Chapter 279


It seems that the next day's tricks came out.

Jiang Ran's heart moved slightly, but his face drooped:
“Then has anyone from this master’s family ever shown up?
"Why don't you come and see me in person?"

Chen Laogou laughed dryly:
"The master is so sneaky behind this, how dare he meet a brave man like you, boss?

"They never showed up... It's just that there is an extra notice board in this Liuyuan, which says about tonight's banquet.

"I see that the servants and servants are starting to prepare in front of the main hall."

"You old dog can talk."

Jiang Ran nodded, then slapped the table:

"It is indeed sneaky and extremely abominable, but last night they took out the gold, and tonight I want to see what else they can come up with.

"Tell me to go down and recharge my batteries. There won't be a good killing tonight."

Chen Laogou's heart trembled, and he clasped his fists slightly:

"Subordinates obey."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Jiang Ran sat in the room, pondering slightly, then suddenly his expression changed and he spoke softly:
"It's too risky to come here during the day."

"They have already made a plan. If you dare to move again tonight, they will join forces to kill you."

Tang Huayi's voice came from the darkness of the room. It was not loud, but it went straight into Jiang Ran's ears.

Jiang Ran dumbly smiled:
"My behavior is much bolder than before."

"They are a bunch of lawless people."

Tang Huayi chuckled:
"Let me tell you their identities first...

"The old man yesterday is known as the 'Hanjiang Stranger' by people in the world. His surname is Yan, and he is alone.

"This person's martial arts is not weak, at least it should be better than the 'Tong Qianjin' you performed. His unique internal skill [Han Jiangxue] is an extremely yin internal skill.

"However, he has cultivated to the point where yin generates yang.

"But I heard that he almost went crazy when he stepped into this situation. It's hard to say whether it's true or not.

"You worked with this person yesterday, so I guess you have some understanding of his inner strength."

Jiang Ran gently rubbed his fingertips and nodded:
“In the middle of winter, this old man is colder than snow.

“But when I heard the name, my heart felt quite hot.

"The reward offered by the Sword Holder to this man is 6000 taels."

"I just know money..."

Tang Huayi curled his lips and continued:

"Other than that, the remaining few are not easy to get along with.

"'Dry Land Dragon' Long Qianjuan, 'Poisonous Cloud' Zheng Wansheng, 'Beautiful Hand' Ruan Mianmian, 'Stop the Fight' Ling Qisheng.

"In addition, I, the 'Qunfeng Sanren', if you make the slightest move tonight, we will chop off your head with our swords!"


Jiang Ran's mouth twitched:
"Don't follow their bad example."


Tang Huayi suddenly smiled:
"Then are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of your size."

Jiang Ran chuckled:
"These names are very valuable, so be careful and don't show any flaws, lest they kill you first before they kill me."

"Then they must have that ability."

Tang Huayi sneered:
"I don't mind if I tell them to die before they leave!"

"Let's wait first. No one from Zuodaozhuang has shown up yet... But I don't know if Tianshangque will bring something else tonight to attract Zuodaozhuang's attention..."

"Well...I'm leaving now and we'll talk about it tonight.

"Anyway, you should be careful. After all, according to your Tong Qianjin's martial arts, once our group joins forces, you will definitely die... So, you still have to think of other ways."

Defeating skill with strength is naturally the best way. If you know who is going to deal with you, just slap them to death when the time comes.

But judging from the situation of 'Tong Qianjin', if it really comes to this point, there is really only a dead end.

And once Jiang Ran showed martial arts that exceeded Tong Qianjin's limit, the words Tong Qianjin would no longer hold firm.

He pondered slightly, already having a calculation in his mind.

Time passed by minute by second. Jiang Ran, the 'disciples' who dominated the Jianghu Alliance, were really obedient and did not go out to show off all afternoon.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost dusk.

Old dog Chen was sitting in the yard, a little restless.

From time to time he turned to look at the door.

