Chapter 287 How do you want to thank me?
Jiang Ran was still very public.

He still looked like he didn't take anyone or anything seriously.

This made Tian Youfang and the young man he pinched a little confused.

Tian Youfang's eyes moved away from Jiang Ran and returned to the young man's face:

"The wooden mangu you untied for him?"

The young man's breathing gradually became difficult and he had no strength to speak.

But I was also confused in my heart.

'Tong Qianjin' has clearly been poisoned by his own wooden man. If no one can untie him, he will initially stay here. Twelve hours later, the poison will begin to stir. If no one can untie him at this time, If he opens it, the Gu insects will eat him from the inside out.

But the problem is... I didn't unlock the wooden mangu for him.

I don't have the time and energy.

He is Tian Youfang's helper, and he has no reason to help him out...

Unless, he was not poisoned from the beginning.

Thinking of this, he grinned and glanced at Tian Youfang without saying anything. He was really speechless.

Tian Youfang sighed:

"Why bother... You are just struggling to your death.

"Although Tong Qianjin's martial arts is indeed good, you know very well that it is fanciful to want to use him to kill me."


Jiang Ran's face darkened:
"Goucai, you don't even call me boss now?"

Tian Youfang looked calm and looked like a master:
"What are you..."

Before I could finish saying the word 'thing', I heard the sound of wind suddenly tearing through my ears.

His eyes quickly turned in his eyes, and he heard a loud explosion, like a muffled thunder, and his head was buzzing in an instant.

The whole person is soaring in the clouds and mist.

When Tian Youfang came back to his senses, he found himself lying under a wall, his mind filled with questions.

who am I?
Was I beaten?

Who did it?
When he raised his eyes, he saw that a big foot had already arrived in front of him and flew out.

Tian Youfang quickly stretched out his hand to resist, and at the same time, with a thought in his mind, he curled his fingers slightly.

With a bang, the first thing that sounded was the collision of feet and palms, followed closely by the sound of walls collapsing.

He was pushed into the house by Jiang Ran, and the wall shattered.

At the same time, Jiang Ran suddenly turned around and swiped with a single sword in his hand.

Ding! ! !
There was a buzzing sound in all directions, and something flew out in front of the blade, spinning in mid-air, followed by a flick of its wings.

Invisible objects are scattered all over the sky.

"Be careful!!"

The young man was relieved at this time and said quickly:
"This is a natal butterfly Gu that has been carefully raised by people. It is invulnerable.

"The whole body is filled with extremely poisonous substances and must not be contaminated..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Ran pressed forward with his palm.

During the whistling, the poisonous powder in mid-air immediately flew away.

Then he reached out and pulled.

Although Butterfly Gu is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, its strength is also extraordinary.

But after all, it was not big. Pulled by Jiang Ran's internal force, the whole thing fell suddenly. The sword flashed, and the big knife in Jiang Ran's hand fell in the air, pressing it between the blade and the ground.

Its wings vibrated, but it couldn't fly out for a while.

Jiang Ran raised his head and glanced at the young man:
"Trash, go look for it on Tian Youfang. There should be something that can contain this monster."

The young man reacted for a long time before he realized that the trash was calling him.

He couldn't help but frown and said:
"I'm not a waste, my name is Wu Di..."


Who doesn’t know! ?

That's not right... at least as Tong Qianjin, you shouldn't know.

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while.

After watching it for half a night tonight, Jiang Ran probably understood the whole thing from their conversation.

There is no doubt that Wu Di and Tian Youfang are from the same race.

The main reason why Wu Di left the Di clan was to catch Tian Youfang, or to kill him.

Because, Tian Youfang killed a woman named A Zhu and took away a man named Honghong Gu King.

As for Tian Youfang, Wu Di was obviously no match for him.

So when he saw Mrs. Wu on Sunset Ping, he thought of the Five Gu Lock Heart Pass, so he took her away.

Jiang Ran couldn't tell whether he had become a Gu puppet now.

But obviously, the Gu King named Honghong has been controlled by the Five Gu Lock Heart Pass.

It was like taking off Tian Youfang's arm.

