Chapter 319 Departure
Looking at Tian Miaomiao who was not awake, Jiang Ran felt a little worried.

He told her several times and asked her to repeat it twice before letting her go.

Chu Yunniang frowned and glanced at Jiang Ran:
"Is this girl also a member of the Demon Cult?"

"she is not."

Jiang Ran said:

“Actually, neither am I…but you don’t believe me even if I say it.

"But Tian Miaomiao doesn't even know what the Demon Cult is."

"...Then what's so special about this person?"

Chu Yunniang asked curiously:

"Why do you want to keep her by your side?"

"Ms. Chu, do you think I am the kind of person who is unprofitable and can't bear to die early?"

Jiang Ran smiled:
"This girl is silly and has a good sense of character. It would be a pity if she is allowed to fall into the vulgar world.

“This is why I brought it with me… and this was with the permission of his family.

"Miss Chu, don't worry."

Chu Yunniang stopped talking.

Jiang Ran spoke again at this time:
"Excuse me, girl, and go get another basin of water."

Chu Yunniang was already somewhat used to this, so she nodded and went to get some water.

Jiang Ran took it and cautiously came to the door of the room. He listened carefully and heard thin voices inside the door.

Just as he was thinking about whether to use the Hidden Shadow Step, he listened attentively, and the voices inside the door suddenly became quiet.

Tang Shiqing was highly skilled in martial arts, so she probably realized that she was eavesdropping outside the door.

Jiang Ran shook his head and didn't care. He gently opened the door and came in.

He glanced at the two girls on the bed.

They were sitting on the bed facing each other, hugging their knees.

The expressions of the two people are also different. Tang Huayi is full of energy, while Tang Shiqing is blushing.

Especially after seeing Jiang Ran, he lowered his head... I don't know what the two people talked about before.

Jiang Ran coughed:
"When you wake up, come over and clean up and wash your face."


Tang Shiqing agreed softly and then got up to wash up.

Tang Huayi came to the rear window with ease, opened the window and got out.

Jiang Ran quickly came to her and pulled her back from the window.

Tang Huayi was dragged around and looked at Jiang Ran with a confused expression:


"What did you say to sister You?"

Jiang Ran asked: "Why does she look like that?"

Tang Huayi suddenly looked mysterious:
"Don't tell you!"

Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed slightly:


"You threaten me...then I'll tell you."

Tang Huayi gave in faster than expected.

Jiang Ran nodded in satisfaction.

Just listen to Tang Huayi say softly:
"Come over here."

Just as Jiang Ran put his head closer, he heard Tang Shiqing shout:
"Don't say it!!"

Jiang Ran was stunned, and suddenly his palms were released. Tang Huayi had already jumped out of the window and ran away:
"My sister won't let me talk, so I can't help it!"

Seeing this, Tang Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Ran. She didn't know what she thought of, but she suddenly turned around and ran away.

Jiang Ran stood in the empty room with a confused look on his face.

"So, what did it say?"

He was confused...

Then I thought about it, with a little mind like Tang Huayi's, and those shameless words she said last night, she was probably teaching the secrets of Tang Shi's love room.

But the problem is, Tang Shiqing is also a woman from the Demon Cult.

The Demon Cult even has a method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang.

Just like what Tang Huayi said, even if you haven't studied it, you can understand it clearly after reading two more books. Why are you so embarrassed?

What's more, the method they planned to save people at that time seemed to require some extraordinarily close contact before it could be accomplished.

But the appearance of Tang Shiqing seems to have never been exposed to this aspect.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ran couldn't figure it out.

Simply stop thinking about it.

As a girl, if you have a little secret, it’s not a big deal.

However, after the twists and turns last night, Jiang Ran's life was quite peaceful in the next few days.

Neither Tang Shiqing nor Tang Huayi came to harass her at night.

Chu Yunniang probably felt that it would not be easy for her to gain trust around Jiang Ran for a while... so she no longer came over to ogle Jiang Ran.

Ye Jingxue was the same as usual.

Just do whatever you need to do, there is really nothing else to do, just practice martial arts in the inn.

