Chapter 130 Jinzun Building

Jinyang Mansion is on the west side of Jinchan Dynasty.

Starting from the Red Maple Villa, traveling all the way west, one needs to cross the entire territory of Jin Chan before reaching the westernmost Jinyang Mansion.

This road is not short.

Jiang Ran went to Qianliu Villa and ordered Qi Gong to come to Hongfeng Villa to take care of his daily routine, and then started the trip.

Apart from Li Tianxin, Luo Qingyi was also traveling with her.

According to Luo Qingyi, he mainly had nothing to do.

Before Li Feiyun was beheaded by Jiang Ran, his purpose of living was revenge.

And when Li Feiyun died, this great revenge was avenged, the only support disappeared, but he could not find himself.

Therefore, he wandered around Cangzhou Mansion for a long time, and then came to Hongfeng Villa to join in the fun.

When I met Jiang Ran, I planned to go with Jiang Ran, go anywhere, do anything, at least I was no longer alone.

Jiang Ran actually had some doubts about Luo Qingyi.

Not so trusting.

First of all, he was able to sneak into Feiyun Village, which is a bit miraculous in itself.

Secondly, Guo Chong seemed careless, but he had a delicate heart. At the Cangzhou Heroes Association, although he believed that he could solve the problem.

But how could no one be placed there?

Finally... When Jiang Ran went to Guo Chong to collect the rewards from Li Feiyun and his group, there was another person hiding behind the screen.

This person's breathing method is exactly the same as Luo Qingyi's.

If this person is Luo Qingyi, then there are reasonable explanations for the above two points.

It was Guo Chong who arranged for Luo Qingyi to sneak into Feiyun village.

On the day of the hero meeting, the person Guo Chong arranged was precisely Luo Qingyi.

However, Jiang Ran did not intend to delve into this matter.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Luo Qingyi's performance is not bad.

Work hard without complaint.

Taking a step back, if Luo Qingyi was really put by Guo Chong's side, there must be a reason.

However, there is actually no conflict between Jiang Ran and Guo Chong.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ran thought it was most likely because of the Tang family's affairs.

After all, the Tang family had been hiding in Cangzhou Mansion for so many years, and the whole family moved the next day after he came.

Even if he changed places, if he were Guo Chong, he might still have doubts.

It is mostly for this reason that people follow him.

If it was really what Jiang Ran thought in his heart, then Luo Qingyi would not be the slightest threat if he was by his side.

There is really something that he shouldn't know, and it's more convenient to be fooled.

So he followed.

A group of three people took Ding Feng with them, and not long after leaving Red Maple Villa, they exchanged Ding Feng for a bank note in the nearest county town.

The reward is not worth mentioning, it is neither Ding Feng's internal strength nor his swordsmanship.

It's a boxing technique.

Xu is what Ding Feng learned in his early years. After Jiang Ran took a look, he didn't choose to receive it, but added a BUFF to himself.

As for the chaotic funeral badge, Jiang Ran had already received it.

It's just that what I get is not only the piano score, but also various knowledge about the temperament.

The only problem is that these studies are all about the piano.

However, he couldn't use the Jiaowei on his back rashly.

Therefore, for now, without solving the problem of how to play the Jiaowei, this chaotic funeral chapter is not of much use.

Unless he buys another violin...

But it was quite troublesome to think about it, as there were a lot of bits and pieces on him.

Jiaowei can't be thrown around.

Carrying a piano on the back...on the back, it looks like a lot of pressure.

So it's just like this first.

The three of them walked all the way, strolling in the courtyard, and when they saw beautiful mountains and rivers, they enjoyed it a little.

Hearing that there is good food and wine somewhere, it is natural to have a big drink.

It's a pity that Jiang Ran drinks a lot, and made Luo Qingyi drunk, and he wasn't even half drunk.

As for Li Tianxin...he never drank alcohol.

Naturally, it is inevitable to encounter some stragglers in the rivers and lakes, or bandits and road tyrants who rob houses.

Meeting Jiang Ran can only be considered unlucky for them.

Not only did they not get rich from Jiang Ran, but they let Jiang Ran get rich from them.

The only problem is, these rewards are really nothing to shout about.

A bandit who knows three-legged cat kung fu, even if he has a reward on his back, he doesn't expect him to bring any miraculous skills to Jiang Ran.

