Chapter 467 Going to the Palace

Princess Xiyue was in shock, her chest heaving violently.

After patting her chest, she said:
“Flying geese all day long, I almost got pecked in the eye by a bird.

"Oh, he's going to run away!!"

Before he finished speaking, he realized that the little Taoist priest realized something was wrong and ran away.

Jiang Ran casually took out a steel needle, waved his hand, and with a hiss, the steel needle penetrated one of the little Taoist priest's legs. The little Taoist priest's leg went weak, and after turning on the spot, he got up again and continued to run away.

However, the second flying needle immediately penetrated his other leg.

Both legs were injured at the same time and he could no longer run.

I started crawling on the ground instead...

At the same time, two flying needles penetrated his arms.

"...What are you going to do?"

Jiang Ran didn't know what he was thinking, he just frowned slightly:

Jiang Ran was also a little surprised:
"Linglong Pavilion?"

“I thought that Linglongting might not show up after the incident in Qingguo was over.

“Nowadays, every night at dusk, there is a secret gathering in Linglong Pavilion.

If they had spoken out earlier, maybe this man wouldn't have dared to resist at all. When the time came to kill the girl, and they turned around and left, who would stop her?

Now the red chili oil is dyed the same color as the blood all over the table, making it hard to eat even looking at it.

"Since you are from Linglong Pavilion, let me ask you, where is Linglong Pavilion?"

"I didn't expect that he would be quite good at seeking death...

Even though the little Taoist priest was almost confused, he could still tell that there was definitely no good intention in Jiang Ran's words.

"Maybe you can accomplish this great feat because of this?"

As the little Taoist priest spoke, his heart, which was already on edge, suddenly calmed down.

After all, their target is not this man, but this girl.

His movements were slow and slow, but to the young Taoist priest, it was like a dull knife piercing his flesh.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a tightness on the back of my neck, and my whole body was lifted up.

Turning his head, it was the old swordsman who had been hit by San Sanqing.

"Don't kill me...don't kill me!!!"

Linglong Pavilion is so powerful that no one is willing to offend it.

"Yes, I am from Linglongting! If you dare to kill me, Linglongting will never let you go... You will die, and so will your family. Anyone who has anything to do with you, no matter who they are , they will all die..."

He tried his best to crawl on the ground, but he couldn't move more than a few steps.

Jiang Ran looked at the bowl of wontons in his hand with disgust.

"It's strange...I haven't heard of this Linglong Pavilion for a long time.

"The most important thing you should do now is tell me the location of Linglong Pavilion and let me die.

After throwing the person in front of Jiang Ran, Wang Heng hugged Jiang Ran with a fist, followed by his feet, and returned to the second floor.

Jiang Ran sighed, took out the silver, paid for three bowls of wontons, and placed them on the corner of the table.

In fact, the only thing he regrets now is not telling Linglongting earlier.

After adding chili oil, this bowl of wontons looked delicious.

Jiang Ran smiled and said:

The little Taoist priest looked at Jiang Ran as if he had seen an evil ghost.

This time, he could no longer continue.

"Linglong Pavilion has such vast magical powers, if I go there, I will fall into a trap.

"what are you worried about?"

He always felt that after Jiang Ran finished his last move, he would hit himself to death with a slap, so he shouted before doing so:
"If you kill me...Linglongting will not let you go!!"

Ye Donglai and Princess Xiyue looked up at Jiang Ran at the same time.

“The Baifang Tower in the imperial capital is the property of Linglong Pavilion.

Although the man in front of him has great martial arts, but... if he offends Linglong Ting, he will die.


And with Linglongting as his backing, he will definitely be fine today.

The little Taoist priest was stunned, feeling that every word Jiang Ran said was full of convincing power.

The owner of this wonton stall has long since disappeared.

So after thinking for a while, he actually said seriously:
“Linglong Pavilion… is now in the imperial capital.

"Those who attend the meeting can buy anything from it...including human lives."

"Buy anything?"

