Chapter 112

There were two people when we went, and one more when we came back.

It wasn't the screaming man, but a little girl.

Ye Jingshuang glanced at Jiang Ran with some doubts.

Jiang Ran smiled, and greeted everyone to continue the journey, and came to the carriage.

He lent his horse to Zhang Zhihua.

He conveniently took over Ye Jingshuang's job of driving the car, and told Ye Jingshuang about the matter in this way.

Ye Jingshuang was suddenly surprised:
"The daughter of the new governor?"

"It's indeed a bit of a surprise. I didn't expect that the encounter on the road would have such a big background."

Jiang Ran smiled:
"But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm more interested in the scene in front of me now."

Ye Jingshuang looked at Zhang Zhihua and Li Tianxin.

Also dumbfounded.

Just didn't make any comments.

The next half-day trip was safe.

Jiang Ran didn't see any of the people he saw in the woods, or the people in the sedan chair.

Came to Cangzhou Mansion smoothly.

After stepping into the city, Li Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to say to Zhang Zhihua:

"Miss Zhang, Cangzhou Mansion has arrived now, let's leave now."

Zhang Zhihua pouted, and wanted to say more.

Li Tianxin hastily said again:

"We still have important things to do, so it's inconvenient to continue taking you with us."

Zhang Zhihua's face darkened when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but look at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran spread his hands at her with an expression of helplessness.

Only then did Zhang Zhihua sigh:
"Then, that's alright... Shanshui will meet again, Brother Li, we will meet later."

After finishing speaking, he saluted Jiang Ran and the others again, then turned around, and left with three steps at a time.

Seeing that the girl really left, Li Tianxin's tense body gradually returned to normal.

He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and stared back at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran smiled and handed the reins to Ye Jingshuang, and he took the horse and walked with Li Tianxin:
"Why stare at me? It's the turn of this good thing, and you don't know how to open your mouth to continue?"

"Good thing?"

Li Tianxin gritted his teeth:
"Where's the good thing? You know, my journey... I'd rather die than live."

"It's not possible."

Jiang Ran felt that what he said was a bit exaggerated:

"The little girl is innocent and ignorant of world affairs. Although she is a bit annoying, she is also quite interesting, isn't she?"

At least Jiang Ran was happy to watch.

Li Tianxin glared at Jiang Ran, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his body, and said with restraint:

"I don't have the slightest covetous heart for her, and you don't want to do such unnecessary things in the future.

"Otherwise, you will only harm others and yourself."

Jiang Ran listened to him seriously, but gave him a surprised look.

After pondering for a while, he nodded:

"okay, I get it."


Li Tianxin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Jiang Ran in surprise.

I thought that Jiang Ran would have to mess around in order to see his own jokes, but he didn't expect him to agree directly.

"Twisted melons are not sweet, and I don't think so when watching a movie."

Jiang Ran said with a smile: "Since you don't want to, forget it, I don't want to worry about this old father anymore."

"Whose old father are you?"

Li Tianxin didn't turn the corner at first, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help glaring at Jiang Ran.

But in the end he didn't dare to make a move, and in the end he still dared not speak out.

But with Jiang Ran's words, he was relieved.

Immediately without words, the group continued to move forward, found an inn, and booked a small yard.

I drove all the carriages and horses in, tidied them up, and settled down for the time being.

And this trip to Cangzhou Mansion has only two purposes.

The first one is to find a place for Liu Wenshan to stay, and then find a job that can settle down.

The second one is for the two heads in Jiang Ran's hands.

These two things can be completely divided into two ways.

Let Li Tianxin and Ye Jingshuang take Mingyue to find a place for Liu Wenshan.

Jiang Ran has a lot of money, so if he sees a suitable Zhuangzi, he can buy it directly.

Not to mention giving it to Liu Wenshan, even if it is entrusted to him to take care of it, he can live with Mingyue by the way.

From now on, when he comes back to Cangzhou Prefecture, Jiang Ran doesn't need to stay in an inn anymore, he has a real place to live.

Jiang Ran took the two wrapped heads and went to look for the newly opened sword-holding yamen in Cangzhou Prefecture.

