Chapter 220 Launching
Even if one is highly skilled in martial arts, it is difficult to tangle with the evil beasts in the water.

Although Yan Wushuang thought he was good at martial arts, he didn't think he could defeat so many newts and beasts by himself.

If it weren't for the protection of Jiang Ran's Vajra Dharma, he would have become a delicious meal for them when he fell into the water.

Therefore, she could only obey Jiang Ran's instructions and drag him to swim to the shore.

It's just that she was injured, and Jiang Ran had a lot of burdens on her, so it was quite heavy.

This dragging process can be described as difficult.

I choked on my water several times and took several breaths. As I approached, I felt like my energy had run out.

I couldn't help but start to feel anxious.

Turning around to look around, the black shadows were still lingering and bumping into each other, so he had no choice but to pull Jiang Ran hard:

"At this moment, we are just afraid that... we are really... going to die together..."

"The dignified vice-president of the Baizhen Society is so useless?"

Jiang Ran glanced at her: "You can't even swim to the shore?"

"After all, I was injured because I was trying to save you."

Yan Wushuang was extremely angry: "You dragged me, Baizhen, into the water, and you are so tired that I am now in danger, and you are still here saying that I am useless... Jiang Daxia, this is not the way of chivalry!

"I'm telling you... I..."

After she said this, she was unable to continue. Her feet sank, and Gululu's mouth was filled with bubbles, and she was about to fall into it.

Jiang Ran hugged her with his backhand, lifted up his energy with a breath, and flew up.

The Vajra Dharma phase dissipated from then on, and those evil beasts in the water immediately flew over.

Jiang Ran took advantage of the situation and stepped on the head of an evil beast. His figure was like a sword. In just a flash, he had already crossed the chasm that Yan Wushuang seemed to be unable to cross no matter what, and arrived at the shore.

The two of them were down to earth, and Yan Wushuang came back to his senses:
" can obviously jump over here with me..."

"It's not good if it's too far, but it's okay if it's close."

While Jiang Ran was speaking, the golden knife in his hand had already been unsheathed.

As soon as the sword light was displayed, a strange beast that had washed up on the shore was cut into two halves by his sword.

The bloody aura instantly spread across this small area.

"They can actually come ashore!?"

Yan Wushuang had already eaten.

"If it's a salamander, it should be amphibious..."

Jiang Ran spoke casually, and the blade flashed one after another.

These strange beasts are ferocious, and the death of their companions will not make them retreat, but instead arouse their ferocity.

Unfortunately, they faced Jiang Ran, who was even more ferocious than them.

They would not stop dying, so Jiang Ran let them die completely.

In just a few cuts, the shore was already littered with corpses.

The remaining beasts finally did not dare to charge anymore. After stopping, they stared at Jiang Ran and Yan Wushuang and slowly retreated into the water.

A few others seemed unwilling to do so, and finally retreated with the corpses of their companions in their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ran took back the broken gold knife.

He glanced at the extremely embarrassed Yan Wushuang next to him:
"How's it going?"

"...Thanks to you, I am still alive."

"That's good, let's go."

"Are you still a human being?"

Yan Wushuang's eyes widened:

"I'm almost dead, and you still let me go? The first time I followed you, I encountered a trap in the sky. The second time I followed you, we fell into this trap.

"This time, are you going to dig a hole and bury me directly?"

"You said it was okay yourself."

Jiang Ran shook his head: "If something happens, let's take a rest for now. Can I still use my energy?"

"The Qi meridians are damaged and need to be taken care of slowly."

Yan Wushuang snorted and sat cross-legged on the ground. Just as he was about to use his internal energy, he sneezed loudly.

"Come here, I'll help you luck."

Jiang Ran spoke.

"No need!!"

Yan Wushuang immediately waved his hand: "I don't dare bother you, Master Jiang!"


Jiang Ran didn't care: "Then you wait here for a while and I'll see if there's anything available around me."

After saying that, he didn't care what Yan Wushuang was thinking and turned directly into the darkness.