His internal strength dropped sharply by [-]%.

As for that master, he was obviously Mr. Jin's old slave outside Jinyang Mansion.

Mr. Jin is a descendant of the royal family, and this old slave can be regarded as a master of the family.

In the scene outside Jinyang Mansion, it was Tian Youfang who poisoned Mr. Jin. After he happened to meet Wu Di, he wanted to use this to frame him.

The tired Wu Di was beaten half to death by the old slave.

In the end, the poison in Mr. Jin was solved by Wu Di, and the two finally resolved their misunderstanding.

For this reason, the old slave gave him two palms as a reward for Wu Di.

He deposited the third palm and asked Jiang Ran to serve as a witness. He would return it to Wu Di after returning to the capital.

In fact, logically speaking, the few of them have settled their grievances at this point.

But then, for some unknown reason, the master and servant seemed to be in trouble again. In the end, Wu Di saved them.

It's just that the process and what happened are not something Jiang Ran can figure out in a short while.

After all, no matter how smart he is, he can only make inferences from known situations.

The only thing that was certain was that the person who attacked them was still Tian Youfang.

Otherwise, the old slave wouldn't have said, "It's you."

But in this way, the opera actors Wu Di wanted to sing were already ready.

A master, a five-gu soul lock.

Plus oneself... Even if he is seriously injured, it is expected that it will be enough to take down Tian Youfang like this.

Unexpectedly, although A-Zhu died, A-Zhu's natal butterfly Gu was still there.

Failure to take precautions almost resulted in failure.

Of course, for now, what Jiang Ran knows about the situation is just guesswork.

Whether there was any inside story...Jiang Ran didn't know.

Now is not the time to figure this out.

The most important thing now is to get rid of this butterfly Gu quickly.

This thing is actually not that scary and can be dealt with.

Although it is invulnerable, it is not invulnerable to fire and water.

This thing is afraid of fire.

Once the fire falls, it will be burned cleanly.

But burning it like this would be a waste of natural resources.

This butterfly Gu was raised very well by Tian Youfang and will be of great use if kept.

Jiang Ran pressed the knife with one hand to prevent the butterfly Gu from flying out, while cursing:
"Damn it, you're the only one who's invincible? You're licking your face, why do you have the nerve to brag like that?
"Hurry up and let you find something to linger on. Haven't you found it yet?"

"I found it, I found it."

Wu Di hurriedly found a box from Tian Youfang.

After taking a closer look at Tian Youfang, he saw that he was covered in blood and his face was in a mess. He had been kicked over by Jiang Ran and was unconscious.

I didn't know what expression to make at the moment.

His opponent, who was facing a formidable enemy, seemed to be defeated inexplicably.

Tian Youfang was the person involved and didn't see clearly what happened just now.

But Wu Di saw it clearly.

Jiang Ran only took action twice, and the first time he gave Tian Youfang a big ear post.

Tian Youfang was beaten so hard that he didn’t know what year it was today.

The second time, he kicked him until he fainted.

After two days in Liuyuan, Wu Di was naturally familiar with the name Tong Qianjin.

I know that this person is big-headed and has no brains. Although his martial arts skills are high, he is still a reckless person.

When it comes to this person, other people's comments are probably in one sentence... he is not as clever as he is clever!
But he didn't expect that this man's martial arts skills were as high as this.

Moreover, is this person really as big-headed and brainless as others say?

As for his wooden mangu, was he hit or not?

If he is hit, how can he untie it?If not, why did he pretend to be bewitched?Let them fight in front of him?

Now, why is he helping himself?

Although Jiang Ran cursed harshly, this was already the least detail worth paying attention to.

With these things in mind, Wu Di came to Jiang Ran and carefully handed over the box.

Jiang Ran snatched it away, glanced twice, and put it on the ground.

The opening and closing side faced the butterfly Gu, and then flicked it with one finger.

An incompetent force fell on the box, and the box immediately bounced open. There was no mystery inside.

Jiang Ran then reached out and picked up the box again:
"Is it made of cold jade? That's it..."