Everyone didn't need to rest, the journey was not fast, except for Liu Wenshan, they were not tired.

After discussing for a while, they went out directly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the inn, he saw Zhang Zhihua waiting here for some unknown time. After seeing Li Tianxin, he yelled delicately:
"Brother Li!"

Jiang Ran, Ye Jingshuang, and Ming Yue all set their eyes on Li Tianxin.

Li Tianxin's expression changed immediately.

He glanced at Jiang Ran as if asking for help, seeing that Jiang Ran's eyes were watching his nose, his mouth was watching his heart.

Can't help being furious: "It won't be you again, right?"

"how is this possible?"

Jiang Ran rolled his eyes: "You chose this inn."


Li Tianxin frowned slightly, and walked towards Zhang Zhihua.

Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang looked at each other, and Ye Jingshuang said with a smile:
"Then I will take Mingyue and leave first."

"Okay, we will meet at the inn later."

Jiang Ran nodded, and the two separated, one to the left and one to the right, and left separately.

Only Li Tianxin was left standing alone in front of the inn to deal with Zhang Zhihua without mentioning it.



In the letter that Dao Wuming left to Jiang Ran at that time, there was a contact record of the Yamen holding the sword.

It was a slightly curved sword-shaped pattern.

You need to follow this pattern to find the location of the Yamen holding the sword.

And this pattern will stay under the wall of the grain and oil store.

Therefore, if you want to find the sword master, you must first find the grain and oil store.

It's not difficult... In any prefecture, there are not many other things, and the most common ones are grain and oil stores.

Jiang Ran searched for a clue, and soon found the first secret mark.

After that, he searched in the direction of the tip of the hidden sword, and gradually went deep into the narrow alleys of Cangzhou Mansion.

The place became more and more remote, and soon reached a place where there was no one.

Going forward, Jiang Ran's ears twitched.

There seemed to be no one here, but there was a faint sound of breathing in the dark.

Apparently someone was hiding from the guards.

Instead of being surprised, Jiang Ran was overjoyed, which meant that he had found the right place.

Sure enough, he walked a few steps forward and saw a grain and oil store in the narrow alley.

It's just that under the plaque, in a very inconspicuous place, is printed the secret mark of Si Yamen holding the sword.

Jiang Ran smiled and stepped into the shop.

The shopkeeper in the store is a hunched old man.

After hearing the movement, he raised his cloudy eyes and glanced at Jiang Ran:

"If you buy food, you want Longya rice."

Jiang Ran said expressionlessly.

The old man looked at Jiang Ran twice:
"That's expensive, do you have enough money?"

With a dark face, Jiang Ran took out the command to catch the knife from his sleeve, unfolded it and gave him a look:

"Come with me."

Seeing this, the old man turned around and led Jiang Ran inside.

Jiang Ran sighed, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, and he didn't know which idiot thought of the code.

It was obvious to tell other people that there was a problem with this grain and oil store.

Moreover, the Yamen of the Sword-holding Department was obviously established by the imperial court, so why are they so sneaky?
So, there really is something wrong with this sword master, right?
That's why you're worried about being known by the Jianghu people and running over to ruin the scene?

After a frenzied output in his heart, he heard a click, and the old man had already opened a secret door, and walked in on his own.

After entering, he took down an oil lamp from the wall on one side with ease, lit it casually, turned around and smiled at Jiang Ran:
"This road is not easy to walk, so be careful where you step."

"Thank you."

Immediately, the dark passage fell into silence.

The old man walked very slowly, and Jiang Ran couldn't get up fast even if he wanted to.

The dark passage is deep, and there is no difference in the scenery.

It can't help but give people a feeling that no matter how you go, you can't go to the end.

Well, feelings are just feelings.

After almost a stick of incense, there was already a light in front of his eyes.

The originally smooth road also began to slope upwards.

Finally, the old man stopped.

I reached out and pressed lightly on the wall, and with a click, a door was pushed open.

The old man said softly:
"You just go in, the adults are inside."

Jiang Ran glanced at the old man, groaned slightly, and walked past him, passed through the door, and came to a place where there was no sky.

