members slowly spoke:
"Ye Qiong, you have lived long enough and you deserve to die."

"You are not qualified to talk to me yet..."

Ye Qiong chewed the deer meat in her mouth and waved her hand without raising her head:

"Go ahead and wait. I'll finish this bowl and send you on your way."

Without further words, the dark ghost ants 'flowed' from the bodies of several Wing Clan disciples to the ground, like a tide, swarming towards Ye Qiong.

Ye Qiong sat alone, with glittering powder beside her, flickering in and out.

The moment it came into contact with the ghost ants, it was like burning oil cooking in a fire, and the entire ghost ant colony began to boil.

Some exploded, and some were injured, unable to take another step forward.

One of the ghost ants jumped up and was caught by Jiang Ran with his chopsticks, and he came close to take a look.

These things are actually not too small, each one is about the size of a soybean.

It looks ferocious and ferocious. Compared with normal ants, it has many sharp edges and sharp spines on its body.

It was caught by Jiang Ran with chopsticks, and he still wanted to struggle and twist it, grinning and trying to bite off the chopsticks.

After Jiang Ran looked at it twice, he asked Amei:

"Look at this. Is it different from the previous ones?"

"It seems like... there are a few more patterns on the body."

To be precise, blood streaks.

Behind these ghost ants, there is a blood line.

Jiang Ran glanced thoughtfully at the unique battle in the field. After pondering for a while, he suddenly flicked his sleeves and a small white snake came out.

This thing is actually not well-fed, but it is quite spiritual. Because it is afraid of Jiang Ran, it appears to be very well-behaved.

Jiang Ran took the chopsticks and brought the ghost ant up to it:
"Here, let's taste the saltiness."

The little white snake tilted its head and looked at the ghost ant with a pair of cold eyes.

At first, he was still condescending, but after a moment, he suddenly shrank back, trying to get back into Jiang Ran's sleeves.

"It's afraid..."

Several people had thoughts in their minds at the same time.

Jiang Ran smiled slightly and pinched the little white snake's mouth open with gentle force.

He forcefully stuffed the ghost ant into its mouth.

The little white snake couldn't resist and had to swallow the ghost ant.

The whole snake seemed to have lost all its strength for a moment and collapsed in Jiang Ran's palm.

Jiang Ran stared for a while, wondering what would happen, when he heard Naye Qiong snort.

The ghost ants around him actually broke through his defense line.

Ye Qiong's expression changed slightly:
"Your ghost ants..."

After saying this, he flicked his sleeves, and countless black moths sprang out, covering the sky and the sun in the blink of an eye.

Layers of glittering powder floated down, but were blocked by the black robes of the Wing Clan.

The ghost ants on the ground flew up and fought with the moths in the sky.

At the same time, five figures moved forward at the same time, each punching Ye Qiong's vital points.

The pipe pot in Ye Qiong's hand turned around and hit the back of the hand with the first punch.

He directly punched his fist until he could no longer hold it, and then picked up the pipe and pot, and was about to hit this person's heart, and another punch was already in front of him.

He had no choice but to push the pipe rod into the man's arm and twist it, use the curvature of the arm to hang the other person's arm, pull it and twist it, and change his position.

The man from the Wing Tribe landed a punch and hit his companion on the body, causing the companion to spurt out blood.

The blood spurted out was sprinkled on the ghost ant's body, and the ghost ant became even more crazy.

They were not particularly afraid of the powder dropped by the moths, but they still could not gain the upper hand in the fight. This mouthful of blood gave them the confidence to fight.

Jiang Ran was amazed when he saw it. The fight between a group of insects was inexplicably a bit exciting.

This battle seems to be somewhat evenly matched.

The moths and ghost ants are fighting inextricably, causing the sky to be so dark that it is almost impossible to open your eyes.

Five members of the Wing Clan besieged Ye Qiong, and they punched her hard, and the sound of bumping could be heard all the time.

While they were fighting endlessly, Jiang Ran suddenly looked back at the outside of the yard.

"Everyone, please work harder, someone else is here. If you still can't decide the winner, you might get someone else's advantage."


Ye Qiong sighed after hearing this. He didn't know whether what Jiang Ran said was true or false, but it was indeed inappropriate to continue entangled with the people of the Yi clan.

Therefore, he moved his shoulders and directly shocked a Wing Clan disciple opposite him to take a few steps back.

Then he took out a dagger from his waist and drew a cross on his arm.

The blood was flowing, but he closed his hands, and the dripping blood spread all over the sky as he raised his hands:

"The moth is bloodthirsty, the night lotus!"

(End of this chapter)

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