Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

Chapter 171 The greatest tragedy of all time!

Chapter 171 The most tragic thing in all time!
Ever since he met the layman Jingtan, Jiang Ran has been learning the art of formation from him.

Although Jiang Ran himself is not sure whether one day he will catch a formation master and gain relevant skills.

But rather than passively waiting for an uncertain future, the opportunity in front of us should not be missed.

One is eager to learn, and the other tries his best to teach even though it feels painful.

As a result, Jiang Ran's formation attainments have progressed rapidly over the past few days.

At this time, he found a place to sit cross-legged and began to quietly observe the sword array network.

I hold a few stones in my hand, and occasionally try and make mistakes.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it took no more than a cup of tea. Jiang Ran had already tried several methods, but it was still difficult to get past this formation.

For a moment, he couldn't help but frown.

Ruan Yuqing didn't have much experience in this field, so he stood beside Jiang Ran and watched.

However, as she looked at it, she also discovered some clues:
"Young Master Jiang, look at those huge swords, there seems to be something carved on them."

Jiang Ran only paid attention to the formation before, but never paid attention to the situation of the sword.

I don’t know how these swords were forged, and each one is astonishingly large.

It's like a huge stone pillar. If you look carefully at the relief carvings on it, you can indeed see some mystery.

Jiang Ran temporarily turned his attention away from the formation, stared at the relief on the sword, and blinked:
"What is carved on it a picture of torture in the eighteenth level of hell?

"But there are more than just eighteen swords here..."

Listed forward and backward, there are one hundred and eight places in total.

Jiang Ran had just realized that these one hundred and eight places could be divided into 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha. According to their different positions, they could be listed into hundreds of formations.

It is precisely because of this that it is really difficult to break through this formation.

"Not every sword has a relief on it."

Ruan Yuqing said softly:
"Do you think this is related to the way to break the formation?"

"It's hard to say..."

When Jiang Ran heard this, he couldn't help but look at the reliefs on the swords a few more times.

I just feel that the torture described above is truly extremely cruel.

This made Jiang Ran even more confused as to who created this place.

Who is lying in the coffin in the middle of this formation?

What is the purpose of the blood channels left in the rooms above to transport blood into the holes?
One question after another was born in my mind, only to disappear one after another.

Finally, his eyes stared at the swords carved with reliefs. After a moment, the stone in his hand was struck again.

This time it went extremely smoothly.

After a few rocks fell, all was well.

Jiang Ran and Ruan Yuqing couldn't help but look at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Miss Ruan is really smart. I only saw the formation, but I didn't expect that there were hints hidden in the formation.

“The key to breaking the formation is really these swords with reliefs on them.

"Use this as a starting point, and then push it according to the number of Tiangang Disha fights, and you can break through the formation."

Jiang Ran was a little happy for a moment.

Ruan Yuqing smiled and said:

"Young Master Jiang, please don't laugh at me. In such a short period of time, the formation has reached this point. That's a genius.

“Although I can see something is wrong with the embossed sword, it’s just good luck.

"If you're not proficient in this, it would be a fool's errand for the two of us to get there."

At this point, the two people looked at each other and smiled.

However, although a way has been found, it is still unclear whether it can be passed safely.

Jiang Ran tried this a few more times, and after confirming that it was correct, he said to Ruan Yuqing:

"Miss Ruan, if you want to cross this formation, you must not make a single step wrong.

"I can't let you follow me anymore, we have to go there together..."

"it is good."

Ruan Yuqing didn't argue with him and handed over his hand.

Just looking at the two hands with their fingers clasped together, Ruan Yuqing couldn't help but smacked her lips:

"I always feel like you've taken advantage of me."

"Have it?"

Jiang Ran frowned.

"No? I was pulled by you like this in the Ghost King's Palace, and now I am still pulled by you like this under the ground of this inn.

"It would be unpleasant to hear this matter if it gets out."

Ruan Yuqing shook his head gently.

"Then why don't you spread the word?"

"Is it so sneaky?"