There is an open space beyond this shore, but it is shrouded in darkness.

Yan Wushuang wanted to slowly gather his energy, but some subtle sounds kept ringing in his ears.

It would be okay if these sounds were in a different environment.

But at this moment, it was like a curse, scratching her heart endlessly.

Make her feel uncontrollable fear.

At the same time, he thought of the strange beasts in the water that were forced back by Jiang Ran.

These beasts were ferocious and bloodthirsty, and they were scared to death by Jiang Ran just now. Now he was the only one left. If they came back, when Jiang Ran came back, he would probably be able to see his skeleton.

Thinking of this, she swallowed softly and shouted in a low voice:

"Jiang...Jiang Daxia, are you still there?"

The sound was transmitted in vain, and finally disappeared into the invisible.

There was no reply from Jiang Ran.

This made Yan Wushuang's heart sink... Could this man have abandoned me and run away?

He called twice more, but there was still no response from Jiang Ran.

Yan Wushuang was completely surrounded by fear, but as the vice-president of the Baizhen Society, she would never show her weakness under any circumstances.

Therefore, she just took a deep breath and tried to regulate her internal strength.

It's just that the body is already empty, so Xu Tuzhi is okay, but being so eager for quick success and quick gain makes it easy to go crazy.

For a moment, my mind was confused, and I felt that the lights and shadows around me were strange and abnormally distorted.

This weirdness adds to the ghostly atmosphere.

The Qi pulses in Yan Wushuang's body circulated intermittently, and inadvertently, he almost made mistakes.

Just as he was about to spurt out a mouthful of blood, he heard a snap.

As the sound came out, there were also flames spreading out.

This light caught Yan Wushuang's attention. When he looked up, he saw that Jiang Ran had left and returned without knowing when.

He was squatting on the ground and hitting sparks with flint and steel, igniting a tinderbox.

" didn't leave?"

Yan Wushuang opened his mouth subconsciously, but as soon as he spoke, he felt his nose became severely stuffed again.

She was wet all over, her inner strength was not strong, and the water was cold. All these conditions came together, and she caught a cold in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ran struck the flint without looking back, and finally ignited a flame:
“Things like fire folding bags have been soaked in water and cannot be used anymore.

"I found some dry firewood and fire starters not far away, but the most troublesome thing is that the flint is hard to find.

"Fortunately, I found it... all the clothes on your body are soaked. If you don't want me to do the exercises for you, just take them off and dry them yourself.

"Otherwise, I'm worried that you won't be able to hold on until you get out of here."


Yan Wushuang now regretted not letting Jiang Ran help him with his energy.

However, for a person like her, the words she speaks are like nails driven into the ground, and they must count.

Immediately nodded:

"Have a heart."

Jiang Ran gently stirred the flame, making the fire brighter and brighter. After it burned fiercely, he put down the wooden branch in his hand.

He walked to the side and sat down cross-legged:
"Yan Huishou can do whatever he wants."

Then he closed his eyes and started to use his internal energy.

Yan Wushuang looked at Jiang Ran sitting there calmly and hesitated for a moment.

After a long time, he just snorted, reached out and took off his black clothes, taking them off one by one, leaving only his underwear and underwear.

Most of the clothes she wore were light and comfortable, but now they were soaked by the pond water and looked worse than nothing.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran closed her eyes tightly, which made her feel a little relieved.

Pick up the branches on the side, pick up the clothes and bake them next to the flames.

The sound of sizzling water reached his ears, but Yan Wushuang felt helpless. How long will this bake?
Why don't you beg Jiang Ran for mercy?

Just let him help me dry it...

"How long do you have to bake this?"

Jiang Ran's voice reached her ears at this moment.

The first thing that changed was Yan Wushuang's face, which turned red to the back of her ears.

He quickly covered his front with clothes:
"Master Jiang...haven't you heard of what is meant by "see no evil?"

"heard about it."

Jiang Ran said: "If Jiang doesn't look at it, Yan Huishou will be here, baking it slowly. I'll say goodbye."

