Chapter 411 Breaking it into parts

Jiahe City, within Wanfeng Teahouse.

A hand was slapped on the table, and an indignant voice shouted angrily:

“Conspiracy, this is all a conspiracy!!

“First, the little prince was killed at the border, and then General Hou fell into the hands of thieves in Jinchan’s Jinyang Mansion.

"Now, Guan Changqing used the excuse that our Qing Kingdom invaded Huwei Pass without declaring war, and sent his troops north to attack our Zhenyang Pass. They went rampant all the way. When our Qing Kingdom was tired of resisting, His Majesty actually died!

"All of this is clearly a conspiracy and conspiracy carried out by Jin Chanlangzi's ambition.

“It’s so abominable!!”

"That's right, what's even more disgusting is that they are obviously very ambitious, but they still try to defeat them.

"They say that our Qing Kingdom is holding on to their eldest princess because we want to take the opportunity to invade Jin Chan.

"In the end, they allowed that bitch, the eldest princess, to enter the hinterland of our Qing Kingdom, and when all parties focused their attention here, they suddenly launched a surprise attack!

"They are not only ambitious, but also have no regard for the safety of their parents and princesses.

"It can be described as heartless, despicable and shameless!!"

"Who knows whether the eldest princess is real or fake? On the surface, it is the eldest princess who is here to negotiate peace, but in fact she may not be a cat or a dog.

"Jinchan people are despicable and shameless, so don't be fooled again."

"You don't know this... Emperor Jin Chan dared to take such risks for no reason.

"The eldest princess who came to our country this time was escorted by a master of golden cicada.

"This man's martial arts skills are unparalleled. It is said that he is the number one master of Jin Chan!"

"The number one master of Jin Chan!?"

Everyone present was surprised when they heard this.

Someone immediately asked for details.

At the same time, in the corner of the tea house, two young men with ordinary looks looked at each other after hearing this.

However, one of them had a rather playful look in his eyes, moved his lips, and repeated silently:

"The number one master of Jin Chan."

Then he winked at the other party.

Another young man frowned slightly.

These two were naturally Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi who came out to inquire about the news.

In this era without the Internet, places where people gather, such as teahouses and taverns, are often the places where news circulates the fastest.

When people from all over the world gather together, they will naturally say something that others don't know.

It's just that whether the news is true or false, you have to distinguish a little bit.

And when this topic came up about Jiang Ran, Tang Huayi naturally couldn't help but joke.

Especially the words "Golden Chan's No. 1 Master" made Tang Huayi feel indescribably comfortable.

Jiang Ran didn't care about this.

I'm a little surprised, how did such rumors spread to Qingguo?

At the same time, the chat in the teahouse continued.

Some people have detailed Jiang Ran's records. He has been in the arena for nearly a year and has experienced a lot of big and small battles. However, no matter who the opponent is, he has never lost.

Among them are low-level mountain bandits and road tyrants, as well as top masters like the owner of Zuodaozhuang.

The details surprised Jiang Ran.

He himself may not be able to remember it all.

Looking at each other, Tang Huayi knew that someone was obviously spreading the news deliberately.

Otherwise, even if someone could occasionally bring Jiang Ran's name to Qingguo, there would be no reason for people to be so familiar with it.

As for people who can achieve this level and will do it...the first thing Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi think of is Tianshang Que!

At the same time, wait for the person to tell Jiang Ran's information in this way.

The entire teahouse was also silent.

Even if there is a country separating them, some notorious people can often cross the country's boundaries.

For example, people like the owner of Zuodaozhuang are by no means only famous in Jinchan.

Even in Qing Country, he is notorious.

Jiang Ran was able to capture even this person, so what should they, a bunch of ordinary people in the world, do?

Suddenly someone slapped the table again:

"What are you doing? Isn't this a good thing?

"The stronger the master he comes, the more true the identity of the eldest princess is!

"In this case, if we capture the eldest princess and take her head off her neck, wouldn't it be a huge blow to Jin Chan?