Jiang Ran felt as if what they were saying was moving in an unpredictable direction.

Immediately he coughed and said:
"Let's go, let's go first."


Ruan Yuqing nodded slightly and clasped the soft water sword in his hand, ready for emergencies at any time.

The next moment, Jiang Ran's feet moved together, leading Ruan Yuqing's figure to draw numerous figures, which were the nine steps of Tiangan.

With one step, he has already landed on the chain of the first sword.

The figures moved together in the air, taking three steps in the blink of an eye.

But when the fourth step of the leap was about to land on the platform, fire suddenly erupted without warning.

Jiang Ran frowned slightly, stepped forward, rolled back, and returned to the previous foothold.

"what happened?"

Ruan Yuqing held Jiang Ran with one arm and turned to look at the scene of violent flames, feeling a little panicked.

If they were not careful just now, both of them might have fallen into the magma pool, leaving no trace of their bodies.

Jiang Ran pondered slightly:

"Just now I hit it lightly with the stone, and in the fourth step I could reach the middle platform.

"But when I got here, I found that there were changes in the joints, so I had no choice but to retreat...

“Moreover, this change makes the meaning of this formation not just for blocking.

"It seems to want to guide us and go wherever the formation wants us to go."

"What do you mean?"

Ruan Yuqing didn't understand for a while.

Jiang Ran pondered slightly:

"let's go!"

Ruan Yuqing was stunned, so anxious?
Without noticing, he almost lost his grip, and in a panic, his limbs had to hold on to Jiang Ran.

It's really like a pendant.

Jiang Ran had already stepped down and arrived at another place, and whispered to her:


Ruan Yuqing raised his head and glanced at Jiang Ran, feeling that his ears were red, and he couldn't help but glare at him:
"Did you do it on purpose?"


Jiang Ran was stunned: "What's the purpose?"

"Deliberately letting me... hold you like this?"

Ruan Yuqing gently shook her lower lip.

Jiang Ran was stunned, and then he reached his hand forward and suddenly realized.

Can't help but smile:
"Miss Ruan, this is a misunderstanding... What's more, you are hanging on my body, and I have never moved."

"Shut up now."

Ruan Yuqing gave him a white look:
"Forget it. If I believe you once, just treat it as forced by the situation. What did you just let me see?"


Jiang Ran pointed.

Ruan Yuqing looked back and saw a relief carved on a sword behind him.

It was a man sitting cross-legged, and someone behind him was poking the man's head with a steel needle.

Although the words are only a few strokes, the intense pain that stabs the heart... is still vividly displayed.


Ruan Yuqing frowned tightly:
"Before, there were tortures such as 'heart-eating', 'bone-crushing' and 'burning'.

"There's actually something new here..."

"According to my guess, there are about a dozen reliefs like this. Once you and I go around the entire formation, we should be able to see them all."

Jiang Ran said softly.

Ruan Yuqing frowned:

“But why should those who join the battle see these reliefs?

"If you say it's just to scare people, it's probably unjustifiable."

“I’m afraid we’ll have to wait until we read it before we can have an answer.”

When Jiang Ran said this, he jumped up.

Ruan Yuqing frowned slightly, subconsciously hugged Jiang Ran's neck and glared at him gently.

After Jiang Ran's previous experience, there was really no disturbance at all when he settled down this time.

The two of them looked at another relief.

In this way, after watching a total of seventeen pictures in succession, Jiang Ran and Ruan Yuqing also completely circled around this formation.

Arriving at the last No. 18 Sword-Sword-responsing Equipment.

This time, the one above is no longer a terrifying relief.

Instead, words appeared…

The words were twisted, as if they were written in blood, which made people feel emotional and painful.Jiang Ran's eyes glanced at this word, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

What is written on it is:
[Eighteen Heavenly Demon Records, the most tragic in all time! 】



Boom! !

There was a loud thunder in the sky, and the rain became heavier and heavier.

Tang Huayi and others were in the same room at this time.

He looked at his surroundings with an ugly expression.

This is a secret room.

