Chapter 291 Big Liar

Tang Poetry! !

A name that is both strange and familiar at the same time.

It was reflected deep in my heart for a moment.

Jiang Ran could no longer take his eyes away from this woman dressed in white and wearing a white mask.

What emerged deep in my heart was an indescribable emotion.

This emotion is mixed with many things.

There is gratitude, but also confusion.

At the same time, what appeared most was excitement.

Finally...see you! !

Completely different from Jiang Ran's complicated mood, the other people in the scene now only have fear.

Who is this?

It was like a cloud of smoke when they arrived, but before she could take action, the man in white was already dead on the spot.

Chu Yunniang had fought with him and knew the depth of his martial arts.

It becomes clearer that it is easy for this woman to kill him, and it is definitely not difficult to kill herself.

At this moment, Chu Yunniang noticed that the woman's eyes had fallen on her.

Subconsciously tightening the hilt of the sword, she heard her whisper:

"Is this Chu Nanfeng's sword?"

There was a hint of probing in her tone.

Chu Yunniang didn't want to answer, but she didn't know why. Listening to her voice, she felt that it was natural for her to ask any questions.

And if you don't answer, you will be making a huge mistake.

Therefore, Chu Yunniang could only grit her teeth and answer:

There was a hint of smile in her star-like eyes:
"not bad."

After saying that, she looked away.

It was only then that Chu Yunniang took a deep breath.

It suddenly dawned on her that when she looked at her just now, she had completely forgotten to breathe!
The shock in my heart at this moment can hardly be described in words.

However, in front of her, she didn't even have the courage to escape.

At the same time, the owner of Zuodaozhuang tilted his head slightly and listened with his ears:
"Which member of the Demon Cult is the visitor?"

Her eyes finally fell on the owner of Zuodaozhuang, and she sighed softly:
"As a person of unknown origin, I won't bother my seniors to listen.

"It's just... looking at the senior's appearance now, the junior feels so unbearable.

"But I don't know who hurt you?"

The owner of Zuodaozhuang did not believe even a single punctuation mark in these words.

He sneered and was about to speak when he heard her take a step forward.

"Is it them?"

As these four words rang out, something happened that made everyone feel horrified.

I saw the Tianshangque disciples surrounding Chu Yunniang and the owner of Zuodaozhuang. Their heads spun twice at the same time, and then they fell dead on the spot.

The owner of Zuodaozhuang's pupils suddenly shrank:
"Inner demons?

"No...what kind of martial arts is this?
"Is there such a skill among the Eighteen Heavenly Demon Records?"

"It's just a small road, created for the juniors to make the seniors laugh."

Her voice is still ethereal, and it doesn't sound like the timbre it should have in the human world.

But when this voice fell into the ears of Chu Yunniang and the master of Zuodaozhuang, it was like a whisper from the devil, making people shiver all over.

But the owner of Zuodaozhuang is, after all, the owner of Zuodaozhuang.

After many years of traveling in the world, many people from the right and wrong are willing to die for him with just one call.

Although my heart was horrified at this time, I could still remain calm:

"Listening to your voice, I don't know whether it has passed twenty years.

"How can you create such a miracle on your own?"

"It's just a coincidence. Just like this Miss Chu, if it wasn't a coincidence and a gift from God, how could she have such cultivation at such an age?"

She chuckled lightly:
"Senior Chen, this is not the place to talk.

"My father has asked the senior to talk to me. I wonder if the senior is willing to accompany the junior?"

Would you like to?
The owner of Zuodaozhuang understood that although the question was asked tactfully.

But in fact, there is no room for rejection at all.

Smile immediately:
"Why don't you want to? Just lead the way..."

hum! ! !
After the owner of Zuodaozhuang finished speaking, Chu Yunniang suddenly raised her sword.


Her eyes fell on Chu Yunniang again:
"Miss Chu, what do you mean?"


Chu Yunniang once again felt that pressure, as if the sky was falling, falling on her shoulders.

I forgot to breathe, and all that was left in my heart was fear.

But at this moment, she didn't care about it and just bit the tip of her tongue.

Use this severe pain to wake yourself up for a moment.

