Chapter 230 Qu Yi San

In front of Ziyue Villa, everything was in chaos in an instant.

It's just that there has been a lot of rumors here before, and it's not difficult at all to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

Just put on a random set of clothes and blend in among the people who came here to attend the meeting, and no one would be able to notice.

After all, this world is so big that no one can recognize everyone in this world.

Although only Mrs. Meng appeared before, it did not mean that Tianshang Que or the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect had not arrived yet.

I'm just not in a hurry to show up.

Now, with Mrs. Meng's order, chaos suddenly broke out everywhere.

At this moment, their respective responses were also revealed.

For ordinary people in the world, when they see this happening, their first reaction is to take a step back.

Find a favorable position and watch the situation change.

Only later did he decide whether to take action or run away.

Of course, not everyone has such luck. People from the Canyang Gate in the sky suddenly appear and attack the people around them.

Some people standing near them died on the spot before they even realized what happened.

Those who were organized and disciplined, such as Dugu Xiong, Lin Wanyi, and Han Mingxuan from the Dahan Gang, restrained their subordinates and prevented them from messing around when the accident happened.

Form a formation to protect yourself, and then face the enemies from all directions.

The most special one among them is Tian Xiwen.

Seeing the chaos, Tian Xiwen said hello without thinking:
"We withdraw!!"

It's a pity that he wanted to leave, but neither Tianshangque nor Setting Sun Gate was willing to agree.

Suddenly, the entire Ziyue Villa was not only in chaos, with all kinds of energy and winds sweeping around, but also a group of police officers who wanted to rush out, but couldn't and were pushed back several times.

Later, Tian Xiwen thought about it and realized that the reason why they couldn't rush out was because they were missing a decisive factor.

Immediately he turned his eyes and looked for Tian Miaomiao:
"Miaomiao come here!!!"

Arita Miaomiao's two big axes can tear open a hole even in the most tightly sealed place in the world.

As a result, Tian Miaomiao was seen holding a large black axe, standing behind Tang Huayi, motionless, staring in all directions, sometimes peeking at the Jiaowei Qin in her arms, and admiring.

After hearing Tian Xiwen's voice, he waved to Tian Xiwen:

"Brother, I want to be Jiang Ran's maid. You go first and tell mother that whenever Jiang Ran allows me to take a break, I will go home and take a look!

"From now on, the sky is high and the road is far, we will see you again!!"

Tian Xiwen's blood almost stained half of the sky red.

There is really no reason to look at it this way: "Don't you look at who that is? Is that Jiang Ran?"

"He changes faces and masters tricks, but it's not his real face."

As soon as he said this, Tang Huayi couldn't help but look back at Tian Miaomiao, thinking to herself, could this silly girl have seen through his secret plan?
But on second thought, I thought it was impossible.

He immediately ignored her and just moved his fingers together, playing the piano so hard that it sounded awful.

Regardless of the power of the Jiaowei Qin itself, the sound of it alone can make people wish they could die.

And now, it is indeed the case.

People play the piano for money, but Tang Huayi plays the piano for his life. It's not just one or two deaths, it's the death of a group or two groups.

It must be said that this Jiaowei Qin is indeed a sharp weapon.

Even if you don't know the music skills or the temperament, you can control it freely as long as you follow the method of use and adjust the direction of the sound.

Regardless of whether the sound of the piano sounds good or not, killing people is very easy.

The people who rushed over to kill her and snatch Jiaowei away all died on the spot.

Suddenly there were corpses everywhere underfoot, and rivers of blood flowed all around.

People from Tianshang Tower and Setting Sun Gate did not dare to approach Tang Huayi again.

Instead, he vented his anger on the other masters on the side.

It's just that these experts are not fools. How can they be allowed to lose their temper like this?

When the two sides started to move, people's minds almost went crazy.

Above the gatehouse, Jingtan layman and Mrs. Meng were coming and going.

Of course, this person is not the real Mrs. Meng, but one of the masters of Tianshang Que.

What he has learned is strange, and it seems that every move and every move makes people daydream and imagine, and a nameless fire is born in the heart.

The partial force is extremely powerful, and it will be destroyed in the palm of your hand if you are not careful.

Jingtan layman has fought with her so far, using no less than thirty moves, but his Tianxuan Ruyi Palm just can't defeat her.