Most of them are rewards of internal strength, few of them are real kung fu...Occasionally, Jiang Ran gave up a few of them, and exchanged them for opportunities to improve the next reward.

Unknowingly, the buff of Jiang Ran's promotion rewards had accumulated as many as four times.

In this process, time is gradually lost.

In a blink of an eye, it was September.

By this time, the hottest weather has passed, and after that, it will be cooler every day.

Although it's not yet autumn, it's much better than the August we just spent.

On this day, a group of three happened to pass by a county town.

This place is called Sanshui County.

It got its name from the confluence of three rivers near the county.

This area is rich in aquatic products, especially in the Sanhe Bay there is a fish named 'Yin Suo'er', which is the most favorite of the local people.

And this kind of fish is the fattest, precisely in these September and October.

So the three of them were seduced by this glutton, and came to a "Golden Zunlou" in the county, planning to try this local delicacy.

In the restaurant, it was quite lively.

After several people were seated, they called the second brother and ordered a dish of "meeting joy", which is the signboard of this Jinzun Tower.

The reason for this name is because of the practice.

Clean up the Yinsuoer that has just been salvaged from Sanhe Bay, and fry it in oil first, making a sizzling sound.

This is love at first sight.

Take out the fried fish and set aside, fill the pot with new oil, take some seasoning, mix it as a base flavor, and then add the fried fish.

There will be a sizzling sound in the pot again.

This is goodbye.

Then add soup and simmer to infuse the fish fragrance into the soup.

Waiting for the water to boil, the stewed fish will be soft and rotten, but it will not lose its shape because it has been fried.

At this time, even the soup and meat can be put into a large bowl, put dry ingredients such as chili, and serve the dish.

Finally, take a spoonful of hot oil and pour it on the dry ingredients in front of the guests.

There will be another crackling sound.

It's considered a happy meeting!
The soup of this dish is rich in fish flavor, the fish meat is delicate and soft, and the fish skin is not crispy after soaking in the soup, but soft and chewy.

Of course, one dish is not enough.

Afterwards, I ordered the steamed silver shuttle, and all kinds of delicacies that Jinzunlou can offer.

Let the second brother bring a few jars of fine wine, and wave him away.

They chose a good location, leaning against the window, looking out at the scene of Sanhe Bay.

The river is undulating, there are boats coming and going, and there is a busy scene on the pier, and it is also refreshing to look at it from afar.

I swung the waiter back from the shop and was enjoying the scenery when I heard a 'pop'.

But the gavel fell.

The three of Jiang Ran were attracted by the sound. Looking back, they saw a gentleman sitting on the second floor not far from them. After suppressing his ears with a gavel, he spoke slowly:
"Last time, as I said last time, Jiang Ran raised his sword and killed the two masters of Feiyunzhai!
"The poor sixth master Guan Miaomiao admired the seventh master Hua Wushang, and when he saw him dead, he lost his composure, and Jiang Ran snapped his neck and died.

"The rest of the heads of the family are furious...Jiang Ran killed all their close friends and relatives, how could he allow him to kill like this?

"Immediately shout angrily..."

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while, and it was the Cangzhou Heroes Club again.

As they walked along the way, they could sometimes hear the chapters of the Cangzhou Heroes Club that had been edited and polished by Mr. Da.

On the whole, it does not deviate from the truth.

It's just an exaggeration when talking about it.

Why is Jiang Ran's blade coming together, the situation changes color, the blade falls, and the thunder in the sky is aroused by the force of his blade, how can it be unstoppable by manpower?

Everyone listened with gusto, but Jiang Ran thought about it carefully. It was cloudless that day. Where did the thunder come from to attract him?

And if you really have this ability, you can just light a few seven-star lamps and change your fate against the sky. Why run around and arrest people?

No matter how hard it is to find a place to pray for rain, you can live a good life.

Anyway, with his saber movement, the situation changed and the rain poured down. Isn't this faster than sacrificing virgin boys and girls?
It's just that every time he heard this, Jiang Ran couldn't help but think of Ye Jingshuang and Mingyue.

At that time, these two girls wanted to go to the Cangzhou Heroes Meeting every day.

But until Jiang Ran parted ways with them one by one, he never really heard from them...

The back kitchen prepared very quickly, and it didn't take long for the younger brother to pass the dishes.

