Chapter 325 Summation
Jiang Ran was slightly silent after hearing this, and then said:
"Wushenglou doesn't plan to do this deal?"

"If I were to do it, I would not appear in front of you today."

The visitor played with the wine gourd in his hand, but did not drink:

"Even if it were to appear, it would not appear like this."

Jiang Ran smiled when he heard this:
"So, I'm also surprised. Why did you come out so openly? Are you not afraid that I will kill you as soon as you show up?"


The visitor nodded sincerely:
"Because there is a grudge between us."

"Thank you for remembering."

"Naturally I won't forget."

The man said softly:

“It’s just that my Wu Sheng Lou was also taken advantage of by others in this matter.

"Benleitang wants to lend us a sword. Not only will it kill you, but I guess I won't even give you the promised reward."

This was Benleitang's plan during the time of Wusheng Town.

First, borrow the people from Wushenglou to kill Jiang Ran. When Jiang Ran is weak, Benleitang appears and sweeps everything away.

Not only can you kill Jiang Ran and get the Jiaowei Qin.

You can also kill the killers in Wusheng Tower, thus making your reputation even stronger.

It's a pity that although the wishful thinking was good, Jiang Ran was underestimated.

In the end, even the master of the hall died in Jiang Ran's hands on Sunset Ping.

Hearing what the other party said, Jiang Ran couldn't help but sigh:

"It's hard to do business these days, and the business of killing people is even harder."

These words immediately made the other person feel like a confidant.

"What Jiang Daxia said is absolutely true. There are not many people who do business these days in a safe and orderly manner.

"He placed an order for us, we took it, worked conscientiously on it, and thought hard about it before we killed it.

"Not to mention how many lives have been damaged by wasting manpower and material resources. In the end, people just patted their butts and refused to pay the bills... Are you saying this is unreasonable?"

When it comes to excitement, I pick up the gourd of wine and drink it.

But as soon as it reached my mouth, I hesitated and didn't dare to enter.

Turning around, he saw Jiang Ran looking at him with a smile.

The man laughed dryly:
“The killer is out there, so if you can avoid drinking, it’s better not to drink as much as possible.

"What's more, this wine was given to me by Master Jiang."

Jiang Ran laughed and didn't care:

"Go on, if you are afraid, why do you come to me like this?"

"Because...we are even more afraid that if this bad relationship will make me, Wushenglou, disappear into thin air."

The man breathed out gently, placed the wine gourd on the roof, and said in a deep voice:

"I, Wushenglou, can promise to Jiang Daxia that as long as Wushenglou is alive, I will not take any orders from Jiang Daxia.

"I just hope that we can turn our hostility into friendship and let go of our past grievances.

"For this reason, Wushenglou is willing to kill three people for Daxia Jiang unconditionally."

Jiang Ran smiled again:
"Jiang killed someone, why did Wushenglou need to take action?"

"Dr. Jiang, in the Jianghu, there are always times when you can't help yourself.

"Sometimes it's not convenient for Hero Jiang to take action, but we can.

"I am here now with sincerity.

"Not only did we make the first two agreements with Daxia Jiang, but we also brought news about Qing Country.

"I think Master Jiang will be very interested in this."

Jiang Ran touched his chin:
“It feels a little bit more interesting to say this.

"Come on, let me listen."

The visitor looked calm and said softly:
"Qing Country should have another spy in our Jin Chan territory.

"This man's hands and eyes can reach the sky, and I, the Wusheng Tower, can't even touch my feet.

“However, the eldest princess Jin Chan’s trick of escaping her shell cannot be hidden from the other party’s eyes.

"Now the masters of the Qing Kingdom are ready to attack the eldest princess.

"As far as I know, at least ten people came from the other party this time.

“Four of them are top players.

"I'm afraid his martial arts skills are still above those of my Five Poisons of Wu Sheng Tower."

There are five poisons in Wusheng Tower, and there is also a set of magical powers called the Five Poisons Through the World Sutra.

Jiang Ran had fought against Tan Du before and knew that the martial arts of this group of people were actually very strong.

Now among the ten people from the Qing Kingdom, four can defeat the Five Poisons... They are indeed considered top masters.