However, Master Jingtan was after all a famous figure in the world back then. Even if he was unable to attack for a long time, he was not anxious.

Especially in the current situation, it is not their turn to be anxious.

The one who should really be anxious is Tianshangque.

So he simply fought steadily and captured Mrs. Meng no matter what.

Mrs. Meng is really anxious now.

She was not worried about the previous situation of Ziyue Villa, but she was more worried about Meng Huan.

In the final analysis, Ziyue Villa plays a diversionary role.

The real key lies in the progress made by Meng Huan.

But now, since Tang Huayi is here, Meng Huan might actually run into Jiang Ran directly.

Once they meet, the outcome can already be decided.

It wasn't because Meng Huan's martial arts was really that inferior. The key was that she was afraid that this man would take the first step and lose his courage before she could take action.

How did this... happen?
I originally thought that this time it was a sure win, but now it seems that it is a huge defeat.

Once things at Dongjun Mansion fail, the success or failure at Ziyue Villa will no longer matter.

Thinking of this, she suddenly smiled:
"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore."

After saying this, she swiped her palm, creating a pink mist, then turned around and left.

"Where to go?"

How could Jingtan layman allow her to escape at this time?

With the sleeves on both sides unfolded, Tianxuan Ruyi Palm first dispersed the pink mist in the sky, followed by the breaking wind.

Mrs. Meng turned around, and with a touch of her four palms, Jingtan layman's figure swayed, and Mrs. Meng took advantage of the situation to escape far away.

But at this moment, a piano sound sounded, and Mrs. Meng did not dare to go forward. She could only stabilize her figure, volleyed together, and stepped onto the door of the building again. She turned to look at Tang Huayi who was smiling at her, and couldn't help but feel the same. laughed:

"It seems that Langjun is reluctant to leave the slave family. In that case, why don't Langjun go with the slave family?"


Tang Huayi said with a smile:
"Then Madam, come and get me."

Jingtan layman wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to continue his attack, but suddenly he frowned.

I just felt like a fire was igniting in my body, and my old face turned red:
"You bastard, you actually do this!"

He originally wanted to suppress it with his internal strength, but the powder mist was so powerful that he was still hit even though he had already dispersed it.

Not to mention that the internal suppression didn't work at all, on the contrary, it only got worse.

He immediately dared not move forward, and the blood and energy in his body was boiling fiercely. He had no choice but to take a step back, concentrate on his martial arts, and suppress the boiling energy and blood.

Tang Huayi glanced at Jingtan layman, and then looked at Mrs. Meng, and he was already extremely cautious.

I heard Mrs. Meng laugh and say:
"Speaking of which, your method of deceiving the truth while also pretending to be true is unusual.

"But you're not afraid that after I try, I will go further?"

"...If you go one step further, you will die in the backyard of Ziyue Villa."

Tang Huayi smiled and said, "Why should I be afraid?"

Moreover, in fact, in order to prevent this, she also took some measures.

This morning when she and Jingtan layman went to deliver the piano, she specially hooked up with a little maid.

The maid looked ordinary, but in fact she was one of the four personal attendants of Mrs. Meng.

Before leaving, she asked him to come over and use his methods on her.

Let her stare at Mrs. Meng and interrupt her if she tries to play the piano.

As for the result of doing so, it itself is not important.

Even if this person was suspected by Mrs. Meng and even killed directly.

Tang Huayi didn't care.

After all, it is the lives of others.

To her, everyone in the world except Jiang Ran and the people Jiang Ran cares about are just chess pieces that can be used at will.

After all, you can't use normal moral concepts to measure a little witch from a demon sect.

The final result was that for the Jiaowei Qin delivered in the morning, Mrs. Meng had time to open the secret box and find the iron piece made by Jiang Ran.

Nothing else could be done at all.

As for the original gold piece in the secret box, Jiang Ran had long since melted it into a golden bean.

No flowers, just keep them with you as a small souvenir.But there is no need to elaborate on these matters with Mrs. Meng.

"It's so vicious..."

Mrs. Meng sighed, suddenly jumped up, and leaped down from the door of the building:

"Since you are so vicious, I don't care about the means."

After saying this, she shook her hands, and in an instant, pink mist was about to fall from the sky.

Everyone present looked up and knew that this thing was coming from the wrong place.

They immediately dodged.

But after all, individual movements are fast or slow, and their reaction speeds are also different.

