Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

Chapter 105 The Sun and the Moon Same Sky

Chapter 105 The Sun and the Moon Same Sky

Seeing that Jiang Ran's knife was slashing upwards, he went straight to Dugu Yu.

Yin Yueniang's complexion suddenly changed:
"don't want!!"

Duguyu appeared and relieved her life and death, but Jiang Ran's sword technique was too terrifying.

Shocked, unstoppable and unstoppable.

Especially the knife he used now, it seems that there is nothing amazing about it, but it is the most amazing move.

Back then, she and Dugu Yu had their arms taken away by Duan Dongliu.

Now Dugu Yu is alone, it is still too dangerous to face this move.

If you are not careful, you will die on the spot.

Immediately, my heart was anxious and angry, and at the same time as an exclamation came out of my mouth, my body turned around suddenly, and Leng Yue Da Fa was as cold as frost, lingering around Jiang Ran's body.

In an instant, cold moon nails emerged one after another, hitting Jiang Ran from all directions.

This is to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

If Jiang Ran insisted on going his own way, this knife might hit Dugu Yu hard.

But it is inevitable that he will be hurt by this 'cold moon nail'.

At the same time, Dugu Yu pressed down with his palm, and what he used was the 'Fire Yang God's Palm' of the Lie Yang Divine Art!
A huge palm print condensed with pure yang internal energy, made Jiang Ran feel anxious before he came to him.

On the top of the head is the Palm of the Fierce Sun, and around the body are cold moon nails.

There were a few ripples in Jiang Ran's eyes, and he stepped on the sky for nine steps, and the blade walked with him.

He moves as he pleases, sends and receives them as he wishes, and is not tired at all.

Now that the saber moves together, the surrounding cold moon nails are instantly swept away.

Lieyang God's palm was just in front of the front door, Jiang Ran reached out with his left hand, his five fingers were like hooks, mixed with obscure brilliance, and he heard a bang.

When the two internal forces of Good Fortune Zhengxin Sutra and Lieyang Divine Art were stimulated, an infinite gale suddenly blew up, sweeping in all directions.

Dugu Yu's complexion changed drastically:
"This is impossible……"

The two palms were connected together, I thought that I could rely on my internal strength of at least one year of intensive training.

Coupled with his Lieyang Divine Art, which can refine living beings, as long as Jiang Ran doesn't use a knife, he will definitely collapse at the touch of a knife.

Unexpectedly, when the palm fell, Jiang Ran didn't even sink his footsteps.

Don't say anything, but when you hold your palm, you can hear a click.

Dugu Yu suddenly let out a scream, only feeling a strong attack, his palm was grasped, and the bones of his hand were broken.

But before he got angry, he felt an unreasonable force dragging him down from the midair.

With a bang, his body hit the ground, his internal organs were injured, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Looking up at Jiang Ran again, he saw that he had a horizontal knife in his hand, and he was cutting towards his only remaining arm.

Immediately, his eyes widened, and his heart was horrified to die.

When they met face to face back then, he and Yinyue Niang lost an arm each.

Now that 20 years have passed, and the vengeance has not been avenged, does he still have to cut off another arm by his disciple?
Could it be that the reason why I gave birth to two arms in my life was for the master and apprentice to cut and play?
Under the shock just now, the qi and blood in his body were churning, and the circulation of his inner breath was not connected. Even if he wanted to use energy, it was useless, so he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Fortunately, at this time, the surroundings suddenly felt cool again.

The thin blade appeared quietly without the slightest sound of wind or any murderous intent, and slashed at Jiang Ran's neck.

But after all, Jiang Ran couldn't hide it.

The base of his ear moved slightly, and when he turned around suddenly, the blade was already in front of him.

Seeing that Yin Yueniang was covered in blood, she turned out to be based on her own blood, and based on Leng Yue's Dafa, she condensed a bloody single sword.

With a cold edge, coupled with the blessing of her inner strength, the sharpness of this blade is almost unimaginable.

Jiang Ran didn't care about other things, and his figure became short, getting out of the danger of being beheaded by the blade, and when he raised his head again, he couldn't help being surprised:

"Aren't you dead?"

Fangcai Yang Jun Dugu Yu fell from the sky, and hit a move of Lieyang God Palm.

Yinyueniang was eager to save people, gathered the cold moon nails, and came from all directions.

Jiang Ran first broke Yinyueniang's Lengyue Nail with the "Ghosts and Gods Shock" with nine knives.