The hand holding the sword was already full of veins, and her voice had long since lost its previous coldness and became extremely harsh:
"You...can't take him away!!"

It was not because of her deep friendship with the owner of Zuodaozhuang that she stood up to stop him.

It was because the person in front of him was a master of the Demon Cult.

The person behind him is the owner of Zuodaozhuang.

Zuo Dao encounters evil spirits.

Once these two join forces, there will be catastrophe!
As a descendant of Chu Nanfeng, she was a mortal enemy of the Demon Sect, so how could she allow the Demon Sect to succeed?
In this current situation, she had made up her mind that even if she sacrificed her own life, she would never let the terrifying woman in front of her take away the master of Zuodaozhuang behind her.

Therefore, after saying this, she turned the long sword in her hand and quietly pointed towards the master of Zuodaozhuang.

It would be better to die by your own sword than to be taken away by her!

Under the mask, a smile flashed in the eyes that seemed to be filled with stars in the sky.

Her murderous intent was never based on harsh words and a look of hostility on her face.

This smile was filled with murderous intent.

But just when the murderous intention emerged, he didn't know what he thought of.

She suddenly sighed quietly.

And Chu Yunniang's sword stopped when she sighed.

At this moment, Chu Yunniang felt that there seemed to be huge resistance hidden in the air.

It was as if there were thousands of hands all over her body, grabbing her wrists and ankles, holding her head, and even forcing her to open her eyes and covering her mouth and nose.

There was nowhere she could move.

But the brain can still think, and the ears can still hear her voice:

“Chu Nanfeng’s descendants are indeed the same as him.

"They all have a temper that would rather break than bend...

"Actually, I should have killed you.

“Whether it’s because of what Chu Nanfeng did a hundred years ago or what you want to do today.

“If I kill you, it’s all within reason.

"It's just that... he has always practiced chivalry, and if the people in the sky die, they will die. But if I let him know about it in the future, my palms will be stained with the blood of your righteousness.

"I'm afraid, he will blame me."

Who is he! ?

Chu Yunniang's mind was a little confused for a moment.

This cruel demon sect woman actually has someone she cares about?
Is that man still practicing chivalry?

Is any person who is on the right path blind?To actually fall in love with such a big devil! ?
I'm afraid even the merciless Tong Qianjin wouldn't dare to have anything to do with such a demon, right?
Chu Yunniang's thoughts could only be described as a mess for a moment.

At this moment, a footsteps sounded.

Chu Yunniang could just see a man dressed in black coming in from the front door.

The face is unfamiliar, but calm.

He didn't seem to be bothered by the demonic power behind him, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

Which is this?
Chu Yunniang was stunned when she heard the man speak softly:
"It's you……"

This person is naturally Jiang Ran.

In fact, ever since Tang Shiqing appeared, Jiang Ran couldn't help but want to jump out.

He forced himself to suppress his thoughts, but after hearing what Tang Shiqing had just said, his body reacted faster than his brain.

He walked out of his hiding place, raised his eyes, and looked at the figure in white.

I had thousands of words to say to her.

There are countless questions that I want to ask her.

But regardless of the occasion or the atmosphere, many things are inappropriate to talk about.

Therefore, only two words came out of my mouth in the end:

"It's you……"

I know it is you.

You should also know who I am.

In those eyes full of stars, he lost his composure for the first time.

Instead it was panic.

This panic is like the stars in the sky turning and shifting, the universe collapsing, and the sun and moon turning upside down.

All those who were under the influence of his demonic power could not help but groan.

She seemed to be really frightened.

Immediately afterwards, the reaction surprised Jiang Ran.

Suddenly, she turned around sharply and ran towards the nearest exit.

"Run what?"

Jiang Ran was stunned and quickly shouted:
"You stop!!"

It's okay not to shout this time. After shouting, the figure ran faster!

Jiang Ran didn't care about anything else. He turned around and chased after her like a floating shadow.

The lightness kung fu of these two people has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people in the world.

In the blink of an eye, the two people disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Chu Yunniang felt that the pressure around her, like the sky was collapsing and the earth was falling, suddenly dissipated completely. She lost all her strength for a long time and fell to the ground with a thud.

