Chapter 269 Array

The words of the boy in front of the door made the wailing people present suddenly feel a little hopeful.

No matter who they are, invite them to Liuyuan.

When they pass by, they are considered guests.

What Tong Qianjin did was completely rebellious. How could his family tolerate this?
Are you planning to stand up for them now?

Jiang Ran rolled his eyes strangely, stretched out one leg and stepped heavily on the ground, raised the big knife in his hand, and cut it into the white marble ground with a chirp:


This word came out with inner strength, and many people present groaned at the same time.

I feel a little unbearable...

As for those who were injured on the ground, they couldn't help but vomit blood.

The boy didn't have any problem, but he felt that Jiang Ran's word "speak" was particularly fierce and domineering, which made people feel a lot of fear.

Immediately took a deep breath and said:
"The master of the house has something to say. The visitor is a guest. A strong man must never hurt anyone intentionally again."


Jiang Ran laughed:

"Where is your master? Take me to see him, and I will give him a big gift!!"

The boy quickly took two steps back and said with a smile:

"The master said that if you want to see him, you will have a chance later.

"Besides...the master of the house hasn't finished speaking yet.

"He said that he already understood everything you wanted.

"This trip to Liuyuan will not disappoint you. It will definitely make your dreams come true."


Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows and pulled out the knife stuck on the ground with a cry:

"Did he really say this?"

"No falsehood!"

The boy's face turned a little pale when he looked at the blade.

"it is good."

Jiang Ran nodded:

"Assuming that he can still be a human being, I will take this matter as if he is telling the truth, but don't lie to me. Although I haven't read any books, I also know that... you will be repaid if you show your teeth! !

"If he lied to me, I would definitely ask him to repay it a hundred times!"

The boy was confused when he heard this. What does it mean to show his teeth and retaliate?

Hearing a weak voice, he stretched out his hand and endured the severe pain and insisted on speaking:
"Retribution must be repaid..."

Jiang Ran followed his gaze and almost cried out in joy.

It’s still that Taoist priest…

Is this guy a bit obsessive-compulsive?

The boy in front of the door suddenly understood and nodded repeatedly:
"Yes, yes...but the master of the house hasn't finished speaking yet."

"Is it possible that your master likes to fart serially?"

Jiang Ran was furious:
"If there is something that I can't stop farting, why hasn't Didi Dulu finished yet? What else does he have to say!?
"You release it all in one breath!!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The boy nodded repeatedly:

"The master of the house said that you have come all the way, and I have prepared a bowl of Laba porridge for you in the evening, which is in the main hall.

“When the time comes, feel free to come and taste it.

"By the way, a total of 22 bowls have been prepared."

After saying that, he bowed, turned around and ran away, as if there was some wild beast chasing him behind him.


Jiang Ran muttered, and there was also murmuring in his heart.

22 bowls of Laba porridge were obviously not enough for so many people present.

In this small courtyard alone, even if some of them escaped, there would be more than 22 people left.

Not to mention, not all the visitors in the morning were in this small courtyard.

There are also many people who don't like to walk through the main entrance. Since coming to Liuyuan from all directions, they have already found a place to stay.

Although no one told Jiang Ran these things, how could he not have a general grasp of the situation in Liuyuan because of his profound internal skills?
With so many people, the 22 porridge is definitely not enough to share.

"Do you want two peaches to kill three people? But this doesn't make sense..."

Thoughts arose in my mind, followed by a glance:
"Okay, you have also heard that the person behind Liuyuan is afraid of my reputation and promised to wait until Liuyuan's affairs are resolved so that I can get what I want.

“The fact that you will be my lackeys is a sure thing.

"The person behind this has no intention of saving you.

"Whatever you have to do, just go and do it. It's almost enough to take you in today. Others won't be blessed for now. We'll talk about it later."

"Yes, your subordinates obey!"

It was the little old man who spoke first.

Jiang Ran glanced at him.