" stop!"

Yan Wushuang shouted quickly.

"Well, does Yan Huishou have any other instructions?"

Yan Wushuang didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that there was a hint of joking in Jiang Ran's tone when he said this.This man...could he really like to see himself in such a predicament?

If you think about it carefully, this may not be impossible.

This person looks chivalrous, but in fact he is thick-faced and sinister.

Such a huge scene was staged in Sunset Ping, almost deceiving the entire world.

Then he made a small plan and used Ximen Feng's mouth to lure himself and Baizhen into the Tianshangque situation.

What he did had nothing to do with being aboveboard.

It may be a bit too much to be shady, but this guy is definitely not a good person.

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and felt that she could not be limited to the current predicament, so she said:
"Is there any way you can get out of here?"

"Since it's a trap, there must be a way out."

Jiang Ran glanced at the surface of the pool not far away: "What I'm curious about now is, did these strange beasts naturally breed here, or did someone raise them here later?"


Yan Wushuang understood what Jiang Ran meant.

If it is natural reproduction, then there is nothing to say.

But if it's the latter... If this place itself is a trap that no one can escape from, why bother keeping these strange beasts in captivity to eat people?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Jiang Ran:
"Then what shall we do next?"

"After you get dressed, let's take a walk and look around. I think there's quite a lot of space there. You might be able to gain something by exploring it."

As Jiang Ran said this, he looked up again in the direction where they landed.

The location is not too close to here. The surrounding fields are empty and there is nowhere to focus. It is estimated that unless there is light skill that can step on the void in the air, it will be impossible to climb up from the original path.

Yan Wushuang nodded:
"Then you turn around."


Jiang Ran asked.

"Don't you think this is a redundant question?"

Yan Wushuang frowned: "I am a girl!"

Jiang Ran was speechless for a moment, then turned around honestly, his back to Yan Wushuang:
"I didn't expect that the dignified vice-president of the Baizhen Association would still care about the difference between men and women."

Seeing Jiang Ran's honesty, Yan Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief.

She twisted the clothes vigorously again to drain away the moisture inside, and then put them up to bake again:
“Can’t the vice-president of the Baizhen Society care about the difference between men and women?
"I am the vice-president, can you stop treating me as a woman?"

"That makes sense."

Jiang Ran nodded: "Yan Huishou is not only a woman, but also a very beautiful woman."

"Even if you say nice things about me now, I won't forgive you."

"Have I done anything that needs to be forgiven by Yan Huishou?"

"You dragged me, Baizhenhui, into Tiantianque's scheme. You didn't think that since we both experienced life and death together, I just forgot about it, right?"

"It won't."

Jiang Ran reached out his hand: "But you and I have said it before, if you are poor, you can be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world."

"Master Jiang, do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

When Yan Wushuang said this, she felt a little frustrated again, because she was indeed deceived by Jiang Ran.

From this point of view, it seems that she is indeed easy to deceive:
"Although I had some misunderstandings about Jiang Daxia before, it seems now that Jiang Daxia is by no means the kind of chivalrous person.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"...Yan Huishou, his expression is too philistine, please stop it first, don't scare people."


Yan Wushuang rubbed his face subconsciously:

"Now that you and I are in such a situation, we have no way to heaven and no way to earth. Why don't we talk openly and honestly?"

"I'm the knife catcher."

Jiang Ran smiled and said: "Does Yan Huishou understand what a knife catcher is?"

"Naturally understand."

Yan Wushuang frowned: "So?"

"You have seen the plans of the Heavenly Que tonight. Although they are not completely sure yet, they really want to cause a big storm today.

“But now they have acted several times with the intention of overturning, but they still cannot be careless.

"If they really succeed, how can I, the knife hunter, live in this chaotic world?"

"...Your martial arts skills are world-class. In troubled times, shouldn't it be the time to make achievements?"

Yan Wushuang looked at Jiang Ran in surprise:

"With your ability, if the world is in chaos, you might be the overlord."