Jiang Ran glanced at the little Taoist priest, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to support his chin, but after taking a look at the blood on the table, he had to put it down angrily:

"Then let me ask you, can I buy the dragon chair under Qing Emperor's butt?"


No matter how powerful Linglongting was, he never thought of rebelling.

Now hearing what Jiang Ran said, the little Taoist priest was dumbfounded and shook his head subconsciously.

Jiang Ran just smiled:
"It seems to be nothing more than that..."

After he finished speaking, he casually pressed his hand on the head of the little Taoist priest.

The little Taoist priest fell to the ground without even making a sound, and died immediately.

"I can't eat these wontons."

Jiang Ran glanced at Ye Donglai:
"Let's go back to the envoy..."

While speaking, he reached out and called Wang Heng down from the second floor and asked him to inform Tang Huayi and the others.

Wang Heng took the order, and Ye Donglai said:

"It's not safe inside the embassy either..."

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Jiang Ran said:

"Besides, the insecurity is only temporary. After settling down for a while, taking a bath and changing clothes, we will go straight to the palace to see the Qing Emperor."

As long as I meet Qingdi as Princess Qiuye.

Princess Xiyue no longer needs to hide. Only when this matter comes to this point can it be considered completely settled.

Ye Donglai was astute. After hearing Jiang Ran's words, he understood the meaning and nodded immediately:
"Without further ado, let's go."

The three of them are all familiar with the location of the embassy. Jiang Ran once took Princess Xiyue to visit here.

So we rode hard all the way and soon arrived at the embassy.

Ye Dong came here unimpeded, and Emperor Qing behind him couldn't let the people from the embassy do it no matter how much he wanted Princess Xiyue to die.

In the past two days, Ye Donglai also arranged the room and other things.

Along with Ye Donglai, there were corresponding military attachés who came to Qingguo, and they also brought some manpower, but at this time, it was too late to introduce Princess Xiyue and Jiang Ran to each other.

After leading Princess Xiyue to the door of a room, Ye Donglai said:
"Your Highness, this is the room originally prepared for you.

"Everything is ready inside, but... there is no maid."

"It doesn't matter."

Princess Xiyue's character is also a bit informal, not the kind of crying daughter of a noble family.

He stretched out his hand to open the door and was about to go in, but suddenly looked back at Jiang Ran:

"You come in too."


Ye Donglai was stunned, then looked at Jiang Ran and said quickly:
"Your Highness, this...isn't this appropriate?"

"What if someone assassinates me in the room?"

Princess Xiyue said:

"At this time, if he is not here, who will take care of my life and death?"

Ye Donglai was speechless for a moment.

Jiang Ran was indeed a master of martial arts. Of the killers from Linglong Pavilion who had appeared on the street just now, if he were to fight alone, he would probably be able to deal with only one of them even if he risked his life.

The man in front of him was like killing a chicken, one with each hand, no pressure at all.

After pondering for a while, he had no choice but to nod:

"It's just that this matter must not be spread outside..."

Jiang Ran also nodded:

"It makes sense, it must not be spread outside!"


Ye Donglai felt that these words were very strange and seemed to be detrimental to his princess.

If the guy in front of me is having bad intentions and yet he is not allowed to spread the word, doesn’t that mean he is unaware of it?
But if it's a rumor, if nothing happens to them and this guy is indeed a gentleman, what will happen to the princess' reputation?
It was an extremely difficult situation for a while.


Princess Xiyue glared at Ye Donglai:
"If he had been malicious, why would I still be standing here talking to you? Go back quickly."


When Ye Donglai heard this, he turned around and left without saying anything more.

Jiang Ran also followed into Princess Xiyue's room.

After locking the door, he found Princess Xiyue looking at him:


"...Ahem, I have always believed that you are a gentleman, so when I am taking a bath, must not peek.

“Even if you look at it, you can’t do anything.

"Even if you want to take action, you can't do it now..."

Princess Xiyue said while constantly giving up her bottom line.