However, this move has always been used in the past to turn the line into gas and move the knife silently.

Together, they walk in a straight line.

Jiang Ran was just at this moment of crisis, and now he made a complete circle with his sword and protected the Quartet.

However, the blade was so powerful that Yin Yueniang was so eager to save people that she couldn't defend herself, and she was bound to be injured by the blade.

I thought I would die immediately, but I didn't expect that I would be covered in blood, and I could still get up and fight.

Jiang Ran admired the tenacity of the old lady.

Yin Yueniang didn't say a word, she reached out and grabbed Dugu Yu to her side.

Looking up at Dugu Yu, his eyes are full of sadness:
"Wrong...... Sir, we are wrong."


Dugu Yu froze for a moment:
"Where is wrong?"

"The rivers and lakes are treacherous and treacherous. You and I have a crush on each other. Why do we have to fight with others everywhere?"

Yinyue Niang exhaled lightly:

"Twenty years ago, you and I were unconvinced that Duan Dongliu had such abilities, so we went to stop him relying on the two great kung fu we had cultivated.

"As a of them lost an arm.

"It's been 20 years since then.

"Just now I suddenly thought, if in the past 20 years, we didn't care about these hatreds, but protected each other well, I guess, it wouldn't be so hot.

"What's more, if 20 years ago, I never went to Duan Dongliu... that would be great."

Dugu Yu's face changed slightly:
"Yueniang, what's wrong with you? Don't scare, you..."

As soon as she said this, blood flowed from the corner of Yinyueniang's mouth.

Dugu Yu looked horrified, and quickly wiped her mouth with the hand that Jiang Ran had broken her bones, ignoring the pain.

But this blood, more and more wiped.

It can't be wiped clean.

On Dugu Yu's face, there was no trace of arrogance anymore, only the panic and fear as if the sky was falling remained.

"No... no..."

He muttered to himself, and finally hugged Yinyue Niang tightly in his arms, and burst into tears like rain.

Looking at Jiang Ran again, his eyes were full of resentment, and his eyes were blood red.

Jiang Ran was stunned, why did he act like a bad guy?
The problem is... when you killed people just now, didn't you see so much sadness?
When it's your turn, you start feeling it?

He shook the knife in his hand lightly:

"What are you two seniors trying to do? Could it be that this junior has to kill someone for you to add to the fun?"


Dugu Yu was furious, and wanted to step forward to fight Jiang Ran as soon as he moved.

Yinyue Niang grabbed his arm:


"Don't act rashly.

"This son's martial arts are superb, although his sword skills are not as good as in the past, but his abilities are still extraordinary.

"Right now, I still have the strength to strike...

"You and I use Sun and Moon Same Sky."


Dugu Yu shook his head resolutely:
"I'll take you away! Shige will take you out of here now. We won't fight, we won't take revenge. Let's go back to 'Little Remnant Valley', let's go home."

Yinyue Niang smiled lightly:
"Can not go back……

"Since you and I have already come, we can't lose the prestige of Lord Yangyue, can we?
"Brother...I want to kill him."

Dugu Yu took a deep look at Yin Yueniang, and took a deep breath:
"Okay, then we'll kill him."

Having said so far, the Lieyang Divine Art and the Lengyue Dafa were exercised by these two people at the same time.

This time the luck made a move, but it was different from before.

Burned out all the internal energy of each other, almost nothing left.

In an instant...

One is scorching like the scorching sun, and the other is as bright as the cold moon.

The two flew up at the same time, with the scorching sun and bright moon shining high above the sky.

The surrounding miasma and mist were completely pushed away, the sky was dark, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

But at this moment, Ye Jingshuang, Li Tianxin, Shi Miao, Gui Shisan joined forces and finally killed that sallow face on the spot.

Looking up again, I saw this wonderful scene where the sun and the moon are in the same sky.

"What's going on here?"

Ghost Thirteen's face changed slightly.

Ye Jingshuang didn't say anything, and wanted to kill with his sword.

But before they got close, they felt a strong air mixed with cold and hot, enveloping them in a radius of more than ten feet.

With one touch, he was attacked and killed by the two forces.

Ye Jingshuang could only groan, and flew back:

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Still wanting to charge again, Li Tianxin stretched out his arm to stop him:

"The sun and the moon are in the same sky, this old couple is desperate.

"We can't kill it.