"That's not what I want."

Jiang Ran spoke softly, his tone was calm, but Yan Wushuang could hear the sincerity in his words.

She thought for a moment and said:
“You are the knife hunter and I am the trader.

"From this point of view, you and I are really not the kind of people who expect chaos in the world.

“It’s just that knife hunters have their own ways of doing things in troubled times.

“Businesses in troubled times can make a lot of money...

"What you don't want may not be what I don't want."

"What you say will get me beheaded."

Jiang Ran frowned.

"It's just a private talk. I won't recognize a single word after leaving this cave."

Yan Wushuang smiled a little rogue: "So, even if Tian Shang Que really has some conspiracy and wants to cause some trouble.

"You dragging me into this will do me a lot of harm but no good."

"But for me, it's all good and no harm."

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly.


Yan Wushuang somewhat understood what Jiang Ran meant.

She pondered for a moment, then laughed again:

"You underestimate me too much, Baizhenhui. Baizhenhui is Baizhenhui's Baizhenhui, not my Yan Wushuang's Baizhenhui.

"At critical moments, you always have to be ruthless and willing to bear the burden."

"If Baizhen would like a strong man to lose his arm, I don't mind."

Jiang Ran smiled and said: "Anyway, I didn't think too far into dragging you into this situation. I just suspected that the things here were related to the Heavenly Palace, and I just wanted to lend you Baizhen for medical use.

"Now there are deeper benefits, and I am happy to see the results. As for the specific extent to which it can be doesn't really matter. It was picked up for free anyway."


Yan Wushuang fell into silence for a moment.

Finally shook his head:
"The things you and I talked about just now are too illusory.

"Why don't we talk about Ziyue Villa while we have time now?"

"There's nothing to say about the matter at Ziyue Villa. It's just a casual chess move... If I hadn't meant this, they themselves would have given up on it."

Jiang Ran said:

"And the moment I fell into this trap, I already understood the whole thing.

"After you get out, kill the people who need to be killed, do what you need to do, and then you can set off for Jinyang Mansion.

"Yan Huishou...are you interested in accompanying me to Jinyang Mansion again?"

"Don't go!!"

Yan Wushuang refused without even thinking: "Don't even think about harming me again."

The affairs of Jinyang Mansion are actually extremely secretive. Even for an organization like Baizhen Society, it is impossible to figure out what happened.

But tonight Yan Wushuang heard with his own ears that people from Tianshangque and Jiang Ran mentioned Jinyang Mansion.

It can be imagined from this that Jinyang Mansion must be a place where things gather together.

And Jiang Ran also played a very important role in this.

It's just that Yan Wushuang doesn't know what this character represents.

If he and Jiang Ran appeared in Jinyang Mansion at this time, the position of Baizhen Club would be tied to Jiang Ran.

This is absolutely not possible!
Jiang Ran smiled:
"Can't even Jiao Weiqin seduce you?"

"It's just a twelve-day coincidence...if you give it up, you give it up. How can I drag Baizhenhui and be buried with you?"

Yan Wushuang took a deep breath:

"Master Jiang, why don't we discuss something?"

"You said."

"After we come out of this cave, we will go back to the bridge, and we will go back to the road. From now on, we will be separated from each other, and no one will know anyone else. What do you think?"

Yan Wushuang smiled and said: "I will definitely keep my mouth shut about Jiao Wei. Even if someone comes to inquire with tens of thousands of gold, I will die without saying a word, okay?"

"not good."

Jiang Ran shook his head decisively.

"...Master Jiang, don't go too far!"

Yan Wushuang said angrily: "This matter has nothing to do with my Baizhen meeting, and we don't want to get involved!"

"Baizhen will do business."

Jiang Ran said calmly: "The gathering winds and clouds are certainly full of dangers. But similarly, for the Baizhen Society, isn't this also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

"What's more, Baizhenhui's business can be so big without the imperial court's relationship...

"Yan Huishou, do you think I will believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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