After all, some people were contaminated by this pink mist, and their faces turned red for a moment, and they lost their minds and acted ugly in an instant.

The leaders of each family and the head of the family moved away from this area. When he looked up again, he saw Mrs. Meng's figure in the pink mist, disappearing and appearing. The people around her turned a blind eye to her.

Tang Huayi stared at this scene, and suddenly his face sank slightly:
"Under the two statues on the left and right of the Heavenly Palace, there are five gates and three divisions.

"It is rumored that the Five Sects are closely related to the Demon Sect, but I don't know that in addition to the Demon Sect, Tianshangque also includes several other sects.

"Among them is the Hehuan Sect, which has long since disappeared from the world!

"Could this powder mist be the infamous 'Quyi San' from the Hehuan lineage?"

"Mr. Lang is very knowledgeable. My lineage is rarely seen in the world, but I didn't expect you to recognize it? Could it be that you are also familiar with it?"

"How about you and I have a spar?"

Mrs. Meng smiled wildly, and even her voice was sultry.

It's a pity that when she teased Tang Huayi, she was playing the piano to a cow.

Tang Huayi had no other feelings besides being disgusted. He just felt that this matter might be troublesome.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have gotten carried away just now and just led her to play the piano... It would be better to be killed by Jiaowei then than to have the front door of Ziyue Villa look like this now.

The reason why Tang Huayi knew about Quyisan was because there was a similar method in the Eighteen Heavenly Demon Records.

When Jiang Ran asked her in Cangzhou Mansion, she explained to him based on that martial arts.

Not only that, there are also some connections between this martial arts and the Hehuan Sect.

Therefore, Tang Huayi knew about this origin since he was a child.

She calmed down her thoughts and spoke loudly:
"Don't get close to the powder mist range. This poison is difficult to cure. You need to suppress the inner fire with yin-cold internal power and use water to break the mist. Go get water quickly!!"

Everyone saw that although she was not Jiang Ran, Jiang Ran could let her pretend to be him here, so he must also be acting as a spokesperson.

After hearing this, Meng Xiu was the first to speak up:
"Come with me from Ziyue Villa!!"

Others were still fighting in the field, so it was difficult for him to be distracted.

We can only let the landlord of Ziyue Villa do something.

Tang Huayi stared at Mrs. Meng in the pink mist, fearing that she would take advantage of the chaos and escape.

I heard Yan Wushuang's voice next to my ear:

"Young Master Li, if you don't understand the rhythm, it will be difficult for you to fully utilize Jiao Wei's power.

"Why don't you give this piano to me, let me play it, and call this Mrs. Meng, and she will die on the spot in an instant."

Tang Huayi didn't believe a word of Yan Wushuang's words.

Jiang Ran has already said that this person does not have her own position, and her position only represents the Baizhen Society.

Now that he spoke, not to mention whether it was to capture Jiao Wei, even if not, he might be looking for an opportunity to sell a favor to Tian Shang Que.

These businessmen may seem innocent, but in fact they will do anything for money.

If you say they are white, they are naturally white, but this whiteness may not be pure, so it seems like right and wrong. How can it be either black or white?
She immediately ignored Yan Wushuang's words and just shouted at the top of her lungs:

"Mrs. Meng, did you hear that? Yan Huishou said that he will personally take control of Jiaowei and take your life! Why don't you just surrender quickly?"

Mrs. Meng chuckled in the mist:
"Baizhenhui gave it to me today, and I have recorded it in the sky. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely pay a visit in person to repay today's feelings."

Yan Wushuang: "..."

She closed her eyes slightly and smiled lightly:
"Tian Shang Que is acting against the will, and the Can Yang Sect is murdering his comrades. As one of the thirteen gangs of One Sect, Two Clubs, Five Swords, and Seven Sects, I, Baizhenhui, should be your enemy.

"Even if this leads to the hatred of Que Ji in the sky, what do I, Baizhenhui, have to fear?"

These words may seem hard, but they are soft at the same time.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Meng took a deep look at Yan Wushuang, with an unpredictable light in her eyes.

Just listen to her chuckle:
"That's all, you won today's matter, so I will leave first..."

As she finished speaking, her body instantly disappeared into the pink mist.

Quyi Powder is the secret medicine of Hehuan Sect, with extremely weird properties.

The wind doesn't blow it away, just like a ball of pink mist.