Jiang Ran rolled his eyes hugely:
"Princess, please respect yourself and take a look in the mirror. I have no interest in a wizened girl like you who has not yet grown up and is still wet."

In a word, Princess Xiyue feels at ease, but makes Princess Xiyue angry.

After giving Jiang Ran a hard look, he began to rummage through the boxes.

The necessary outfits are all in the cabinet, and she takes them out one by one and prepares them.

Ye Donglai had already ordered someone to get hot water.

While she was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, someone put the hot water outside the door. After they left, Jiang Ran brought it in.

The last two people were separated by a screen. One took off his clothes and got into the water, while the other sat behind the screen, closing his eyes and meditating.

This particular situation is quite strange. For Princess Xiyue, this is the first time in her life.

In the past, in the palace, even eunuchs could not come in while she was bathing.

Not to mention, there was an able-bodied man in the room now.

As soon as I started taking this bath, I felt dizzy because of the heat.

If it continued like this, there was no other way. She decided to break the silence and talk to Jiang Ran, which would probably make things better.

Then he took the initiative and said:
"Why are you called Jing Shen Dao?"

"...Because I can use the Nine Shocking Swordsman."

This is completely devoid of any nourishment.

Princess Xiyue reacted immediately and laughed dryly:
"I forgot……"


"Then what do you do in Jinchan?"

"Knife catcher."

"Knife catcher? Helping people write articles? No, you should be catching wanted criminals for the court, right?"

Princess Xiyue suddenly became interested:
"Isn't this kind of life very exciting? You have to constantly fight against powerful forces and fight against all kinds of masters?
"Always walking on the thin line between life and death?"

"...It's not very exciting, and you don't need to fight against power."

Jiang Ran answered honestly:

“As for the masters, there are indeed many, but they are all not as good as me.

"If you are powerful, you often don't dare to fight against me..."


Princess Xiyue felt that it was a pity for this man. He had a good face, but ended up with a mouth.

I've been talking to you to death all day.

Then she asked again:

"What is your relationship with Jin Chan's eldest princess?"

"...Can you take a good bath?"

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while:
"Make more mud and talk less."

"Where is the mud on me!?"

Princess Xiyue was furious, was she saying she was dirty?

"Then how could I know..."

Jiang Ran crossed his legs:
"Don't let me read it just because of this topic. I don't want to read it."

"Who wants you to see it!?"

Princess Xiyue wishes she could have a purple gold hammer in her hand right now and blow this bastard's head off hard.

At this moment, Jiang Ran suddenly moved.

Princess Xiyue was startled when she heard the sound of clothes.
"Why are you going?"

Jiang Ran had already arrived at the window of the room. On the street in the distance, a galloping horse was approaching.

"It seems the next move has been decided."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"This time it's hard..."

"what? What?"

"A team of people is coming outside."

"Are you planning to arrest me as a wanted criminal?"

Princess Xiyue frowned:

"Even the Qing Emperor can't make up accusations out of nothing, right?"

"not necessarily."

Jiang Ran sneered:
"If he lets people sneak into the embassy, ​​pretend to be evildoers, and then sends people to arrest him, in the end the two sides will fight together and there will be endless chaos.

"Then I will take advantage of this chaos to kill you and put the blame on the evil person.

"What do you think?"

“…The human heart is indeed deceitful.”

Princess Xiyue immediately asked:

"Then what do we do?"

"It seems you can't stop taking this bath."

Jiang Ran said:

"Come out quickly, wipe yourself clean, and change your clothes."

Just as he was saying this, the sound of horse hooves came from in front of the embassy door. After the horses neighed, a voice shouted loudly:
"This general has received a secret report that there are demons from the Demon Cult who have sneaked into the embassy and want to do evil.

"Now, by the order of the Holy One, the embassy is sealed off, and everyone waiting must come out for interrogation.

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!!"

As soon as he said this, Ye Donglai had already arrived at the door and knocked on the door.