Outside the secret room is an ordinary room.

The room is very clean, probably the cleanest room in the entire inn.

They came here to find the old man.

Unexpectedly, they could not find the old man until the end. In the end, they did not give up but found a secret room.

There was nothing else in the chamber...just heads, human heads!
Some of these heads had just been chopped off and were still dripping with blood.

Some of them have been cut off for many years, with no skin and flesh left, only withered bones.

Stacked in the corner of the secret room, some are scattered and some are neat.

Fortunately, those present are all people who have been around for many years and have seen big scenes.

Otherwise, just the scene in this secret room would scare one or two to death.

But even so, Cheng Tianyang, Dao Wuming and the others didn't look good.

"An inn that has been abandoned for many years actually hides a demon.

"How many years has this person been here?

"What was he doing when he beheaded these people?"

Dao Wuming's face was ashen.

He is a member of the Sword Holding Division, so he can be considered a serious member of the public family.

Taking this inn as an example, Jiang Ran was not qualified to live in a serious inn even with the knife arrest order.

But Tao Wuming can.

The reason why I didn't go to the inn twenty miles away this time was firstly because it was closer, and secondly because I had Feng Wu and others with me.

They met on the road and went to Changqing Mansion together. After all, it was not good to abandon them halfway and go to the official inn to stay.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing in an abandoned inn.

"Extraordinary people may have extraordinary plans."

Cheng Tianyang frowned:
"It is not a good place to stay for a long time... Now that this person has disappeared, it makes me even more worried.

"Everyone, we'd better withdraw from this secret room first and then make further arrangements."

Everyone also nodded and left the secret room.

Tang Huayi walked at the end, and when no one was paying attention, he reached out and touched a human head, and slowly pulled out a long needle from it.

This needle is more than half a foot long and is so deep that no trace can be seen from the outside.

Tang Huayi breathed out gently, with a slightly pensive expression on his face.

But before I could figure it out, I heard another exclamation coming from the rainy night.

With previous experience, everyone no longer hesitated at all this time and jumped up one after another and came to the courtyard.

Then I saw a large group of people arriving outside the inn, which was deserted before. I don't know when.

Each of these people was wearing red clothes, with swords on their waists, and they were full of bloody evil spirits.

However, everyone was confused and at a loss at this time.

And among their crowds, there was a figure running around. Wherever he passed, no one knew how he did it, and people were separated from their heads.

"It's the old man!"

Ning Jiuyuan recognized it at a glance. Although the old man had acquired a black robe at some point, it did not completely cover his face. He immediately shouted angrily:

"Old thief, where is my junior brother?"

Having said that, I have to rush over.

But he was grabbed by Dao Wuming:
"Stay on!"

Ning Jiuyuan struggled subconsciously, but he was no match for Dao Wuming Bu Wen Dao Qi.

I can only stand still and worry.

Dao Wuming could only say:
“First of all, let’s see clearly what this person’s methods are… The people besieging him should be masters of the Blood Knife Hall.

"Xuanyuan Yidao, the master of the Blood Sword Hall, is known as the master of sword formations and has extraordinary attainments in formations. These disciples of the Blood Sword Hall besieging this person must also have formation skills.

"If you rush in rashly, I'm afraid you won't be able to get him, but you will be trapped by the Blood Sword Hall's formation."

Ning Jiuyuan gradually calmed down after hearing these words, but her face became more and more anxious:
"What are the people from Blood Knife Hall doing here?"

Tang Huayi glanced at Luo Qingyi.

They all knew why Blood Knife Hall came... In fact, it was a little later than expected.

Jiang Ran killed Xuanyuan Yida's disciple, Chen Zixuan, the deputy master of the Blood Sword Hall.

It would be weird if Xuanyuan's sword didn't come to retaliate.

It's just that the people from the Blood Knife Hall came by accident, and they might as well have gone elsewhere to look for them. They happened to come to this weird inn, and ended up encountering this old man.

Of course, I can’t tell whether this is a coincidence or not.