Jiang Ran opened the wine bowl and began to pour the wine.

As soon as Li Tianxin saw the wine bowl, he glanced at him:
"Are you still drinking?"

Luo Qingyi also shook his head again and again.

The last time he drank, he was so drunk that he vomited heavily by the ditch outside the inn door. After vomiting, he actually lay down there and slept all night.

It's a shame that Jiang Ran and Li Tianxin don't care about him...

Fortunately, in today's weather, even if you sleep outside, you won't freeze to death.

Coupled with the fact that he has achieved internal strength, it is even more unlikely.

Just waking up the next day and looking at the stinky ditch next to it is really not a good memory.

"Come, come, don't disappoint."

Jiang Ran said with a smile: "Pairing good wine with delicious food is a great pleasure in the world."

"...It's your pleasure."

Li Tianxin rolled his eyes, and turned to look at Luo Qingyi:
"Don't bother with him, let him drink by himself... Anyway, he can't get drunk if he drinks all the wine by himself."

Luo Qingyi nodded repeatedly, expressing approval.

I don't understand, as a human being, why does Jiang Ran seem to be able to hold a long river in his stomach, and he doesn't get drunk no matter how much he drinks.

Whenever I get a hangover, I have a terrible headache the next day.

Jiang Ran is full of energy...

It's really different for the same person.

Jiang Ran ignored these, and said with the wine bowl:
"Do first and respect."

With his head raised, Jiang Ran smacked his lips after drinking a bowl of wine:
"This wine is interesting...Brother Li, don't you want to try it?"

"Not interested in."

Li Tianxin picked up the bowl, scooped up a bowl of fish soup, brought it to him to taste along with the fish meat and skin.

The entrance is fresh and spicy, very appetizing.

While moving the index finger, a 'bang' sound was suddenly heard.

Then one person shouted angrily:

"It's just nonsense!

"I met Li Feiyun in the past, his martial arts are superb, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"This Jiang Ran is young, how can he be his opponent?"

Following the sound, he saw a strong man glaring at the storyteller.

Mr. Storyteller is obviously also battle-hardened and experienced. When he saw someone talking like this, he slipped under the table and poked out half of his head and said:
"Don't worry about this strong man.

"What the little second child said is all recorded in the Cangzhou Heroes Association article by Mr. Big.

"If you have any doubts, the strong man can go to Mr. Da to change it!"

"No reason!"

The man was furious: "If you can beat him, why should I ask you?"


The storyteller's eyes were confused for a moment.

At this moment, the man made a promise, and there was a bang sound, and the table in front of the storyteller flew out immediately, and hit the pillar on the side, breaking into pieces.

The storyteller was startled, but the man grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Going forward, send it to the handrail on the second floor, let its feet hang in the air:
"Let me ask you, do you want to change?
"If you don't change, I'll let you go!"

Jiang Ran and the others were all taken aback.

How can there be someone who is so fascinated by the story that the author must change the plot?
Moreover, this is not the author he is looking for...

The storyteller was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he said quickly:
"'s not that the little old man doesn't want to change.

"It's true, it really can't be changed.

"Also, this strong have to calm down, this is the Jinzun Building, it's not a place where no one is protecting you."

"Oh? Are you threatening me?"

The man smiled sadly: "It's just a restaurant, who will protect it? Believe it or not, I smashed this restaurant today!?"


An angry shout came from the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of ding ding ding sounded, and a group of people went upstairs.

The leader is obviously the shopkeeper of this restaurant, followed by a group of black-clothed thugs.

Looking at his body shape, he doesn't look like an ordinary hooligan who hangs out on the street, but he has kung fu.

The man gave the shopkeeper a cold look:
"Who are you calling presumptuous?"

"Who else!? You dare to cause trouble in my Jinzun Tower, don't you have eyes?"

The shopkeeper snorted coldly: "Take it for me!"

With a wave of his hand, the group of thugs behind him rushed out immediately.

The man laughed loudly, dragged the storyteller back, threw it aside, followed closely with a lunge, and when his shoulder bumped, there was a bang, and the thug who came first was bumped. The whole thing flew out.

This person is like a tiger among sheep.

The kung fu is quite superb, although this group of thugs have kung fu, how can they be his opponents?
But in a moment, he was already lying on the ground.