Jiang Ran opened the door and saw that Ye Donglai had changed into court clothes. After seeing Jiang Ran, he quickly asked:
"How are your Royal Highnesses' preparations? There is a group of people outside, and they are not malicious... I'm afraid they have other plans."

Jiang Ran nodded:

"Well, you come with me."

Ye Donglai agreed and was about to follow Jiang Ran into the room when he heard Princess Xiyue shouting:

"Don't come in!!!"

Ye Donglai immediately looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran frowned slightly:

"Then wait for me here first."

With that said, he closed the door again.

Ye Donglai stood outside the door, his heart racing for a moment, wondering why he wasn't allowed in? Why can Jiang Ran do it? What happened in the room that I couldn't let myself see?
At the same time, the situation outside also made him worried.

In a hurry, I had to go to the corridor window and look out.

He saw that the leading general had dismounted from his horse, and his soldiers were lined up behind him, about to rush in.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

When Ye Donglai waited for him to realize what had happened, he found that there was a hole in the helmet on the general's head, blood was flowing from his cheek, and he lay directly on the ground, dead on the spot.

This scene really caught people off guard.

The group of soldiers behind him were all dumbfounded, and the general's lieutenant stretched out his hand to explore, and his head was buzzing:
"General...the general is dead!!!"

"It was the devil's followers who did it!!"

"The devil is inside this embassy..."

"Let's fight in and avenge the general!!"

The man who just finished talking about avenging the general, the next moment his head tilted and he died on the spot.

The whole crowd was suddenly in chaos.

Pedestrians watching the excitement were frightened, and the soldiers were even more insecure. No one knew whether they would be the next to die.

They all took their weapons and carefully looked at the embassy windows.

Jiang Ran had already walked away from the window and asked casually:
"how's it going?"

"It's a bit troublesome to be alone..."

Princess Xiyue said:

"You still have to give me some time."

"Don't worry, I just bought some time."

Jiang Ran said casually.

"...Why does it seem so chaotic outside? The general is dead? Did you kill him? Is this how you bought time?"

Princess Xiyue had just been busy with her clothes and didn't pay attention to what was going on outside.

At this time, the panicked voices of the soldiers were heard.

Jiang Ran frowned:

"Stop asking and get dressed quickly. Once you're done, let's go."


Princess Xiyue was speechless for a while, and finally stamped her feet and said:
"No, please help me!!"

Jiang Ran didn't hesitate when he heard this, and walked directly past the screen. Sure enough, Princess Xiyue's clothes were already fully dressed, and nothing was leaking out.

But the various small decorations and pendants on the body are very troublesome.

Some of them are still in the back, and I simply can’t handle them on my own.

Jiang Ran readily helped. He had seven-skilled hands, and the sensitivity and flexibility of his fingers were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Princess Xiyue originally asked him to come in, but she still asked Yu Blind, not expecting Jiang Ran to really help her.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Ran would actually be like a divine helper:
"You are so powerful. If you don't turn around, you will become my maid..."

"...You either need to think again, what did you say?"

Jiang Ran's tone was very calm.

Princess Xiyue immediately shuddered, coughed and said:
"I...I'm just joking.

"Don't take it seriously."

"Okay, done."

Jiang Ran took a step back. Princess Xiyue turned around and looked at her for a moment. Jiang Ran nodded lightly:

"Didn't you wash your face when you took a shower just now?"

"It's too much trouble to have to dress up again after washing."

"I can still carry it clearly."

Jiang Ran smiled:
"Let's go."

With that said, he walked out of the screen, opened the door, and pulled in Ye Donglai who was lying at the door not knowing what he wanted to hear.

The soldiers downstairs could no longer hold back at this time and began to rush into the embassy one after another.

Jiang Ran held Princess Xiyue with one hand and Ye Donglai with the other.

With a sway and a huff, the window opened and closed, and the person was already outside the embassy.

As soon as they landed, they saw that Tang Huayi and others had already arrived.

"Let's go to the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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