“If the people of Jin Chan knew that Emperor Jin Chan even ignored the life of his own sister for his own ambition, it might also help the situation between the two countries!

"In summary, what has come to pass? As a member of the Qing Kingdom with martial arts skills, shouldn't we take action in a time of national crisis?"

"That makes sense!!

"Kill the eldest princess, or capture her alive and bring her to the formation of the three armies, and you can reverse the situation!"

"That's right! We should invite our comrades to attack the river from all over the world!!"

The group of people in the restaurant were all filled with righteous indignation. They stood up and left the restaurant one after another while shouting angrily. Some went to invite friends, some went to inquire about information, and everyone went their own way.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi also left Wanfeng Tea House with everyone.

Walking on the busy street, listening to the discussions of the people around me.

The scene on top of the city today was naturally highly publicized.

To say that the eldest princess and her party were beaten so hard by the generals who defended the city that they ran away with their heads in their hands was considered to be a harsh sigh of relief.

Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi listened to these contents.

Tang Huayi whispered:

“The Emperor of Qing Kingdom suddenly passed away, could it be the handiwork of Tian Shang Que?

"Now all the three religions and nine schools in the Qing Kingdom are filled with indignation against Jin Chan.

"The eldest princess who lives in the Qing Kingdom is obviously a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

“Some people want to kill quickly, and some people want to use this to reverse the situation.

"But I never thought that if Emperor Jin Chan really cared about this sister's life, how could he suddenly order the dispatch of troops at this time?

" you think this Emperor Jin Chan is someone who can abandon his own sister?"

Jiang Ran touched his chin and shook his head slightly:

“People’s hearts are separated from each other, let alone someone like him.

"It's not surprising what kind of decision he can make...

"But there is one thing that cannot be ignored."


"Guan Changqing was detained by the people from Tianshangque for a long time, but his oily skin was not damaged.

"The news we have heard now is that Guan Changqing sent troops to attack the Qing Kingdom, but there was no edict issued by Emperor Jin Chan."

"You mean, Guan Changqing did this on his own?

"But the blame falls on Emperor Jin Chan?"

Tang Huayi took a deep breath and glanced at Jiang Ran:

"If this is really the case, then we may have been deceived by Heavenly Palace in the end.

"While we are all focusing on the fact that the eldest princess killed the young prince of the Qing Kingdom, Guan Changqing is the really important secret they buried in Jin Chan."

“It makes no sense to say this now.

"No matter what happened to Guan Changqing, now we are already riding a tiger."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"In the Qing Kingdom, we are the enemy of everyone in the world.

"Now we have only two ways to go..."

"Which two?"

When Jiang Ran talked about these two roads, he and Tang Huayi had already returned to the hiding place of the eldest princess and her group.

After all, he didn't want to say it twice.

Tang Huayi just scratched her head and endured it until she saw the eldest princess before saying:

"The first way is to go back home immediately!

"Look what happened to Jin Toad?

"Why did Guan Changqing suddenly send troops, and what happened to your imperial brother? Did he tacitly agree to this matter, or was he completely unaware of it?

“But in this case, our visit to Qing Country will be a complete failure.

“Even if the chaos is rectified, Qingguo will never believe it.

"After all, it was true that they were burning, killing and looting all the way. The knife had already been cut on people's bodies, and then I told them it was a misunderstanding.

“Obviously it doesn’t make sense.

“In other words, the war between the two countries is now inevitable.

"He completely fell into the hands of the man in the dark."

The eldest princess held a water bag in her hand and listened to Jiang Ran's words without any expression on her face.

She thought quietly and said:

"You are right. Now that we go back, a war between the two countries is inevitable.

“Then your second option is obviously for us to move forward.

“The emperor of the Qing Kingdom passed away suddenly… your news spread all over the sky.

"Someone is deliberately stoking the hostility of the Qing Kingdom and creating a situation where everyone is the enemy.