He had never heard of this little old man before. After entering the door first, his registration number was quite long, something like "Kunlun Tianzun is invincible..." and so on.

Finally, he said his real name was Chen Laogou.

Jiang Ran felt that this name really matched Tong Qianjin.

Now it seems that it is indeed a dog-leg.

Chen Laogou was the first to agree, and then the others woke up from a dream.

Even Na Ada got up from the ground and knelt down respectfully:
"Subordinates obey!"

Jiang Ran immediately laughed wildly when he was successful, and returned directly to the room.

There was basically nothing to do this afternoon.

The boy in front of the gate should have been greeted, and there is no rule that new arrivals should be sent to Jiang Ran to give him a look.

The group of men Jiang Ran collected tidied up several small yards nearby.

The whole thing is connected as one, which can be regarded as Jiang Ran's position in Liuyuan.

The masters who were beaten all over the ground and in great pain were gathered together in a courtyard, and no one prepared anything for them.

Just let them lie there silently waiting to die.

There were even more people coming this afternoon.

Some came and went directly to Liuyuan, while others walked through the main entrance and paid a serious visit.

The entire Liuyuan became lively at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What Jiang Ran did by impersonating Tong Qianjin was also known to many people.

Some people smiled coldly and thought he was stupid.

Some people shook their heads slightly, feeling that such behavior was too showy.

Some people even want to go to Jiang Ran to compare notes to see who is more suitable to be the boss.

However, these were all thoughts in my mind and no one actually put them into action.

Jiang Ran stayed in the room this afternoon when he had nothing to do.

Occasionally, he would lead his subordinates and swagger through the city to make his presence felt.

At the same time, I also felt the architectural layout of Liuyuan and the residence of this group of people.

Among them, the one that concerns him the most right now is Bai Xichao.

The place where this person lives is not too far from Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran also generously asked his subordinates to keep an eye on this person.

The reason was that little dispute.

Of course, no one knows the real purpose.

Time passed like this, and it was already evening in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that it was almost time, Jiang Ran took the big knife, kicked open the door, and strode out:

"Where are the people who dominate the Jianghu Alliance?"

There was a sparse response.

No one wants to admit this name...

Dominate the Jianghu Alliance...why didn't you listen to it, it was just like a joke?
However, 'Tong Qianjin' insisted on going his own way, and no one could do anything about it. Later, when he thought about it, wasn't this mess caused by a gangster just a joke?

Why take it seriously?

I had a fight with him in Liuyuan and escaped the pain of the fists and kicks. Afterwards, when I left Liuyuan, the road was facing the sky. Who knew which one was called Tong Qianjin and which one was Tong Baijin?

It's up to him to give him whatever name he likes.

But now that Jiang Ran called him out, everyone still felt a little embarrassed.

Jiang Ran seemed to feel that this was not embarrassing enough, so he shouted again in a rough voice:
"Where is my lackey who dominates the Jianghu Alliance?"


Everyone hurriedly agreed loudly, but the unfinished words in their hearts were, 'Quickly shut up and stop shouting'.

Jiang Ran nodded with satisfaction:

"Let's go and have Laba porridge with me, bah! What kind of porridge should I drink at night?

"This owner is so stingy, it's simply ridiculous.

"I can't bear to give you big fish or meat, so I just give you some Laba porridge...what the hell are you doing?"

While muttering, he kicked open the courtyard door, and a group of people swaggered through the market. There were more than 20 people, but they were actually very conspicuous.

Especially this group of people, in fact, everyone has unique skills.

Although in front of Jiang Ran, this is not enough.

But that doesn't mean they are incompetent.

Therefore, it is quite intimidating for this group of people to gather together.

There were many others walking alone on the road towards the main hall of Liuyuan. After seeing them, they all got out of the way, not wanting to touch the brow of 'Tong Qianjin'.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran became even more aggressive.Everyone just listened to his voice growling, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

They all looked at each other, guessing whether this guy wanted to compose a poem, but couldn't compose it because he hadn't read any books.