But there was no movement in front of the door. Occasionally, he looked back and saw Tian Youfang leading a large group of people who dominated the Jianghu Alliance, standing in front of the door, waiting for Jiang Ran's arrival.

But that look in his eyes always lingered on him.

Chen Laogou reluctantly let out a flattering smile, which was exchanged for Tian Youfang's more kind smile.

They seem to be so harmonious with each deeply affectionate.

But Chen Laogou knew that Jiang Ran's words today directly pushed him into a very dangerous situation.

If Tian Youfang had a must-kill list, he would definitely be on it now.

It was only because of Jiang Ran that he didn't take action.

Thinking of this, Chen Laogou hated Jiang Ran deeply, but he did not dare to be disrespectful.

The hatred is so intense that Tian Youfang's hatred for him is dominated by this person.

I dare not be disrespectful because Jiang Ran is the only one who can protect him now.

If he gave up on the big tree Jiang Ran, he would definitely die.

Therefore, his current situation is just like the position he is standing in now.

Standing in the yard near Jiang Ran's room.

But there is still a distance between him and Tian Youfang and other disciples who dominate the Jianghu Alliance.

Neither up nor down, isolated and helpless.

He didn't know whether Jiang Ran did this intentionally or if he inadvertently caused this situation.

If it's the former, he can feel more at ease.

Jiang Ran's scheming shows that he is not as reckless and incompetent as he appears.

If you can create such a result with one hand, you will not easily die with it.

But if it's the latter...then he's in great danger. He's struggling on the line of life and death and can only rely on himself.

If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the abyss...

Chen Laogou was struggling and wandering deep in his heart when he heard a bang.

Jiang Ran's door was kicked open by him from inside the house.

Chen Laogou felt that he was used to it... This 'Tong Qianjin' seemed to have no long hands and used his feet to clear the way wherever he went.

What's even more frightening is that he seems to be used to it.

Immediately he stood up straight and shouted with everyone:
"See boss!!"

The sound was like thunder, shocking all directions.

Jiang Ran's trademark wild laughter suddenly sounded.

He heard the whistling sound, and the big knife was turned by him like a tiger, and then he pointed the blade:
"let's go!!"

The crowd parted on both sides, and Jiang Ran strode forward, followed by all the lackeys behind him.

The group of people shouted, turned around the small courtyard and saw a few invited people in groups of three or two. When they heard the footsteps behind them, they turned around, and then moved aside with pale faces.

When Jiang Ran passed by them, he didn't forget to shout at them.

Jiang Ran laughed wildly, as if he was very proud of the situation.

The group of people walked through the city like this, and in a blink of an eye they were in front of the main hall.

This place was reorganized tonight.

The square in front of the hall was filled with tables and chairs. Each brazier was erected, and the flames were blazing and burning into the sky.

Jiang Ran glanced around and saw that some tables were already occupied.

He strode forward, came to two people who were sitting there chatting, and stepped on the small table.

The conversation between these two people came to an abrupt end.

One of them looked up at Jiang Ran.

Frown slightly:

"Brother Tong, this is..."

"Which one is your brother?"

Jiang Ran waved his hand:

"Go away! I want the people who dominate the Jianghu Alliance to dominate this place."

The man was almost angry when he heard this. He turned around and saw that it was still early and there were a large number of empty tables and chairs. Jiang Ran didn't go anywhere but came to him. This was just deliberately looking for trouble.

Immediately slapped the table:
"Tong Qianjin! Do you think I'm afraid of you!?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar was heard, and Jiang Ran slapped him without saying a word.

The man was stunned, gritted his teeth suddenly, pushed with both hands, and heard a bang.

The man felt like a mountain was falling, and his whole body was shaken violently. He took three or four steps back before he could barely stand still. Then there was a pop, and a mouthful of blood almost stained half of the sky red.

He looked at Jiang Ran with wide eyes, then his body softened, and he was shocked to death by Jiang Ran's palm!