“And if there is another mystery behind the death of Emperor Qingguo.

“If we can investigate clearly and go to Wanyan Buming in person to explain the matter clearly, this will be the solution once and for all.

"It's just that this road has a narrow escape from death... I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult."


Jiang Ran nodded:

“This road is not easy to walk, and it is not even certain whether we will reach the end in the end.

"But it's the best way."

"Then keep going!!"

The eldest princess is also a straightforward person, and she has already realized something when she came to Qingguo. At this time, I was not willing to return without success.

There was just one thing that made her a little worried:

"I don't believe that Brother Huang would act like this. Guan Changqing may have been tricked by someone. That Brother Huang... He doesn't know how he is living now..."

The emperors of Qing Kingdom suddenly died.

It's hard to say that someone didn't do this secretly.

Although Emperor Jin Chan is aloof, he is not immortal.

Thinking of this, the eldest princess had to worry.

Jiang Ran thought for a moment and comforted softly:

"Don't worry, I think he'll be fine.

"Don't forget that Dao Que and Dao Yizong are still here...

"This Niubi is very capable and his actions are unpredictable. There is no need to worry too much."

The eldest princess nodded, and now she can only think like this.

But everyone decided to move on, so the identity of the envoy could no longer be used for the time being.

Although the accompanying envoy Liu Mucheng raised objections to this, he felt that they were on a normal mission and should not give up their status for other reasons.

But under Jiang Ran's suppression, he was easily suppressed without making any waves.

Everyone was immediately transformed into disguises, and Tang Huayi took action to change their appearance.

But when he saw these people gathering together, Jiang Ran still frowned.

Too many people.

And even if some people are disguised, they can still be seen at a glance.

For example, Wang Jingyuan, a handsome man with a heroic aura, could not hide his military aura even if he took off his shirt.

Such a group of people can easily be seen as having problems with their identity when they walk around the city.

Once investigated carefully, the true identity will most likely be revealed.

Therefore, after Jiang Ran thought for a long time, he called Shi Qinghuayi, Shuangxue sisters, Wang Jingyuan, Liu Mucheng and others over and had a meeting together.

This small meeting lasted a long time.

The main reason is that Jiang Ran proposed to break it into parts, so that it could not attract attention.

Everyone basically agrees with this.

But how to break it into parts has become the key.

Jiang Ran's original intention was that Wang Jingyuan, Liu Mucheng, and the five accompanying troops did not have to go forward and found a place to hide.

Wait here for orders.

With his poetic mood, the Shuangxue sisters and his original subordinates protected the eldest princess and went straight to the capital of the Qing Kingdom.

However, after this proposal was put forward, Wang Jingyuan and Liu Mucheng immediately opposed it.

The two people's ideas are surprisingly consistent.

They came here because of the emperor's orders.

Wang Jingyuan was trying to protect the eldest princess and her party. How could he watch the eldest princess leave while they waited here?

Liu Mucheng is the envoy, and he will handle all the diplomatic affairs during this trip.

If he doesn't go, who will take over with Qingguo?

How many of Jiang Ran and others understand the etiquette in Qingguo Palace?

Even if something is found during the investigation, what should I do if I offend the Tian family as soon as I enter the palace and be captured directly?

Although this is not a problem for Jiang Ran, after all, there are not many people who can take him down.

But this was obviously not enough to convince Liu Mucheng.

In the end, the eldest princess ordered Wang Jingyuan to take someone with him to find a place to hide.

Although Wang Jingyuan was unwilling to do so, since it was the eldest princess's order and he was the general on this trip, he really couldn't disobey her orders and was disrespectful, so he agreed.

But Liu Mucheng was determined to follow Jiang Ran and others.

In the end, Jiang Ran simply agreed. After all, Liu Mucheng's words still made sense.

Although Jiang Ran did not attach great importance to matters such as external relations, it was by no means useless.

And one more person won't cause much of a problem.

After some deliberation, it was finally settled.