The group of people each had their own thoughts, and in a blink of an eye they were in front of the main hall.

It's even more crowded here.

Jiang Ran looked up and found that the bustling Jiang Ran was full of people everywhere.

I couldn't help but shout:

"Make way for me."

His voice was like thunder, and he could be heard throughout Liuyuan when he shouted.

The person standing in front of him was unwilling.

Glancing back at him:

They are all famous villains in the world, who is afraid of whom?

Jiang Ran burst out laughing when he heard this:

"Does your mother know at home that you are so desperate outside?"

The man in front of him was stunned for a moment, then became furious.

He turned around and punched Jiang Ran directly in front of his heart.

Jiang Ran laughed loudly, reached out and grabbed the man's wrist:
"Come here you."

The man only felt a strong tug, and his whole body fell into Jiang Ran's hands involuntarily.

How powerful is Jiang Ran's brute strength?

He has the power of a wild dragon, and even people like Tian Miaomiao who are born with divine power are not enough in front of him.

The person in front of him couldn't resist at all, so he was held in the air by Jiang Ran, his hands shaking like clothes.

There was only a clicking sound, and with this shake, many bones and joints on the man's body were shaken open.

The pain only lasted a moment. The man groaned. Before he could speak, Jiang Ran rounded it up and threw it away:
"Let's go!!"

He threw people into the crowd.

Everyone in the crowd took a look and dodged.

Suddenly, there was chaos and chaos.

Immediately, those who knew how to use Qianjin Pendant used Qianjin Pendant, those who knew Qinggong used Qinggong, and those who were confident in their own internal strength stretched out their hands to hold down the shoulders of the person who flew out.

Then fly with him...

This bustling crowd was finally cut open by Jiang Ran with one person.

Finally, a plop was heard.

Jiang Ran put up the awning and took a look, but the man had already fallen into the pool in front.

When he led the people to him, the man who fell into the water had already been rescued.

He was lying on his side spitting out water.

Jiang Ran glanced around and couldn't help but be stunned:
"Which unscrupulous person built a moat in front of the main hall?"

It's not just a moat, it's also very wide, at least about three feet.

It is estimated that the original owner of Liuyuan would not do such a thing.

It was probably after Tianshangque took over that he came up with such a thing.

And in this river, there are pillars one after another.

They are different in height and length, and they look like they were meant for people to cross the river.

But judging from the way this group of people stopped moving forward, it wasn't that simple.

Jiang Ran was not the real 'Tong Qianjin' after all. He already understood it with just one glance.

This is a formation.

The purpose of the formation is not to trap people, but to hinder them.

Tianshangque placed 22 bowls of Laba porridge in the main hall. Obviously, they need to go through a round of screening before they can enter the hall to drink porridge.

The formation is the current first level.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes and laughed suddenly:

"It's interesting, it's interesting. The master of this Zhuangzi likes to show off his tricks, but now he's started to show off his talents!?

"Who can stop such a small broken river?"

When everyone heard this, all eyes immediately turned to him.

Thinking that this brainless Tong Qianjin was going to give it a try, some people even had smiles on their lips, ready to watch his excitement.

As a result, Jiang Ran turned his eyes and looked directly at the person next to him:

"I guess I can't even trap you."


The man's face was suddenly filled with question marks.

While he was ignoring it, Jiang Ran reached out and grabbed the man's chest collar. The man was shocked. He wanted to resist, but how could he?

Jiang Ran immediately lifted him up:
"I'll help you cross the river!!"

After saying that, he threw it away with a wave of his hand.

The man was dancing and screaming for a moment. Although the distance of three feet was a bit far for ordinary people, it was not worth mentioning for experts like them.

As he watched it fly halfway, the screams from the man's mouth suddenly stopped.

I don't know what happened, but my head tilted and I fell down.