Jiang Ran thought briefly:

"How are they going to do it?"

"They want to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

The visitor said softly:

"They also know the grudge between us and Jiang Daxia. As soon as we show up, Jiang Daxia will definitely kill us.

"Therefore, all we need to do is send someone who is extremely skilled in lightness skills to show up and lure Hero Jiang away.

"Even if Jiang Daxia is extremely smart and has unparalleled martial arts skills, he can kill my disciples in an instant... and realize that this is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

"However, this 'instant' effort is enough for a master from the Qing Kingdom to kill the eldest princess."

"That's it?"

Jiang Ran frowned.

Then he smiled. In fact, from Qing Guo's point of view, this was indeed a foolproof strategy.

Simple, but absolutely useful.

It's just that this simple and crude method underestimates people.

Poetry and painting are all around the eldest princess. Once these four masters really show up, they will die on the spot.

This is the result of poor information.

The visitor was also stunned by Jiang Ran's words:
"Isn't this enough?
"Master Jiang, don't underestimate them."

Jiang Ran nodded:

"Have you ever thought about where to start?"


The visitor shook his head gently:

"Because the landlord has not yet agreed to this matter...

"The host... really doesn't want to be the enemy of Jiang Daxia anymore."


Jiang Ran smiled:
"Wushenglou is one of the three major killer organizations in the world, spanning five countries and has many disciples.

"Jiang is very honored to be so feared by your landlord."

"Master Jiang, don't be humble.

"Since your appearance in the world, you have not suffered a single defeat.

"Not long ago, on the top of the city of Jinyang Mansion, one man defeated thousands of troops.

"Capture Changyang Army General Hou Ning alive.

"How can Wushenglou not be afraid of such martial arts?"

The visitor said softly:

"Our good intentions have now been conveyed. Whether we are enemies or friends, it all depends on what Jiang Daxia says."

Jiang Ran thought for a moment, then smiled:
“First, not only me, but also the people around me cannot be on Wushenglou’s list.

"If someone is trying to do something against them, they need to be told immediately."

"no problem."

The visitor nodded.

He felt slightly relieved, as long as Jiang Ran opened his mouth to put forward conditions, this matter would be discussed.

“Second, killing three people is not enough.

"You can kill whoever I ask you to kill."

Jiang Ran picked up the gourd wine that the other party placed on the roof and took a sip.

The man frowned:

"Don't you think this condition is a bit excessive, Master Jiang?"

"Wushenglou can refuse."

Jiang Ran chuckled:
"Today is New Year's Eve, I won't kill you, but next time we meet, or if I know where Wusheng Tower is...then the situation will be different."

The visitor took a deep breath and then said:

"In that case, I would like to ask Master Jiang to wait for a few days. This matter needs to be decided by the poster."

The owner of Wushenglou is in Jinchan!
Jiang Ran had a clear understanding in his heart, but his face remained calm and he nodded lightly:
"Third... you have to do one thing for me."

"……What's up?"

The man frowned, feeling that Jiang Ran was never done.

As one of the three major killer organizations in the world, when has Wushenglou ever bowed its head and surrendered like this?

If it hadn't been for the original order given by the poster himself, he would never have appeared in front of Jiang Ran.

I thought Jiang Ran would happily agree, but I didn't expect that he would actually make things difficult for him in every possible way.

Now that the first two conditions have been said, there is a third point...

"I want you to comply with Qing Country's request."

Jiang Ran said calmly:
"We will go here for seven days and pass by a place called Duanliu Gorge.

"If you want to implement a strategy to lure tigers away from the mountains, Duanliu Gorge is the most suitable place.

"And for me, catching a turtle in a urn is the same thing."

The visitor pondered for a moment and nodded gently:
"I can make the decision on this matter.

“It’s just that after Qingguo’s defeat this time, I’m afraid it will come back again.

"Although they only found these ten people in my Wusheng Building... but they don't know if there is anything hidden behind them."

"There is no need for you to worry about this."

Jiang Ran said with a smile:

“You just have to do what I tell you.

"Just in time, let me know your landlord's reply then."