However, after Liu Mucheng and Wang Jingyuan left, Jiang Ran did not leave.

What he said was divided into parts, but actually the troops were divided into three groups.

It was Wang Jingyuan all the way, and he took the eldest princess and the Shuangxue sisters all the way.

There is still a way, but it has to be done by two people in a poetic and picturesque way.

It's just that Jiang Ran didn't plan to tell Wang Jingyuan and the others about this matter.

“The person who rescued the eldest princess at Huweiguan that day was most likely the old leader.

"Tang Yuanwai has led the demon sect disciples to investigate this for several months.

"It has been more than half a month since we arrived in Qingguo.

"But there is still no news about them... Huayi and I just searched around the city, and we didn't see any hidden signs left by Mr. Tang."

Jiang Ran looked at the poetic and picturesque duo:

"I'm afraid you will have to make a trip on this matter."

The whole group of them plunged into the Qing Kingdom, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there are many people and the land is unfamiliar.

Tang Yuanwai and others have been in Qingguo for a long time. In any case, they know more about this place than they do.

Jiang Ran asked Tang Yuanwai and the others to go here, partly to investigate the old leader's affairs, and partly to prevent today.

Now is the time to use them.

The two people looked at each other poetically and nodded at the same time:

"Don't worry, leave this matter to us."

"Well, I will leave secret marks along the way, and you can follow them to catch up."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"Although you are highly skilled in martial arts, logically speaking, no one can hurt you.

"However, if your opponent is Jun He Zai from Tian Shang Que, I am afraid that this person's understanding of you is far beyond what others can match. You must be careful and cautious."

"Do not worry."

Tang Shiqing chuckled:

"If you can't see this person, that's it. If you can see this person, I will bring his head to you."

Jiang Ran smiled dumbly.

Tang Shiqing's martial arts was extremely strong, but Jiang Ran didn't know exactly how strong it was.

If one day she really comes to him with Jun Hezai's head, Jiang Ran won't be surprised.

Tang Huayi looked at Jiang Ran with a smile but not a smile:

"My sister and I are not here, so don't try to eat secretly."


Jiang Ran rolled his eyes and wanted to scold her as before.

But looking at Tang Huayi in front of him, Jiang Ran suddenly couldn't say what he was scolding.

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the first time since he was separated from Tang Huayi in Cangzhou Mansion.

In the past, she had been chirping in her ears without noticing it. Now, when she thought of being separated from her for a while, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Habit is really a terrible thing..."

Jiang Ran reached out and touched Tang Huayi's head:

“We walked this way trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

“You also have to be careful.

"They didn't reveal anything except Mr. Tang, maybe something happened to them."

"Okay, okay, why should I pay it back to my mother-in-law? I've told you several times. We are not children. Don't we even know this?"

Tang Huayi glanced at Jiang Ran in surprise, but couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth, but she didn't say more words.

Jiang Ran nodded slightly, and the matter was completely settled at this point.

However, for the safety of Wang Jingyuan and others, Jiang Ran still kept Xu Mu, who had never appeared in front of others.

As for what Wang Jingyuan and others would do next, Jiang Ran ignored them.

As long as they can bring back every one of these people when they leave Qingguo, Jiang Ran feels that their merits have been fulfilled.

It’s almost time to explain what needs to be explained.

Everyone then did their own thing.

First they separated from Wang Jingyuan and others, and then the two of them quietly left the team when others were not paying attention.

When Jiang Ran came to his senses, only Shuangxue, the eldest princess, Tian Miaomiao, Chu Yunniang, Luo Qingyi, Li Tianyu, Wu Di, Liu Mucheng and others were left beside Jiang Ran.

In order to facilitate movement, even Yi Cangming and Jiangran were temporarily handed over to Wang Jingyuan's custody.

In order to prevent accidents, Jiang Ran gave Yi Cangming some harsh medicine.

Ask Xu Mu to pay close attention and never let this person escape.

(End of this chapter)

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