He thoughtfully turned the box towards the butterfly Gu, and then clicked it.

The whole butterfly Gu was locked in the box.

At first, he was still struggling, with considerable strength, but he couldn't escape Jiang Ran's grasp.

After a while, it calmed down, and then became completely motionless.

Jiang Ran curled up his lips, took the box and threw it into the sky. The box whirled around several times, and finally landed in his palm:

"Not bad, not bad. This trip is not in vain." Wu Di glanced at Jiang Ran and clasped his fists slightly:

"Thank you for your help."

Jiang Ran glanced at him, hummed, found a step, sat down with a majestic look, and rolled his eyes:
"How would you like to thank me?"


Wu Di was stunned. Isn't this just being polite?
Many people say this, and then the person being thanked will often say something like, it's the right thing to do, it's obligatory, or it's just a simple effort.

How come you are here and it becomes how do you want to thank me?
For a moment, my mind was a little confused, and I thought I heard it wrong.

As a result, when he looked up, he found Jiang Ran staring at Madam Wu non-stop.

For a moment, it suddenly dawned on him.

Hastily shook his head:

"No!! Hong Hong is the Gu King of my Di clan, I can't give it to you!!"

Jiang Ran squinted his eyes and looked at him:
"Then what if I rob it?"


Wu Di didn't know how to lie, so he thought about it carefully and said:
"Then I can't stop you, but if you take Hong Hong away, the Di clan will definitely use all their masters, and they will chase back the Gu King from all corners of the world."

"It's just you?"

Jiang Ran sneered: "You think I will be afraid?"

Wu Di smiled bitterly:
"If you respect someone with great martial arts skills, you won't be afraid.

"But we, the Di Clan, are never afraid of death."


Jiang Ran suddenly laughed wildly:

"Interesting, the bones are pretty hard, I like hard bones.

"Well, Tian Youfang, this dog, has second thoughts and is no longer suitable to be my lackey.

"This bastard is a capable person. Without him, I would really be short of manpower.

"Since you are a tough guy, I want to ask you, are you willing to be my dog?"

Of course I don’t want to!

However, Wu Di took a deep breath:

"Would that noble master no longer covet the Gu King?"


Jiang Ran said: "Anyway, the Gu King is with you... Having you by my side is no different than having the Gu King."

"it is good."

Wu Di said:

"In that case, I have another request."

"Grudge, mother-in-law, if you have any farts, hurry up, if you have poop, hurry up."

Jiang Ran frowned slightly, his face full of impatience.

Just listen to Wu Di say:

"I can serve you for a year.

"But, I won't do anything harmful to nature."


Jiang Ran chuckled:
"Why are you and me pretending to be white lotus flowers?
"You are from the Di tribe!

"In the past few years, who among the people who have escaped from the Di Clan is not ruthless?
"They have done all the things that are harmful to nature, and you say you won't do anything that is harmful to nature? I believe you?"

"...Then have you ever thought about why they left the Flute Clan?"

Wu Di said softly:

“The reason why they left the Flute Clan is that they couldn’t stand the Flute Clan’s precepts.

“We worship and raise voodoo, never for the purpose of harming nature or harming human beings.

“Gu can kill people, but it can also save people.

"The first of the three precepts of the Flute Clan is to use poison to indiscriminately kill.

"Of those evil flute masters you mentioned, which one lasts long?

"Most of them were quickly recovered by our masters and imprisoned in Gu prisons, never to see the light of day for the rest of their lives."

Jiang Ran scratched his head:

"Anything else?"

Before Wu Di could agree, Jiang Ran had already waved his hand, with a face full of embarrassment:
"But what should we do?

"If I want to dominate the world, I will inevitably harm the world.

"If you don't help me work, why will I support you for nothing?"

Wu Di didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment. He felt that although this 'Tong Qianjin' was reckless and a jerk, he seemed to be a little cute in the mess.

How can anyone be so outspoken and say that they are going to harm the world?

He thought for a moment and said:
"In that's better to do this. If you ask me to do something, you can tell me and I will judge whether it is harmful to nature or not.