"it is good……"

The visitor nodded, stood up, turned his eyes slightly, and then said:

"It seems that Su Ming has forgotten his past. In that case, he will stay with Daxia Jiang and be a pawn.

"However, we need to let Daxia Jiang know that he is not from Jin Chan.

"He is a descendant of Qingguo's sergeant."

Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows and nodded thoughtfully:

"That's it, thank you for letting me know."

"It's all small things..."

The man asked casually:
"However, as Chrono Poison is one of the Five Poisons of Wusheng Tower, I would like to ask Master Jiang to tell me where his body is buried?"


Jiang Ran glanced at him in confusion:
"Did you find the wrong person? I have never seen this slow poisoner..." "...This is impossible."

The man shook his head:

“Once the killer of Wushenglou receives an order to kill, he will never stop until he achieves his goal.

"The slow poison has not returned yet. Either he died in your hands, or... or..."

When the man said this, he suddenly got stuck.

Jiang Ran asked:

"Or how?"

"...Or he just didn't catch up with you."

The man muttered in a low voice:
"But even so, we should send messages to Wushenglou from time to time. Why has there been no news about Chronodu since Qiu Ciyi?"

"Qiu Ciyi?"

Jiang Ran was surprised:

"He also went to Qiuciyi?

"When people from Benlei Hall attacked Qiuciyi at night, I buried Tianleizi next to the bodies of Benlei Hall disciples.

"Did he dig a grave and blow himself up?"

"...Why does Slow Poison dig graves?"

The visitor asked in return.

This sentence stopped Jiang Ran and curled his lips:

"Your people, how could I know..."

The visitor fell into silence again for a moment, and then looked at the surrounding houses:

"Isn't it true that Slow Poison was transformed into something as deadly as Master Jiang's use of tricks?"

"It really doesn't."

Jiang Ran said helplessly:

"I don't even know him, I've never met him, and I don't have the slightest connection with him!"

"it is good."

The visitor hugged his fists:

"Dragon Jiang is a gentleman, and I have no reason not to believe him.

"This time we turn back and report to the owner of the building... Jiang Daxia, we will see you later."

After saying that, turn around and leave.

His movements were extremely fast and he disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ran touched his chin and said softly:

"I'll leave it to you here."


Tang Shiqing's soft voice agreed:
"The owner of the Wusheng Building is mysterious. It is said that he is the master of the Five Poisons Sutra. Otherwise, he is not qualified to hold the position of the owner.

"You have to be careful."

"Do not worry."

Jiang Ran smiled, turned around, and followed the man quietly.

All the previous conversations were actually meaningless.

No matter what Jiang Ran proposed, or what Wushenglou promised.

In fact, it's all nonsense.

For Jiang Ran, Wushenglou's overture of goodwill may be a trap, it may be an illusion, or it may be another plan.

And if you want to find the truth, you only need to deceive the person in front of you, making the other person really think that Jiang Ran can turn their hostility into friendship with them, and then you can honestly lead Jiang Ran to find what he wants.

Originally, I thought that the most we could do was investigate and find out that Wusheng Tower was Jin Chan's contact point.

Later, you can find a way to send fake messages to deceive their landlord.

But they didn't expect that their host was within this golden cicada.

The other party said that he would be able to reply to Jiang Ran in a few days... but in fact, the distance could only be closer.

Maybe, this poster is located near Sifang Mansion.

Of course, this could also be a tactic to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Fortunately, although Tang Shiqing drank too much, she sobered up quickly.

This has something to do with her physique.

As the most miserable person in all time, he is also the first person to succeed in cultivation since his creation.

The secrets contained in her physique are far more bizarre and brilliant than anyone imagined.

With her here, if Wushenglou really wanted to use Tiaohu Lishan, just like what Jiang Ran thought before... then they had made a wrong calculation.

If we could catch the owner of Wusheng Building through him, it would be a great thing.

As a master of the Wusheng Tower, the one who came this time was cautious and careful enough.

After this person left the inn, he moved to many places. Sometimes he turned around and changed his clothes.

Otherwise, he went to a house and made Jiang Ran think that the people from Wushenglou lived here.