Occasionally Jiang Ran could see her sitting quietly in the yard, lost in thought, but he didn't know what she was thinking.

Jiang Ran was interested in exploring, but felt it was not appropriate.

Then let it be for the time being.

Tian Miaomiao still lives so heartlessly.

Every day, he only eats and sleeps, or wants to talk to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran saw that the time was almost here, and took advantage of the past few days to gradually teach her the secret of Barbarian Dragon Strength.

This girl was born with divine power, and after Barbarian Dragon Jin learned a little bit about it, her strength was completely different from before.

If she masters all the Barbaric Dragon Power and then practices a set of King Kong Demon Subduing Fist, then there probably won't be many people in the world who can take a few punches from her.

The only pity is that this girl has no internal strength. When she gets older, her strength declines and her physical strength is not as good as when she was young, she will not be able to fight.

Li Tianyu stayed on the roof every day.

Either standing on it and looking around, or silently looking at his bow.

Jiang Ran was extremely bored and went up to chat with him.

Li Tianyu told Jiang Ran that he always felt that his bow had a history.

But I can’t remember the specific origin.

There is always a strange feeling, as if something has not been done, and I feel a little anxious.

But if I think about it carefully and explore it, I find that everything is blank.

Jiang Ran knew that Tang Huayi's inner demons had seriously hurt him, but the fact that he had such a situation couldn't be a sign that his memory was recovering.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he did not let Tang Huayi use his inner demon thoughts on him again.

He also wanted to see if the Wushenglou Life-Destroying Arrow could remember his past in the future...

In the past few days, Jiang Ran also brought Wu Di and others here.

Tian Youfang changed his name to Fang Liang and hung out in front of Wu Di several times.

Wu Di saw it, but he really didn't recognize it.

It was Tang Huayi who disguised Tian Youfang.

She knows how to change the shape of her body, and she is also an expert in the art of disguise.

After all this effort, I dare not say that it was perfect, but at least Wu Di couldn't tell.

As for the disciples of the Seven Sects, they all went to the government office.

Discuss the war together.

One day ago, Li Xiuwu and others who went to borrow troops had successfully returned with their troops.

No accidents occurred during this period, but Jiang Ran felt that he was not a villain.

After they met Jiang Ran at the inn, they left in a hurry.

I just knew that Jiang Ran was going to the capital, so I agreed with Jiang Ran that if conditions allowed, we would meet again in the capital.

Jiang Ran didn't think much and agreed with a smile.

Then on this day, the eldest princess finally received the news from someone.

Four words...set off immediately!
Jiang Ran almost threw the cup in anger.

Why didn't you say it yesterday?So that people can be prepared?
The people in this royal family are indeed not good people.

Fortunately, they were just about to leave. After tidying up a bit, Li Tianyu was still driving the carriage.

Several others rode away.

Mainly because when I first came to Jinyang Mansion, I met Xuanyuan Yidao.

At that time, there happened to be the Thirteen Iron-Blooded Cavalry from the Iron Cavalry Alliance, chasing the son of Gu Renlong from Benleitang. After being encountered by Jiang Ran and the others, they easily captured the Thirteen Iron-Blooded Cavalry.

The men of the Thirteen Iron-Blooded Riders were beaten to death and captured, and a few of them were taken away by Xuanyuan Yida.

Another one was sent back by Jiang Ran to be an undercover agent.

But there were thirteen good horses left, all of which were used by Xuanyuan Yida to honor the master.

Each of these thirteen horses is worth thousands of gold.

Jiang Ran was reluctant to sell it, so he divided four horses and asked them to pull a cart.

The car is also specially built.

It happened to be built in Jinyang Mansion during this period of time.

Otherwise, four good horses pulling an ordinary carriage... would be a bit unreasonable.

This car is relatively large, but no one is riding in it.

After all, there are still nine horses.

Jiang Ran and others also divided them up, but even if everyone was counted, there were still two horses left.Chu Yunniang didn't want to ride a horse, so she arranged for her to sit in the carriage opposite Madam Wu.

She didn't know Mrs. Wu's background, but she didn't mind anything.