Li Tianxin frowned slightly, and was about to get up, but Jiang Ran stopped him with his eyes.

Glanced at the second floor.

Normally, if someone provoked something like this, most of these diners would have disappeared without a trace.

Now sitting firmly on Mount Tai, it seems that it is not surprising, and I am quite looking forward to what will happen afterwards.

This shows that this restaurant still has support, and it's not their turn to meddle in other people's affairs.

At this time, the man had already come to the shopkeeper of the restaurant, and he waved his hand and hit him with two slaps, the cheeks of the shopkeeper suddenly swelled up, and he covered his face and shouted loudly:
"Hurry up and ask the big steward!!"

"It's useless to invite anyone today!

"A mere Sanshui County, can there be any real dragons hiding there?"

The man laughed loudly, and at this point, he heard a voice coming from downstairs:

"Which dragon across the river are you, dare to make trouble on my Sanhe gang's land?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure flashed, and a person had already flew from downstairs, with a buzzing sound, the long sword was unsheathed, and it went straight to the man's eyebrows.

The man in black was also taken aback when he saw this.

Immediately with both hands together, the boy bowed to Guanyin and clamped the long sword tightly between his palms.

As the sword edge trembled, he took three or five steps back one after another.

At this point, he paused with one step, pressed his two palms to one side, and then moved forward along the edge of the sword, until the sword was in the palm of the man, and then he swung his arms to strike.

The martial arts of the visitor is also good, the two of them fought several times in this three-inch space, and they heard crackling sounds one after another.

Finally, they slapped palms at the same time, and each took two or three steps back.

Looking at each other, their expressions changed slightly.

Seeing this person, the shopkeeper hurriedly clasped his hands together:
"My lord, why are you here?"


The visitor frowned slightly:

"Jinzun Building is my family's business, so I can't come here?"

"Small doesn't mean that."

The shopkeeper quickly distinguished: "It's just that your old man didn't give any instructions before coming, so I can arrange a good one for you."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

After the eldest son of the Three Rivers Gang finished speaking, he glanced at the man in black on the opposite side:
"Your Majesty is a master of martial arts, so I don't think he is an unknown person.

"But I don't know if I dare to report my name?"

"Then why don't you dare?"

The man in black sneered:
"If you don't change your name when you go, and don't change your surname when you sit down, you will always win!"

"Chang Sheng?"

The eldest son frowned slightly: "Your name is somewhat shameless..."

"No reason!"

Chang Sheng was furious.

The eldest son smiled, and was about to speak, but suddenly heard the wind.

Chang Sheng's expression changed:
"not good!!"

I saw a flash of sharpness suddenly approaching, and it went straight to the back of the eldest son.

The person who made the move was hidden quite deeply, this time the move was really ups and downs, the eldest son focused all his attention on Chang Sheng, he never expected such a move at all.

It was too late to react, so Chang Sheng stretched out his hand and pulled the eldest son past him at the moment when there was no room left.

Hearing a chirping sound, the sharp edge had pierced Chang Sheng's waist.

In an instant, blood was dripping!

Chang Sheng shouted angrily:
"Mouse dare you!?"

After finishing the words, he raised his hand and slapped, and there was a bang, and the man's figure was immediately blown away by the palm and fell downstairs.

Chang Sheng still wanted to chase after him, but when he moved, the blood kept flowing from his waist, but he couldn't move.

The Eldest Young Master gritted his teeth and said:

"Go and chase!!"

While speaking, he came to Chang Sheng and looked even more ugly looking at the wound on his waist:
"Go get the doctor!"

While speaking, he tapped Chang Sheng's waist a few times to stop the bleeding slightly.

Seeing a scene at this time, it can be regarded as ups and downs.

Li Tianxin was about to continue watching the fun, when Jiang Ran suddenly stood up and came to him:

"This eldest son, I am a doctor, so there is no need to look far away."


The eldest son was taken aback, and quickly said:

"Please ask the doctor to help him..."

If he was very successful, he would probably have died just now.

Therefore, even if Chang Sheng made trouble in their Sanhe Gang's land before, this meeting should save people first.

Jiang Ran nodded, glanced at the long sword in the eldest son's hand, then looked at the wound on Chang Sheng's waist, and smiled slightly:
"Don't worry, he won't die with me here."

(End of this chapter)

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