Although Tang Huayi was holding Jiaowei, he couldn't make any random moves at this moment. Otherwise, the lives of those Jianghu people in the mist who had been infected by Quyi San would be in danger.

But I heard Tian Miaomiao shouting at the top of her lungs:
"You can't escape!"

This girl is reckless, holding two axes in both hands, and is about to rush into the fog.

Hao Xuan was pulled by Tang Huayi and stopped rushing in.

Just looking back at Tang Huayi:
"Sir... why are you pulling me here?"

"If I don't hold you, you won't be able to be Jiang Ran's maid."

Tang Huayi had a dark face.

She also felt that there was no need to help her, but thinking about Jiang Ran's attitude towards Tian Miaomiao, she felt that if she didn't help her and let her fall into this trap, Jiang Ran would definitely blame herself when he came back.

Tian Miaomiao was stunned when she heard this, and then nodded:
"I see, then I won't go."

She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to be Jiang Ran's maid, although she didn't know why she couldn't do it by rushing into the pink mist, and she didn't dare to take risks easily.

At this moment, Meng Xiu had already led his people and rushed out of Ziyue Villa.

In a place like Ziyue Villa, because the family has a large business and many buildings, the family often maintains a dedicated water dragon team.

I'm just worried that the weather will be dry and things will get dry and there will be another fire.

Now Meng Xiu said hello, and basins of cold water were poured into the mist.

Once the water passed a minute, a piece of the mist seemed to have been bitten off, and it was indeed its nemesis.

But within a moment, the pink mist had completely dissipated.

I saw a group of ragged people wandering around blankly in the middle of the scene. Looking up, I saw that they were like cats that had smelled the fishy smell and were about to rush towards them.

It's a pity that they had no sense at all and their movements were even more disorganized. A group of people rushed up and pinned them down in a blink of an eye.

He also remembered that Tang Huayi once said that the poison of Quyi Powder could be broken through Yinhan's inner strength, and he immediately started looking for it.

There were too many people here today, with all kinds of martial arts techniques.

It was really easy to find a few people who could cultivate Yinhan's inner strength. Someone soon arrived and gave them a push of energy, and the Quyi San in their bodies dissipated in the blink of an eye.

When the chaos in front of the door subsided, when he looked up again, Tang Huayi, Tian Miaomiao and Lin Wanyi were gone.

But just when the pink mist dissipated, Tian Miaomiao showed off an extremely amazing skill... missing people!
After all, she had followed Tian Xiwen for a long time and learned the Yamenmen policeman's method of finding enemies based on traces.

Although Mrs. Meng escaped quietly while Qu Yisan was still there, she did not expect that Tian Miaomiao would follow the trail and directly lead Tang Huayi and others to pursue her.

When Meng Xiu and others discovered that they were missing, this group of people appeared in the secret passage of Ziyue Villa.

Just like what Dugu Xiong had speculated when Taoist Wild Dog died.

There is indeed a secret passage under Ziyue Villa.

And it’s extremely dense and complicated.

As he continued to go deeper into the corridor, Lin Wanyi frowned:
"The depths inside are unpredictable. Wouldn't it be a little too rash for us to explore into it like this?"

Tang Huayi shook his head:
"It's okay, I'm here."

Lin Wanyi glanced at Tang Huayi in surprise.

He said in his heart that Jiang Ran's martial arts skills were unparalleled, but he had never heard of how capable Li Tianxin was... Why was he so confident?

Tian Miaomiao was holding a big ax in her hand and said as she walked:
“Although there are people walking around this place, it’s not too dense.

"In a short period of time, only one person passed by... it should be Mrs. Meng.

"Furthermore, judging from the direction traces, she bypassed the path to the depths of the secret passage and instead walked towards the outside of the secret passage.

"She wants to get away..."

After saying this, she suddenly quickened her pace.

Tang Huayi and Lin Wanyi looked at each other and quickly followed.

The group of people walked quickly like this. Previously they passed through artificially dug corridors, but later they passed through natural caves.

After walking like this for a cup of tea, my eyes suddenly opened up, but I was in front of a cave halfway up Ziyue Mountain.

Just as he was about to move forward, Tang Huayi suddenly made a gesture to silence everyone.

Just heard a small voice:

"I'm afraid that the matter in the East County Mansion will fail. Report this matter back to the door, and I will personally apologize to the Lord."

This voice came from Mrs. Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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