There are shelves, large and small, on which there are various scrolls.

Jiang Ran didn't regard himself as an outsider, so he picked up a volume and glanced at it. It was a case file.

I put it back casually, picked another roll, and it was the same.

Just heard a voice laughing:
"On these bookshelves are the records left by the Jin Chan Dynasty, after the crimes committed by the top masters over the years."

Jiang Ran's expression was a little strange when he heard the voice:
"Master Liu?"

"Enen, I'm here."

Master Liu's voice came from behind the bookshelf.

After Jiang Ran went around, he followed the light of the oil lamp and saw a table between the bookshelves.

Mr. Liu was sitting behind him writing hard.

Jiang Ran walked up to him, lowered his head and took a look:
"This is?"

"Transcribing... sorting out."

Master Liu yawned big:
"I'm so tired... I know that the job my lord entrusts to me will never be so easy.

"But now it seems that it is still underestimated."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Jiang Ran and stood up:

"I've seen Jiang Shaoxia."

"Don't dare."

Jiang Ran said with a smile:

"I said why did your master stop doing it, and ran to the Yamen of the Sword Holding Division.

"Is this considered a promotion?"

"It doesn't count."

Master Liu said with a smile:

"However, the master has no official status, and the position of the head of the Yamen holding the sword can be regarded as a genuine ninth grade."

Ninth grade is ninth are still right.

Jiang Ran didn't know what expression to make for a moment, so he could only cup his fists again and again:


Master Liu... No, Director Liu quickly laughed and said:
"You're being polite, it's all thanks to your lord.

"Hey, now that the old man has gone to Kanglongguan to be the chief soldier, I don't know if he will have a chance to meet him in this life."

When he said this, he paused slightly:
"Oh, too much gossip.

"Jiang Shaoxia is here for something important."

"Not really."

Jiang Ran casually put the two heads on the table: "Just take a look, can you recognize them?"

Zhangsi Liu opened the bag, carefully identified the head, and shook his head after a long time:

"It's so old, even though it's well preserved, I can't recognize it.

"Jiang Shaoxia still give me a clear indication."

"Yangyue Erjun, Duguyu and Yinyueniang."


Hearing this, Zhangsi Liu quickly searched the case file on the table, but couldn't find it:
"The name is familiar, I just sorted it out not long ago..."

After finishing speaking, he went to rummage on the next bookshelf.

Sure enough, soon he got two scrolls tied together and came to Jiang Ran.

"I found I found it!"

He untied the rope casually and pulled the scroll apart.

"Yang Jun, whose real name is Dugu Yu, is a teacher of Miaofeng Sanren, and inherited the unique Lieyang Divine Art.

"As brothers and sisters with Yinyueniang, they got along with each other since they were young.

"The two poisoned the wedding banquet of Miaofeng Sanren and Yinyueniang in the past, and jointly attacked and killed Miaofeng Sanren, and obtained the last level of Lieyang Divine Art and Lengyue Dafa..."

It records everything in detail.

From childhood to growing up, what he did in the Jianghu after that, everything that can be investigated, is all recorded.

At the same time, at the beginning of this scroll, there is a portrait.

Liu Zhangsi looked at the portrait and the head for a while, then nodded:

"Indeed it was him.

"Jiang Shaoxia, I haven't seen you for a few days. Could it be that your martial arts have improved again?"

"It's a bit of a feeling."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly.

"As expected of a person valued by adults.

"To be honest, when my lord wanted to give you the command to catch the knife, I still felt something was wrong.

"But I didn't expect that Jiang Shaoxia would be able to win such a master in just a few days.

"It's really amazing!"

Having said this, he turned and came to the wall.

There are several metal pipes leading all the way to the upper level.

He reached out and tapped on the several pipes respectively, apparently as a signal to connect with the upper-level people.

After a while, there was a click, and another secret door opened on the other side.

It was a girl who came in.

With a black mask on her face, she couldn't see her specific appearance, but her graceful figure was recognizable at a glance.

With a tray in her hand, she came to Jiang Ran.

"Thank you."

Jiang Ran glanced at the things on the tray, and it was a total of 9000 taels of silver bills.