"Don't worry, he was able to force Lord Yangyue to such an extent, his own ability is enough to deal with this occasion."

Shi Miao raised his head and stared, his eyes filled with sword intent.

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"It's amazing! My sword intent can't get in..."

She spoke softly, as cold as ever.

Li Tianxin glanced at her, feeling that what he said just now seemed to be in vain.

Just looking at the field again, there was a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

On the other hand, Jiang Ran, who was standing with a knife, raised his head and watched Yangyue Erjun quietly, but he was not nervous at all.

This mentality surprised Jiang Ran himself.

Yangyue Erjun is the two most powerful people he has encountered since he came out of the rivers and lakes.

Martial arts are high-strength, and each has its own unique skills.

Working together to do something is far from comparable to the previous Li Feiyun and his ilk.

Even if he has the shocking nine knives and nearly a hundred years of internal strength, he still has no advantage in facing these two people.

After all, judging from the current situation, apart from its own sword technique, the most important thing about Jingshen Nine Swords is the coordination with internal force, thus deriving new moves.

It was the two tricks that Jiang Ran used now, one was to startle the ghosts and gods, and the other was to return to the original and return to the original.

In terms of internal strength, Jiang Ran's internal strength is close to a hundred years old.

Looking at the rivers and lakes, you can also be proud.

But the question is, which one of the two Yangyue Lords in front of me doesn't have a Jiazi's skill?

It happened that these two people were born under the same sun and moon, and their internal forces were linked together.

From this point of view, it is at least a hundred years old.

Jiang Ran alone didn't pay attention to it, and when the two teamed up to compete for internal strength, it was hard to say what the outcome would be.

The next blow this time is like a moment of life and death.

But now Jiang Ran didn't feel any anxiety in his heart, as if there was an indescribable certainty hidden in it.

And this certainty, Jiang Ran himself didn't know where it came from.

This inevitably surprised him a little.

The thoughts in my heart are tumbling, it is complicated to say, but in fact it is only a moment.

The next moment, the scorching sun and bright moon overhead moved at the same time.

The two seem to rely on each other, turning suddenly, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

It seems to want to merge the two into one.

At the same time, the strong wind below him also rolled, causing sand and rocks to fly around, dead branches and leaves flying all over the sky.

Affected by the blazing yang power and the cold moon dharma, some of the dead branches were ignited, and the other part was condensed into frost.

A gust of whistling wind swept between the sky and the earth, and dull thunder rumbled overhead.

At this point, the scorching sun and bright moon that seemed to be integrated into one body crashed down towards Jiang Ran.

This so-called "sun and moon are in the same sky" is not so fancy.

In the final analysis, it is just relying on the characteristics of Lieyang Shengong and Lengyue Dafa to accommodate each other's true qi and achieve the unity of yin and yang.

In the end, by combining the strength of the two, they directly crushed the opponent.

It was like hitting the sun and the moon with a heavy hammer.

Jiang Ran suddenly closed his eyes at this moment, and the Nine Swords of Shock walked through his mind one after another.

Good luck can't stand the operation.

All of a sudden, it seemed as if something had disintegrated in the body, and at this very moment, the Good Fortune Heart Sutra broke through to the eighth level for no reason!
At the same time, the knife in Jiang Ran's hand also moved.

He lightly made a half-circle, and the blade formed layers of phantoms, followed by a horizontal knife slash.

Chi Chi Chi! !

A blade of light broke through the wind and went away.

It seems that it is still the shock of that blow.

At this point in the battle, Yang Yue Erjun is naturally no longer afraid of this knife, the two of them are tightly entwined with true energy, they can compete with any martial arts and any moves in this world without any fear at all.

In an instant, Daomang and the true qi of the two people had already touched one place.

Buzz! !

The two true energy of the sun and the moon wiped out the blade glow, making the blade glow weaker in a blink of an eye.

The faces of everyone watching the battle from a distance changed.

Ghost Thirteen frowned:
"Why no more knives?"

It's just a casual strike, even if it is wiped out by the opponent's true energy, why not make up for it?

Shi Miao also seemed to have doubts, so the breath on his body was even colder.

Although Ye Jingshuang didn't understand the reasoning, when she looked at Jiang Ran, she always felt that this knife didn't seem to be done casually.

Li Tianxin exhaled lightly, without saying a word.

And at this moment, the wisp of sword light that was about to be wiped out by the second Lord Yangyue started to skyrocket again.