There was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.Tang Huayi pouted and looked at Ye Jingxue.

Ye Jingxue's eyes were full of exploration.

The following scene was too weird. A woman who was so powerful turned around and ran away the moment she saw Jiang Ran... This was unreasonable.

But...if this woman is from the Demon Cult.

Tang Huayi is also from the Demon Cult.

Tang Huayi also said that his sister has extremely high martial arts skills, even better than Jiang Ran.

Then...if we put it all together, could this person be Tang Huayi's sister?

Is this really scary?
This was exactly what she was searching for.

Then Tang Huayi nodded slightly.

Ye Jingxue took a breath of air-conditioning. Now she just wanted to write a letter to Ye Jingshuang quickly.

To save your life, let's give up on Jiang Ran.

This is a blue-faced disaster!

There are plenty of handsome men in the world today, so there is no need to hang them from this tree.

His first wife is really someone not to be messed with.

Different from Tang Huayi and Ye Jingxue's thoughts, Ling Buyi's mind was filled with fear at this time.

I just feel like today is an eye-opener.

There are such masters in this world.

What does the swordsmanship that I have practiced for many years mean in front of them?
If he hadn't been determined, his sword heart would have shattered at this moment.

At the same time, the sound of the body breaking through the wind was heard.

The first person to make a move was the owner of Zuodaozhuang.

He was not immersed in this change. After he was sure that the surrounding situation had changed, his first reaction was to leave this place.

However, he cannot see with both eyes and needs someone to help him lead the way.

Therefore, when he set out, he first captured Chu Yunniang in his palm.

Chu Nanfeng's descendants, no matter what, are worth catching.

Nanfeng Hidden Sword Style, Nine Shocking Swords...

I can't break through the Jingshen Nine Swordsman, but I can't say I can defeat it with the Nanfeng Hidden Sword Style.

If I acquire this secret skill, I will have a chance to avenge Zuo Daozhuang's great hatred for the past 20 years.

As for the eyes and broken arms...

It's hard to tell about the eyes, but with Zuo Daozhuang's ability, it's not impossible to salvage part of this arm.

Poor Chu Yunniang, she was so frightened by Tang Shiqing's magic power that she couldn't resist at all, so she fell into the hands of the master of Zuodaozhuang.

The internal energy of the whole body was restrained, and the two people disappeared between a portal in the blink of an eye.


Tang Huayi flew away immediately:

“No matter what, we can’t let the owner of Zuodao Village escape!

"He will be of great use to him!!"

Although Ye Jingxue didn't know why Tang Huayi said that, she didn't hesitate and used Qinggong to follow Tang Huayi.

Since Ling Buyi acted with everyone, he naturally couldn't lag behind.

The group of people went back and forth like this, disappearing behind the portal in the blink of an eye.

Not long after they left, they heard the sound of footsteps one after another.

The one who took the lead turned out to be Yan Duxing, a stranger from Hanjiang.

"What the hell is this place?

"The person who invited us here really has bad intentions!!"

"Someone just started fighting here!"

"If the earth dragon hadn't turned over and shattered a house, allowing us to discover the secret passage, we don't know how long it would have taken us to discover this place."

"Why is there a pool of blood!? Could it be that all the blood of the dead and injured hands flows here?"

The group of people looked at me and I looked at you. They were filled with anger, but they didn’t know where to direct their anger.



Not to mention this group of evil masters, who were furious under the willow courtyard.

Not to mention Tang Huayi and Ye Jingxue, Ling Buyi and the others went to chase the owner of Zuodaozhuang.

It is said that there is a side room in Liuyuan.

First, a white shadow suddenly jumped out, and after one step, it was already ten feet away.

Immediately following was a black line, flying in the blink of an eye, and before others could see it clearly, it had already crossed the void.

The Qinggong of Tang Shiqing is by no means inferior to the "Zongyi Liuguang Jue".

Like a phantom flowing in the dust, it has the calmness of strolling in the courtyard, but also has the magical power of shrinking into an inch.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran's Intentional Flowing Light Technique is by no means comparable to ordinary Qing Gong.