As soon as he turned around, he slipped out of the back door of the house.

Such situations continued one after another, and it wasn't until the other party was completely sure that no one was following him that he started running wildly.

Jiang Ran used the Zongyi Flowing Light Technique, hanging from a distance, and when he got close, he used the Hidden Shadow Step.

The two of them ran away like this for most of the night.

But they came to a dense forest in the mountains.

The man walked through the gap in the forest, and there was a forest hut in the middle.

The house is not big, facing a stream and backed by green mountains, with a small waterfall not far away. It is a rare place of seclusion.

The man came to the house, clasped his fists and said:

"Master, the news has been brought.

"Jiang Ran made three requests..."

After he finished speaking, he waited for a moment.

No sound came from the door.

He then went on to explain the three conditions proposed by Jiang Ran in this way.

After finishing, there was no sound from the door.

Finally feeling a little weird, I cautiously took a step forward:
"Lord, are you there?"

After he finished speaking, he saw the lights turn on in the house.

After a while, there was still the sound of eating.

The man was dumbfounded. How come the poster was still eating it at this hour?

"Lord, are you okay?"

he asked again.

Although there was a sound inside the door, no one responded to him.

Finally, he reached out his hand, touched the doorknob, pulled it gently, and the door opened with a creak.

Stepping inside, you can see a large table set up under the dim light of an oil lamp.

There were various delicacies on the table, and the aroma was full of aroma. In the middle of the table, there was a large plate of steaming dumplings.

A man was scooping dumplings out of a big bowl.

When he saw this person, he was immediately dumbfounded:

"Dr. Jiang? Why are you? I...where is my landlord?"

"Stop blocking the door."

Jiang Ran waved to him:

“Come over and eat dumplings, your host is not here.

"Looking at his posture, he probably left after finishing cooking...

"Well, the craftsmanship is good. You should try it too...the dumplings are stuffed with pork and green onions, but they are a bit salty."


No one is in the mood to eat.

He stared at Jiang Ran:
"Why are you here?"

"I followed you."

Jiang Ran spoke bluntly.

"...It's unreasonable!"

The man was furious:
"I, Wushenglou, treat you with sincerity, but you actually..."

"Why are you angry?"

Jiang Ran rolled his eyes:
"Your host is much more generous than you. He also knows how to prepare a table of good meals and dishes to entertain me."


The man was speechless.

They posters really have no reason to cook for themselves.

That means Jiang Ran would have followed him long ago... so he made this table of food?

But...why did the host want to cook for him?

Well, could it be that the food is poisonous?
After the man named Jiang finished eating, he would die suddenly?

But he waited and waited, but never saw Jiang Ran die suddenly... Instead, he saw Jiang Ran's burp.

Then Jiang Ran stood up:
"I originally thought that I could meet your landlord with you, but now it seems that he is too shy to meet people...

“That’s all, there should be opportunities in the future.

"Don't forget what I told you before... see you in Duanliu Gorge.


After he finished speaking, he opened the door and went out.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace, leaving only the person in the room looking at the mess all over the table, messy in the wind.

Jiang Ran did not go far.

At this time, he was sitting on the branch of a big tree and took out a piece of paper from his arms.

After unfolding it, you will see it says:

[Young Master, please rest in peace. We haven’t had the chance to meet you now.

[On New Year's Eve, there is no way to pay tribute, so I can only prepare some wine and food for you to taste. 】


Jiang Ran held on to the note and looked at it for a long time before letting out a sigh of relief.

The other party called himself Young Master on the note...

Show that the other party knows your identity.

Could it be because of this incident that Wushenglou's attitude towards him changed drastically?
"Is it possible that the owner of Wusheng Building... is also a member of the Demon Cult?"

Jiang Ran thought about it, but frowned again:

“But this person seems to know a little too much about me... He even calculated that I would follow the people he sent to find him.

“The dumplings are still steaming hot, and the timing is perfect.

"But, why isn't now the time to meet?
"It's just a meeting... When does it take?"

Jiang Ran gently rubbed his forehead, feeling that something that was originally quite simple suddenly became a bit confusing.

(End of this chapter)

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