This old man must have been wandering around the outside world just now, whether to avoid their search or for some other reason.

They happened to collide with the people from the Blood Knife Hall, and then they started fighting.

However, Tang Huayi scanned the crowd several times, but did not see Jiang Ran, and for a moment he felt a little sad.

I wonder where he went with Ruan Yuqing?

Could it be that he really went to Fenghuaxueyue?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Li Tianyu again and said softly:
"Tianyu, get ready."

Li Tianyu nodded when he heard this, then took off the big bow behind him, turned it slightly in his hand, and punched it on the ground:

"Shoot who?"

"Wait a minute..."

Tang Huayi was not in a hurry.

The most anxious people now should not be them, but the people of Blood Sword Hall.

In the scene, heads were falling like rain. This old man's martial arts was extremely weird. His moves seemed to be ordinary, but they were able to produce extraordinary effects.

There should be something mysterious between the two hands, but every time the void passes by, people's heads fall to the ground.

Although the exact situation could not be seen clearly in the heavy rain, it could still be vaguely seen. It seemed that a trace could be pulled out between his two fingers.

"Is there... a thread on his fingertips?"

Jingtan layman's voice sounded somewhat uncertain.


Dao Wuming frowned slightly:
"Is it him?"


After hearing this, everyone immediately looked at Dao Wuming.

Dao Wuming shook his head slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

And at this moment, a voice resounded:
"What a place where demons and demons dance.

"It's just that today I want to avenge my disciple. Even if there is an evil spirit coming to this world, I will kill it with one sword!!"

As the voice fell, a figure was seen rising into the sky.

When the person was in the air, a single sword had been drawn out.

He raised it high above his head, rounded his hands and slashed down.

This sword is not about fancy work, it is about an ingenuity without craftsmanship, crushing the world with overwhelming power.

It's Xuanyuan Yida's famous stunt "Fighting the Thousands"!
At this time, the sword fell, as if the rain curtain in the sky was split in half.

Wherever the blade goes, there is no enemy.

The old man covered his face with a black robe, parted his hands, and his eyes were seen through the gaps in the black robe.

Everyone present was too far away, and there was a rain curtain blocking the scene, so they couldn't see the mystery behind it.

However, he found that Xuanyuan Yida's figure suddenly stagnated.

It seemed as if they were plotting against each other in their gaze.

Tang Huayi stared at him for a long time, and then spoke decisively:
"Shoot Xuanyuan to death!"


Cheng Tianyang and Dao Wuming were both stunned.

Of course they had seen Li Tianyu getting ready to attack a long time ago, but they didn't expect that when they got there, it wasn't the old man who was hit, but Xuanyuan Yida?

Li Tianyu didn't care about their surprise.

Zhuiyun Zhuyue's arrow had long been bowed over the full moon. At this moment, the tip of the arrow was flashing with light. He suddenly let go and instantly drew an empty line in the rainy sky.

This is the right time and the right place!
Even the old man didn't expect that Tang Huayi would ask Li Tianyu to kill Xuanyuan at this time.

What's more, Xuanyuan Yida himself?

But after all, he is the powerful leader of the Blood Knife Hall.

Just when the Zhuiyun Zhuyue arrow was about to pierce through his chest, he suddenly raised his head and turned the Qianjun knife in his hand.

At the last moment, he knocked the arrow away slightly.

It was this small difference that caused the arrow to fail to perform its full function.

Although it passed through the chest, it never penetrated the heart.

Xuanyuan Yida's body fell into the air, and the momentum of the sword completely dissipated.

The old man actually didn't take the opportunity to kill anyone. He glanced around, turned around, gathered up his black robe, and like a walking dragon, he rushed out of the area surrounded by the disciples of Blood Knife Hall in the blink of an eye, heading towards the night. Retreat.


Tang Huayi didn't care about this.

The goal of seriously injuring Xuanyuan Yi Dao has been achieved. Now, the most serious thing to do is to catch up with the old man and find out where Jiang Ran and the others are.

(End of this chapter)

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