The man who had been chatting with him felt his scalp numb when he saw this, and suddenly turned back to look at Jiang Ran:

" are so ruthless! You and I are both guests of Liuyuan. How could you be so ruthless?" "Hmm?"

Jiang Ran narrowed his eyes slightly:
"My ruthlessness didn't just start today.

"Did you not know in the past, or are you pretending to be stupid today? I told you to get out to give you a way to survive. If you don't get out, you will be punished by death!

"Look who is behind me?"

Hearing this, the man glanced behind Jiang Ran in confusion.

I saw a group of people who dominated the Jianghu Alliance standing there, all with unruly expressions.

Feeling guilty, he shrank his neck and said:
"It''s the Alliance to Dominate Jianghu...let's, let's...hey...take our leave."

He knew that with his current appearance, even if he rushed to seek revenge from Jiang Ran, he would definitely die.

There are many masters behind Jiang Ran. Although he is not higher than Jiang Ran, he cannot resist it with so many people and strength.

For the current plan, we can only give in first.

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, wanting to stay far away from Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran sneered:
"Stay on!"

The man was stunned and looked back at Jiang Ran:
"You... what else is there?"

Jiang Ran stretched out his hand and pointed at the dead man on the ground:
"Is he your friend?"


"Then you can't go."

Jiang Ran said calmly:
"Although I haven't read a book, I still know what it means to kill someone for a life...ah! It means eradicating the root!
“You so-called friends are the most hateful.

"What does my killing him have to do with you, so that you come to seek revenge on me?
"If you want to leave, there are only two ways!

"The first is a dead end."

The man stood there, trembling with anger, feeling that today was really an unreasonable disaster.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, I let out a deep sigh in my heart.

Even in the daytime, he was very majestic, because the servant in Liuyuan didn't know about the master's affairs, so he even killed someone.

The fearful eyes around them made the two of them feel happy and comfortable.

As a result, at night, he became a fish in the palm of others.

He took a deep breath:

"Then...what about the second way?"


Jiang Ran laughed wildly:
"The second way is also easy!"

When he said this, he straightened his legs on the table, pointed to the ground and said:
"Pull under my crotch, then kowtow to me eighteen times, call me boss, and I will let you join my alliance to dominate the world!!"

These words not only made the person opposite me grin, but also made the corners of his eyes turn red.

Those who were watching the excitement shook their heads, thinking that this boy Qianjin was really not a human being.

As the saying goes, you can kill but not humiliate.

But he didn't have any scruples in this regard.

At this time, the man standing opposite Jiang Ran felt that his chest was tight. He gave Jiang Ran a sharp look, took a deep breath, and suddenly knelt on the ground with a plop, and then crawled under Jiang Ran's legs. passed.

After that, without saying a word, he kowtowed eighteen times in one go.

The bruises on his forehead were mottled with blood, and blood flowed down the bridge of his nose:

Jiang Ran laughed wildly:

"Okay, okay, you are a good person. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and you are also a hero!

"From today on... you are my lackey!"

The man had no expression on his face and was about to bow down to accept the order when he heard Jiang Ran laugh loudly:

"Do you think I would say that?"


The man subconsciously raised his head and saw a broadsword sweeping across him. With a hiss, a human head rolled to the ground.

Jiang Ran shook off the blood on the knife, waved his hand and said:
"Find a place for me to sit down. Damn it, do you think I am an idiot?

"If I ask you to dig into my crotch, you will do it. If I ask you to kowtow, you will kowtow. The look in my eyes makes me want to eat it raw with some garlic paste.

“I’ve seen too many scenes like this in dramas.

"It's so important to endure it, right?

"If I don't kill you, will I wait for you to kill me later?

"Too underestimated people."

He angrily found a place to sit down and slapped the table again:
"Come on!!!"

The people who dominate the Jianghu Alliance have finally seen what it means to be moody. As soon as they sat down, before their buttocks were even warmed by the stool, they all stood up with a roar.