No sign, no reason.

The light of the saber suddenly became longer and wider, the radiance of the saber was magnificent, and it actually cut into the true energy of Lord Yangyue little by little.

"How is this going?"

The onlookers couldn't help but be taken aback.

Only Li Tianxin's mouth twitched, unable to tell whether it was disappointment or happiness:
"It's the Good Fortune Heart Sutra."

Jiang Ran stared silently. He actually did his best with this knife.

Relying on Yae's Good Fortune Heart Sutra, he performed the third move of the Shocking Nine Swords that he has comprehended so far.

Jiang Ran didn't know what the name of this move was...

Or, the saber he used might be different from any other person who practiced the Shocking Nine Sabers.

Because, this knife... infinite!
Of course, the so-called infinity is just an exaggerated description.

When the Good Fortune Zhengxin Sutra is used, yin and yang are accompanied by each other, and the two qi are self-generated.

The internal force that has been shot out does not just dissipate, but uses this principle to continuously increase.

This is the so-called 'Like Royal Infinity'.

Because the rootless power that was shot out seemed endless.

Jiang Ran's saber took the essence of "Like Yu Infinity", making it endless and powerful.

Yangyue Erjun thought that this knife could be easily wiped out, but he didn't want to have unexpected changes suddenly.

If you want to contain it any more, it will be too late.

Seeing that knife gang flashed suddenly, it suddenly swept across the scorching sun and bright moon of the second lord of Yangyue.

The two froze in mid-air, and after a while, they landed with a crash.

Lie Yang Leng Yue's two internal forces completely dissipated, leaving only two severed corpses.

Jiang Ran set up an arbor with his hands to see the blade glow he had cut out.

In the end, he watched it dissipate, without cutting a hole in the dark clouds in the sky.

Can't help but pouted:

"The legends of the rivers and lakes are really unbelievable."

It is said that the nameless old Taoist once divided Qinghai with a single sword, breaking up the smoke and clouds for a long time.

After spending so much effort on my own, I didn't even cut off the clouds in the sky. How could the old Taoist smash up the clouds of smoke for a long time?

"Could it be that he can really cultivate this martial art to the ninth level?"

Jiang Ran suddenly felt that it might not be impossible.

The Creation Zhengxin Sutra has indeed extraordinary abilities.

When someone's internal energy is shot out, it is shot out.

Who has ever seen that the internal force can not stop increasing?

If the old Taoist really reached the ninth level, his accumulation must be extremely terrifying.

Then integrate this Sutra of Righteous Heart into swordsmanship, if it is really possible to achieve infinity, even if you leave Qinghai, it may not be impossible.

However, to achieve this, the depth of internal strength is almost unimaginable.

Anyway, as far as Jiang Ran is concerned, it is absolutely impossible...

"Brother Jiang!!"

Ye Jingshuang's voice came.

Jiang Ran followed the sound and saw that the girl had come to him: "Are you okay?"

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Ran up and down.

Jiang Ran smiled:
"Don't worry, I'm fine, that master has also solved it?"


Ye Jingshuang nodded.

Jiang Ran said with a smile:

"Then trouble everyone again, I have prepared a cart near here.

"The big guy will help me put the body on the cart, let's push it out."


Ghost Thirteen was taken aback when he heard that:
"What do you want so many corpses for?"

"Receive the reward..."

Li Tianxin glanced at Jiang Ran, and said to Gui Shisan:

"This person is the most greedy. He is already very rich, but he still doesn't let go of any opportunity to use it to plunder the imperial court."

"I see."

Gui Shisan suddenly realized.

Jiang Ran glanced at Gui Shisan, and suddenly thought that this person should be familiar with the people in Wuxin Ghost Mansion, so he could recognize the identities of these people.

Just as he was about to inquire, he realized that Shi Miao had been staring at the sky, with a cold appearance on his body that strangers should not get close to.

Immediately asked:
"Miss Shi, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Miao stared at the top of his head and said in a cold voice:
"The sun and the moon are in the same sky, which can actually cause a change in the sky and the earth, but now that the two kings of Yang and Moon are dead, why is this cloud still lingering?"


Jiang Ran has a strange expression:
"Miss Shi, do you think there is a possibility that this is just a simple change of the sky?"



ps: Thank you 'Nuanyang 1314' boss for the silver league, limited ability, only one more chapter can be added, please don't be disgusted~
(End of this chapter)

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