While reaching out to take it, the system prompt came as expected.

[Target: Yang Jun Dugu Yu. 】

[Task Progress: Completed. 】

[Reward: ten years of internal strength! 】

[Target: Yuejun Yinyueniang. 】

[Task Progress: Completed. 】

[Reward: Lengyue Dafa (53 years)! 】

When seeing the former, Jiang Ran's heart skipped a beat.

Although he knows that it is impossible to get the opponent's martial arts every time he gets a reward.

But... Duguyu and Yinyueniang are different.

The martial arts of these two people really made Jiang Ran too greedy.

If he can get the kung fu of the two of them, and then use the Good Fortune Righteous Heart Sutra to harmonize, his Good Fortune Righteous Heart Sutra will be able to directly step into the ninth realm.

Among these two kung fu, the one that fascinated Jiang Ran the most was Lie Yang Divine Kung Fu.

As soon as the inner breath is turned, it is like a scorching sun supporting the sky.

As a result, Dugu Yu only 'exploded' his internal strength for ten years.

On the other hand, Yinyueniang gave Lengyue Dafa.

"Forget it, it's better to get one of the two than to get neither."

If it took so much effort and only gained 20 years of internal strength in the end, then Jiang Ran would really be unwilling.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ran opened his system interface again.

See the bottom line, there has also been a change.

[Remaining life span: two years, ten months and nineteen days. 】

About five months more than last time.

In other words, the second Lord Yangyue alone provided Jiang Ran with five months of life.

Although not as good as the previous two times, there were a lot of people there.

This time, only relying on two people has achieved such a harvest, and it really is the 'support' of this master.

Just thinking of this, I heard Zhang Si say:
"Jiang Shaoxia, let me introduce you again."


Jiang Ran looked up, a little confused.

I saw Director Liu pointing to the girl standing on the side:
"Her name is Qingli, and she will be in charge of connecting with you in the future.

"She won't be with you all the time, but she will often be in the same place with you so that you can find her at any time.

"For example, if you encounter today's situation again, you don't have to waste time to come to the Yamen of the Sword Holder, but you can directly call Qingli to your side through secret messages.

"Let her run errands for you.

"Besides, if you need anything, you can tell her as well.

"Let her help you..."

"for example?"

"For example, if you want a certain person's case file, she can get it for you at any time, and if she knows it, she can also explain it to you directly."

Liu Zhangsi said:
"Now that you have come to the Yamen of the Sword-holding Department, every person who has a command to catch the sword will have such a person by his side to assist him.

"Of course, if Jiang Shaoxia doesn't want to, he doesn't have to.

"I dare not force this point."

Jiang Ran looked at Qingli thoughtfully, and smiled slightly:
"This is much more convenient, and there seems to be no reason to refuse."

It's not a close follower, so you don't have to worry about being watched.

Just talking about his whereabouts, Jiang Ran didn't intend to hide anything. After all, even if he wasn't Qingli, he often had to deal with the local government wherever he went.

This whereabouts cannot be concealed.

It would be much more convenient for Qingli to be in the same place with him all the time.

Especially the Yamen holding the sword...

Nowadays, it is only opened in prefectures and cities in various places, and it is not available in ordinary county towns.

And when Jiang Ran couldn't get away, the importance of Qingli was self-evident.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Liu Zhangsi nodded.

I heard Jiang Ran say with a smile:

"But I refuse."


Liu Zhangsi was taken aback.

"I'm not used to being followed.

"If there is nothing else to do, then I will take my leave."

Jiang Ran cupped his fists at Zhang Si, turned around and walked towards where he came from.

Liu Zhangsi also had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay, let's go slowly."

It's just that after Jiang Ran took two steps, he paused slightly and looked back:
"What the hell is this place?"

"Under a private house."

Liu Zhangsi smiled:
"It's just the specific location, I can't disclose it."

Jiang Ran nodded and walked towards where he came from without asking any more questions.

Passing through the secret door that came in earlier, the old man was still waiting.

Seeing Jiang Ran come back, he held up the oil lamp and continued to lead him the way.

(End of this chapter)

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