Chapter 533 Searching for someone
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, it would be better if Jun Hezai doesn't come. If he really dares to come, I guarantee that he will never come back!!"

The Demon Crossing Pluto bowed.

Jiang Ran smiled and was noncommittal.

Even if this person appears, it will never be now...

But the game we played with him was almost coming to an end at this point.

Let the demon Pluto put away this magic treasure mirror.

Jiang Ran turned and left.

Demon Crossing Hades looked at Jiang Ran's back and couldn't help but ask:
"Your Majesty, when shall we set off?"

"We will leave when the people who are supposed to come arrive."

Who should come?

Jiang Ran sat on the main seat, picked up the tea cup and took a sip:
"Aunt Rou should have understood the purpose of my calling you here."


I feel like this Aunt Rou is doing something a little out of place.

"Met Hades."

It's time to rest, and it's time to stay vigil.

"I also brought a few helpers...

In his other hand he held a huge wine gourd, and he drank from it towards the moon. The wine gulped down into his stomach, and the old man smacked his lips:

The night gradually became peaceful.

The Demon Crossing Pluto didn't know who the person who was supposed to come was.

Moreover, because of Jiang Tianye, they were not in harmony with each other at that time.

“I’m not the only one who came here this time.

But now, times have changed.

Jiang Ran nodded:

Aunt Rou stood up and bowed to the Demon Crossing Pluto.

"So... Your Majesty, you already know where that thing is?"

"it is good."

"Since Aunt Rou is here... let's set off tomorrow."

The Demon Crossing Pluto has a distinguished status, but Aunt Rou is just Jiang Ran's wet nurse, so her status in the religion cannot be compared with that of the Demon Crossing Hades.

“Good wine, good wine…

“There are countless fine wines in the princess’s mansion.

The person who was supposed to come waited for three days before arriving.

Everyone looked at each other and murmured in their hearts.

"Well, I have prepared a room for you to rest in. Go and rest first and go out tomorrow."

Under the same night sky, the lights of the capital reflected the stars in the sky, complementing each other.

"Therefore, when you are talking, please don't let anything slip."


And because Jiang Ran was reunited, there were no irresolvable conflicts arising from past conflicts.

On the top of the eaves, there is a little old man with a wooden knife hanging on his waist, like a toy carved by an urchin.

Aunt Rou nodded:

"Nature is filial."

"But although these people can be trusted, our trip is secret and what we do is even more unusual.

"It's you!?"

Sure enough, Jiang Ran raised his head and smiled:
"It doesn't matter, Aunt Rou can make her own arrangements.

Looking at Aunt Rou, who was dressed in black and sitting there drinking tea, Demon Crosser Pluto raised his eyebrows:
"Girl Rou, long time no see."

"Everything is ready, just waiting for Aunt Rou.

Only then did Pluto know who Jiang Ran was waiting for.

"The brat enjoys the blessings in this gentle village every day, but he still remembers to break my legs. I don't know whether to say he is filial or unfilial."

Aunt Rou nodded, then said with a smile:

After a few brief discussions, the matter was settled.

This face must be given no matter what.

Knowing that this trip is secretive, they also brought some outsiders... If someone leaks the news, wouldn't it be extremely dangerous?
But it seems that Jiang Ran has no objection to this, and after all, she is Jiang Ran's wet nurse. Jiang Ran had eaten other people's milk when he was a child... As the saying goes, a cannibal has a short mouth and a soft hand when taking others.

Standing next to the old drunkard was a masked man.

He stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the night sky of the capital, sometimes looking in the direction of the imperial city, thinking for a moment, and said softly:
"Don't even look at whose seed he is."

"I bother."

The old drunkard snorted:
"That depends on who taught him."

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change."

“Born with crooked roots, they must be repaired the day after tomorrow.”

"Do you deserve a beating?"

"You think I'm afraid of you!?"

The masked man suddenly turned around, concentrating his inner strength with his palms, and the old drunkard rose into the air, holding the wooden knife with one hand.

The two of them were about to explode.

The masked man stared at the old drunkard's hand holding the knife. After his pupils shrank for a while, he relaxed them bitterly:
"If you have the ability, don't use what he gives you."

"Then the child is filial, why should I not use the things he gave me?"

The old drunkard said proudly:
"If you have the ability, go ahead and break this knife. See if he can break your legs when the time comes."

"That's unreasonable!"

"so what?"

While the two were talking, they started to choke again.

I heard footsteps approaching quickly, and when I turned around, I saw two figures, each carrying one on their shoulders, jumping up and down on the roof of the princess mansion.

He was already there in the blink of an eye.

Seeing two people standing opposite each other, Nie Hongyi looked at this one, then that one, and then said to the young man beside her:

"I just said, they two can't die."

"If you can't die, you can't die... But didn't you realize that they were about to take action?"

The young man looked at the two in front of him, feeling a little uneasy for a moment.

These two are the first-class masters in the world today.

Once they take action, it may not be a big deal between them, but the people next to them will be killed or injured.

They came here just to find two people.

If the princess' mansion is demolished and the demon king comes back and becomes furious, no one can afford it.