When two people move, they are like two streams of light.

One white and one black, one in front and one behind. In just a moment, nearly a hundred miles of road had disappeared under one step.

The distance between the two people has shortened, but if you want to catch up, it will not be possible in an instant.

Suddenly, Jiang Ran screamed, and suddenly there was no movement.

Tang Shiqing, who was running wildly as if there was a wolf following behind her, suddenly froze.

Turning around, he looked in the direction of Jiang Ran from a distance, and sure enough he didn't see him chasing after him. He hesitated for a moment:
" can't lie to me!

"You are so powerful in martial arts, how could you suddenly fall?"

However, there was no response when the voice came out.

My heart suddenly tightened.

She gritted her teeth, moved her steps, and arrived on a piece of bluestone in an instant.

This land is already in the mountains and forests.

The snow that fell a few days ago is far from melting.

Only not far away, the creek mixed with snow made the sound of gurgling water.

Jiang Ran fell next to the stream at this time, lying in the ice and snow.

Tang Shiqing stood on the stone and looked at him, with a hint of anxiety in her eyes:
"Jiang Ran!
"Wake up!

"Are you...are you trying to lie to me!?"

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Ran, who was lying there, suddenly started coughing.

Tang Shiqing's first reaction was to use Qinggong to leave. However, seeing that Jiang Ran didn't get up to chase him, she swayed but came back.

Jiang Ran turned to look at her with a look of pain on his face:
"I...I was too do the exercises, and I lost my energy while doing the exercises...

"Nine-death and extinct pulse...nine-death and extremity of pulse attack..."

"I...I'm afraid...I'm going to go crazy..."


Tang Shiqing could no longer care about anything else. She came behind Jiang Ran in a flash and stretched out her hand to help him up:
"Don't be afraid, don't be's okay.

"I'll help you with your Qi, so you won't go crazy!"

In her panic, her voice was trembling.

It was completely different from the female devil who just showed up and killed everyone.

Jiang Ran allowed her to help him up, but took advantage of the situation and reached out his hand.

Before Tang Shiqing could realize what happened, her face lightened.

The white mask had fallen into Jiang Ran's hands.

That beautiful face that was difficult to describe in words appeared in front of Jiang Ran again.

Their eyes met, and the two of them were stunned for a moment.

"So lovely……"

Jiang Ran spoke softly.

Then he saw a touch of red appear on the pink surface.

The next moment, she showed her body and was about to fly away.

But now that she was so close, how could Jiang Ran allow her to escape?

With one hand, he grabbed her wrist, and Tang Shiqing, who had just shown off his power, now seemed to have no martial arts skills in front of Jiang Ran.

No matter Jiang Ran shook his hand and pulled her, Tang Shiqing exclaimed and threw herself into Jiang Ran's arms.

Jiang Ran was also stunned.

This was not his original idea.

He just wanted to have a good talk with her, who knew she would run away as soon as she saw him.

If she runs, he has no choice but to chase her.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t even finish a word when they met, and I just gave him a hug.

Jiang Ran struggled a little and suddenly smiled:
"That's fine, you won't be able to run away."

Tang Shiqing originally wanted to struggle, but after hearing these words, she stopped inexplicably and said in a low voice:
"you're lying……"

"Don't you know who my master is?"

Jiang Ran said with a smile:

"Why are you still being deceived by me?"

"...Maybe, I am willing."

Tang Shiqing's voice was a little helpless.

"Why are you running?"

Jiang Ran asked softly.

Tang Shiqing hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed Jiang Ran:
"First...let me go first, I, I just won't run away."

Jiang Ran smiled when he heard this:
"You are a demon witch. Can I really believe what you say?"

"Demon sect witches... there are also people who will never lie."

There is a hint of resentment in Tang Shiqing's voice:
"Unlike you... you lie to everyone, you are a big liar."

Jiang Ran let out a breath, loosened his arms, and held her shoulders.

Lowering his head, his face seemed to be surging with light, and finally returned to its original appearance.

He looked at Tang Shiqing in front of him:

"I have a lot of things I want to say to you."

(End of this chapter)

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