And the two extra horses were held like this.

Originally, I wanted to go to the government office, but was told that the princess was not at the government office, but waiting outside the city gate.

Jiang Ran and his party immediately hurried to the city gate. As soon as they exited the city gate, they saw the eldest princess and Shan Cong standing alone on the roadside.

The eldest princess is of course dressed like a child of the world.

Shan Cong also took off his son's fine clothes and wore coarse clothes, dressed like a martial artist.

Jiang Ran was a little puzzled:

"Where are the princess's guards?"

"You're finally here, what's the crime for keeping me waiting for so long?
"The escort left yesterday."

The eldest princess glanced at Jiang Ran and smiled:
“Qingguo now regards me as a thorn in its side and a thorn in its flesh.

“You definitely don’t want me to return to Beijing smoothly.

"I pretended to be me and left first.

"This is the plank road built openly and secretly used in Chencang.

“We can also use this to see if we can lure out their people.

"As for me, how about being an ordinary wanderer with you and enjoying your time in the world?"

Shan Cong'er stood up immediately.

He glanced at the eldest princess:
"Does my little aunt want to get married?"

Then he was hit hard on the head by the eldest princess.

Shan Cong stopped immediately.

Jiang Ran smiled:
"I see, the eldest princess is determined to let me return to Beijing with you, and she also plans to use Jiang's power to escort the eldest princess."

"But I don't know, what does Master Jiang think?"

The eldest princess looked at Jiang Ran with a smile.

Jiang Ran was actually indispensable, but when he saw the eldest princess looking so sure of herself, he felt a little unhappy:
"If I say no, how will the eldest princess respond?"

The eldest princess was stunned for a moment, then looked at the gate of Jinyang Mansion and said with a smile:

"If you don't agree, I will hold back and follow you.

"When you get to the next city, I will yell in front of everyone, saying that you have abandoned your wife and the child you have not yet seen... and plan to elope with other women and wander around the world.

"What do you think, Master Jiang?"


Jiang Ran gave a three-word evaluation.

The eldest princess was furious:
"I am the eldest princess of the current dynasty."

"The eldest princess of the dynasty... is so shameless."

Jiang Ran sighed helplessly:

"How do you calculate the cost of food and drink for the two of you?"

The eldest princess was so angry that she was lame and glared at Jiang Ran fiercely:
"After you return to Beijing, I will give you 1000 taels of gold..."

"Why are there still parts and pieces?"

Shan Cong was stunned.

"Shut up!"

As soon as Shan Cong spoke, the eldest princess became even more angry.

Do you still have the nerve to ask?
Shan Cong looked confused when he was yelled at, and then felt a little hopeless.

It feels like since I met my little aunt, I no longer have the coolness to wander around the world.

"Okay, that being the case, we'll have to wait until we get to the capital to calculate the expenses for food and drink with the princess."

Jiang Ran said with a smile:

"But I don't know whether you two are riding a horse or riding a car?"

"Good horse!"

Only then did the eldest princess realize that the horse under Jiang Ran's crotch was unusual. She glanced at the horses pulling the cart and felt that something was being wasted:
"Such a good horse is so miserable in your hands.

"At least you can get a better car."

"I don't know many people, and I don't have many skilled craftsmen. If the princess knows someone who is talented in this field, you can recommend them.

"Actually, I really have a plan... Look at me, there are a lot of people around me now.

“It’s a bit inconvenient to travel like this.

"I was thinking that I could build an RV..."


The eldest princess was stunned:
"What do you mean?"

"...just let Mara house."

Jiang Ran said:

“It can be made smaller and can accommodate several people. One person can pull the cart, and the others can lie down or sit on the cart without getting out. They can drink tea, read books, play chess and draw.

"On the roof of the car, you can also grow some fruits and vegetables..."

While listening to Jiang Ran's words, the eldest princess and Shan Cong each adjusted a horse to turn over.

At this time, the eldest princess couldn't help laughing:

"Your idea is interesting. With these thirteen good horses... they won't be unable to pull.