The two in front of me were certainly very powerful in front of outsiders, but facing the Demon Lord...the two of them were always inexplicably shorter.

The old drunkard is obsessed with having his legs broken every day by the devil.

The other one didn't even dare to reveal his true identity in front of others.

It can be seen that these two people are promising.

But the relationship between the Demon Lord and them is different after all.

No matter how loud the thunder is, it will probably end in nothing.

But I don't have that kind of relationship with Nie Hongyi... Demon Lord Huihui broke his legs in anger, so what should I do?
So when they split up tonight, he really wanted to change with the lookout team.

No matter what, as long as these two people don't get together, they should be able to control it.

As a result, Nie Hongyi was unwilling to do anything... saying that if these two people got together in a short time, nothing big would happen.

Now it seems that it is good that he and Nie Hongyi came back early, otherwise, wouldn't this big thing have happened?
The young man is the young owner of Huanshi Hailou.

The last time they showed up, the old drunkard wasn't around.

This time it was an appointment in the capital.

The first thing I did was come to the princess's mansion... to steal someone.

"Is it them?"

The old drunkard turned his head and glanced away.

The young building owner woke up from a dream and immediately said:

"We got it, let's go!"

"Don't be anxious."

The masked man said softly:
"If you want to leave, you should deal with the guests before leaving."

After the words fell, he took a step forward, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

The young poster bared his teeth and said:
"He is better at practicing [Phantom World Sutra] than I am. If I don't go out with him anymore, what if people misunderstand that he is my father?"

The old drunkard glanced at him when he heard this:
"You think beautifully."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bang was heard from one corner.

I saw two figures rising into the air and landing on the left and right sides of the roof respectively.

On the left is a masked man, and on the right is another masked man.

It’s just that the person wearing this mask has white hair and beard.

It can be seen that he is not young.

Just listen to him speak, his voice is old:
"Who is this person who has great martial arts skills? Do you know where this princess's mansion is? What you are doing can be described as arrogant!"

“When I arrive, you will already be hiding around here.

"Looking at this with a cold eye, there are no soldiers patrolling the city at the same time, nor have they summoned their companions.

"Seems like just an ordinary spectator...

"However, the fact that you can take my slap without dying is obviously extraordinary.

“But I don’t know, what is the real purpose?
"and who are you?"

The masked man spoke softly, and there was an irresistible momentum contained in his words.

The old man frowned slightly, then suddenly turned his feet and was about to fly away.

But as soon as he turned around, he found that the masked man who was standing opposite him had already arrived in front of him.

"It seems that you don't want to tell me."

With the movement of his palms, the stars in the sky behind him all rotated, shaped like a funnel, twisting the sky and the earth in all directions.

The old man's face changed, as if he recognized something, and for the first time his eyes showed a look of horror.

Without caring about anything else, he shook one arm, and with a crash, the rubble in all directions trembled, and the gravel flew everywhere, but then turned into powder with a bang. As the strong wind blows away, it flies all over the sky.

Then the old man struck out with a palm.

The flying dust in the sky condensed into a huge palm.

Pressing towards the masked man, there was also a stern look in his eyes:
"Those who pretend to be gods and ghosts...will die!!!"

When the two touched, there was no sound.

The object in front of the masked man's palm, the palm made of condensed dust from the sky, fell apart in an instant, leaving no trace of strength left.

Then moving forward, it was the old man's arm that was twisted and broken.

There is like a huge millstone between heaven and earth, and the core of the millstone lies in the palm of the masked man.

Everything is twisted crazily under this palm.

Fall apart and cease to exist.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang!
The palm settled down, and after shattering one of the man's arms, it fell between his chest and abdomen.

The man's chest and abdomen twisted violently, then returned to their original state.

He trembled, looked up at the masked man, and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say a word, and the dead body fell to the ground.

"The Wheel of Inconsistency..."

The masked man chuckled:
"It's really been a long time. Unfortunately, you don't seem to have made much progress in the past twenty years."

"It's just you who make progress."

The old drunkard said nonchalantly:

"Whoever doesn't know that you have incredible skills is afraid that they won't know who you are. The moment you do something, it's [Dou Zhuan Tian Jing], so why are you still wearing a mask? Just take it off."

As he spoke, he came to the corpse and untied the clothes on his chest.

He checked his hand and shook his head:

"The skin is intact, but the bones are all wrong. The internal organs are mixed into a paste. The features are too obvious."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

Nie Hongyi came forward with someone on her shoulders.

He casually took out a big gourd from his waist, took a sip, and suddenly sprayed it on the corpse.

Fierce flames spurted out from his mouth, and the body immediately burst into flames.

This flame seemed to have some reputation. It fell on the corpse, but within a matter of seconds, it was completely burned.

"Killing people, setting fires, destroying corpses and eradicating traces, this is what they are all about! Why don't you do this after killing people?"

Nie Hongyi asked.

"...Not really, I'm just not as vicious as you."

The old drunkard answered casually.

The masked man frowned slightly:

"In the past, if you killed people, just kill them. There is no need to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces. You are not afraid of who will come..."