Jiang Ran looked back and said:
"Did I tell you to get up? My name is Liuyuan's servant."

Everyone looked at each other and then quickly sat down.

A few boys came timidly:

"My lord, what are your orders?"

They are afraid from the inside out towards this evil heretic who kills people at every turn and beheads people whenever he wants.

Jiang Ran waved his hand:

"Damn it, do you know how to stare at it? You have no eyesight at all!
"Hurry up and drag the body down to me. Aren't you going to have a big banquet later? If you don't drag the body away, are you planning to feed it to someone else?"

When the two boys heard this, they immediately made subconscious associations.

It feels like this group of evil heretics, even if they eat a lot of people, it is an ordinary thing.

Just thinking about this scene makes me feel sick in my stomach.

But I know that once I vomit, I may be the one who gets eaten.

He immediately bowed to his companions, lowered his head and went to pull the corpse.

However, these boys were not very old. They were young and weak, and the body was even more lifeless after it fell to the ground. The two of them dragged it for a long time, panting from exhaustion, but they did not drag it very far.

Jiang Ran couldn't stand it anymore and was about to ask someone for help.

I saw other servants and maids coming over one after another to help drag the body away.


A sound of laughter came. Jiang Ran turned around and saw the Hanjiang weirdo arriving not far away with a few people.

When their eyes met, they heard Yan Duxing, the strange guest from Hanjiang, say:
"Boss Tong is in such a good mood that he has to kill a lot of people to celebrate before eating."

"Why, you old beast are also going to let me have all the fun?"

Jiang Ran narrowed his eyes and threw his big blade on the table:
"Anyway, at your age, you should be dealing with Minotaur and Horsemen from time to time. How about I help you and let you reunite with them?"

"There's no need to rush."

Yan Duxing chuckled:
"Just wait for a hundred years and then have a long talk with him. Boss Laotong will take care of you."


Jiang Ran pouted:

"No matter what you say, it doesn't sound pleasant to hear."

The two of them had a small conversation, which ended, and then they saw him taking people to another place to sit down.

They are also very distinct from each other.

Tian Youfang looked at these people one by one, and finally said softly:
"Boss, although these guys don't have an advantage in numbers, their martial arts skills should not be underestimated..."

Jiang Ran glanced at him coldly:
"Excellent in martial arts? Can you be better than me?"

"This...of course it can't."

Tian Youfang laughed dryly.

"It's good to know."

Jiang Ran said calmly:
"To tell you the truth, I am not like them. Otherwise, if I show my true skills, every one of these people will die cleanly!"

"The boss is mighty, the boss is powerful, the boss is domineering!"

Tian Youfang praised him repeatedly, but he was deeply disapproving of it.

Who can't boast nonsense?

However, the more insignificant Jiang Ran acted, the more assured Tian Youfang felt about him.

At the same time, other people also arrived and took their seats in batches.

Suddenly, a piece of skin jumped on Tian Youfang's cheek.

He reached out and touched his face gently, then turned his eyes and landed on a figure wearing a black cloak.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just as he was about to talk to Jiang Ran, he suddenly heard the sound of a piano.

Immediately afterwards, a series of silks unfolded in the air, like a horse training, colorful and really beautiful.

The next moment, Yingying's laughter rang out, and graceful women wearing very cool clothes danced in the air, using the red silk as a bridge, and came one after another.

After landing, he shuttled among the crowd.

For a moment, everyone in the venue felt relaxed and happy, and they were overjoyed.

Jiang Ran was slightly stunned...

There is a saying that a good spirit does not have a bad spirit.

The thing you were most afraid of last night just happened today?
Is it really charming with beauty?
He subconsciously looked in the direction of Bai Xichao, and saw that Bai Xichao's eyes were blurred, and she seemed to be very useful. Every girl who passed by her would go up and touch her... It was simply too much!
"Are you suddenly letting yourself go?"

Jiang Ran was in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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