"It's just that the house is a bit too big. It's not easy for such a carriage, uh... RV, to enter the city. The city gate is okay for now, but I'm afraid that after entering, it will be blocked on the street and people will not be able to get in. You can’t get out either, it’ll be so troublesome.”

“So, we don’t need to build a real house, just make it smaller.”

When Jiang Ran said this, he waved his hand:
"Forget it, I can't explain it to you. If you know a skilled craftsman, you can tell me about it. I will describe it to him then, and he should be able to understand it."


The eldest princess felt as if she had been underestimated.

After glaring at Jiang Ran, he didn't continue to pester.

Then he drank lightly:
"Let's go back to Beijing!"

The group was now on the road.

From a border town, the journey to the capital is not too close.

In the past few days, Jiang Ran had used the eldest princess's favor to obtain a map covering the entire Jin Chan Kingdom from the government office.

Although it is impossible to be as detailed as the maps of later generations.

But it also gave him an idea of ​​where this path was.

What surprised him most was that he could pass by Liuyun Sword Sect on this trip.

Although we followed the normal route, taking a special detour to the Liuyun Sword Sect would probably delay us for a few days.

But that's okay.

Jiang Ran originally thought that if he traveled with the eldest princess's car, he would have to run all night to meet Ye Jingshuang from the Liuyun Sword Sect.

If she is willing to go with him, then take her with him.

If she was unwilling and wanted to stay in the sect to take care of her master, Jiang Ran would let her.

But now that the eldest princess is on his side, she naturally has to listen to herself on how to act.

How could the small arms of these two royal children still be able to overcome the thighs of his shocking sword?

I thought about my ideas and made plans in my mind. In the blink of an eye, I had already been on the road for three days.

During these three days, Jiang Ran discovered that there were many more pedestrians on the road.

Some people were heading towards the interior of Jin Chan, but more people were traveling in large and small cars, heading towards Jinyang Mansion.

The eldest princess looked at Jiang Ran's expression and said:
"Now you should know why Ku Yin of Jinyang Mansion cannot be moved.

"Although the border is not peaceful now, businessmen are pursuing profits. The more this happens, the more desperate some people will take risks.

"These people will bring food and fodder to the soldiers of Jinyang Mansion. These are crucial before the military pay from the imperial court arrives.

"With the arrival of several reinforcements in Jinyang Mansion, Jinyang Mansion is already stretched thin and has to spend a lot of money every day..."

Jiang Ran nodded:

"When fighting a war, you fight for money.

"But even if these businessmen go, they probably won't make much money."

"The price must be slightly higher than normal, but it cannot be too much. If it is too much, it will drive up prices and make it difficult for the country to make money... That will lead to beheading.

"But there are also people who go there specifically to deliver things and don't take any money."

"You have to have some family business to be able to do this. You don't get any money here, but you can get more from the other side."

Jiang Ran shook his head:

"Business is a skill, but unfortunately, I'm not very good at it."


The eldest princess rolled her eyes at Jiang Ran: "I think you are very good at it."

Jiang Ran smiled dumbly and heard the sound of breaking wind. Li Tianyu returned to the carriage and sat down, speaking loudly:
"Brother, there is a tea shop ahead."

Jiang Ran nodded and said to the eldest princess:
"Let's go, it's a cold day, let's drink a bowl of hot tea.

"Looking at the distance, we should be able to enter the city before dark."

The eldest princess nodded slightly.

But he also knew that Jiang Ran and his gang were all highly skilled in martial arts. No matter how cold the day was, it didn't mean much to them.

Mainly to take care of Shan Cong.

The second prince has probably never suffered like this since he was born.

The old slave serving beside him was also arranged by the eldest princess to take the lead.

Along the way, no one brought him tea or water, or took care of his food, clothing, housing, and transportation. After the excitement of riding a horse at the beginning of the cold weather wore off, he felt bumpy and uncomfortable on the horseback every day.

He also knows martial arts, but his internal strength is shallow and he can't stop the fierce cold wind at all.

This is different from Tian Miaomiao. Although Tian Miaomiao's internal strength is not worth mentioning, she has rough skin and thick flesh and her main attribute is frost resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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