"Okay, okay, you are all masters! Masters, this is a place of disputes, we have to leave first."

The young poster took two steps forward:
"This fire is scorching. If the guards from the princess's palace chase us back and find us, should we fight when the time comes? Let's go quickly!!!"


Several people were worried, so they immediately stopped staying, jumped up, and were out of the capital in the blink of an eye.

When they arrived at a place where no one was, Nie Hongyi and the young building owner let go of the people on their shoulders.

He opened the acupoints of one of them with his fingers.

The man immediately opened his eyes, glanced at the people present, stretched and said:
"Who are you? Why did you bring me here for no reason?

"I'm still waiting for the boy named Jiang to change his mind and have a child with me."

"What a bastard child! How dare you covet the blood of the Jiang family?"

The masked man sneered: "Ye Loulan, I know what you want. As long as you do one thing for me...I can give you what you want with both hands. If you don't believe it..."

When he said this, he grabbed the young building owner and threw it to the girl:

"This person is the young master of Huanshihai Tower. If my words don't count, he will be yours by then."


The young poster was stunned for a moment, then turned back to look at the masked man:
"Are you selling me out now? My father won't agree!"

"Your father asked me to do this."

The masked man chuckled:
"In this way, we can express our sincerity."

"He...he...this old bastard, can he be considered my biological father? I finally understand, you dads don't have any good stuff!!!"

The young poster yelled angrily.

"Fantasy Sea Tower?"

Ye Loulan...that is, the next-generation descendant of Haiyun Lan, the exhibitionist who showed up after Jiang Ran broke the cloud and mist lock on his body with a palm.

The one who just said a few words to Jiang Ran and planned to borrow seeds to have a child.

At this time her eyes were shining:

"Okay, it's a deal, what do you want me to do?"

"This matter can be discussed later, you just need to follow us."

When the masked man said this, he winked at Nie Hongyi again.

Nie Hongyi nodded and opened the other person's acupoints.

But after this man unlocked the acupuncture points, he remained silent.

The old drunkard glanced at this man and then at the masked man:
"Come on, start your performance."

"...Who did you learn these messy things from?"

"My apprentice, what's wrong?"

"pretty good."

The masked man pondered for a moment and said:
"Very innovative."

"I bother."

The old drunkard rolled his eyes.

The masked man sighed, came to the other person, and said softly:
"Qilan...Long time no see."

Miss Qilan, who seemed to have thought she was dead, suddenly lit up in her eyes when she heard this.

She looked up at the masked man in disbelief:
"You...who are you?"

The masked man slowly reached out and took off the mask from his face.

When she saw the face under his mask, Miss Qilan's pupils shrank, followed by gritted teeth:

"It's you!!! You deserve to die!!!"

He suddenly stretched out a palm and used the force of wind and thunder to hit him hard.

This palm hit the person's chest and abdomen, and the scattered internal energy caused a storm, even the old drunkard was speechless.

The young poster was held by Ye Loulan and stared at him unblinkingly.

Nie Hongyi shrank her neck.

Just listen to the Qilan girl say in a trembling voice:
"You...why don't you hide?"

"Your brother and I are close friends for eight worshippers, and we will never go back on our friendship.

"You are like my biological sister in my heart...

"But, I am useless as a brother.

"When you and your brother needed me the most, I didn't know anything about it.

"To the point where you are so tired that you ended up like this today.

"This palm is really light..."

He looked at Miss Qilan, stretched out his hand, and lightly touched her eyebrows, his eyes full of pity:

“It’s just that I still have important things to do now.

"I have not avenged you and your brother yet...

"So, I can't die.

“Today’s palm is regarded as interest.

"After all this is over, Lan'er, if you still hate me, just take my life."

" don't know?"

Miss Qilan looked at the person in front of her with trembling eyes.

It's not like she hasn't heard the same answer before, but she doesn't believe it.

But now seeing the man in front of her nodding gently, she no longer had any doubts in her heart.

The next moment she threw herself into the arms of the person opposite her and burst into tears:

"Brother Jiang...I, I'm so scared...

“I’m so scared, what they said is true, the person who saved me is the person who harmed me.

"I, I don't regret dying, but I'm afraid, I really killed you..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm still alive."

He said softly:
"You were taken advantage of by bad's not your fault, there's no need to blame yourself.

“All of this has its source.

“Everything has come to an end...

"Well, okay, don't cry anymore. They're not pretty anymore."

"...Brother Jiang, my appearance is completely ruined now, how can I be beautiful?"

Miss Qilan stood up slowly, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and took a deep breath:
"Since you are still alive, then... is your sister-in-law still alive too?

“You two deceived me so hard.

"How could you bear to keep letting me work under that evil person...

"Where is sister-in-law? Why don't you see her?"

As she spoke, she looked around.

But all that came was silence.

My heart, which was already a little relaxed, suddenly started to lift again.

He looked at the person in front of him blankly.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were slightly hollow as he said:
“Every injustice has its owner, every debt has its owner…

"Damn it, no one can live!
"Qilan, where is Brother Qizhu now?
"Take me to him."

(End of this chapter)

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