"If it's possible, I'll do it. If it's not, I'll refuse. You can't force me."

"That's Wait!"

Jiang Ran suddenly waved his hand:

"No, no, in this case, who is whose subordinate?

"I still need to ask you for advice on how to do things?
"In this way, for one month, you have to do at least one thing for me unconditionally. I promise you, it's okay if you don't harm nature, right?"

"it is good."

Wu Di nodded immediately.

"So happy?"

Jiang Ran seemed surprised.

Wu Di secretly laughed in his heart. It's not unreasonable. I can do anything you want me to do, let alone only do one thing a month?

This man... was really dumbfounded.

But then I thought something was wrong. Why did I subconsciously think that this person was stupid?
Obviously there are still many things that have not been explained clearly.

For example, has this person been poisoned by the Wood Man Gu?
Or... he asserted that Tian Youfang must have something that can accommodate butterfly Gu.

Although these things are not incomprehensible, it is a bit strange that 'Tong Qianjin' can think of them so quickly.

My mind was a little messy for a while.

When Wu Di asked deliberately, Jiang Ran turned his eyes and glanced at the old slave:
"What's going on with this guy? Does he have a grudge against Tian Youfang?
"But are you going to die now?"

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that there was another person on the ground waiting to be saved.

He immediately hurried over to relieve him of his poison.

The voodoo techniques are weird, the methods to inflict the voodoo are invisible, and most of the methods to remove the voodoo are unbearable to look at directly.

After Jiang Ran grinned and finished reading, Wu Di also forgot what he wanted to ask.

However, Jiang Ran saw Mr. Jin again in this room.

But just like outside Jinyang Mansion, he was still lying there, unconscious.

When Jiang Ran saw him, the first thing he thought of was that this guy still owed him 1000 taels of gold.

If you die like this, this account will probably be lost, right?

Wu Di came to Jiang Ran just now and explained to him the origins of these two people.

But he didn't make it clear to Jiang Ran. He just told Jiang Ran that these two people were harmed by Tian Youfang and met him at a desperate moment.

Only then did he and himself come to Liuyuan.

As for Tian Youfang's purpose of coming to Liuyuan, it's hard to say.

It might be for Mr. Jin, or it might be for Wu Di... Of course, it is not ruled out that he really wants to do big things with Tianshangque.

Jiang Ran was happy when he heard this. He glanced at Tian Youfang, who had been dragged into the room by him, and said:
"If you want to know, just ask him directly."

Wu Di was stunned and suddenly realized:

"He's awake?"

"I've been awake for a while."

Jiang Ran smiled:
"You still don't open your eyes? Do you believe that I will dig out your eyeballs?"

"Boss, spare me!"

Tian Youfang opened his eyes at once, his eyes full of pleading.

Jiang Ran smiled:
"Is he the boss again now? No longer called Tong Qianjin?

"You bastard, I didn't realize that you looked down on me so much!?
"You still want to use me to help you deal with others?

"Damn it, do you really think I don't have a brain?"

"It's because I was temporarily blinded by lard."

Tian Youfang said quickly:
"Please forgive me, boss."

"Sparing you once?"

Jiang Ran grinned:
"Okay, then tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to Liuyuan?
"and also……"

He pointed at Mr. Jin on the bed:

"I was very curious just now. Who asked you to harm him? Who is this bastard?"

Tian Youfang was silent for a moment and then said:

"Boss, to be honest, the purpose of the people behind Liuyuan is the same as yours.

“They all want to dominate the world!
"This is why I came to Liuyuan.

"However, my subordinates saw that they were timid in their actions. Unlike you, boss, you have the courage to think and do, so I changed my mind and submitted to you, boss.

"As for...letting my subordinates trap this person."

He looked at Wu Di, then at Jiang Ran, and grinned:
"Boss, have you ever heard of... Prince Wu!?"

"Prince Wu?"

Wu Di glanced at Jiang Ran in surprise.

Jiang Ran laughed loudly:
"Is this today's brother?

"Damn it, do you think I'm stupid?

"Why does this shit have anything to do with people in the court?"

(End of this chapter)

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