Fortunately, he was fashionable and clear-headed. He stepped on a stone pillar in a flash, turned around and yelled at Jiang Ran:
"Are you sick!?"

Jiang Ran's face is full of innocence:

"I was kind enough to help you cross the river, but you actually scolded me? Damn you, it's really like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and you don't know a good heart.

"I have many lackeys, do you want to be one too?"

After saying this, the people behind him all looked ugly.

The man on the stone pillar looked even more pale.

However, now that I am here, I have no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

But he didn't expect that he didn't know what he saw when he took a step forward. He didn't even drop his toes, he just stood there without moving.

With a sudden movement, his head tilted and he fell down.

There was an uproar from the crowd:
"Another one fell down."

"What is the mystery on this pillar?"

"Who are the people who invited us to Liuyuan? What is their purpose for doing this?"

There was a lot of discussion for a while.

Some people have even started to think about quitting.

Jiang Ran turned his eyes and already had an eighty-nine-point understanding of the formation.

There's just one thing he doesn't understand.

The man just now could obviously follow his own strength and reach the other side directly.

Why did he fall?
The force he used was quite large. It was probably difficult for the man to break free. He probably didn't go down on purpose to cause trouble...

So is there really something mysterious underwater?

But what kind of mystery can pull a person down from mid-air?
However, you can let go of exploring the truth here. Now, how should you get over it?
Although this formation should be of little use to him.

But in the past, it was very easy for someone to find out the depth.

Thinking like this, I heard a burst of laughter:
"It's just a small road, but you still have the nerve to show it off?"

Jiang Ran turned around and looked slightly stunned.

Bai Xichao... Bai Xichao again.

After their eyes met, Bai Xichao snorted coldly when she saw it was him:

"Baby face, who are you scolding!?"

Jiang Ran was furious.

Immediately after he stepped forward, Bai Xichao saw him coming, and immediately stepped onto the stone pillar with a sway:
"If you have the ability, come after me!"

Jiang Ran rolled his eyes and laughed:

"Okay! Let me show you how powerful your grandpa is! If I catch up with you today, I won't beat you until your face is full of peach blossoms. You won't know why the flowers are so red!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up and took the stone pillar where Bai Xichao was.

Bai Xichao was surprised, she didn't expect that this reckless man would really dare to come.

Immediately, a cold look flashed in his eyes, he stepped forward and walked away.

It's just that he seemed to move a little slower, and it seemed that Jiang Ran moved a little faster, but he caught the jade belt around his waist just right.

As soon as he left, Jiang Ran couldn't help but follow him.

Bai Xichao was furious:
"You let me go."

"You call me grandpa and I'll let you go!"

Jiang Ran laughed out loud.

Bai Xichao's face was as heavy as water, and he stretched out his hand to hit him, but Jiang Ran casually grabbed his wrist and tried to cut him behind his back.

The person pretending to be Bai Xichao also had extraordinary martial arts. He turned around and was about to take a step forward, but was stopped.

If you take this step, you will step into the door of death. Although it will not cause any great danger, it will inevitably fall into the illusion and get lost like the previous person.

After this pause, his neck tightened and Tong Qianjin had already grabbed him:

"Boy, I think you know this place quite well, so you can take me there."

'Bai Xichao' was so angry that she wanted to die. She gave Jiang Ran a hard look and finally took a deep breath:

"Let me go and I'll take you there."

"That's a good idea. Although I'm a bit stupid, I'm not a fool. There must be something weird on this stone pillar... I let you go. As soon as you run away, will you throw me here to these bastards like a monkey? Stop talking nonsense. , take me there quickly, otherwise, the two of us will just stand here and no one will be able to leave."

As he spoke, he suddenly whispered in his ear:
"And if you don't agree, I will tell everyone that Bai Xichao is actually a woman!

"Then I will take off your clothes in front of everyone and let the big guys come and verify your identity!"

(End of this chapter)

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